public function __construct($initsHash)
     // now do custom stuff
     // e.g. automatically load all accessibility info associated with the user
     $this->references = array();
 public function __construct($initsHash)
     // now do custom stuff
     // e.g. automatically load all accessibility info associated with the user
     //		$this->flag_is_system_admin = false;
     //		$this->flag_is_banned = false;
 public function __construct($initsHash)
     // now do custom stuff
     // e.g. automatically load all accessibility info associated with the user
     $this->images = array();
     $this->flag_workflow_published = false;
     $this->flag_workflow_validated = false;
 public function __construct($initsHash)
     // now do custom stuff
     // e.g. automatically load all accessibility info associated with the user
     $this->extras = array();
     $this->notebook_pages = array();
     $this->specimens = array();
 public function __construct($initsHash)
     // now do custom stuff
     // e.g. automatically load all accessibility info associated with the user
     //		$this->flag_is_system_admin = false;
     //		$this->flag_is_banned = false;
     $this->cached_roles = array();
     $this->cached_role_action_targets_hash_by_id = array();
     $this->cached_role_action_targets_hash_by_target_type_by_id = array();
     $this->cached_role_action_targets_hash_by_action_name_by_id = array();