public function canBuildBuilding(Dolumar_Players_Village $village) { // Only one portal allowed if ($village->buildings->hasBuilding($this)) { return false; } if (!defined('ALLOW_CLANPORTALS')) { return false; } if (count($village->getOwner()->getClans()) > 0) { return $this->buildRequirementCheck($village); } return false; }
public function getObjects($squarePoints, $radius) { $profiler = Neuron_Profiler_Profiler::getInstance(); // Let's replace this :) $out = array(); $buildingSQL = Dolumar_Map_Map::getBuildingsFromLocations($squarePoints, max($radius, 3)); $objects = array(); foreach ($buildingSQL as $buildingV) { $profiler->start('Initializing building'); $profiler->start('Fetching building race object'); $race = Dolumar_Races_Race::getRace($buildingV['race']); $profiler->stop(); $profiler->start('Fetching building object'); $b = Dolumar_Buildings_Building::getBuilding($buildingV['buildingType'], $race, $buildingV['xas'], $buildingV['yas']); $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($buildingV['village']); $b->setVillage($village); $profiler->stop(); $profiler->start('Setting data'); $b->setData($buildingV['bid'], $buildingV); if ($buildingV['destroyDate'] > 0 && $buildingV['destroyDate'] < NOW) { $b->setDestroyed(true); } $profiler->stop(); $profiler->start('Assigning building to array'); //$buildings[floor ($buildingV['xas'])][floor ($buildingV['yas'])][] = $b; $objects[] = new Dolumar_Map_Object($b); $profiler->stop(); $profiler->stop(); } return $objects; }
public static function getFromId($id) { $id = explode('|', $id); $uid = $id[0]; $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getFromId($id[1]); $race = Dolumar_Races_Race::getFromId($id[2]); return self::getUnitFromId($uid, $race, $village); }
public function getLastVisits($amount = 10) { $db = Neuron_DB_Database::getInstance(); $l = $db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tvillages_visits\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tv_id = {$this->objProfile->getId()}\n\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\tvi_date DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT\n\t\t\t\t{$amount}\n\t\t"); $out = array(); foreach ($l as $v) { $out[] = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($v['vi_v_id']); } return $out; }
public function getBody() { $village = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'village', 'int'); $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($village); $body = '<h2>' . $village->getName() . '</h2>'; $location = $village->buildings->getTownCenterLocation(); //$url = ABSOLUTE_URL . '#' . $location[0] . ',' . $location[1]; $url = $this->getUrl('Playerprofile', array('plid' => $village->getOwner()->getId())); header('Location: ' . $url); return $body; }
public static function getVillage($id, $syncBattle = NOW, $cronStuff = false, $noStatic = false) { $in = self::$instances; $id = intval($id); if (empty($id) || $id == 0) { return new Dolumar_Players_DummyVillage(); } $lock = Neuron_Core_Lock::__getInstance(); if (!defined('DISABLE_STATIC_FACTORY') && !$noStatic) { // Initialize the village if (!isset($in[$id]) || !$in[$id]->isInitialized) { $in[$id] = new Dolumar_Players_Village($id, $cronStuff); } $village = $in[$id]; } else { $village = new Dolumar_Players_Village($id, $cronStuff); } $village->setBattleProcessData($syncBattle); return $village; }
public function getCurrentLocation() { if (!isset($this->oCurrentVillage)) { $this->loadData(); if ($this->data['s_village'] > 0) { $this->setCurrentLocation(Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($this->data['s_village'])); } else { $this->setCurrentLocation($this->getVillage()); } } return $this->oCurrentVillage; }
public function canBuildBuilding(Dolumar_Players_Village $village) { $tc = $village->buildings->getTownCenter(); $villages = count($village->getOwner()->getVillages()); if (!$tc) { return false; } $level = $tc->getLevel(); $max = 1; if ($level >= 10) { $max++; } if ($level >= 15) { $max++; } if ($level >= 18) { $max++; } if ($level >= 20) { $max += $level - 19; } return $villages < $max; }
public function setSettings() { $text = Neuron_Core_Text::__getInstance(); $login = Neuron_Core_Login::__getInstance(); $data = $this->getRequestData(); $this->village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getMyVillage($data['vid']); // Window settings $this->setSize('425px', '300px'); $this->setAllowOnlyOnce(); if ($login->isLogin() && $this->village->isFound()) { $this->setTitle($text->get('units', 'menu', 'main') . ' (' . Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($this->village->getName()) . ')'); } else { $this->setTitle($text->get('units', 'menu', 'main')); } }
protected function setPlayer() { $o = $this->getRequestData(); if (!isset($o['village']) && isset($o[0])) { $o['village'] = $o[0]; } elseif (!isset($o['village'])) { $o['village'] = null; } $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($o['village']); if ($village) { $this->player = $village->getOwner(); $this->thisVillage = $village; } $this->setTitle(Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($this->player->getNickname())); }
public function setSettings() { $text = Neuron_Core_Text::__getInstance(); // Window settings $this->setSize('450px', '250px'); $this->setTitle($text->get('logbook', 'menu', 'main')); $this->setClassname('logbook'); $this->setAllowOnlyOnce(); // Check for input $input = $this->getRequestData(); if (isset($input['village'])) { $this->objVillage = Dolumar_Players_Village::getMyVillage($input['village']); } else { $this->objVillage = false; } }
public function setSettings() { $text = Neuron_Core_Text::__getInstance(); $login = Neuron_Core_Login::__getInstance(); // Window settings $this->setSize('400px', '380px'); $this->setAllowOnlyOnce(); $data = $this->getRequestData(); // Construct village if (isset($data['vid']) && $login->isLogin()) { $this->village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($data['vid']); $this->setTitle($text->get('economy', 'menu', 'main') . ' (' . Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($this->village->getName()) . ')'); } else { $this->village = false; $this->setTitle($text->get('economy', 'menu', 'main')); } }
protected function getCastSpellHTML($building) { $data = $this->getRequestData(); $input = $this->getInputData(); $building = $this->village->buildings->getBuilding($building); if (!$building instanceof $this->buildingType) { $building = false; } // Let's go for the various stages if ($building && isset($data['spell']) && $building->getUnitCount() > 0) { $unit = $building->getSpecialUnit(); $spell = $building->getSpecialUnit()->getEffect($data['spell']); if ($spell && ($spell instanceof Dolumar_Effects_Boost || $spell instanceof Dolumar_Effects_Instant)) { // That's alright, let's go for the actual thing if (isset($data['target'])) { $objTarget = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($data['target']); if ($objTarget) { if ($objTarget->getOwner()->inVacationMode()) { return $this->getChooseTarget($spell, 'vacationmode'); } elseif (isset($input['confirm'])) { return $this->doCastSpell($unit, $spell, $objTarget); } else { return $this->getConfirmCast($unit, $spell, $objTarget); } } else { return $this->getChooseTarget($spell); } } elseif (!$spell->requiresTarget()) { // Check for confirmation if (isset($input['confirm'])) { return $this->doCastSpell($unit, $spell, null); } else { return $this->getConfirmCast($unit, $spell, null); } } else { return $this->getChooseTarget($spell); } } } elseif ($building && $building->getUnitCount() > 0) { return $this->getCastSpell($building->getSpecialUnit()); } elseif ($building) { return $this->getOverview(); } else { return '<p>Invalid input: building not found.</p>'; } }
public function getBody() { $player = Neuron_GameServer::getPlayer(); if (!$player->isModerator()) { return '<p>You don\'t have the rights to access the player logs.</p>'; } $page = new Neuron_Core_Template(); // Let's find the players $input = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'players', 'varchar'); $playerids = explode('|', $input); $players = array(); $villages = array(); $ids = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($playerids as $v) { $player = Neuron_GameServer::getPlayer($v); if ($player) { $players[] = $player; $villages = array_merge($villages, $player->getVillages()); $ids[$player->getId()] = $i; $page->addListValue('players', array('key' => $i, 'id' => $player->getId(), 'name' => $player->getName(), 'url' => $this->getUrl('user', array('id' => $player->getId())))); $i++; } } $pageid = max(0, intval(Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'page', 'int', 1)) - 1); $objLogs = Dolumar_Players_Logs::getInstance(); $logs = $objLogs->getLogs($villages, $pageid * 250, 250, 'DESC'); foreach ($logs as $v) { $player = Dolumar_Players_Village::getFromId($v['village'])->getOwner(); // Check if this is an important log. $bImportant = $this->isImportantLog($players, $v); $page->addListValue('logs', array('action' => $objLogs->getLogText($v, false), 'date' => date(DATETIME, $v['timestamp']), 'player' => $player->getName(), 'url' => $this->getUrl('user', array('id' => $player->getId())), 'key' => $ids[$player->getId()], 'important' => $bImportant ? 'important' : null)); } $page->set('page', $pageid + 1); if (count($logs) == 250) { $page->set('nextpage', $this->getUrl('gamelogs', array('players' => $input, 'page' => $pageid + 2))); } if ($pageid > 0) { $page->set('previouspage', $this->getUrl('gamelogs', array('players' => $input, 'page' => $pageid))); } return $page->parse('pages/admin/gamelogs.phpt'); }
public function setSettings() { $text = Neuron_Core_Text::__getInstance(); $login = Neuron_Core_Login::__getInstance(); // Window settings $this->setSize('250px', '350px'); $data = $this->getRequestData(); if (!isset($data['vid'])) { $data['vid'] = 0; } $this->village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getMyVillage($data['vid']); // Window settings if ($login->isLogin() && $this->village->isFound() && $this->village->getOwner()->getId() == $login->getUserId()) { $this->setTitle($text->get('overview', 'menu', 'main') . ' (' . Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($this->village->getName()) . ')'); } else { $this->setTitle($text->get('overview', 'menu', 'main')); } $this->setAllowOnlyOnce(); $this->setClassName('overview'); }
public function getBody() { $timeframe = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'timeframe', 'int', 60 * 60 * 48); $page = new Neuron_Core_Template(); $page->set('timeframe', $timeframe); $objLogs = Dolumar_Players_Logs::getInstance(); $objLogs->setTimeInterval(NOW - $timeframe, NOW); $pageid = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'page', 'int', 1); $limit = Neuron_Core_Tools::splitInPages($page, $objLogs->getSuspiciousLogsCounter(), $pageid, self::SUSPICIOUS_TRANSACTIONS_PERPAGE, 7, array('timeframe' => $timeframe), 'multis'); //print_r ($limit); //$logs = $objLogs->getSuspiciousLogs (); $logs = $objLogs->getSuspiciousLogs($limit['start'], $limit['perpage'], 'DESC'); foreach ($logs as $v) { $player = Dolumar_Players_Village::getFromId($v['village'])->getOwner(); $page->addListValue('logs', array('action' => $objLogs->getLogText($v, false), 'date' => date(DATETIME, $v['timestamp']), 'player' => $player->getDisplayName())); } // Output the shizzle $html = $page->parse('dolumar/pages/admin/multis/dangeroustransactions.phpt'); $html .= parent::getBody(); return $html; }
public function prepare() { // Fetch a random target $networth = $this->getVillage()->getScore(); $minscore = floor($networth * 0.75); $maxscore = ceil($networth * 1.25); $db = Neuron_DB_Database::getInstance(); $myclanlist = ""; foreach ($this->getVillage()->getOwner()->getClans() as $v) { $myclanlist .= $v->getId() . ","; } $myclanlist = substr($myclanlist, 0, -1); $chk = $db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tvillages v\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tn_players p USING(plid)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tclan_members cm ON cm.plid = p.plid AND cm.c_id IN ({$myclanlist})\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tv.networth > {$minscore} AND\n\t\t\t\tv.networth < {$maxscore} AND\n\t\t\t\tv.plid != {$this->getVillage()->getOwner()->getId()} AND\n\t\t\t\tv.isActive = 1 AND\n\t\t\t\tp.startVacation IS NULL AND\n\t\t\t\tcm.c_id IS NULL\n\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\tRAND()\n\t\t\tLIMIT\n\t\t\t\t1\n\t\t"); //die ($db->getLastQuery ()); if (count($chk) > 0) { $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($chk[0]['vid']); $this->setTarget($village); } else { $this->setCastable(false); $this->setError(Dolumar_Effects_Effect::ERROR_NO_TARGET_FOUND); } }
public function setSettings() { $text = Neuron_Core_Text::__getInstance(); $db = Neuron_Core_Database::__getInstance(); // Window settings $this->setSize('315px', '300px'); $o = $this->getRequestData(); $l = $db->getDataFromQuery($db->customQuery("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tmap_buildings.*, villages.race\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tmap_buildings\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tvillages ON map_buildings.village = villages.vid\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\ = '" . $db->makeSafe($o['bid']) . "'\n\t\t\t\tAND (destroyDate = 0 OR destroyDate > " . NOW . ")\n\t\t")); if (count($l) == 1) { $race = Dolumar_Races_Race::getRace($l[0]['race']); $this->building = Dolumar_Buildings_Building::getBuilding($l[0]['buildingType'], $race, $l[0]['xas'], $l[0]['yas']); if ($l[0]['village']) { $this->building->setVillage(Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($l[0]['village'])); } $this->building->setWindow($this); $this->building->setData($l[0]['bid'], $l[0]); $this->setTitle($this->getTitle()); } else { $this->building = false; $this->setTitle('Oh-Ow...'); } }
public function getVillageRanking() { $text = Neuron_Core_Text::__getInstance(); $db = Neuron_Core_Database::__getInstance(); $input = $this->getInputData(); $page = new Neuron_Core_Template(); $text->setFile('ranking'); $text->setSection('ranking'); $page->set('title', $text->get('villageRating')); $page->set('village', $text->get('village')); $page->set('value', $text->get('value')); $data = $this->getRequestData(); $perPage = 25; $myDefaultPage = 1; if (isset($data['village'])) { $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillageFromId($data['village']); $myVillageId = $data['village']; $myRank = $village->getRank(); $myDefaultPage = floor($myRank[0] / $perPage) + 1; } else { $myVillageId = 0; // Load "main village" from this user $myself = Neuron_GameServer::getPlayer(); if ($myself) { $village = $myself->getMainVillage(); if ($village) { $myVillageId = $village->getId(); $myRank = $village->getRank(); $myDefaultPage = floor($myRank[0] / $perPage) + 1; } } } $currentPage = isset($input['page']) ? $input['page'] : $myDefaultPage; $limit = Neuron_Core_Tools::splitInPages($page, Dolumar_Players_Ranking::countRanking(), $currentPage, $perPage, 6); $l = Dolumar_Players_Ranking::getRanking($limit['start'], $limit['perpage']); // Get my villages $myself = Neuron_GameServer::getPlayer(); if ($myself && $myself->isPremium()) { $distances = $myself->getVillages(); } else { $distances = array(); } $i = $limit['start']; foreach ($l as $v) { $i++; // Calcualte the distances $w_distances = array(); foreach ($distances as $k => $vv) { $w_distances[$k] = Neuron_Core_Tools::output_distance(Dolumar_Map_Map::getDistanceBetweenVillages($vv, $v), true, true); } $page->addListValue('ranking', array($i, Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($v->getName()), $v->getId(), $v->getNetworth(), $v->getId() == $myVillageId, $w_distances)); //$v->__destruct (); } // Add the footnote $t_distances = array(); foreach ($distances as $k => $v) { $t_distances[$k] = Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($v->getName()); } $page->set('distances', $t_distances); return $page->parse('ranking/ranking.tpl'); }
public function __construct($race = null) { parent::__construct(null); $this->race = $race; }
/** * Get all clan portal buildings */ public function getClanportals() { $db = Neuron_DB_Database::getInstance(); $villages = array(); foreach ($this->getMembers() as $player) { foreach ($player->getVillages() as $v) { $villages[] = $v->getId(); } } $list = "(" . implode($villages, ",") . ")"; $data = $db->query("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tmap_buildings\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tbuildingType = 61 AND\n\t\t\t\tvillage IN {$list} AND\n\t\t\t\t(destroyDate = 0 OR destroyDate > " . NOW . ")\n\t\t"); $out = array(); foreach ($data as $v) { $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getFromId($v['village']); $building = Dolumar_Buildings_Building::getFromId($v['bid'], $village->getRace(), $v['xas'], $v['yas']); $building->setData($v['bid'], $v); $building->setVillage($village); $out[] = $building; } return $out; }
private function getSpeedUpTraining($data) { $text = Neuron_Core_Text::getInstance(); $inputData = $this->getInputData(); $village = isset($data['village']) ? $data['village'] : null; $unit = isset($data['unit']) ? $data['unit'] : null; $id = isset($data['order']) ? $data['order'] : null; $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getFromId($village); $troop = Dolumar_Units_Unit::getFromId($unit); $order = $village->units->getTrainingStatus($id); if (!$troop || !$id || !$village || !$order) { return '<p>Order not found.</p>'; } $price = PREMIUM_SPEEDUP_TRAINING_PRICE; $unit = PREMIUM_SPEEDUP_TRAINING_UNIT; if (isset($inputData['duration'])) { $selected = abs(intval($inputData['duration'])); $desc = Neuron_Core_Tools::putIntoText($text->get('confdesc_training', 'speedup', 'statusbar'), array('unit' => $troop->getName(), 'amount' => Neuron_Core_Tools::getDurationText($selected * $unit))); return $this->getConfirm($price, $unit, $selected, $desc); } $time = $order['timeLeft']; return $this->getSpeedUpHTML('training', $time, $price, $unit); }
private function getUnitLog($row) { $objVillage = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($row['l_vid']); $unitname = !empty($row['unitName']) ? $row['unitName'] : $row['l_subId']; $objUnit = Dolumar_Units_Unit::getUnitFromName($unitname, $objVillage->getRace(), $objVillage); if ($objUnit) { $unitname = $objUnit->getName(); } return array('unit' => $unitname, 'amount' => $row['lt_amount']); }
public function processInput() { $data = $this->getRequestData(); $input = $this->getInputData(); if ($this->village->isFound()) { if (isset($input['target'])) { $data['target'] = $input['target']; $this->updateRequestData(array('vid' => $this->village->getId(), 'target' => intval($input['target']))); } if (!isset($data['target'])) { $this->updateContent(); } else { $target = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($data['target']); if ($target->isFound() && $target->getId() != $this->village->getId()) { $this->processChallengeInput($target); } elseif ($target->isFound()) { $this->updateContent($this->getChallenge($target->getId(), 'ownVillage')); } else { $this->updateContent($this->getChallenge($target->getId(), 'villageNotFound')); } } } }
private function getTradeContent() { $text = Neuron_Core_Text::__getInstance(); // Can we do it already? if ($this->countMaximumTransfers() <= $this->countOutgoingTransfers()) { return $this->getMarketBusy(); } if (isset($this->aInput['target'])) { $objVillage = Dolumar_Players_Village::getFromId($this->aInput['target']); if ($objVillage) { $this->objTarget = $objVillage; if ($this->objTarget->equals($this->getVillage())) { $msgs[] = array($text->get('error_ownvillage', 'market', 'buildings'), false); return $this->getChooseTarget($msgs); } /* if (!$this->isValidTarget ($objVillage)) { return $this->getChooseTarget ( array ( array ( Neuron_Core_Tools::putIntoText ( $text->get ($this->sError, 'market', 'buildings', $this->sError), array ( 'percentage' => self::MAX_PERCENTAGE ) ), false ) ) ); } */ // Check for selected resources $resources = $this->getResourcesFromInput(); $runes = $this->getRunesFromInput(); $equipment = $this->getEquipmentFromInput(); $confirmed = isset($this->aInput['confirmed']); if ($this->isFilled($resources) || $this->isFilled($runes) || count($equipment) > 0) { if ($confirmed) { return $this->getDonateResources($objVillage, $resources, $runes, $equipment); } else { return $this->getConfirmDonation($objVillage, $resources, $runes, $equipment); } } else { return $this->getChooseAmount($objVillage); } } } return $this->getChooseTarget(); }
public static function getSnapshot($x, $y, $width, $height, $zoom) { $stats = Neuron_Core_Stats::__getInstance(); $fZoom = $zoom / 100; // Make a bigger image $width = $width / $fZoom; $height = $height / $fZoom; $floatZoom = 1; $tileSizeX = 200 * $floatZoom; $tileSizeY = $tileSizeX / 2; $halfTileX = $tileSizeX / 2; $halfTileY = $tileSizeY / 2; $offsetX = ceil($tileSizeX / 2); $offsetY = ceil($tileSizeY / 2); $loadExtra = 1; $switchpoint = max(ceil($width / ($tileSizeX * 1)), ceil($height / $tileSizeY)); $im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); list($startX, $startY) = self::getStartposition($x, $y, $width, $height, $tileSizeX, $tileSizeY); $locations = array(array($startX + $switchpoint / 2, $startY - $switchpoint / 2)); // Load buildings from SQL $buildingSQL = Dolumar_Map_Map::getBuildingsFromLocations($locations, $switchpoint + 15); $buildings = array(); foreach ($buildingSQL as $buildingV) { $race = Dolumar_Races_Race::getRace($buildingV['race']); $b = Dolumar_Buildings_Building::getBuilding($buildingV['buildingType'], $race, $buildingV['xas'], $buildingV['yas']); $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($buildingV['village']); $b->setVillage($village); $b->setData($buildingV['bid'], $buildingV); $buildings[floor($buildingV['xas'])][floor($buildingV['yas'])][] = $b; } for ($i = 0 - $loadExtra; $i <= $switchpoint * 2; $i++) { if ($i > $switchpoint) { $offset = ($i - $switchpoint + 1) * 2; } else { $offset = 0; } $colStart = 0 - $i + $offset - $loadExtra; $colEnd = $i - $offset + $loadExtra + 1; //$output['regions'][$sQ]['tiles'][$i] = array (); $tx = $startX + $i; for ($j = $colStart; $j < $colEnd; $j++) { $ty = $startY - $j; $px = ($i - $j) * $offsetX; $py = ($i + $j) * $offsetY; // Check for building $hasBuildings = isset($buildings[$tx]) && isset($buildings[$tx][$ty]); $location = Dolumar_Map_Location::getLocation($tx, $ty, $hasBuildings); $image = $location->getImage(); $sImagePath = IMAGE_PATH . 'tiles/' . $image['image'] . '.gif'; //die ($sImagePath); self::drawSnapshotImage($im, $sImagePath, $px, $py, $floatZoom); //checkBuildings ($buildings, $sQ, $i, $j, $tx, $ty); if ($hasBuildings) { foreach ($buildings[$tx][$ty] as $building) { $short = $building->getIsoImage(); $url = $building->getImagePath(); $offset = $building->getTileOffset(); $fakeurl = IMAGE_PATH . 'sprites/' . $short . '.png'; //echo "---\n"; //echo $url . "\n"; //echo $fakeurl . "\n"; $oi = $i + $offset[0]; $oj = $j + $offset[1]; $pox = round(($oi - $oj) * floor($tileSizeX / 2)); $poy = round(($oi + $oj) * floor($tileSizeY / 2)); self::drawSnapshotImage($im, $url, $pox + $stats->get('offsetx', $short, 'images', 0) * $floatZoom, $poy + $stats->get('offsety', $short, 'images', 0) * $floatZoom, $floatZoom, false); } } } } // Resize the image $newwidth = $width * $fZoom; $newheight = $height * $fZoom; $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); imagecopyresampled($newimg, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); return $newimg; }
public function getHTML($error = null) { $page = new Neuron_Core_Template(); $page->setTextSection('chooseTarget', 'main'); $page->set('canTargetSelf', $this->bTargetSelf); $page->set('vid', $this->objVillage->getId()); // Return action if (isset($this->sReturnAction)) { $page->set('returnUrl', $this->sReturnAction); $page->set('returnText', $this->sReturnText); } $sQuery = null; if (isset($this->aInput['sVillageName'])) { $sQuery = $this->aInput['sVillageName']; unset($this->aInput['sVillageName']); } $page->set('input', $this->aInput); $page->set('query', Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($sQuery)); // Fetch all troops if (!empty($sQuery)) { $db = Neuron_Core_Database::__getInstance(); $page->set('hasSearched', true); $l = $db->getDataFromQuery($db->customQuery("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvillages\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvname LIKE '%" . $db->escape($sQuery) . "%'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND isActive = 1\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFIELD(vname, '" . $db->escape($sQuery) . "', vname),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvname ASC\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 10\n\t\t\t\t")); if (count($l) > 0) { foreach ($l as $v) { $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($v['vid'], false); $village->setData($v); $tc = $village->buildings->getTownCenter(); if ($tc) { $loc = $tc->getLocation(); $page->addListValue('results', array('id' => $village->getId(), 'name' => Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($village->getName()), 'location' => $loc[0] . ',' . $loc[1])); } } } } elseif ($this->bShowTargets) { $db = Neuron_DB_Database::__getInstance(); // Popular targets /* $l = $db->getDataFromQuery ( $db->customQuery (" SELECT l_vid, villages.* FROM game_log LEFT JOIN villages ON game_log.l_vid = villages.vid WHERE (l_action = 'attack' OR l_action = 'defend') AND l_vid != ".$this->objVillage->getId ()." AND l_subId = ".$this->objVillage->getId ()." AND isActive = 1 GROUP BY l_vid ORDER BY l_date ASC LIMIT 10 ") ); */ $l = $this->objVillage->visits->getLastVisits(); if (count($l) > 0) { foreach ($l as $village) { // Only add active villages if ($village->isActive()) { $tc = $village->buildings->getTownCenter(); if ($tc) { $loc = $tc->getLocation(); $page->addListValue('results', array('id' => $village->getId(), 'name' => Neuron_Core_Tools::output_varchar($village->getName()), 'location' => $loc[0] . ',' . $loc[1])); } } } } } if (isset($error)) { $page->set('external_error', $error); } return $page->parse('neuron/structure/chooseTarget.phpt'); }
protected function getNewObject($id) { return Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($id); }
} } break; case 'phpinfo': phpinfo(); exit; break; case 'getlogs': $id = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'id', 'int', isset($sInputs[2]) ? $sInputs[2] : 0); $start = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'start', 'int', 0); $objLogs = Dolumar_Players_Logs::__getInstance(); $output['content'] = $objLogs->getLogs($id, $start, 1000000); break; case 'getvillageinfo': $id = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'id', 'int', 0); $village = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($id); if ($village && $village->isFound()) { $output['content'] = $village->getAPIData(); } break; case 'getplayerinfo': $id = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'id', 'int', 0); $player = Neuron_GameServer::getPlayer($id); if ($player && $player->isFound()) { $output['content'] = $player->getAPIData(); } break; case 'getonlineplayers': $start = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'start', 'int', 0); $players = Neuron_GameServer::getServer()->getOnlineUser($start * 250, 250); $output['content'] = array();
<?php $village1 = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'village1', 'int'); $village2 = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'village2', 'int'); $v1 = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($village1); $v2 = Dolumar_Players_Village::getVillage($village2); echo 'Calculating distance between ' . $v1->getName() . ' to ' . $v2->getName() . '<br />'; $l1 = $v1->buildings->getTownCenterLocation(); $l2 = $v2->buildings->getTownCenterLocation(); $distance = Dolumar_Map_Map::getDistanceBetweenVillages($v1, $v2); $straight = Dolumar_Map_Map::calculateDistance($l1[0], $l1[1], $l2[0], $l2[1]); $profiler = Neuron_Profiler_Profiler::getInstance(); echo '<h2>Profiler</h2>'; echo '<pre>'; echo $profiler; echo '</pre>'; echo '<p>Distance: <strong>' . $distance . '</strong><br />'; echo 'Straight line distance: <strong>' . $straight . '</strong></p>';