/** * Run application. * * @param string $appPath Path to application * @param string $mode Name of configuration file used in work */ private function __construct($appPath, $mode) { // set pathes self::$_libPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/'; self::$_appPath = realpath($appPath) . '/'; self::$_publicPath = getcwd() . '/'; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . self::$_libPath); spl_autoload_register(array(__CLASS__, 'autoload')); Days_Session::init(); // set config main file if (!empty($mode)) { Days_Config::setDefaultConfig($mode); } // set path for config Days_Config::setConfigPath(self::$_appPath . 'config/'); // set debug mode self::$_isDebug = (bool) Days_Config::load()->get('engine/debug', false); // set error level and handler $iErrorLevel = self::isDebug() ? E_ALL | E_STRICT : E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE; error_reporting($iErrorLevel); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'ru_RU.UTF-8', 'RUS', 'RU'); //set timezone if ($timezone = Days_Config::load()->get('engine/timezone', false)) { date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } else { date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Helsinki'); } // not send execution errors to user ob_start(); try { if (Days_Config::load()->get('engine/autorun', 1)) { $autorunClass = "Controller_System_Autorun"; // run predefined class if (class_exists($autorunClass) and is_callable(array($autorunClass, 'run'))) { call_user_func(array($autorunClass, 'run')); } } Days_Event::run('engine.start'); // get url info $controller = Days_Url::getSpec('controller'); $action = Days_Url::getSpec('action'); $ext = Days_Url::getSpec('ext'); Days_Event::run('controller.start'); // set module path Days_Model::setPath(self::appPath() . 'Model/'); // set controller params $controllerClass = "Controller_" . ucfirst($controller); // use index controller for non-exists controllers if (!class_exists($controllerClass) and Days_Config::load()->get('url/virtual')) { $controllerClass = "Controller_Index"; $controller = 'index'; } // set action name $actionMethod = Days_Request::isAjax() ? "{$action}AjaxAction" : "{$action}Action"; // set template path $template = "content/{$controller}/{$action}.{$ext}"; // create controller if (!class_exists($controllerClass)) { throw new Days_Exception("Controller '{$controllerClass}' not found"); } $controllerObj = new $controllerClass($template); if (!$controllerObj instanceof Days_Controller) { throw new Days_Exception("Controller '{$controllerClass}' should be extended from 'Days_Controller'"); } // call init() method for prepare object $controllerObj->init(); Days_Event::run('controller.post.init'); // execute PostAction before call specified action if (Days_Request::isPost()) { $actionPost = "{$action}PostAction"; if (method_exists($controllerObj, $actionPost)) { call_user_func(array($controllerObj, $actionPost)); } } // call specified action if (!method_exists($controllerObj, $actionMethod)) { throw new Days_Exception("Action {$actionMethod} in controller {$controllerClass} not defined"); } $actionResult = call_user_func(array($controllerObj, $actionMethod)); // ajax query if (Days_Request::isAjax()) { if (is_null($actionResult)) { $actionResult = array(); } $content = $actionResult; } else { $controllerObj->setLayout($controller, false); $content = call_user_func(array($controllerObj, 'getContent')); Days_Response::addHeader($ext); } Days_Event::run('controller.end'); // set data to response Days_Response::addContent($content); } catch (Exception $oEx) { // save error message about this query Days_Log::add($oEx->getMessage()); // page not found Days_Response::addHeader(Days_Response::NOT_FOUND); } // save runtime errors for ($iObLevel = ob_get_level(); $iObLevel > 0; $iObLevel--) { $sError = ob_get_contents(); if ('' != $sError) { Days_Log::add("This data printed in scripts: '{$sError}'"); } // close output handler ob_end_clean(); } // save errors Days_Log::save(); Days_Event::run('engine.end'); // send headers to user Days_Event::run('response.send.headers'); Days_Response::sendHeaders(); // send content to user Days_Event::run('response.send.content'); Days_Response::sendContent(); }
/** * Set content * * @param string $sContent * @return string */ public static function setContent($sContent) { self::$_sContent = $sContent; }
function del_whitespace() { Days_Response::setContent(preg_replace('#\\s{2,}#', '', Days_Response::getContent())); }