public function renderTextChange($range_start, $range_len, $rows)
     $hunk_starts = $this->getHunkStartLines();
     $context_not_available = null;
     if ($hunk_starts) {
         $context_not_available = javelin_tag('tr', array('sigil' => 'context-target'), phutil_tag('td', array('colspan' => 6, 'class' => 'show-more'), pht('Context not available.')));
     $html = array();
     $old_lines = $this->getOldLines();
     $new_lines = $this->getNewLines();
     $gaps = $this->getGaps();
     $reference = $this->getRenderingReference();
     list($left_prefix, $right_prefix) = $this->getLineIDPrefixes();
     $changeset = $this->getChangeset();
     $copy_lines = idx($changeset->getMetadata(), 'copy:lines', array());
     $highlight_old = $this->getHighlightOld();
     $highlight_new = $this->getHighlightNew();
     $old_render = $this->getOldRender();
     $new_render = $this->getNewRender();
     $original_left = $this->getOriginalOld();
     $original_right = $this->getOriginalNew();
     $depths = $this->getDepths();
     $mask = $this->getMask();
     $hidden = new PHUIDiffRevealIconView();
     /* Init extension */
     $line_renderer = new DifferentialLineNumberRendered($changeset->getDisplayFilename(), $range_start, $range_len);
     for ($ii = $range_start; $ii < $range_start + $range_len; $ii++) {
         if (empty($mask[$ii])) {
             // If we aren't going to show this line, we've just entered a gap.
             // Pop information about the next gap off the $gaps stack and render
             // an appropriate "Show more context" element. This branch eventually
             // increments $ii by the entire size of the gap and then continues
             // the loop.
             $gap = array_pop($gaps);
             $top = $gap[0];
             $len = $gap[1];
             $contents = $this->renderShowContextLinks($top, $len, $rows);
             $is_last_block = false;
             if ($ii + $len >= $rows) {
                 $is_last_block = true;
             $context = null;
             $context_line = null;
             if (!$is_last_block && $depths[$ii + $len]) {
                 for ($l = $ii + $len - 1; $l >= $ii; $l--) {
                     $line = $new_lines[$l]['text'];
                     if ($depths[$l] < $depths[$ii + $len] && trim($line) != '') {
                         $context = $new_render[$l];
                         $context_line = $new_lines[$l]['line'];
             $container = javelin_tag('tr', array('sigil' => 'context-target'), array(phutil_tag('td', array('colspan' => 2, 'class' => 'show-more'), $contents), phutil_tag('th', array('class' => 'show-context-line'), $context_line ? (int) $context_line : null), phutil_tag('td', array('colspan' => 3, 'class' => 'show-context'), phutil_safe_html($context))));
             $html[] = $container;
             $ii += $len - 1;
         $o_num = null;
         $o_classes = '';
         $o_text = null;
         if (isset($old_lines[$ii])) {
             $o_num = $old_lines[$ii]['line'];
             $o_text = isset($old_render[$ii]) ? $old_render[$ii] : null;
             if ($old_lines[$ii]['type']) {
                 if ($old_lines[$ii]['type'] == '\\') {
                     $o_text = $old_lines[$ii]['text'];
                     $o_class = 'comment';
                 } else {
                     if ($original_left && !isset($highlight_old[$o_num])) {
                         $o_class = 'old-rebase';
                     } else {
                         if (empty($new_lines[$ii])) {
                             $o_class = 'old old-full';
                         } else {
                             $o_class = 'old';
                 $o_classes = $o_class;
         $n_copy = hsprintf('<td class="copy" />');
         $n_cov = null;
         $n_colspan = 2;
         $n_classes = '';
         $n_num = null;
         $n_text = null;
         if (isset($new_lines[$ii])) {
             $n_num = $new_lines[$ii]['line'];
             $n_text = isset($new_render[$ii]) ? $new_render[$ii] : null;
             $coverage = $this->getCodeCoverage();
             if ($coverage !== null) {
                 if (empty($coverage[$n_num - 1])) {
                     $cov_class = 'N';
                 } else {
                     $cov_class = $coverage[$n_num - 1];
                 $cov_class = 'cov-' . $cov_class;
                 $n_cov = phutil_tag('td', array('class' => "cov {$cov_class}"));
             if ($new_lines[$ii]['type']) {
                 if ($new_lines[$ii]['type'] == '\\') {
                     $n_text = $new_lines[$ii]['text'];
                     $n_class = 'comment';
                 } else {
                     if ($original_right && !isset($highlight_new[$n_num])) {
                         $n_class = 'new-rebase';
                     } else {
                         if (empty($old_lines[$ii])) {
                             $n_class = 'new new-full';
                         } else {
                             $n_class = 'new';
                 $n_classes = $n_class;
                 if ($new_lines[$ii]['type'] == '\\' || !isset($copy_lines[$n_num])) {
                     $n_copy = phutil_tag('td', array('class' => "copy {$n_class}"));
                 } else {
                     list($orig_file, $orig_line, $orig_type) = $copy_lines[$n_num];
                     $title = ($orig_type == '-' ? 'Moved' : 'Copied') . ' from ';
                     if ($orig_file == '') {
                         $title .= "line {$orig_line}";
                     } else {
                         $title .= basename($orig_file) . ":{$orig_line} in dir " . dirname('/' . $orig_file);
                     $class = $orig_type == '-' ? 'new-move' : 'new-copy';
                     $n_copy = javelin_tag('td', array('meta' => array('msg' => $title), 'class' => 'copy ' . $class), '');
         if (isset($hunk_starts[$o_num])) {
             $html[] = $context_not_available;
         if ($o_num && $left_prefix) {
             $o_id = $left_prefix . $o_num;
         } else {
             $o_id = null;
         if ($n_num && $right_prefix) {
             $n_id = $right_prefix . $n_num;
         } else {
             $n_id = null;
         $old_comments = $this->getOldComments();
         $new_comments = $this->getNewComments();
         $scaffolds = array();
         $o_hidden = array();
         $n_hidden = array();
         if ($o_num && isset($old_comments[$o_num])) {
             foreach ($old_comments[$o_num] as $comment) {
                 $inline = $this->buildInlineComment($comment, $on_right = false);
                 $scaffold = $this->getRowScaffoldForInline($inline);
                 if ($comment->isHidden()) {
                     $o_hidden[] = $comment;
                 if ($n_num && isset($new_comments[$n_num])) {
                     foreach ($new_comments[$n_num] as $key => $new_comment) {
                         if ($comment->isCompatible($new_comment)) {
                             $companion = $this->buildInlineComment($new_comment, $on_right = true);
                             if ($new_comment->isHidden()) {
                                 $n_hidden = $new_comment;
                 $scaffolds[] = $scaffold;
         if ($n_num && isset($new_comments[$n_num])) {
             foreach ($new_comments[$n_num] as $comment) {
                 $inline = $this->buildInlineComment($comment, $on_right = true);
                 if ($comment->isHidden()) {
                     $n_hidden[] = $comment;
                 $scaffolds[] = $this->getRowScaffoldForInline($inline);
         if ($o_hidden) {
             $o_num = array($hidden, $o_num);
         if ($n_hidden) {
             $n_num = array($hidden, $n_num);
         // NOTE: This is a unicode zero-width space, which we use as a hint when
         // intercepting 'copy' events to make sure sensible text ends up on the
         // clipboard. See the 'phabricator-oncopy' behavior.
         $zero_space = "​";
         $line_num_rendered_o = $line_renderer->getLineTag($o_num);
         $line_num_rendered_n = $line_renderer->getLineTag($n_num);
         $html[] = phutil_tag('tr', array(), array(phutil_tag('th', array('id' => $o_id), $line_num_rendered_o), phutil_tag('td', array('class' => $o_classes), $o_text), phutil_tag('th', array('id' => $n_id), $line_num_rendered_n), $n_copy, phutil_tag('td', array('class' => $n_classes, 'colspan' => $n_colspan), array(phutil_tag('span', array('class' => 'zwsp'), $zero_space), $n_text)), $n_cov));
         if ($context_not_available && $ii == $rows - 1) {
             $html[] = $context_not_available;
         foreach ($scaffolds as $scaffold) {
             $html[] = $scaffold;
     return $this->wrapChangeInTable(phutil_implode_html('', $html));