Example #1
File: Pdf.php Project: hjr3/Docblox
  * Calls the wkhtmltopdf executable to generate a PDF.
  * @param DOMDocument            $structure
  * @param DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation $transformation
  * @return void
 public function transform(DOMDocument $structure, DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation $transformation)
     $artifact = $transformation->getTransformer()->getTarget() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $transformation->getArtifact();
     $source = substr($transformation->getSource(), 0, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? $transformation->getTransformer()->getTarget() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $transformation->getSource() : $transformation->getSource();
     $options = '';
     if ($transformation->getParameter('toc', 'false') == 'true') {
         $options = ' toc ';
     // TODO: add parameter to provide a cover HTML
     // TODO: add a parameter to provide a header HTML
     // TODO: add a parameter to provide a footer HTML
     // first try if there is a wkhtmltopdf in the global path, this helps windows users
     exec('wkhtmltopdf ' . $options . ' ' . $transformation->getSource() . ' ' . $transformation->getArtifact() . ' 2>&1', $output, $error);
     $output = implode(PHP_EOL, $output);
     // this notice is linux specific; if it is found no global wkhtmltopdf was installed; try the one which is included
     // with docblox
     if (strpos($output, 'wkhtmltopdf: not found') !== false) {
         exec($this->getConfig()->paths->application . '/src/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf-i386 ' . $options . ' ' . $transformation->getSource() . ' ' . $transformation->getArtifact() . ' 2>&1', $output, $error);
         $output = implode(PHP_EOL, $output) . PHP_EOL;
     // log message and output
     $this->log('Generating PDF file ' . $transformation->getArtifact() . ' from ' . $transformation->getSource());
     $this->log($output, $error == 0 ? DocBlox_Core_Log::INFO : DocBlox_Core_Log::CRIT);
     // CRASH!
     if ($error != 0) {
         throw new Exception('Conversion to PDF failed, see output for details');
Example #2
  * This method combines the structure.xml and the given target template
  * and creates a static html page at the artifact location.
  * @param DOMDocument                        $structure      XML source.
  * @param DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation $transformation Transformation.
  * @throws Exception
  * @return void
 public function transform(DOMDocument $structure, DocBlox_Transformer_Transformation $transformation)
     if (!class_exists('XSLTProcessor')) {
         throw new Exception('The XSL writer was unable to find your XSLTProcessor; ' . 'please check if you have installed the PHP XSL extension');
     $artifact = $transformation->getTransformer()->getTarget() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $transformation->getArtifact();
     $xsl = new DOMDocument();
     $proc = new XSLTProcessor();
     $proc->setParameter('', 'title', $structure->documentElement->getAttribute('title'));
     $proc->setParameter('', 'root', str_repeat('../', substr_count($transformation->getArtifact(), '/')));
     $proc->setParameter('', 'search_template', $transformation->getParameter('search', 'none'));
     $proc->setParameter('', 'version', DocBlox_Core_Abstract::VERSION);
     // check parameters for variables and add them when found
     $this->setProcessorParameters($transformation, $proc);
     // if a query is given, then apply a transformation to the artifact
     // location by replacing ($<var>} with the sluggified node-value of the
     // search result
     if ($transformation->getQuery() !== '') {
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($transformation->getTransformer()->getSource());
         $qry = $xpath->query($transformation->getQuery());
         foreach ($qry as $element) {
             $proc->setParameter('', $element->nodeName, $element->nodeValue);
             $filename = str_replace('{$' . $element->nodeName . '}', $transformation->getTransformer()->generateFilename($element->nodeValue), $artifact);
             $this->log('Processing the file: ' . $element->nodeValue . ' as ' . $filename);
             $proc->transformToURI($structure, 'file://' . $filename);
     } else {
         if (substr($transformation->getArtifact(), 0, 1) == '$') {
             // not a file, it must become a variable!
             if (!isset($this->getConfig()->transformations->{'xsl.variables'})) {
                 $this->getConfig()->transformations->{'xsl-variables'} = new Zend_Config(array(), true);
             $variable_name = substr($transformation->getArtifact(), 1);
             $this->getConfig()->transformations->{'xsl-variables'}->{$variable_name} = $proc->transformToXml($structure);
         } else {
             $proc->transformToURI($structure, 'file://' . $artifact);