/** * @see Document::update * @return void */ public function update() { // update elements $this->getElements(); $this->getResource()->deleteAllElements(); if (is_array($this->getElements()) and count($this->getElements()) > 0) { foreach ($this->getElements() as $name => $element) { $element->setResource(null); $element->setDocumentId($this->getId()); $element->save(); } } // update scheduled tasks $this->saveScheduledTasks(); // load data which must be requested $this->getProperties(); $this->getElements(); // update this parent::update(); // save version if needed $this->saveVersion(false); }
$doc->redirectToList(); } else { if (isset($_POST["restore"])) { $doc->check($_POST["id"], 'd'); if ($doc->restore($_POST)) { Event::log($_POST["id"], "documents", 4, "document", sprintf(__('%s restores an item'), $_SESSION["glpiname"])); } $doc->redirectToList(); } else { if (isset($_POST["purge"])) { $doc->check($_POST["id"], 'd'); if ($doc->delete($_POST, 1)) { Event::log($_POST["id"], "documents", 4, "document", sprintf(__('%s purges an item'), $_SESSION["glpiname"])); } $doc->redirectToList(); } else { if (isset($_POST["update"])) { $doc->check($_POST["id"], 'w'); if ($doc->update($_POST)) { Event::log($_POST["id"], "documents", 4, "document", sprintf(__('%s updates an item'), $_SESSION["glpiname"])); } Html::back(); } else { Html::header(Document::getTypeName(2), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "financial", "document"); $doc->showForm($_GET["id"]); Html::footer(); } } } } }
public static function addDocumentCategory(Document $document) { $config = PluginOrderConfig::getConfig(); if (isset($document->input['itemtype']) && $document->input['itemtype'] == __CLASS__ && !$document->input['documentcategories_id']) { $category = $config->getDefaultDocumentCategory(); if ($category) { $document->update(array('id' => $document->getID(), 'documentcategories_id' => $category)); } } // Fomrat document name if (isset($document->input['itemtype']) && $document->input['itemtype'] == __CLASS__ && $document->input['documentcategories_id'] && $config->canRenameDocuments()) { // Get document category $documentCategory = new PluginOrderDocumentCategory(); if (!$documentCategory->getFromDBByQuery(" WHERE `documentcategories_id` = '" . $document->input['documentcategories_id'] . "'")) { $documentCategory->getEmpty(); } // Get order linked to document $document_item = new Document_Item(); if ($document_item->getFromDBByQuery(" WHERE `documents_id` = '" . $document->fields['id'] . "' AND `itemtype` = '" . self::getType() . "'")) { // Update document name $order = new self(); $order->getFromDB($document_item->fields['items_id']); $extension = explode('.', $document->fields['filename']); $tag = ""; if (!empty($documentCategory->fields['documentcategories_prefix'])) { $tag = $documentCategory->fields['documentcategories_prefix'] . "-"; } $document->fields['filename'] = $tag . $order->fields['num_order'] . "." . $extension[1]; $document->updateInDB(array('filename')); } } }
$filetype = $uploaded_data['type']; } elseif ($file_url) { $data = ''; $filename = $file_url; $filetype = 'URL'; /* } elseif ($sys_use_ftpuploads && $ftp_filename!=100) { //100==None $filename=$upload_dir.'/'.$ftp_filename; $data = addslashes(fread(fopen($filename, 'r'), filesize($filename))); $filetype=$uploaded_data_type; */ } else { $filename = addslashes($d->getFileName()); $filetype = addslashes($d->getFileType()); } if (!$d->update($filename, $filetype, $data, $doc_group, $title, $language_id, $description, $stateid)) { exit_error('Error', $d->getErrorMessage()); } $feedback = _('Updated successfully'); } elseif (getStringFromRequest('editgroup')) { $doc_group = getIntFromRequest('doc_group'); $groupname = getStringFromRequest('groupname'); $parent_doc_group = getIntFromRequest('parent_doc_group'); $dg = new DocumentGroup($g, $doc_group); if ($dg->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $dg->getErrorMessage()); } if (!$dg->update($groupname, $parent_doc_group)) { exit_error('Error', $dg->getErrorMessage()); } $feedback = _('Updated successfully');
foreach ($users as $user) { if (!in_array($user, $document->getAssignees())) { $to = $user->getEmail(); //mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); $mail->setFrom('*****@*****.**', 'IR Information Network'); $mail->addAddress($to); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; if (!$mail->send()) { throw new MailException($mail->ErrorInfo); } Event::addEvent($user->getName() . ' has been assigned to document ' . $document->getPrefix()->getPrefixAbbrev() . $document->getID() . '.', $_SESSION['user'], 2); } } Event::addEvent('Document ' . $document->getPrefix()->getPrefixAbbrev() . $document->getID() . ' has been modified.', $_SESSION['user'], 2); $document->update($subject, $status, $body, $clearance, $prefix, $assignees); echo $document->getID(); } } } else { if ($action == 'search') { if ($do == 'none') { ?> <form action="#" method="POST"> <label for="searchid"><b>ID Number (Including Prefix):</b></label> <input type="text" id="searchid" name="searchid" required/><br/> <button id="search" name="search" class="btn btn-primary" type="button" onclick="searchDoc()">Search</button> </form> <div id="loading" class="alert alert-primary" role="alert" style="display: none"> </div> <?php
static function addDocumentCategory(Document $document) { if (isset($document->input['itemtype']) && $document->input['itemtype'] == __CLASS__ && !$document->input['documentcategories_id']) { $config = PluginOrderConfig::getConfig(); $category = $config->getDefaultDocumentCategory(); if ($category) { $document->update(array('id' => $document->getID(), 'documentcategories_id' => $category)); } } }
} if (isset($_FILES['vDocumentpath']['name']) && $_FILES['vDocumentpath']['name'] != "") { $audio_name = date('Ymdhis') . $_FILES['vDocumentpath']['name']; if (copy($_FILES['vDocumentpath']['tmp_name'], $CFG->datadirroot . "/pdf/" . $audio_name)) { if ($audio_name != '') { $documentObj->setvDocumentpath($audio_name); @unlink($CFG->datadirroot . "/pdf/" . $_POST['vOldImage']); } } } else { if ($_POST['vOldImage'] != "") { $documentObj->setvDocumentpath($_POST['vOldImage']); } } //$documentObj->setiSGroupId($iSGroupId); $documentObj->update($iDocumentId); $msg = MSG_UPDATE; $url = 'index.php?file=Documents&AX=Yes' . $qs . '&iLibCategoryId=' . $iLibCategoryId . '&var_msg=' . $msg; header("Location:" . $url); exit; } else { if ($mode == "Delete") { if (file_exists($CFG->datadirroot . "/pdf/" . $_POST['vOldImage'])) { @unlink($CFG->datadirroot . "/pdf/" . $_POST['vOldImage']); } $sql_update = "UPDATE Document SET vDocumentpath = '' WHERE iDocumentId = '" . $iDocumentId . "'"; $obj->sql_query($sql_update); $msg = "Image successfuly deleted."; header("Location:index.php?file=m-documentadd" . $qs . "&iLibCategoryId=" . $iLibCategoryId . "&mode=Update&iId=1&iDocumentId=" . $iDocumentId); exit; }
/** * Update Document */ public function update(array $query = array(), array $update = array(), array $options = array()) { $document = new Document($query, $this); $update = $document->update($update, $options); return $update; }
/** * Copy order documents into the newly generated item * @since 1.5.3 * @param unknown_type $itemtype * @param unknown_type $items_id * @param unknown_type $orders_id * @param unknown_type $entity */ static function copyDocuments($itemtype, $items_id, $orders_id, $entity) { global $CFG_GLPI; $config = PluginOrderConfig::getConfig(); if ($config->canCopyDocuments() && in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["document_types"])) { $document_item = new Document_Item(); $document = new Document(); foreach (getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_documents_items', "`itemtype`='PluginOrderOrder'\n AND `items_id`='{$orders_id}'") as $doc) { $document->getFromDB($doc['documents_id']); $mime = $document->fields['mime']; $newdocument = clone $document; $newdocument->fields['entities_id'] = $entity; unset($newdocument->fields['id']); $newID = $document->add($newdocument->fields); $tmp['itemtype'] = $itemtype; $tmp['items_id'] = $items_id; $tmp['documents_id'] = $newID; $document_item->add($tmp); //force mimetype $document->update(array('id' => $newID, 'mime' => $mime)); } } }
// Création d'un document echo "Création d'un document ... "; $document = new Document(); $document->debut = "2015-12-28"; $document->fin = "2015-12-29"; $document->id_appartement = 1; // Ajout dans la base echo "OK<br/>Ajout du document dans la base ... "; $document->insert(); echo "OK<br/>"; // Liste de tous les documents listerTout(); // Apport d'une modification $document->fin = "2015-12-30"; echo "Modification de la fin ! Mise à jour dans la base ... "; $document->update(); echo "OK<br/>"; // Sélection de l'appartement $selectionDocument = Document::findById($document->id_document); $selectionDocument->afficher(); // Suppression du document echo "Suppression du document de la base ... "; $selectionDocument->delete(); echo "OK<br/>"; // Liste de tous les documents listerTout(); function listerTout() { // Liste de tous les documents echo "Liste des documents disponibles dans la base : <br/>"; $listeDocuments = Document::findAll();