Example #1
  * This function saves the data of an entity to its class.
  * This only prepares the database store, but does not store it in database
  * To store them in database use persist and flush from doctrine
  * @access protected
  * @param object $entity object of the class we want to save
  * @param Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $entityClassMetadata MetaData for the entity
  * @param array $entityData array with data to save to class
  * @param string $associatedTo the class which is oneToManyAssociated if it exists
 protected function savePropertiesToClass($entity, $entityClassMetadata, $entityData = array(), $associatedTo = '')
     // if entityData is not set, we use $_POST as default, because the data are normally submitted over post
     if (empty($entityData)) {
         $entityData = $_POST;
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     $em = $cx->getDb()->getEntityManager();
     $primaryKeyName = $entityClassMetadata->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
     //get primary key name
     $entityColumnNames = $entityClassMetadata->getColumnNames();
     //get the names of all fields
     //If the view is sortable, get the 'sortBy' field name and store it to the variable
     $sortByFieldName = isset($this->options['functions']['sortBy']) && isset($this->options['functions']['sortBy']['field']) && !empty($this->options['functions']['sortBy']['field']) ? key($this->options['functions']['sortBy']['field']) : '';
     //check the 'sortBy' field is self-healing or not
     $isSortSelfHealing = isset($this->options['fields']) && isset($this->options['fields'][$sortByFieldName]) && isset($this->options['fields'][$sortByFieldName]['showDetail']) && !$this->options['fields'][$sortByFieldName]['showDetail'] ? true : false;
     // Foreach possible attribute in the database we try to find the matching entry in the $entityData array and add it
     // as property to the object
     foreach ($entityColumnNames as $column) {
         $name = $entityClassMetadata->getFieldName($column);
         $fieldSetMethodName = 'set' . preg_replace('/_([a-z])/', '\\1', ucfirst($name));
         $fieldGetMethodName = 'get' . preg_replace('/_([a-z])/', '\\1', ucfirst($name));
         if (isset($this->options['fields']) && isset($this->options['fields'][$name]) && isset($this->options['fields'][$name]['storecallback'])) {
             $storecallback = $this->options['fields'][$name]['storecallback'];
             $postedValue = null;
             if (isset($entityData[$name])) {
                 $postedValue = contrexx_input2raw($entityData[$name]);
             /* We use json to do the storecallback. The 'else if' is for backwards compatibility so you can declare
              * the function directly without using json. This is not recommended and not working over session */
             if (is_array($storecallback) && isset($storecallback['adapter']) && isset($storecallback['method'])) {
                 $json = new \Cx\Core\Json\JsonData();
                 $jsonResult = $json->data($storecallback['adapter'], $storecallback['method'], array('postedValue' => $postedValue));
                 if ($jsonResult['status'] == 'success') {
                     $entityData[$name] = $jsonResult["data"];
             } else {
                 if (is_callable($storecallback)) {
                     $entityData[$name] = $storecallback($postedValue);
         if (isset($entityData[$name]) && $name != $primaryKeyName) {
             $fieldDefinition = $entityClassMetadata->getFieldMapping($name);
             if ($fieldDefinition['type'] == 'datetime') {
                 $newValue = new \DateTime($entityData[$name]);
             } elseif ($fieldDefinition['type'] == 'array') {
                 $newValue = unserialize($entityData[$name]);
                 // verify that the value is actually an array -> prevent to store other php data
                 if (!is_array($newValue)) {
                     $newValue = array();
             } else {
                 $newValue = contrexx_input2raw($entityData[$name]);
             // set the value as property of the current object, so it is ready to be stored in the database
         //While adding a new entity, if the view is sortable and 'sortBy' field is disabled in the edit view
         //then the new entity sort order gets automatically adjusted.
         if ($isSortSelfHealing && !empty($sortByFieldName) && $sortByFieldName === $name && !$entity->{$fieldGetMethodName}()) {
             $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
             $qb->select('e')->from(get_class($entity), 'e')->orderBy('e.' . $name, 'DESC')->setMaxResults(1);
             $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
             $newValue = isset($result[0]) ? $result[0]->{$fieldGetMethodName}() + 1 : 1;
             // set the value as property of the current object,
             // so it is ready to be stored in the database
     // save singleValuedAssociations
     foreach ($entityClassMetadata->getAssociationMappings() as $associationMapping) {
         // we're only interested in single valued associations here, so skip others
         if (!$entityClassMetadata->isSingleValuedAssociation($associationMapping['fieldName'])) {
         // we're only interested if there's a target entity other than $associatedTo, so skip others
         if ($associationMapping['targetEntity'] == '' || $associatedTo == $associationMapping['targetEntity']) {
         // save it:
         // case a) was open in form directly
         $firstOffset = str_replace('\\', '_', strtolower($associationMapping['sourceEntity']));
         $secondOffset = $associationMapping['fieldName'];
         if (isset($entityData[$secondOffset])) {
             $this->storeSingleValuedAssociation($associationMapping['targetEntity'], array($associationMapping['joinColumns'][0]['referencedColumnName'] => $entityData[$secondOffset]), $entity, 'set' . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $associationMapping['fieldName']))));
         // base b) was open in a modal form
         foreach ($_POST[$firstOffset] as $foreignEntityDataEncoded) {
             $foreignEntityData = array();
             parse_str($foreignEntityDataEncoded, $foreignEntityData);
             if (!isset($foreignEntityData[$secondOffset])) {
                 // todo: remove entity!
             // todo: add/save entity
             $this->storeSingleValuedAssociation($associationMapping['targetEntity'], array($associationMapping['joinColumns'][0]['referencedColumnName'] => $foreignEntityData[$secondOffset]), $entity, 'set' . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $associationMapping['fieldName']))));