Example #1
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $validator = $this->validate();
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         if (Request::ajax()) {
             return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'messages' => $validator->messages()));
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator->messages())->withInput(Input::all());
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = Input::get('name');
     $donor->dob = Input::get('dob');
     $donor->nic = Input::get('nic');
     $donor->gender = Input::get('gender');
     $donor->telephone = Input::get('telephone');
     $donor->blood_group_id = Input::get('blood_group_id');
     $donor->email = Input::get('email');
     $donor->address = Input::get('address');
     $donor->details = Input::get('details');
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         return Response::json(array('success' => true, 'donors' => [''] + Donor::all()->lists('name_with_blood_group', 'id'), 'donor_id' => $donor->id));
     Session::flash('success', 'Successfully created donor!');
     return Redirect::route('donor.index');
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'show' page.
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new Donor();
     if (isset($_POST['Donor'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Donor'];
         $model->companyId = Yii::app()->user->getState('selectedCompanyId');
         if ($model->save()) {
             ChangeLog::addLog('ADD', 'Donor', $model->toString());
             $this->redirect(array('admin', 'id' => $model->id));
     $model->dateChanged = User::getDateFormatted(date('Y-m-d'));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
Example #3
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new Donor();
     if (isset($_POST['Donor'])) {
         if ($model->save()) {
             if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest()) {
             } else {
                 $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Lorem Ipsum";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 1;
     $donor->gender = 1;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Dolar Sit";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 2;
     $donor->gender = 2;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Amet Lo";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 1;
     $donor->gender = 1;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Consectetur";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 4;
     $donor->gender = 2;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Voluptatem";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 6;
     $donor->gender = 2;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Lorem Ipsum";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 1;
     $donor->gender = 1;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Dolar Sit";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 2;
     $donor->gender = 2;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Amet Lo";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 1;
     $donor->gender = 1;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Consectetur";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 4;
     $donor->gender = 2;
     $donor = new Donor();
     $donor->name = "Voluptatem";
     $donor->dob = '1980-10-10';
     $donor->blood_group_id = 6;
     $donor->gender = 2;
Example #5
  * Performs the work of inserting or updating the row in the database.
  * If the object is new, it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed.
  * All related objects are also updated in this method.
  * @param      PropelPDO $con
  * @return     int The number of rows affected by this insert/update and any referring fk objects' save() operations.
  * @throws     PropelException
  * @see        save()
 protected function doSave(PropelPDO $con)
     $affectedRows = 0;
     // initialize var to track total num of affected rows
     if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
         $this->alreadyInSave = true;
         // We call the save method on the following object(s) if they
         // were passed to this object by their coresponding set
         // method.  This object relates to these object(s) by a
         // foreign key reference.
         if ($this->aDonor !== null) {
             if ($this->aDonor->isModified() || $this->aDonor->isNew()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aDonor->save($con);
         if ($this->aGiftTypeRelatedByGiftType !== null) {
             if ($this->aGiftTypeRelatedByGiftType->isModified() || $this->aGiftTypeRelatedByGiftType->isNew()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aGiftTypeRelatedByGiftType->save($con);
         if ($this->aCampaign !== null) {
             if ($this->aCampaign->isModified() || $this->aCampaign->isNew()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aCampaign->save($con);
         if ($this->aFund !== null) {
             if ($this->aFund->isModified() || $this->aFund->isNew()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aFund->save($con);
         if ($this->isNew()) {
             $this->modifiedColumns[] = DonationPeer::ID;
         // If this object has been modified, then save it to the database.
         if ($this->isModified()) {
             if ($this->isNew()) {
                 $pk = DonationPeer::doInsert($this, $con);
                 $affectedRows += 1;
                 // we are assuming that there is only 1 row per doInsert() which
                 // should always be true here (even though technically
                 // BasePeer::doInsert() can insert multiple rows).
                 //[IMV] update autoincrement primary key
             } else {
                 $affectedRows += DonationPeer::doUpdate($this, $con);
             // [HL] After being saved an object is no longer 'modified'
         $this->alreadyInSave = false;
     return $affectedRows;
Example #6
  * Add or edit donor
  * CODE: donor_create
 public function executeUpdate(sfWebRequest $request)
     # security
     if (!$this->getUser()->hasCredential(array('Administrator'), false)) {
         $this->getUser()->setFlash("warning", 'You don\'t have permission to access this url ' . $request->getReferer());
     if ($request->getParameter('id')) {
         $donor = DonorPeer::retrieveByPK($request->getParameter('id'));
         $this->title = 'Edit donor';
         $success = 'Donor information has been successfully changed!';
     } else {
         $donor = new Donor();
         $this->title = 'Add new donor';
         $success = 'Donor information has been successfully created!';
     $this->back = $request->getReferer();
     $this->form = new DonorForm($donor);
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         $this->referer = $request->getReferer();
         if ($this->form->isValid()) {
             if ($this->form->getValue('affiliation_id') == 0) {
             } else {
             if ($this->form->getValue('block_mailings') == null) {
             } else {
             if ($this->form->getValue('company_id') == 0) {
             } else {
             if ($this->form->getValue('person_id') == 0) {
             } else {
             if ($this->form->isNew()) {
             $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', $success);
             $last = $request->getParameter('back');
             if (strstr($last, 'donation/create')) {
                 $back_url = $last;
             } else {
                 $back_url = 'donor';
         } else {
             $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'Please select Person, Company or Affiliation!');
     } else {
         # Set referer URL
         $this->referer = $request->getReferer() ? $request->getReferer() : '@donor';
     $this->donor = $donor;