Example #1
    function action_load_fixtures()
		This will delete all existing data!<br />
		<form action="" method="POST">
			<input type="submit" name="schema" value="Load Schema"><br /><br />
		This will delete all existing data!<br />
		<form action="" method="POST">
			<input type="submit" name="data" value="Load Fixtures"><br /><br />
        if (!empty($_POST['schema'])) {
            Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml(APPPATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'doctrine/fixtures/schema', APPPATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'doctrine/models', array('generateBaseClasses' => false));
            echo "Done!";
        } elseif (!empty($_POST['data'])) {
            Doctrine_Manager::connection()->execute("\r\n\t\t\t\tSET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0\r\n\t\t\t");
            Doctrine::loadData(APPPATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'doctrine/fixtures/data');
            echo "Done!";
Example #2
  * Generate a set of models for the schema information source
  * @param  string $prefix  Prefix to generate the models with
  * @param  mixed  $item    The item to generate the models from
  * @return string $path    The path where the models were generated
  * @throws Doctrine_Migration_Exception $e
 protected function _generateModels($prefix, $item)
     $path = $this->_tmpPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($prefix) . '_doctrine_tmp_dirs';
     $options = array('classPrefix' => $prefix, 'generateBaseClasses' => false);
     if (is_string($item) && file_exists($item)) {
         $extension = $this->_getItemExtension($item);
         if ($extension === 'yml') {
             Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml($item, $path, $options);
             return $path;
         } else {
             if ($extension === 'php') {
                 Doctrine_Lib::copyDirectory($item, $path);
                 return $path;
             } else {
                 throw new Doctrine_Migration_Exception('No php or yml files found at path: "' . $item . '"');
     } else {
         try {
             Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromDb($path, (array) $item, $options);
             return $path;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Doctrine_Migration_Exception('Could not generate models from connection: ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function execute()
     Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml($this->getArgument('yaml_schema_path'), $this->getArgument('models_path'), $this->getArgument('generate_models_options', array()));
     $this->notify('Generated models successfully from YAML schema');
  * yaml2models
  * This generates MODELS from YAML schema files.
  * This generates TABLES from MODELS.
  * @see Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml
 public function action_admin_yaml2models()
     // load sfYAML (it's somehow not loaded by doctrine autoload)
     include ROOT_LIBRARIES . 'doctrine/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/SfYaml.php';
     Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml(DOCTRINE_YAML_SCHEMA_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'schema.yml', DOCTRINE_MODELS_PATH, self::$options);
     #Doctrine_Core::createTablesFromModels( DOCTRINE_MODELS_PATH );
     $message = '<b>The Models have been successfully generated from the YAML schema file.</b>';
     $message .= '<br /><br />Destination Folder ' . DOCTRINE_MODELS_PATH;
     #$message .= '<br /><br />The DATABASE TABLES have been successfully generated from MODELS.';
     $this->setFlashmessage('success', $message);
Example #5

if (array_key_exists(1, $argv)) {
    $env = $argv[1];
} else {
    $env = 'production';
defined('BASE_PATH') || define('BASE_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'));
// Ensure library/ is on include_path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(realpath(BASE_PATH . '/library'), get_include_path())));
/** Zend_Application */
require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
// Create application, bootstrap, and run
$config = array('config' => array(realpath(BASE_PATH . '/configs/application.ini')));
$application = new Zend_Application($env, $config);
$dbConnection = $application->getBootstrap()->bootstrap('Doctrine');
try {
} catch (Doctrine_Connection_Mysql_Exception $e) {
    error_log('The database did not exists');
$options = $application->getOptions();
$ymlPath = realpath(BASE_PATH . '/Scripts/Yaml/Schema/Koryukan.yml');
$modelsOptions = array('suffix' => '.php', 'generateTableClasses' => true, 'classPrefix' => 'Koryukan_Db_', 'classPrefixFiles' => false, 'baseClassPrefix' => 'Base', 'baseClassesDirectory' => '');
Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml($ymlPath, $options['db']['objectsPath'], $modelsOptions);
Doctrine_Core::loadData(BASE_PATH . '/Scripts/Yaml/Data/news.yml');
Doctrine_Core::loadData(BASE_PATH . '/Scripts/Yaml/Data/storeItems.yml');
Doctrine_Core::loadData(BASE_PATH . '/Scripts/Yaml/Data/images.yml');
Doctrine_Core::loadData(BASE_PATH . '/Scripts/Yaml/Data/security.yml');
Example #6

 * Blog - Database Generator
 * This file contains a script for generating the database for the blog demo.
 * Running this script from command line as follows will generate a new database:
 * <code>
 * php generate.php
 * </code>
 * This file is part of the Breeze Framework package and is subject to the new
 * BSD license.  For full copyright and license information, please see the
 * LICENSE file that is distributed with this package.
 * @author     Jeff Welch <*****@*****.**>
 * @category   Blog
 * @package    Databases
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010, Breeze Framework
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @version    $Id$
define('BREEZE_APPLICATION', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'));
require_once BREEZE_APPLICATION . '/models/Doctrine.php';
Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml(BREEZE_APPLICATION . '/databases/schema.yml', BREEZE_APPLICATION . '/models');
Doctrine_Core::createTablesFromModels(BREEZE_APPLICATION . '/models');
 public function execute()
     $options = array('pearStyle' => true, 'generateTableClasses' => true, 'classPrefix' => 'Model_', 'baseClassPrefix' => 'Base_', 'baseClassesDirectory' => null, 'classPrefixFiles' => false, 'generateAccessors' => false);
     Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml($this->getArgument('yaml_schema_path'), $this->getArgument('models_path'), $this->getArgument('generate_models_options', $options));
     $this->notify('Generated models successfully from YAML schema');
Example #8
 public static function syncdb($apps = null, $drop_database = false, $append = true)
     if (!self::$inited || !self::$connections) {
     if (!$apps) {
         $apps = ini('base/INSTALLED_APPS');
     if (!$apps) {
         return true;
     if ($drop_database) {
     foreach ((array) $apps as $k => $app) {
         $app = str_replace('.', '/', $app);
         try {
              * Generate the models
             if (isset($_GET['use_yaml'])) {
                 $schemas = Package::get_file(sprintf('applications/%s/%s', $app, 'schemas.yml'));
                 if (!is_file($schemas)) {
                 Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml($schemas, Package::get_folder(sprintf('applications/%s/models', $app)), self::$_generate_options);
             } else {
                 try {
                     import(sprintf('applications/%s/models/generated/*', $app));
                 } catch (DoesNotExistsException $e) {
              * syncdb
             Doctrine_Core::createTablesFromModels(Package::get_folder(sprintf('applications/%s/models', $app)), self::$_generate_options);
              * Insert test data
             $dir = Package::get_folder(sprintf('applications/%s/fixtures', $app));
             if (is_dir($dir)) {
                 Doctrine_Core::loadData($dir, $append);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
Example #9
 public function generateModels()
     Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml(MODELS . '/schema', MODELS, array('generateTableClasses' => true, 'baseClassesDirectory' => 'bases', 'baseClassName' => 'DefaultRecord', 'baseTableClassName' => 'DefaultTable'));
     FlashComponent::set('info', 'Generate Models terminé.');
     $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));