$delegate = new Delegate(); $diagram = $delegate->diagramGetByHash(trim($_REQUEST['hash'])); if (!is_object($diagram)) { print "No diagram"; exit; } $diagram = $delegate->diagramGetById($diagram->id); //GUARDIAN: see if we can display this diagram $display = false; if ($diagram->public) { $display = true; } else { $loggedUser = $delegate->userGetById($_SESSION['userId']); //do we have a logged user if (is_object($loggedUser)) { $userdiagram = $delegate->userdiagramGetByIds($loggedUser->id, $diagram->id); //is he allocated to this diagram? if (is_object($userdiagram)) { $display = true; } } } //END GUARDIAN: check display $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $nowIsNow = now(); //store time switch ($type) { case 'png': //load PNG data $pngData = $delegate->diagramdataGetByDiagramIdAndType($diagram->id, Diagramdata::TYPE_PNG); #print_r($pngData);
/* This page is used for both logged users and outsiders to */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common/delegate.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['userId'])) { echo "Sic"; exit; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['diagramId'])) { echo "No diagram selected"; exit; } $d = new Delegate(); $userdiagram = $d->userdiagramGetByIds($_SESSION['userId'], $_REQUEST['diagramId']); if (!is_object($userdiagram) || !is_numeric($userdiagram->userId)) { echo "No rights to edit that diagram"; exit; } $diagram = $d->diagramGetById($_REQUEST['diagramId']); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Diagramo - Edit diagram</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link href="./assets/css/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="./assets/css/style_1.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common/rememberme.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['userId']) || !is_numeric($_SESSION['userId'])) { addError("Access denied"); redirect('./index.php'); } if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['diagramId'])) { print 'Wrong Diagram Id'; exit; } $delegate = new Delegate(); $loggedUser = $delegate->userGetById($_SESSION['userId']); $diagram = $delegate->diagramGetById($_REQUEST['diagramId']); $userdiagram = $delegate->userdiagramGetByIds($loggedUser->id, $diagram->id); $collaborators = $delegate->usersGetAsCollaboratorNative($diagram->id); $invitations = $delegate->invitationGetAllForDiagram($diagram->id); /*All the collaborators this author knows in the system * as a dictionary (email, user_object) */ $buddies = $delegate->usersGetBuddies($loggedUser->id); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <!--Copyright 2010 Scriptoid s.r.l--> <head> <title>Colaborators - Diagramo</title> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="assets/css/style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript">
/** * The collaborator remove itself from diagram */ function removeMeFromDiagram() { if (!is_numeric($_SESSION['userId'])) { print "Wrong way"; exit; } if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['diagramId'])) { print "No diagram"; exit; } $delegate = new Delegate(); $loggedUser = $delegate->userGetById($_SESSION['userId']); $userdiagram = $delegate->userdiagramGetByIds($loggedUser->id, $_REQUEST['diagramId']); if ($userdiagram) { /**author can not remove itself. he has to delete the diagram*/ if ($userdiagram->level == Userdiagram::LEVEL_AUTHOR) { addError("Author can not remove itself from a diagram"); redirect('../myDiagrams.php'); exit; } if ($delegate->userdiagramDelete($loggedUser->id, $_REQUEST['diagramId'])) { addMessage("Removed from diagram"); //TODO: notify author ? } else { addError("You were not removed from diagram"); } redirect('../myDiagrams.php'); } else { print 'No rights'; exit; } }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common/delegate.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common/rememberme.php'; $delegate = new Delegate(); $loggedUser = $delegate->userGetById($_SESSION['userId']); //start diagram guardian if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['diagramId'])) { if (is_object($loggedUser)) { $userdiagram = $delegate->userdiagramGetByIds($loggedUser->id, $_REQUEST['diagramId']); if (!is_object($userdiagram)) { print "Not allocated to this diagram"; exit; } } else { print "Not allowed to see this diagram"; exit; } } //end diagram guardian ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <!--Copyright 2010 Scriptoid s.r.l--> <head> <title>HTML5 diagram editor</title>