function run(&$xml_reponse, $p) { $clientid = $p["clientid"]; $param = $p["param"]; $sender = $p["sender"]; $recipient = $p["recipient"]; $recipientid = $p["recipientid"]; $u =& pfcUserConfig::Instance(); $nick = $u->nick; $ct =& pfcContainer::Instance(); $text = trim($param); // Call parse roll require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/demo27_dice.class.php'; $dice = new Dice(); if (!$dice->check($text)) { $result = $dice->error_get(); $cmdp = $p; $cmdp["param"] = "Cmd_roll failed: " . $result; $cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory("error"); $cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp); } else { $result = $dice->roll(); $ct->write($recipient, $nick, "send", $result); } }
public static function checkforbunkdice() { self::$bunk = true; for ($x = 0; $x < count(self::$ActiveDiceList); $x++) { if (in_array(self::$ActiveDiceList[$x], self::$FrozenDiceList) == false) { self::$bunk = false; } } }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php require 'Dice.php'; if ($argc != 2 || in_array($argv[1], array('--help', '-help', '-h', '-?'))) { print "Usage: {$argv['0']} <roll code>\n"; print "\n"; print "Where <roll code> is the die roll code grammar to test\n"; print "\n"; exit; } else { $roll = $argv[1]; } $parser = new Dice($roll); $res = $parser->match_roll(); if ($res === FALSE) { print "No Match\n"; } else { print_r($res); }
// print($this->diceName); // print("<br>"); print $this->diceNumber; } } echo "Dice 1:<br>"; $dice1 = new Dice(); $dice1->setSides(4); $dice1->roll(); print $dice1->result(); //echo $dice1->roll(); //$dice2 = new Dice(); //echo $dice2->roll(); echo "<br>"; echo "Dice 2:<br>"; $dice2 = new Dice(); $dice2->setSides(300); $dice2->roll(); print $dice2->result(); var_dump($dice1); var_dump($dice2); class Person { //public //kan nås av alla alltid - allt möjligt // //protected //kan nås/ändras av saker inuti klassen enbart och dess barn // //private //kan nås enbart denna klass, ej barn
<?php class Dice { public $faces = 6; public function roll() { return rand(1, $this->faces); } } $dice = new Dice(); echo $dice->roll() . "\n"; $dice->faces = 32; echo $dice->roll() . "\n"; class DiceAlphabetic { public $faces = 6; public static $images = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]; public function roll() { return self::$images[rand(0, $this->faces - 1)]; } } $dice = new DiceAlphabetic(); echo "\n"; echo $dice->roll() . "\n"; echo $dice->roll() . "\n"; echo print_r(DiceAlphabetic::$images, 1) . "\n";
public function repair(Dice $dice) { if ($_pp <= 0) { return FALSE; } $ret = $dice->throw(); if ($ret == 6) { $this->_life += 1; if ($this->_life > $this->_maxlife) { $this->_life = $this->_maxlife; } } }
/** * Author: Rene Kremer * Date: 20.08.15 * Time: 13:27 * Version 1.0 * * Description: Main App to roll the dices */ include 'templates/template.class.php'; include "dice.class.php"; $template = new Template("templates", "img"); $template->header(); $template->head(); // check if first time or reroll if (isset($_GET["dice"]) || isset($_GET["numberOfDices"])) { $dice = new Dice($_GET["dice"], $_GET["numberOfDices"]); $value = $_GET["dice"]; } else { if (isset($_POST["dice"]) && isset($_POST["dice"])) { $dice = new Dice($_POST["dice"], $_POST["numberOfDices"]); $value = $_POST["dice"]; } else { //echo file_get_contents("templates/errorWrongDice.tpl"); return false; } } if (!$dice->wrongDice && $template->showDice($value)) { $dice->roll(); } $template->follow(); $template->footer();
public function makeDamage(Weapon $weapon) { $damage = Dice::nextStatic($weapon->getDamageRange()) + $weapon->getStrikeForce(); $health = $this->getHealth() - $damage; $this->setHealth($health); return ['damage' => $damage, 'remaining_health' => $health]; }
public function testValuesFace() { $dice = new Dice(); // Asserts $this->assertContains($dice->value(), array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)); }
public function isValid() { return is_int($this->quantity) && $this->quantity >= 0 && Dice::validFace($this->value); }