public static function donation_button_constant_contact_handler($posted) { $cc_list_id = get_option("donation_button_constantcontact_lists"); $cc_api_key = get_option("constantcontact_api_key"); $access_token = get_option("constantcontact_access_token"); $fname = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $lname = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $debug = get_option('log_enable_constant_contact') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } if (isset($cc_api_key) && !empty($cc_api_key) && (isset($access_token) && !empty($access_token)) && (isset($cc_list_id) && !empty($cc_list_id))) { try { $ConstantContact = new ConstantContact($cc_api_key); $response = $ConstantContact->getContactByEmail($access_token, $email); if (empty($response->results)) { $Contact = new Contact(); $Contact->addEmail($email); $Contact->addList($cc_list_id); $Contact->first_name = $fname; $Contact->last_name = $lname; $NewContact = $ConstantContact->addContact($access_token, $Contact, false); if (isset($NewContact) && 'yes' == $debug) { $log->add('ConstantContact', ' ConstantContact new contact ' . $email . ' added to selected contact list'); } } else { $Contact = $response->results[0]; $Contact->first_name = $fname; $Contact->last_name = $lname; $Contact->addList($cc_list_id); $new_contact = $ConstantContact->updateContact($access_token, $Contact, false); if (isset($new_contact) && 'yes' == $debug) { $log->add('ConstantContact', ' ConstantContact update contact ' . $email . ' to selected contact list'); } } } catch (CtctException $ex) { $error = $ex->getErrors(); $log->add('ConstantContact', print_r($error, true)); } } else { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('ConstantContact', 'Constant Contact API Key OR Constant Contact Access Token does not set'); } } }
public static function donation_button_twilio_sms_handler($posted) { $debug = get_option('donation_button_twilio_sms_log_errors') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } $account_sid = get_option("donation_button_twilio_sms_account_sid"); $auth_token = get_option("donation_button_twilio_sms_auth_token"); $from_number = get_option("donation_button_twilio_sms_from_number"); $template = get_option("donation_button_twilio_sms_admin_sms_template"); $recipients = get_option("donation_button_twilio_sms_admin_sms_recipients"); //$log->add('Twilio SMS before', $template); $message = self::replace_message_body($template, $posted); //$log->add('Twilio SMS after', $message); if (isset($account_sid) && !empty($account_sid) && (isset($auth_token) && !empty($auth_token)) && (isset($from_number) && !empty($from_number)) && (isset($recipients) && !empty($recipients))) { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/Twilio.php'; $http = new Services_Twilio_TinyHttp('', array('curlopts' => array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2))); $client = new Services_Twilio($account_sid, $auth_token, "2010-04-01", $http); try { $message = $client->account->messages->create(array("From" => $from_number, "To" => $recipients, "Body" => $message)); if ('yes' == get_option('donation_button_twilio_sms_log_errors')) { $log->add('Twilio SMS', 'SMS Sent message ' . $message->sid); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ('yes' == get_option('donation_button_twilio_sms_log_errors')) { $log->add('Twilio SMS', 'SMS Error message ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } }
public static function donation_button_infusionsoft_handler($posted) { $is_api_key = get_option("infusionsoft_api_key"); $app_name = get_option("infusionsoft_api_app_name"); $is_list_id = get_option("infusionsoft_lists"); $fname = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $lname = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $debug = get_option('log_enable_infusionsoft') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } if (isset($is_api_key) && !empty($is_api_key) && (isset($app_name) && !empty($app_name)) && (isset($is_list_id) && !empty($is_list_id))) { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/infusionsoft/isdk.php'; $app = new iSDK(); try { if ($app->cfgCon($app_name, $is_api_key)) { $contactid = $app->addCon(array('FirstName' => $fname, 'LastName' => $lname, 'Email' => $email)); $infusionsoft_result = $app->campAssign($contactid, $is_list_id); if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('Infusionsoft', print_r($infusionsoft_result, true)); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('Infusionsoft', print_r($e, true)); } } } }
public function ipn_response_data_handler($posted = null) { global $wp; $debug = get_option('log_enable_general_settings') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); $log->add('Paypal Donation Button Post Callback', print_r($posted, true)); } if (isset($posted) && !empty($posted)) { if (isset($posted['txn_id'])) { $paypal_txn_id = $posted['txn_id']; } else { return false; } if ($this->donation_button_exist_post_by_title($paypal_txn_id) == false) { $insert_ipn_array = array('ID' => '', 'post_type' => 'donation_list', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => $paypal_txn_id); $post_id = wp_insert_post($insert_ipn_array); if ('yes' == get_option('enable_mailchimp')) { do_action('donation_button_mailchimp_handler', $posted); } if ('yes' == get_option('enable_getresponse')) { do_action('donation_button_getresponse_handler', $posted); } if ('yes' == get_option('enable_icontact')) { do_action('donation_button_icontact_handler', $posted); } if ('yes' == get_option('enable_infusionsoft')) { do_action('donation_button_infusionsoft_handler', $posted); } if ('yes' == get_option('enable_constant_contact')) { do_action('donation_button_constant_contact_handler', $posted); } if ('yes' == get_option('enable_campaignmonitor')) { do_action('donation_button_campaign_monitor_handler', $posted); } if ('yes' == get_option('donation_button_twilio_sms_enable_admin_sms')) { do_action('donation_button_twilio_sms_handler', $posted); } $this->ipn_response_postmeta_handler($post_id, $posted); } else { $post_id = $this->donation_button_exist_post_by_title($paypal_txn_id); wp_update_post(array('ID' => $post_id, 'post_status' => 'publish')); $this->ipn_response_postmeta_handler($post_id, $posted); } } }
public static function donation_button_icontact_handler($posted) { if (!isset($posted) || empty($posted)) { return; } $ic_api_key = get_option("icontact_api_id"); $app_password = get_option("icontact_api_password"); $app_username = get_option("icontact_api_username"); $icontact_list = get_option("icontact_lists"); $fname = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $lname = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $debug = get_option('log_enable_icontact') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } if (isset($ic_api_key) && !empty($ic_api_key) && (isset($app_username) && !empty($app_username)) && (isset($app_password) && !empty($app_password))) { if (isset($icontact_list) && !empty($icontact_list)) { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/icontact/icontact.php'; iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $ic_api_key, 'apiUsername' => $app_username, 'apiPassword' => $app_password)); $iContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $contactid = $iContact->addContact($email, 'normal', null, $fname, $lname, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); $subscribed = $iContact->subscribeContactToList($contactid->contactId, $icontact_list, 'normal'); if ('yes' == $debug) { if ($subscribed) { $log->add('Icontact', $email . ' Successfully Add Contact in iContact'); } else { $log->add('Icontact', $email . ' Contact already added to target campaign in iContact'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('Icontact', prin_r($e, true)); } } } } }
public static function donation_button_getresponse_handler($posted) { if (!isset($posted) || empty($posted)) { return; } $debug = get_option('log_enable_Getrsponse') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } $apikey = get_option('getresponse_api_key'); $campaigns = get_option('getresponse_lists'); $first_name = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $last_name = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $payer_email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $merge_vars = array('FNAME' => $first_name, 'LNAME' => $last_name); $name = $first_name . ' ' . $last_name; if (isset($apikey) && !empty($apikey) && (isset($campaigns) && !empty($campaigns))) { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . 'admin/partials/lib/getresponse/getresponse.php'; try { $api = new Donation_Button_Getesponse_API($apikey); $retval = $api->addContact($campaigns, $name, $payer_email); if ('yes' == $debug) { if ($retval) { $log->add('Getresponse', $payer_email . ' Successfully Add Contact in Getresponse'); } else { $log->add('Getresponse', $payer_email . ' Contact already added to target campaign in Getresponse'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('Getresponse', print_r($e, true)); } } } else { $log->add('Getresponse', 'Getresponse Api Key is Empty.'); } }
public static function donation_button_mailchimp_handler($posted) { if (!isset($posted) || empty($posted)) { return; } $debug = get_option('log_enable_mailchimp') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } $apikey = get_option('mailchimp_api_key'); $listId = get_option('mailchimp_lists'); $first_name = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $last_name = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $payer_email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $merge_vars = array('FNAME' => $first_name, 'LNAME' => $last_name); if (isset($apikey) && !empty($apikey)) { if (isset($listId) && !empty($listId)) { include_once 'class-donation-button-mcapi.php'; $api = new Donation_Button_MailChimp_MCAPI($apikey); try { $retval = $api->listSubscribe($listId, $payer_email, $merge_vars, $email_type = 'html'); if ('yes' == $debug) { if ("true" == $retval) { $log->add('MailChimp', $payer_email . ' Successfully Add Contact in Mailchimp'); } else { $log->add('MailChimp', $payer_email . ' in Mailchimp'); } } } catch (Mailchimp_Error $e) { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('MailChimp', print_r($e, true)); } } } else { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('MailChimp', 'MailChimp List Id is Empty.'); } } } else { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('MailChimp', 'MailChimp Api Key is Empty.'); } } }
public static function donation_button_campaign_monitor_handler($posted) { $cm_api_key = get_option("campaignmonitor_api_key"); $client_id = get_option("campaignmonitor_client_id"); $cm_list_id = get_option("campaignmonitor_lists"); $fname = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $lname = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $debug = get_option('log_enable_campaignmonitor') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } if (isset($cm_api_key) && !empty($cm_api_key) && (isset($client_id) && !empty($client_id)) && (isset($cm_list_id) && !empty($cm_list_id))) { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/campaign_monitor/csrest_subscribers.php'; $wrap = new CS_REST_Subscribers($cm_list_id, $cm_api_key); try { $response = $wrap->get($email); if ($response->http_status_code == "200") { $result = $wrap->update($email, array('EmailAddress' => $email, 'Name' => $fname . ' ' . $lname, 'CustomFields' => array(), 'Resubscribe' => true)); if ("yes" == $debug) { if ($response->response->State == "Unsubscribed") { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', ' CampaignMonitor new contact ' . $email . ' added to selected contact list'); } else { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', ' CampaignMonitor update contact ' . $email . ' to selected contact list'); } } } else { $result = $wrap->add(array('EmailAddress' => $email, 'Name' => $fname . ' ' . $lname, 'CustomFields' => array(), 'Resubscribe' => true)); if (isset($result) && 'yes' == $debug) { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', ' CampaignMonitor new contact ' . $email . ' added to selected contact list'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', prin_r($e, true)); } } } else { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', 'Campaign Monitor API Key OR Campaign Monitor Client ID does not set'); } } }
public static function donation_button_twilio_send_test_sms() { //check_ajax_referer('donation_button_twilio_test_sms_button', 'security'); $donation_button_twilio_sms_log_errors = get_option('donation_button_twilio_sms_log_errors'); if (isset($donation_button_twilio_sms_log_errors) && $donation_button_twilio_sms_log_errors == 'yes') { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/Twilio.php'; $AccountSid = get_option("donation_button_twilio_sms_account_sid"); $AuthToken = get_option("donation_button_twilio_sms_auth_token"); $from_number = get_option("donation_button_twilio_sms_from_number"); $test_mobile_number = $_POST['donation_button_twilio_sms_test_mobile_number']; $test_message = sanitize_text_field($_POST['donation_button_twilio_sms_test_message']); $http = new Services_Twilio_TinyHttp('', array('curlopts' => array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2))); try { $client = new Services_Twilio($AccountSid, $AuthToken, "2010-04-01", $http); $message = $client->account->messages->create(array("From" => $from_number, "To" => $test_mobile_number, "Body" => $test_message)); $response['success'] = "Successfully Sent message {$message->sid}"; if ('yes' == get_option('twilio_sms_woo_log_errors')) { $log->add('Twilio SMS', 'TEST SMS Sent message ' . $message->sid); } } catch (Exception $e) { $response['error'] = $e->getMessage(); if ('yes' == get_option('twilio_sms_woo_log_errors')) { $log->add('Twilio SMS', 'TEST SMS Error message ' . $e->getMessage()); } } echo json_encode($response); die; }