The php DomDocument loadXML function allows developers to parse and manipulate XML documents in PHP. It is part of the core PHP library, so no external package library is needed.
Example 1: Loading an XML file from a string
$xmlString = "Test"; $doc = new \DomDocument(); $doc->loadXML($xmlString); echo $doc->getElementsByTagName('element')->item(0)->nodeValue;
This example demonstrates how to load an XML file from a string. The $xmlString variable contains the XML content, which is loaded into the $doc variable using the loadXML function. The element value is then accessed and printed to the console.
Example 2: Loading an XML file from a URL
$doc = new \DomDocument(); $doc->loadXML(''); echo $doc->getElementsByTagName('element')->item(0)->nodeValue;
This example demonstrates how to load an XML file from a URL. The loadXML function takes a URL as a parameter and loads the XML content from that location. The element value is then accessed and printed to the console.
In summary, the php DomDocument loadXML function allows developers to parse and manipulate XML documents in PHP, without needing an external package library. It is a powerful tool for working with XML data in PHP.
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