/** * This function is used to get the account dashboard information * * . * * @return string */ function showDashboard() { include 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; $pagesize = 10; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $start = trim($_GET['page'] - 1) * $pagesize; $end = $pagesize; } else { $start = 0; $end = $pagesize; } $total = 0; $sqlselect = "SELECT a.customers_id,a.orders_id,date_format(a.date_purchased,'%e/%c/%Y') as pdate,b.orders_status_name,c.user_display_name,a.order_total as total,a.currency_id FROM `orders_table` a,orders_status_table b,users_table c,order_products_table d where a.orders_status=b.orders_status_id and a.customers_id=c.user_id and a.orders_id=d.order_id and a.customers_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " group by a.orders_id order by a.date_purchased desc"; $query = new Bin_Query(); if ($query->executeQuery($sqlselect)) { $total = ceil($query->totrows / $pagesize); include 'classes/Lib/Paging.php'; $tmp = new Lib_Paging('classic', array('totalpages' => $total, 'length' => 10), 'pagination'); $this->data['paging'] = $tmp->output; $this->data['prev'] = $tmp->prev; $this->data['next'] = $tmp->next; } $sqlselect = "SELECT a.customers_id,a.orders_id,date_format(a.date_purchased,'%e/%c/%Y') as pdate,b.orders_status_name,c.user_display_name,a.order_total as total,a.currency_id,e.id,e.currency_tocken FROM `orders_table` a,orders_status_table b,users_table c,order_products_table d,currency_master_table e where a.orders_status=b.orders_status_id and a.customers_id=c.user_id and a.orders_id=d.order_id and a.customers_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " and e.id=a.currency_id group by a.orders_id order by a.date_purchased desc LIMIT {$start},{$end}"; $sqlUser = '******' . $_SESSION['user_id']; $sqlNews = "SELECT user_id,b.status FROM `users_table` a,newsletter_subscription_table b where a.user_email=b.email and a.user_status=1 and a.user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id']; $obj = new Bin_Query(); $objuser = new Bin_Query(); $objNews = new Bin_Query(); $obj->executeQuery($sqlselect); $objuser->executeQuery($sqlUser); $objNews->executeQuery($sqlNews); return Display_DUserAccount::showDashboard($obj->records, $objuser->records, $objNews->records, $this->data['paging'], $this->data['prev'], $this->data['next'], $start); }
/** * This function is used to show the all feartured product page. * * * * @return string */ function showAllFeatured() { include 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; $pagesize = 8; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $start = trim($_GET['page'] - 1) * $pagesize; $end = $pagesize; } else { $start = 0; $end = $pagesize; } $total = 0; $sql = "SELECT a.*,sum(c.rating)/count(c.user_id) as rating FROM `products_table` a left join product_reviews_table c on a.product_id=c.product_id WHERE category_id IN (SELECT b.category_id AS id FROM category_table a INNER JOIN category_table b ON a.category_id = b.category_parent_id ORDER BY rand()) and is_featured=1 and a.status=1 and a.intro_date <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' group by a.product_id"; $query = new Bin_Query(); if ($query->executeQuery($sql)) { $total = ceil($query->totrows / $pagesize); include 'classes/Lib/Paging.php'; $tmp = new Lib_Paging('classic', array('totalpages' => $total, 'length' => 10), 'pagination'); $this->data['paging'] = $tmp->output; $this->data['prev'] = $tmp->prev; $this->data['next'] = $tmp->next; $sql = "SELECT a.*,sum(c.rating)/count(c.user_id) as rating FROM `products_table` a left join product_reviews_table c on a.product_id=c.product_id WHERE category_id IN (SELECT b.category_id AS id FROM category_table a INNER JOIN category_table b ON a.category_id = b.category_parent_id ORDER BY rand()) and is_featured=1 and a.status=1 and a.intro_date <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' group by a.product_id limit {$start},{$end}"; $obj = new Bin_Query(); if ($obj->executeQuery($sql)) { return Display_DUserAccount::showAllFeatured($obj->records, $this->data['paging'], $this->data['prev'], $this->data['next'], $start); } else { return 'No Products Found!'; } } else { return 'No Products Found!'; } }
/** * This function is used to get the user product review * * . * * @return string */ function showProductReview() { include 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; $userid = $_SESSION['user_id']; $pagesize = 10; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $start = trim($_GET['page'] - 1) * $pagesize; $end = $pagesize; } else { $start = 0; $end = $pagesize; } $total = 0; $sqlselect = "SELECT date_format(review_date,'%e/%c/%Y') as rdate,b.title,review_caption FROM product_reviews_table a,products_table b where a.product_id=b.product_id and a.user_id=" . $userid; $query = new Bin_Query(); $query->executeQuery($sqlselect); $total = ceil($query->totrows / $pagesize); include 'classes/Lib/Paging.php'; $tmp = new Lib_Paging('classic', array('totalpages' => $total, 'length' => 10), 'pagination'); $this->data['paging'] = $tmp->output; $this->data['prev'] = $tmp->prev; $this->data['next'] = $tmp->next; $sqlselect = "SELECT a.product_id,date_format(review_date,'%e/%c/%Y') as rdate,b.title,review_caption,rating,case when review_status=1 then 'Active' else 'In Active' end as rstatus FROM product_reviews_table a,products_table b where a.product_id=b.product_id and a.user_id=" . $userid . " LIMIT {$start},{$end}"; $obj = new Bin_Query(); $obj->executeQuery($sqlselect); return Display_DUserAccount::showProductReview($obj->records, $this->data['paging'], $this->data['prev'], $this->data['next'], $start); }
/** * This function is used to show the all new product page. * * * * @return string */ function showAllNew() { include 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; $pagesize = 8; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $start = trim($_GET['page'] - 1) * $pagesize; $end = $pagesize; } else { $start = 0; $end = $pagesize; } $total = 0; $sql = " SELECT a.product_id, a.title, a.thumb_image, a.msrp, a.intro_date,b.soh,sum(c.rating)/count(c.user_id) as\n\t\t\trating FROM products_table a INNER JOIN\tproduct_inventory_table b ON a.product_id=b.product_id left join product_reviews_table c on a.product_id=c.product_id WHERE a.intro_date <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' and a.status=1 group by a.product_id"; $query = new Bin_Query(); if ($query->executeQuery($sql)) { $total = ceil($query->totrows / $pagesize); include 'classes/Lib/Paging.php'; $tmp = new Lib_Paging('classic', array('totalpages' => $total, 'length' => 10), 'pagination'); $this->data['paging'] = $tmp->output; $this->data['prev'] = $tmp->prev; $this->data['next'] = $tmp->next; $sql = " SELECT a.product_id, a.title, a.thumb_image, a.msrp, a.intro_date,b.soh,sum(c.rating)/count(c.user_id) as\n\t\t\trating \tFROM products_table a INNER JOIN product_inventory_table b ON a.product_id=b.product_id left join product_reviews_table c on a.product_id=c.product_id WHERE a.intro_date <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' and a.status=1 group by a.product_id order by a.intro_date desc limit {$start},{$end}"; $obj = new Bin_Query(); if ($obj->executeQuery($sql)) { return Display_DUserAccount::showAllNew($obj->records, $this->data['paging'], $this->data['prev'], $this->data['next'], $start); } else { return 'No Products Found!'; } } else { return 'No Products Found!'; } }
/** * This function is used to get the news letter * * . * * @return string */ function showNewsLetter() { include 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; $sqlselect = "SELECT user_id,b.status,b.subsciption_id FROM `users_table` a,newsletter_subscription_table b where a.user_status=1 and a.user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id']; $obj = new Bin_Query(); if ($obj->executeQuery($sqlselect)) { return Display_DUserAccount::showNewsLetter($obj->records); } }
/** * This function is used to get the digital product list for my downloads * * . * * @return string */ function showDigitalProduct() { include 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; if (isset($_GET['totrec']) && $_GET['totrec'] > 0) { $pagesize = $_GET['totrec']; } else { $pagesize = 10; } //$pagesize=10; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $start = trim($_GET['page'] - 1) * $pagesize; $end = $pagesize; } else { $start = 0; $end = $pagesize; } $total = 0; $id = $_SESSION['user_id']; //$id=51; $sqlselect = "SELECT a.orders_id, b.product_id, c.title,date_format(a.date_purchased,'%e/%c/%Y') as pdate,date_format(date_add(a.date_purchased,INTERVAL 7 DAY),'%e/%c/%Y') as expdate\n\t\tFROM orders_table a\n\t\tINNER JOIN order_products_table b ON a.orders_id = b.order_id\n\t\tINNER JOIN products_table c ON c.product_id = b.product_id\n\t\tAND c.digital =1\n\t\tWHERE a.customers_id =" . $id; $query = new Bin_Query(); if ($query->executeQuery($sqlselect)) { $total = ceil($query->totrows / $pagesize); include 'classes/Lib/Paging.php'; $tmp = new Lib_Paging('classic', array('totalpages' => $total, 'length' => 10), 'pagination'); $this->data['paging'] = $tmp->output; $this->data['prev'] = $tmp->prev; $this->data['next'] = $tmp->next; } $sqlselect = "SELECT a.orders_id, b.product_id, c.title,date_format(a.date_purchased,'%e/%c/%Y') as pdate,date_format(date_add(a.date_purchased,INTERVAL 7 DAY),'%e/%c/%Y') as expdate\n\t\tFROM orders_table a\n\t\tINNER JOIN order_products_table b ON a.orders_id = b.order_id\n\t\tINNER JOIN products_table c ON c.product_id = b.product_id\n\t\tAND c.digital =1\n\t\tWHERE a.customers_id =" . $id . " LIMIT {$start},{$end}"; $obj = new Bin_Query(); $obj->executeQuery($sqlselect); return Display_DUserAccount::showDigitalProduct($obj->records, $this->data['paging'], $this->data['prev'], $this->data['next'], $start); }
/** * This function is used to send wishlist * * . * * @return string */ function sendWishlist() { include_once 'classes/Core/CHome.php'; include_once 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; $skin = Core_CHome::skinName(); $userid = $_SESSION['user_id']; $sqlselect = "SELECT a.product_id,image,title,msrp,date_format(date_added,'%e/%c/%Y') as adate FROM `wishlist_table` a, products_table b where a.product_id=b.product_id and a.user_id=" . $userid . " order by date_added desc"; $obj = new Bin_Query(); $obj->executeQuery($sqlselect); $content = Display_DUserAccount::getWishList($obj->records); $fileName = "css/" . $skin . "/styles.css"; $data = '<style type="text/css">' . implode('', file($fileName)) . "</style>"; $result = $data . $content; //Get User Mail Address $sqlselect = "SELECT b.email FROM `users_table` a,newsletter_subscription_table b where a.user_status=1 and a.user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id']; $obj->executeQuery($sqlselect); $from = $obj->records[0]['email']; $to_addr = $_POST['txtEmail']; $title = $_SESSION['user'] . "Wishlsit"; $mail_content = $result; include 'classes/Lib/Mail.php'; $mail = new Lib_Mail(); $mail->From($from); $mail->ReplyTo($from); $mail->To($to_addr); $mail->Subject($title); $mail->Body($mail_content); $mail->Send(); return '<div class="alert alert-success"> <button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button">×</button> ' . Core_CLanguage::_(MAIL_HAS_BEEN_SENT) . ' </div>'; }
/** * This function is used to get the user account information * * . * * @return string */ function showChangePassword() { include 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; return Display_DUserAccount::showChangePassword(); }
/** * This function is used to Display the User Wishlist * @param mixed $arr * @param int $paging * @param int $prev * @param int $next * @param int $val * @param mixed $result * @return string */ function showDigitalProduct($arr, $paging, $prev, $next, $val, $result) { $output .= $result . '<div class="title_fnt"> <h1>' . Core_CLanguage::_('MY_DOWNLOADS') . '</h1> </div> <div id="myaccount_div"> <table class="rt cf" id="rt1"> <thead class="cf"> <tr> <th>' . Core_CLanguage::_('ORDER') . '</th> <th>' . Core_CLanguage::_('PRODUCT') . ' </th> <th>' . Core_CLanguage::_('ORDER_DATE') . '</th> <th>' . Core_CLanguage::_('EXPIRE_DATE') . '</th> <th>' . Core_CLanguage::_('DOWNLOAD') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; if (count($arr) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) { if (file_exists($arr[$i]['image'])) { $img = $arr[$i]['image']; } else { $img = "'" . $_SESSION['base_url'] . "/index.phpimages/noimage.jpg"; } $output .= '<tr> <td>#' . $arr[$i]['orders_id'] . '</td><td><a href="?do=prodetail&action=showprod&prodid=' . $arr[$i]['product_id'] . '">' . $arr[$i]['title'] . '</a></td> <td>' . $arr[$i]['pdate'] . '</td>'; if (Display_DUserAccount::dateDiff("/", date("j/n/Y"), $arr[$i]['expdate']) > 0) { $output .= '<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" >Download Expired</td>'; } else { $output .= '<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" >' . $arr[$i]['expdate'] . '</td>'; } $output .= '<td><a class="btn btn-mini" href="?do=prodown&rid=' . $arr[$i]['orders_id'] . '&pid=' . $arr[$i]['product_id'] . '">Download</a></td></tr>'; } } else { $output .= '<tr><td colspan="6"><div class="alert alert-info"> <button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button">×</button> <strong>' . Core_CLanguage::_('NO_PRODUCT_FOUND') . '</strong> </div></td></tr>'; } $output .= '</tbody> </table> </div>'; $_SESSION['wishList'] = $output; return $output; }
/** * This function is used to get the address from check out process * * . * * @return string */ function showAddAddressFromCheckout() { include 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php'; $sqlCountry = "SELECT * from country_table"; $objCountry = new Bin_Query(); $objCountry->executeQuery($sqlCountry); $userid = $_SESSION['user_id']; if ($_GET['id'] != '') { $sql = "select * from addressbook_table where user_id=" . $userid . " and contact_name='" . $_GET['id'] . "'"; $query = new Bin_Query(); $query->executeQuery($sql); return Display_DUserAccount::showAddAddressFromCheckout($objCountry->records, $query->records); } else { return Display_DUserAccount::showAddAddressFromCheckout($objCountry->records); } }