public function reply($message) { Dog::reply($message); return true; // if (true === $this->player->isOptionEnabled(SR_Player::WWW_OUT)) // { // $this->player->message($message); // } // else // { // Dog::reply($message); // if (NULL === ($user = $this->player->getUser())) // { // echo "PLAYER HAS NO USER IN SHADOWRAP.\n"; // } // elseif (false === ($server = $user->getServer())) // { // echo "USER HAS NO SERVER IN SHADOWRAP.\n"; // } // else // { // # BAH // } // } // return true; }
function dog_plugin_alert_func4(array $args) { global $DOG_PLUG_ALERT_TIMERS; $scope = $args[0]; $scope instanceof Dog_Scope; Dog::setScope($scope); Dog::reply($args[1]); $DOG_PLUG_ALERT_TIMERS[$scope->getUser()->getID()]--; }
private function announceVideo(array $data) { // Pick ISO for channel? if (false !== ($chan = Dog::getChannel())) { $iso = $chan->getLangISO(); } else { $iso = Dog::getUser()->getLangISO(); } $vars = array($data['title'], GWF_TimeConvert::humanDurationISO($iso, $data['duration']), sprintf('%.02f', $data['rating']), number_format($data['views']), number_format($data['num_raters'])); Dog::reply($this->langISO($iso, 'video', $vars)); }
public function on_scum_Pc() { if (false === ($chanel = Dog::getChannel())) { return Dog::rply('err_only_channel'); } $user = Dog::getUser(); $msg = $this->msgarg(); $command = Common::substrUntil($msg, ' ', $msg); $message = Common::substrFrom($msg, ' ', ''); switch ($command) { case '': case 'help': $out = $this->scumHelp($message); break; case 'init': $out = $this->scumInit($user); break; case 'join': $out = $this->scumJoin($user); break; case 'start': $out = $this->scumStart($user); break; case 'cards': $out = $this->scumCards($user); break; case 'turn': case 'deck': $out = $this->scumDeck($user); break; case 'top5': $out = $this->scumTop5($user, $message); break; case 'stats': $out = $this->scumStats($user, $message); break; case 'abort': $out = $this->scumAbort($user); break; case 'pass': $out = $this->scumPass($user); break; default: $out = $this->scumPlay($user, $msg, false); break; } return Dog::reply($out); }
<?php Dog::reply('^StAr^ is the slayradio DJ with the most sexy voice ever, and you can ommit the slayradio stuff!');
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD%. Show information of the current song played at - mplayer', 'np' => 'Now Playing on %s - %s (requested by %s)', 'live' => "There is probably a live show on %s.", 'ki' => 'SlayRadio AI')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $ki = $plugin->lang('ki'); $url = ''; if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url))) { return Dog::rply('err_response'); } # <strong>Lagerfeldt</strong><br>R-Type (Doppelganger Summer Remix)<p align="center"><small>Requested by <b><i>zeddan</i></b> <br></small> if (preg_match('#<strong>([^<]+)</strong><br>([^<]+)<p align="center"><small>Requested by <b><i>([^<]+)</i></b> <br></small>#', $result, $matches)) { $plugin->rply('np', array(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES)), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[2], ENT_QUOTES)), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[3], ENT_QUOTES)))); } elseif (preg_match('#<strong>([^<]+)</strong><br>([^<]+)<p align="center">#', $result, $matches)) { $plugin->rply('np', array(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES)), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[2], ENT_QUOTES)), $ki)); } elseif (preg_match('#<strong>([^<]+)</strong><br>([^<]+)<br>#', $result, $matches) && preg_match('#<small>Requested by <b><i>([^<]+)</i></b> <br></small>#', $result, $matches2)) { $plugin->rply('np', array(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES)), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[2], ENT_QUOTES)), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches2[1], ENT_QUOTES)))); } elseif (1 === preg_match('#<strong>([^<]+)</strong><br>([^<]+)<br>#', $result, $matches)) { $plugin->rply('np', array(utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES)), utf8_encode(html_entity_decode($matches[2], ENT_QUOTES)), $ki)); } elseif (true === false) { } elseif (1 === preg_match('#<font size="\\+1">([^<]+)</font>#', $result, $matches)) { $plugin->rply('live', array($matches[1])); Dog::reply(sprintf('', $matches[1])); } else { Dog::rply('err_response'); }
<?php Dog::reply('byte is the doublenibble in the german-elite irc network. He can be greeted with either "Hi" or "Lo".');
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% <hex numbers separated by space>. Convert hex into dec. See also dec2hex.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); if ('' === ($message = $plugin->msg())) { return $plugin->showHelp(); } $out = ''; $hex = preg_split('/ +/', strtolower($message)); foreach ($hex as $h) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]+$/', $h)) { $out .= ' ??'; } else { $out .= ' ' . GWF_Numeric::baseConvert($h, 16, 10); } } Dog::reply(substr($out, 1));
<?php Dog::reply('KraxUltim is a C64 DJ that plays amiga remixes mostly. He also has a kraxling mic.');
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% <module> [<flush>]. Will (re)install and init a module.', 'install' => 'Triggering install for %s.', 'install_flush' => 'Dropping all tables and triggering install for %s.'), 'de' => array('help' => 'Nutze: %CMD% <Modul> [<flush>]. (Re)-Installiert und Initialisiert ein Modul.', 'install' => 'Führe die Installationsroutinen für %s aus.', 'install_flush' => 'Lösche und initialisiere Modul %s.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $argv = $plugin->argv(); $argc = count($argv); $flush = false; if ($argc === 2) { $flush = $argv[1] === 'flush'; $argc = 1; } if ($flush) { return Dog::reply('NO FLUSH!'); } if ($argc !== 1) { return $plugin->showHelp(); } if (false === ($module = Dog_Module::getModule($argv[0]))) { return Dog::rply('err_module'); } $plugin->rply($flush ? 'install_flush' : 'install', array($module->displayName())); Dog_Init::installModule($module, $flush);
public static function onTrigger(Dog_User $user, $msg) { if ($user->isRegistered() && !$user->isLoggedIn()) { if (false !== ($mod_al = Dog_Module::getModule('AutoLogin'))) { $mod_al instanceof DOGMOD_AutoLogin; $mod_al->onTryAutoLogin(); } # You need to login to play. return Dog::reply(DOGMOD_Shadowlamb::instance()->lang('0001')); } if (false === ($player = self::getPlayerForUser($user))) { return Dog::reply('Can not get Player for user ' . $user->getName() . '.'); } SR_Tell::onTell($player); # Do it! Shadowcmd::onTrigger($player, $msg); }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD%. Return a random number chosen by fair average dice roll.')); Dog::reply('4');
public function reply($message) { Dog::reply($message); }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% <host>. Use the ping command to ping a host.', 'err_host' => 'The host looks invalid.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $argv = $plugin->argv(); $argc = count($argv); if ($argc !== 1) { return $plugin->showHelp(); } $host = $argv[0]; if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\\.\\-:]+$/iD', $host)) { $plugin->rply('err_host'); } elseif (!function_exists('exec')) { Dog::rply('err_exec'); } else { $ehost = escapeshellarg($host); exec("ping -c 3 {$ehost}", $output); foreach ($output as $line) { Dog::reply($line); } }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Commodore Is Awesome is a fellow C64 Demo Group!'), 'de' => array('help' => 'Commodore Is Awesome ist eine C64 Demo Gruppe!')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); Dog::reply('Commodore Is Awesome:');
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% <decimal numbers separated by space>. Convert decimal numbers to utf8 text.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); if ('' === ($message = $plugin->msg())) { return $plugin->showHelp(); } $out = ''; $hex = preg_split('/ +/', strtolower($message)); foreach ($hex as $n) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]+$/', $n)) { $out .= '?'; continue; } $c = ''; $n = GWF_Numeric::baseConvert($n, 16, 10); while ($n != 0) { $mod = bcmod($n, '256'); printf('%02X' . PHP_EOL, $mod); $c = chr($mod) . $c; $n = bcdiv($n, '256'); } $out .= $c; } Dog::reply($out);
public static function reply(SR_Player $player, $message) { return $player->isNPC() || $player->isFighting() && self::isCombatCommand() ? $player->message($message) : Dog::reply($message); }
} elseif (!$plug->isEnabled($serv, $chan)) { Dog::rply('err_disabled'); } else { $plug->execute(); } } elseif (false !== ($mod = Dog_Module::getByTrigger($trigger))) { if (!$mod->hasScopeFor($trigger, $serv, $chan)) { Dog::scopeError($mod->getScope($trigger)); } if (!$mod->hasPermissionFor($trigger, $serv, $chan, $user)) { Dog::permissionError($mod->getPriv($trigger)); } elseif (!$mod->isTriggerEnabled($serv, $chan, $trigger)) { Dog::rply('err_disabled'); } else { $mod->execute($trigger); } } else { // Dog::rply('err_command'); } } } elseif (Common::startsWith($msg, "") && Common::endsWith($msg, "")) { require 'CTCP.php'; } else { $msg = preg_replace('[^a-z]', '', $msg); if ($msg === 'wechallnetISUP') { Dog::reply('Yay \\o/'); } elseif ($msg === 'wechallnetISUP') { Dog::reply('NO! :('); } } }
<?php Dog::reply('Trained by mystical creatures from the eigthies, spaceone can only be reached by thy wechall address.');
<?php Dog::reply('Kitty is not listed in girls, because she is mine.');
<?php Dog::reply('Zeewolf is the almighty garbage collector!');
<?php Dog::reply('Element, dear Watson, is when the alphabet is missing 2 letters, Q and K. See RFC142453.');
<?php Dog::reply('You probably mean radiocrazybase! - Listen please!');
<?php Dog::reply('Roll your own. Q');
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% [<message here...>]. Initiate a reboot and quit with a message.', 'default' => '%s is rebooting me :O')); // GWF_HTTP::getFromURL("") return Dog::reply('YOU FOUND A TODO!'); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $message = $plugin->argc() === 0 ? $plugin->lang('default', array(Dog::getUser()->displayName())) : $plugin->msg(); foreach (Dog::getServers() as $server) { $server instanceof Dog_Server; $server->disconnect($message); } Dog_Launcher::kill();
$lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% <expression>. Evaluate a mathematical expression and print results. Use _ and $ to referr to the last result.', '00' => '1 ... No ... 0 ... No ... UNDEFINED!', 'err_in' => 'Error in expression.', 'err_lib' => 'The "EvalMath" class by Miles Kaufmann is missing.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); if ('' === ($message = $plugin->msg())) { return $plugin->showHelp(); } if (false !== ($last = Dog_Conf_Plug_User::getConf($plugin->getName(), Dog::getUID(), 'last', false))) { $message = str_replace(array('_', '$'), $last, $message); } if ($message === '0^0') { return $plugin->rply('00'); } if ($message === 'pi') { return $plugin->reply('4'); } $path = GWF_PATH . 'core/inc/3p/EvalMath.php'; if (!Common::isFile($path)) { return $plugin->rply('err_lib'); } require_once $path; $eval = new EvalMath(); if (false === ($result = $eval->e($message))) { return $plugin->rply('err_in'); } $result = sprintf('%.09f', $result); if (strpos($result, '.') !== false) { $result = rtrim($result, '0'); $result = rtrim($result, '.'); } Dog_Conf_Plug_User::setConf($plugin->getName(), Dog::getUID(), 'last', $result); Dog::reply($result);
<?php Dog::reply('honey is not listed in .girls, because gizmore is interested in her... and she is a wonderful IRC addict!');
<?php Dog::reply('Dicer is not funny');
public function reply($message) { return Dog::reply($message); }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Wo-Wo-World... of Wonders...')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); Dog::reply($plugin->lang('help'));