function __construct() { if (isset($_GET['lang'])) { if (in_array($_GET['lang'], $this->langs)) { setcookie('lang', $_GET['lang'], time() + 3600 * 240, '/'); Doo::conf()->lang = $_GET['lang']; } else { setcookie('lang', 'en'); Doo::conf()->lang = 'en'; } } else { if (!isset($_COOKIE['lang'])) { // if user doesn't specify any language, check his/her browser language // check if the visitor language is supported // $this->language(true) to return the country code such as en-US zh-CN zh-TW if (in_array($this->language(), $this->langs)) { setcookie('lang', $this->language(), time() + 3600 * 240, '/'); Doo::conf()->lang = $this->language(); } else { setcookie('lang', 'en', time() + 3600 * 240, '/'); Doo::conf()->lang = 'en'; } } else { Doo::conf()->lang = $_COOKIE['lang']; } } }
public function flexi() { Doo::loadClass('SDPAPI'); Doo::loadClass('User'); $this->sdapi = new SDPAPI(); $this->dbuser = new User(); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); $type = $xml->sms['type']; $sender = $xml->sms->source->address->number; $receiver = $xml->sms->destination->address->number; $incoming = html_entity_decode($xml->sms->ud); //body message $generater_voucher = md5($sender + time()); $generator_voucher = substr($generater_voucher, strlen($generater_voucher) - 5, 5); $dataIn = array('sender' => $sender, 'receiver' => $receiver, 'incoming' => $incoming, 'type' => $type); $this->dbuser->set_flexi_log('in', json_encode($dataIn)); switch (strtolower($incoming)) { case 'free': $sid = 'SDPCHG000'; $desc = 'Registrasi'; $pass = md5($sender); $password = substr($pass, strlen($pass) - 5, 5); $msg = "Login anda {$sender} dan password {$password}, anda dapat mengganti password melalui website"; break; case 'svodtest': case 'ppv': $sid = 'SDPCHG035'; if ($incoming == 'ppvtest') { $sid = 'SDPCHG000'; } $desc = 'Pembelian paket ppv'; $msg = "Kode voucher anda adalah {$generator_voucher} berlaku 2 hari setelah diaktifkan"; break; case 'svodtest': case 'svod': $sid = 'SDPCHG100'; if ($incoming == 'svodtest') { $sid = 'SDPCHG000'; } $desc = 'Pembelian paket svod'; $msg = "Kode voucher anda adalah {$generator_voucher} berlaku 30 hari setelah diaktifkan"; break; case 'promotest': case 'promo': $sid = 'SDPCHG035'; if ($incoming == 'promotest') { $sid = 'SDPCHG000'; } $desc = 'Pembelian paket promo'; $msg = "Kode voucher anda adalah {$generator_voucher} berlaku 30 hari setelah diaktifkan"; break; default: $sid = 'SDPCHG000'; break; } $dataOut = array('sender' => $sender, 'receiver' => $receiver, 'incoming' => $incoming, 'type' => $type, 'sid' => $sid, 'desc' => $desc, 'msg' => $msg); $this->sdapi->sendsms($sender, $sid, $msg, $desc); $this->dbuser->set_flexi_log('out', json_encode($dataOut)); //var_dump($xml); }
/** * Prepare sidebar data, random tags and archive list */ private function prepareSidebar() { //if tags cache exist, skip retrieving from DB, expires every 5 minutes $cacheTagOK = Doo::cache('front')->testPart('sidebarTag', 300); if (!$cacheTagOK) { echo '<h2>Cache expired. Get Tags from DB!</h2>'; //get random 10 tags Doo::loadModel('Tag'); $tags = new Tag(); $this->data['randomTags'] = $tags->limit(10, null, null, array('custom' => 'ORDER BY RAND()')); } else { $this->data['randomTags'] = array(); } //if archive cache exist, skip retrieving from DB, archive expires when Post added, updated, deleted $cacheArchiveOK = Doo::cache('front')->testPart('sidebarArchive', 31536000); if (!$cacheArchiveOK) { echo '<h2>Cache expired. Get Archives from DB!</h2>'; //you can pass data to constructor to set the Model properties Doo::loadModel('Post'); $p = new Post(array('status' => 1)); $this->data['archives'] = $p->getArchiveSummary(); } else { $this->data['archives'] = array(); } }
public function mod() { $configKey = 'settingConfig'; // $cachePath = Doo::conf()->CACHE_PATH; // Doo::conf()->CACHE_PATH = Doo::conf()->SITE_PATH.'protect/confCache/'; array_push($this->_includeJsFileList, 'js/ueditor/ueditor.config.js'); array_push($this->_includeJsFileList, 'js/ueditor/ueditor.all.min.js'); array_push($this->_includeJsFileList, 'js/ueditor/lang/zh-cn/zh-cn.js'); array_push($this->_includeJsFileList, 'js/ueditor/ueditor.use.js'); $shopNameList = DBproxy::getProcedure('Manage')->setDimension(2)->getShopName(); $shopNameOpt = '<select class="m-wrap" name="shopname" id="city-element">'; foreach ($shopNameList as $key => $value) { $selected = $this->getUrlVar('shopname') == $value['cityid'] . ',' . $value['shopname'] ? 'selected=selected' : ''; $shopNameOpt .= '<option ' . $selected . ' value="' . $value['cityid'] . ',' . $value['shopname'] . '">' . $value['cityNshopname'] . '</option>'; } $shopNameOpt .= '</select>'; if ($this->isAjax() && $_POST) { $v = Doo::loadHelper('DooValidator', true); $success = true; $errors = array(); DOO::cache('php')->set($configKey, json_encode($_POST), 3600 * 24 * 365 * 100); // 处理返回路径 if ($success) { $errors = ConfigController::$dataTableUrl; } $this->ajaxFormResult($success, $errors); } else { $infoCache = DOO::cache('php')->get($configKey); $info = json_decode($infoCache, true); // echo Doo::conf()->CACHE_PATH = $cachePath; Doo::loadClassAt('html/DooFormExt', 'default'); $form = new DooFormExt(array('method' => 'post', 'renderFormat' => 'html', 'action' => '', 'attributes' => array('id' => 'js-form', 'class' => 'form-horizontal'), 'elements' => array('errors' => array('display', array('div' => false, 'label' => false, 'content' => '<div id="js-form-errors" class=""></div><div style="clear:both"></div>')), 'peiSwitch' => array('select', array('label' => L('菜品调剂发送开关:'), 'attributes' => array('class' => "m-wrap"), 'multioptions' => array(0 => '关', 1 => '开'), 'value' => isset($info['peiSwitch']) ? $info['peiSwitch'] : '0')), 'waimaiSum' => array('text', array('label' => '外卖起送份数', 'attributes' => array('class' => "m-wrap"), 'value' => isset($info['waimaiSum']) ? $info['waimaiSum'] : '1')), 'aboutTxt' => array('display', array('label' => '关于我们', 'attributes' => array('class' => "m-wrap"), 'content' => '<script id="about" type="text/plain" style="width:1024px;height:500px;">' . $info['editorValue'] . '</script>')), 'saveAndSee' => array('button', array('div' => false, 'left' => ' ', 'label' => '保存&查看<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>', 'attributes' => array('class' => "btn blue"), 'value' => 1)), 'cancelAndReturn' => array('display', array('div' => false, 'left' => ' ', 'right' => '</div>', 'content' => '<a class="btn" href="' . ConfigController::$dataTableUrl . '"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i>取消&返回</a>'))))); $this->contentlayoutRender($form->render()); } }
public function user() { $_DCOOKIE = array(); $prelength = strlen($this->cookiepre); foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, $prelength) == $this->cookiepre) { $_DCOOKIE[substr($key, $prelength)] = Lua::clean($val); } } unset($prelength); $discuz_auth_key = md5($this->authkey . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); list($discuz_pw, $discuz_secques, $discuz_uid) = isset($_DCOOKIE['auth']) ? Lua::clean(explode("\t", $this->authcode($_DCOOKIE['auth'], 'DECODE', $discuz_auth_key)), 1) : array('', '', 0); $discuz_uid = intval($discuz_uid); Doo::db()->reconnect('dz7'); $query = "select m.uid,m.username,m.password,m.gender as sex,mf.avatar as icon from cdb_members m left join cdb_memberfields mf on mf.uid=m.uid where m.uid='{$discuz_uid}'"; $query = str_replace('cdb_', $this->tablepre, $query); $user = Lua::get_one($query); Doo::db()->reconnect('dev'); if ($user && $discuz_pw == $user['password']) { unset($user['password']); $user['hash'] = substr(md5(substr(TIMESTAMP, 0, -7) . iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $user['username']) . $discuz_uid . $discuz_pw . $discuz_auth_key), 8, 8); return $user; } return array(); }
public function user() { $_DCOOKIE = array(); $this->cookiepre = $this->cookiepre . substr(md5($this->cookiepath . '|' . $this->cookiedomain), 0, 4) . '_'; $prelength = strlen($this->cookiepre); foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, $prelength) == $this->cookiepre) { $_DCOOKIE[substr($key, $prelength)] = Lua::clean($val); } } unset($prelength); if (isset($_DCOOKIE['auth'])) { $authkey = md5($this->authkey . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $auth = Lua::clean(explode("\t", $this->authcode($_DCOOKIE['auth'], 'DECODE', $authkey))); list($discuz_pw, $discuz_uid) = empty($auth) || count($auth) < 2 ? array('', '') : $auth; if ($discuz_uid) { Doo::db()->reconnect('X15'); $query = "select u.uid,u.username,u.password,p.gender from pre_common_member u left join pre_common_member_profile p on p.uid=u.uid where u.uid='{$discuz_uid}'"; $query = str_replace('pre_', $this->tablepre, $query); $user = Lua::get_one($query); Doo::db()->reconnect('dev'); if (!empty($user) && $user['password'] == $discuz_pw) { unset($user['password']); return $user; } } } return array(); }
protected function _fetchTableDefinition($table) { $fullTableDefinition = Doo::db()->fetchAll('DESCRIBE ' . $table); $tableDefinition = array(); foreach ($fullTableDefinition as $columnDefinition) { $fieldName = $columnDefinition['Field']; $type = strtolower($columnDefinition['Type']); $size = null; if (strpos($type, '(') !== false) { $size = substr($type, strpos($type, '(') + 1, -1); $type = substr($type, 0, strpos($type, '(')); if ($type != 'char' && $type != 'varchar') { $size = null; } } $require = $columnDefinition['Null'] == 'YES' ? false : true; $default = $columnDefinition['Default']; $primary = $columnDefinition['Key'] == 'PRI' ? true : false; $autoInc = strpos($columnDefinition['Extra'], 'auto_increment') === false ? false : true; if ($type == 'boolean' || $type == 'tinyint' && $size == 1) { $type = DooManageDb::COL_TYPE_BOOL; } elseif ($type == 'integer') { $type = DooManageDb::COL_TYPE_INT; } elseif ($type == 'double') { $type = DooManageDb::COL_TYPE_FLOAT; } elseif ($type == 'longtext') { $type = DooManageDb::COL_TYPE_CLOB; } elseif ($type == 'datetime') { $type = DooManageDb::COL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } $tableDefinition[$fieldName] = array('autoinc' => $autoInc, 'default' => $default, 'primary' => $primary, 'require' => $require, 'scope' => null, 'size' => $size, 'type' => $type); } return $tableDefinition; }
public function get_by_id() { if (intval($this->id) <= 0) { return null; } return Doo::db()->find($this, array('limit' => 1)); }
function get_token() { Doo::loadClass('Tsel'); $tsel = new Tsel(); if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { if ($_GET['debug'] == "token") { echo $this->token_url; } } $token = @file_get_contents($this->token_url); $out = array('result' => false, 'token' => $token, 'msg' => 'token failed'); if ($token != '-1') { $out = array('result' => true, 'token' => $token, 'msg' => 'success'); $param = array('ip_addr' => $_GET['ip_addr'], 'clip_code' => $_GET['clip_code'], 'content_code' => $_GET['content_code'], 'programid' => $this->programid, 'vod_id' => $_GET['vod_id'], 'content_id' => $_GET['content_id'], 'zte' => $_GET['zte'], 'fp' => $_GET['fp']); $data = array('token' => $token, 'param' => json_encode($param)); $tsel->set_token($data); } if (isset($_GET['zte'])) { if ($_GET['zte'] == "1") { echo $token; } } else { echo json_encode($out); } exit; }
function remove_agg_tmp_tables() { require 'instrumentation.php'; require 'simple-dal.php'; $schema_id = $this->params['schema_id']; // shards $shards = Doo::db()->find('Shards', array('where' => "schema_id = {$schema_id}")); $drop_count = 0; foreach ($shards as $s) { $server = get_object_vars($s); $server['user'] = $s->username; $conn = SimpleDAL::factory($server); $conn->my_select_db($server['db']); //get tables $stmt = $conn->my_query("SHOW TABLES"); while ($row = $conn->my_fetch_assoc($stmt)) { $table = $row['Tables_in_' . $server['db']]; if (preg_match('/(aggregation_tmp_|agg_tmp_)/', $table)) { $conn->my_query("DROP TABLE " . $table); $drop_count++; } } $conn->my_close(); } $this->res->message = "Dropped {$drop_count} Tables"; $this->res->success = true; }
public function example() { $data['header'] = 'header'; $data['nav'] = 'nav'; $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $this->view()->render(Doo::conf()->lang . '/example', $data); }
public function beforeRun($resource, $action) { $this->dir = ADMIN_ROOT . '/moban/'; $this->img = '/' . ADMIN_ROOT . '/static/'; $session = Doo::session('Lua'); $auth = $session->get('auth'); if (empty($auth)) { $sets = Doo::cache('php')->get('loginset'); if ($sets && $sets['cardit'] == 1) { $xxxx = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'); $nums = range(1, 9); shuffle($xxxx); shuffle($nums); $aaaa = $xxxx[0] . $nums[0]; $bbbb = $xxxx[1] . $nums[1]; $session->cardcode = $aaaa . '@' . $bbbb; } include Lua::display('login', $this->dir); exit; } $auth = empty($auth) ? array(0, '') : Lua::clean(explode("\t", Lua::authcode($auth, 'DECODE')), 1); $user = Lua::get_one("select * from lua_admin where uid='" . intval($auth[0]) . "' and password='******' and gid='1'"); if (empty($user) || $user && $this->clientIP() != $user['loginip']) { $session->auth = ''; Lua::admin_msg('操作提示', '请先登录', '/' . ADMIN_ROOT); } $rs = $this->acl()->process($user['perm'], $resource, $action); if ($rs) { return $rs; } $this->user = $user; $this->page = Lua::get_post('p') ? intval(Lua::get_post('p')) : 1; // 图片识别码, 借鉴自 supesite define('FILE_HASH', substr(md5($user['uid'] . '/' . time() . Lua::random(6)), 8, 16)); }
public function user() { $winduser = $this->GetCookie('winduser'); if ($winduser) { list($winduid, $windpwd, ) = explode("\t", $this->StrCode($winduser, 'DECODE')); } if (isset($winduid) && is_numeric($winduid) && strlen($windpwd) >= 16) { Doo::db()->reconnect('pw8'); $query = "SELECT m.uid,m.username,m.password,m.icon,m.gender as sex,md.onlineip FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON m.uid=md.uid WHERE m.uid='{$winduid}'"; $query = str_replace('pw_', $this->tablepre, $query); $user = Lua::get_one($query); $onlineip = $this->clientIP(); if (strpos($user['onlineip'], $onlineip) === false) { $iparray = explode(".", $onlineip); if (strpos($user['onlineip'], $iparray[0] . '.' . $iparray[1]) === false) { return array(); } } else { if (empty($user)) { return array(); } else { if ($this->PwdCode($user['password']) != $windpwd) { unset($user); return array(); } else { unset($user['password']); return $user; } } } Doo::db()->reconnect('dev'); } }
public function show_news_by_title() { $data['title'] = 'NewsController->show_news_by_title'; $data['content'] = 'News title is ' . str_replace('%20', ' ', $this->params['title']); $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['printr'] = $this->params; $this->view()->render('template', $data); }
function deleteComment() { $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['title'] = 'Blog - delete comment'; $data['content'] = 'You can access this~'; $data['printr'] = 'You are the admin <input type="button" value="Delete this comment" />'; $this->render('template', $data); }
function loginRequire() { $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['title'] = 'Login Required!'; $data['content'] = 'You cannot access this!'; $data['printr'] = 'You have to be logined to access this section.'; $this->render('template', $data); }
public function index() { $data['title'] = 'AdminController->index'; $data['content'] = 'Thanks for logging in to admin!'; $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['printr'] = $this->params; $this->view()->render('template', $data); }
/** * 查询额度 * * 查询地址 */ public function queryBalance() { // global $chuanglan_config; //查询参数 $postArr = array('account' => Doo::conf()->sms_api_account, 'pswd' => Doo::conf()->sms_api_password); $result = $this->curlPost(Doo::conf()->sms_api_balance_query_url, $postArr); return $result; }
/** * 显示信息 * @param type $backurl * @param type $message */ function showMessage($backurl, $message) { Doo::loadController('DooController'); $dc = new DooController(); $data = array('backurl' => $backurl, 'sec' => Doo::conf()->SEC, 'message' => $message, 'rootUrl' => Doo::conf()->APP_URL); $dc->renderc('admin/msg', $data); exit; }
function showVipHome() { $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['title'] = 'VIP Lounge'; $data['content'] = 'You can access this~'; $data['printr'] = 'SuperDuber contents! Thanks for being a paid member :)'; $this->render('template', $data); }
public function dbAAA2() { Doo::loadCore('db/DooSqlMagic'); $dbAAA = new DooSqlMagic(); $dbAAA->setDb(Doo::conf()->db_aaa2, Doo::conf()->APP_MODE); $dbAAA->connect(); return $dbAAA; }
public function moo() { $data['title'] = 'CamelCaseController->moo'; $data['content'] = 'camel mooing??? Hell no!'; $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['printr'] = $this->params; $this->view()->render('template', $data); }
function contact() { $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['title'] = 'Contact Us'; $data['content'] = 'You can access this~'; $data['printr'] = 'Contact Us form.'; $this->render('template', $data); }
function index() { $data['title'] = 'ERROR 404 not found <em>means page not found!</em>'; $data['content'] = 'This is handler by an internal Route as defined in common.conf.php $config[\'ERROR_404_ROUTE\']'; $data['content'] .= '<p>Your error document needs to be more than 512 bytes in length. If not IE will display its default error page.</p><p>Give some helpful comments other than 404 :(<br/>Also check out the links page for a list of URLs available in this demo.</p>'; $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['printr'] = null; $this->view()->render('template', $data); }
function borrarRespuestas() { if (!empty($this->id_pregunta)) { Doo::loadModel('CtRespuesta'); $resp = new CtRespuesta(); $resp->id_pregunta = $this->id_pregunta; $resp->delete(); } }
function index() { $data['header'] = 'header'; $data['nav'] = 'nav'; $data['title'] = 'ERROR 404'; $data['content'] = 'This is a cool message.'; $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $this->view()->render($_COOKIE['lang'] . '/template', $data); }
function t2($arr) { if (Doo::conf()->lang == Doo::conf()->default_lang) { return $arr[1]; } include 'lang/' . Doo::conf()->lang . '.lang2.php'; if (isset($lang[$arr[0]])) { return $lang[$arr[0]]; } }
public function validate($checkMode = 'all', $requireMode = 'null') { //You do not need this if you extend DooModel or DooSmartModel //MODE: all, all_one, skip Doo::loadHelper('DooValidator'); $v = new DooValidator(); $v->checkMode = $checkMode; $v->requiredMode = $requireMode; return $v->validate(get_object_vars($this), $this->getVRules()); }
public function simple() { $data['title'] = 'SimpleController->simple'; if (!empty($this->extension)) { $data['content'] = 'Simple test, extension: ' . $this->extension; } else { $data['content'] = 'Simple extension test'; } $data['baseurl'] = Doo::conf()->APP_URL; $data['printr'] = $this->params; $this->view()->render('template', $data); }
public function __construct($chmod = null) { if ($chmod !== null) { $this->chmod = $chmod; } else { if (class_exists('Doo')) { $this->chmod = Doo::conf()->get('CHMOD_DEFAULT', 0777); } else { $this->chmod = 0777; } } }