Example #1
  * Action - view
  * view user post
  * Access to the action is possible in the following paths:
  * router pattern - user/:username/view/:url/*
  * - /user/user1/view/prosto-fleshka
  * @return void
 public function viewAction()
     // Определим какую закладку нужно открыть
     $viewTab = isset($this->_params["view"]) ? $this->_params["view"] : "post";
     $url = trim($this->_request->getUserParam('url'));
     // if no URL was specified, return to the user home page
     if (strlen($url) == 0) {
         $urlCustom = $this->getCustomUrl(array('username' => $this->user->username, 'action' => 'index'), 'user');
         $this->_redirector->gotoUrl($urlCustom, array('prependBase' => FALSE));
     // try and load the post
     $post = new Default_Model_DbTable_BlogPost($this->db);
     $post->loadLivePost($this->user->getId(), $url);
     // if the post wasn't loaded redirect to postNotFound
     if (!$post->isSaved()) {
     // Получим дерево комментариев
     $treeComments = $post->getTreeComments();
     // Получим количество комментариев
     $countComments = $post->getCommentsCount();
     // Инициализируем форму добавления комментария
     $formAddComment = new Default_Form_AddComment($this->user->username, $post->getId());
     // build options for the archive breadcrumbs link
     $archiveOptions = array('username' => $this->user->username, 'year' => date('Y', $post->ts_created), 'month' => date('m', $post->ts_created));
     // определим дату
     $date = new Zend_Date($post->ts_created, 'U');
     $dtFormat = $date->get('YYYY MMMM');
     $this->_breadcrumbs->addStep($dtFormat, $this->getCustomUrl($archiveOptions, 'archive'));
     // make the post available to the template
     $this->view->post = $post;
     $this->view->treeComments = $treeComments;
     $this->view->countComments = $countComments;
     $this->view->formAddComment = $formAddComment;
     $this->view->viewTab = $viewTab;