public function testCanRetrieveListOfSwitchesInRightOrderToDisplay()
     $options = new DefinedSwitches();
     $options->addSwitch('version', 'show the version number')->setWithShortSwitch('v')->setWithLongSwitch('version');
     $options->addSwitch('properties', 'specify the file to use')->setWithShortSwitch('b')->setWithLongSwitch('')->setWithRequiredArg('<>', 'the path to the file to use')->setArgHasDefaultValueOf('');
     $options->addSwitch('packageXml', 'specify the package.xml file to expand')->setWithShortSwitch('p')->setWithLongSwitch('packageXml')->setwithRequiredArg('<package.xml>', 'the path to the package.xml file to use')->setArgHasDefaultValueOf('.build/package.xml');
     $options->addSwitch('srcFolder', 'specify the src folder to feed into package.xml')->setWithShortSwitch('s')->setWithLongSwitch('src')->setWithRequiredArg('<folder>', 'the path to the folder where the package source files are')->setArgHasDefaultValueOf('src');
     $options->addSwitch('help', 'displays a summary of how to use this command')->setWithShortSwitch('h')->setWithShortSwitch('?')->setWithLongSwitch('help');
     $options->addSwitch('include', 'adds additional folders to PHP include_path')->setWithShortSwitch('I')->setWithLongSwitch('include')->setWithRequiredArg('<path>', 'path to add to include_path')->setLongDesc("phix finds all of its commands by searching PHP's include_path for PHP files in " . "folders called 'PhixCommands'. If you want to phix to look in other folders " . "without having to add them to PHP's include_path, use --include to tell phix " . "to look in these folders." . \PHP_EOL . \PHP_EOL . "phix expects '<path>' to point to a folder that conforms to the PSR0 standard " . "for autoloaders." . \PHP_EOL . \PHP_EOL . "For example, if your command is the class '\\Me\\Tools\\PhixCommands\\ScheduledTask', phix would " . "expect to autoload this class from the 'Me/Tools/PhixCommands/ScheduledTask.php' file." . \PHP_EOL . \PHP_EOL . "If your class lives in the './myApp/lib/Me/Tools/PhixCommands' folder, you would call phix " . "with 'phix --include=./myApp/lib'");
     $switches = $options->getSwitchesInDisplayOrder();
     // short switches first ...
     // do we have the expected structure back?
     // has it worked?
     $expectedOrder = array('I', 'b', 'p', 's');
     $actualOrder = array_keys($switches['shortSwitchesWithArgs']);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedOrder, $actualOrder);
     $expectedOrder = array('?', 'h', 'v');
     $actualOrder = array_keys($switches['shortSwitchesWithoutArgs']);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedOrder, $actualOrder);
     // then long switches
     // do we have the expected structure back?
     // has it worked?
     $expectedOrder = array('', 'include', 'packageXml', 'src');
     $actualOrder = array_keys($switches['longSwitchesWithArgs']);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedOrder, $actualOrder);
     $expectedOrder = array('help', 'version');
     $actualOrder = array_keys($switches['longSwitchesWithoutArgs']);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedOrder, $actualOrder);
     // finally, the list of all switches
     // do we have the expected structure back?
     // has it worked?
     $expectedOrder = array('-?', '-I', '-b', '-h', '-p', '-s', '-v', '', '--help', '--include', '--packageXml', '--src', '--version');
     $actualOrder = array_keys($switches['allSwitches']);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedOrder, $actualOrder);