protected static function load_discount_item($id = null) { $id = mysql_real_escape_string($id); $item = DiscountItem::find_by_id($id); if ($item == null) { $item = new DiscountItem(); } return $item; }
public function index($permalink = null) { $event = self::load_event($permalink); $event_id = mysql_real_escape_string($event->id); $service_discounts = DiscountItem::find_all("discount_items.item_class = 'Service' AND services.event_id = '{$event_id}'", ' ASC'); $this->assign("event", $event); $this->assign("services", $event->services()); $this->assign("service_discounts", $service_discounts); $this->title = "Events :: {$event->name} :: Services"; $this->render("service/index.tpl"); }
public function show($permalink = null) { $event = self::load_event($permalink); $event_id = mysql_real_escape_string($event->id); $ticket_discounts = DiscountItem::find_all("discount_items.item_class = 'EventTicket' AND event_tickets.event_id = '{$event_id}'", ' ASC'); $this->assign("event", $event); $this->assign("tickets", $event->tickets()); $this->assign("ticket_discounts", $ticket_discounts); $this->title = "Events :: " . $event->name; $this->render("event/show.tpl"); }
protected static function load_discount_item($discount_id = null, $item_id = null) { $discount_id = mysql_real_escape_string($discount_id); $item_id = mysql_real_escape_string($item_id); $item = DiscountItem::find("discount_items.item_id='{$item_id}' and discount_items.discount_id='{$discount_id}'"); if ($item == null) { $item = new DiscountItem(); } return $item; }
public function add_item($obj) { return DiscountItem::create_from_object($obj, $this); }
public static function create_from_object($obj, $discount) { if (!is_a($obj, 'Service') || !is_a($obj, 'EventTicket')) { return false; } $item = new DiscountItem(); $item->item_id = $obj->id; $item->item_class = get_class($obj); $item->discount_id = $discount->id; $result = $item->save(); if (!$result) { return false; } return $item; }