Example #1
  * getSingleEditForm
  * @param Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract $objFileData
  * @param array $arrImagesSizes 
  * @author Thomas Schedler <*****@*****.**>   
 public function getSingleEditForm(Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract $objFileData, $arrImagesSizes, $strDestinationOptions, $strGroupOptions, $objFileVersions = null, $blnAuthorizedToUpdate = true)
     $strOutput = '';
     if (count($objFileData) == 1) {
         $objFile = $objFileData->current();
         if (strpos($objFile->mimeType, 'image/') !== false) {
             $blnIsImage = true;
             $strFileIconSrc = sprintf($this->core->sysConfig->media->paths->thumb, $objFile->path) . $objFile->filename . '?v=' . $objFile->version;
             $strDownloadLink = '/zoolu-website/media/image/' . $objFile->id . '/' . urlencode(str_replace('.', '-', $objFile->title));
             $strBasePath = ($this->core->config->domains->static->components != '' ? $this->core->config->domains->static->components : 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . $this->core->sysConfig->media->paths->imgbase . $objFile->path;
         } else {
             if (strpos($objFile->mimeType, 'video/') !== false) {
                 $blnIsImage = false;
                 $strFileIconSrc = $this->getDocIcon($objFile->extension, 128);
                 $strDownloadLink = '/zoolu-website/media/video/' . $objFile->id . '/' . urlencode(str_replace('.', '-', $objFile->title));
                 $strBasePath = ($this->core->config->domains->static->components != '' ? $this->core->config->domains->static->components : 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . $this->core->sysConfig->media->paths->vidbase . $objFile->path;
             } else {
                 $blnIsImage = false;
                 $strFileIconSrc = $this->getDocIcon($objFile->extension, 128);
                 $strDownloadLink = '/zoolu-website/media/document/' . $objFile->id . '/' . urlencode(str_replace('.', '-', $objFile->title));
                 $strBasePath = ($this->core->config->domains->static->components != '' ? $this->core->config->domains->static->components : 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . $this->core->sysConfig->media->paths->docbase . $objFile->path;
         if ($objFile->description != '') {
             $strDescription = $objFile->description;
             $strTextareaCss = ' class="textarea"';
         } else {
             $strDescription = $this->core->translate->_('Add_description_');
             $strTextareaCss = '';
         // build the element
         $strTags = '';
         if ($objFile->idLanguages != '') {
             require_once GLOBAL_ROOT_PATH . $this->core->sysConfig->path->zoolu_modules . 'core/models/Tags.php';
             // FIXME : quick and dirty solution
             $objModelTags = new Model_Tags();
             $objTags = $objModelTags->loadTypeTags('file', $objFile->id, 1);
             // TODO : version
             if (count($objTags) > 0) {
                 foreach ($objTags as $objTag) {
                     $strTags .= '<li value="' . $objTag->id . '">' . htmlentities($objTag->title, ENT_COMPAT, $this->core->sysConfig->encoding->default) . '</li>';
         $strLanguageSpecificChecked = $objFile->isLanguageSpecific == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
         $strDestinationeSpecificChecked = $objFile->idDestination > 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
         $strGroupSpecificChecked = $objFile->idGroup > 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
         $strOutput .= '<div class="mediacontainer">
                    <div class="mediaicon">
                       <a href="' . $strDownloadLink . '" target="_blank"><img width="128" src="' . $strFileIconSrc . '"/></a><br/>';
         if ($blnIsImage == false) {
             $strOutput .= '<div class="spacer2" style="text-align:center">' . $objFile->downloadCounter . ' Downloads</div>';
         $strOutput .= '
                      <div class="field">
                        <label for="FileIsLanguageSpecific' . $objFile->id . '"><input type="checkbox"' . $strLanguageSpecificChecked . ' class="multiCheckbox" value="1" id="FileIsLanguageSpecific' . $objFile->id . '" name="FileIsLanguageSpecific' . $objFile->id . '"> ' . $this->core->translate->_('Language_specific') . '</label>                            
         if ($blnIsImage == false) {
             $strOutput .= '
                      <div class="field">
                        <label for="FileIsDestinationSpecific' . $objFile->id . '"><input type="checkbox"' . $strDestinationeSpecificChecked . ' onclick="myMedia.toggleDestinationOptions(this, \'' . $objFile->id . '\');" class="multiCheckbox" value="1" id="FileIsDestinationSpecific' . $objFile->id . '" name="FileIsDestinationSpecific' . $objFile->id . '"> ' . $this->core->translate->_('Region_specific') . '</label>
                        <div id="shownDestinationOptions' . $objFile->id . '"' . ($objFile->idDestination == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . '>
                          <input type="hidden" value="' . $objFile->idDestination . '" name="FileDestinationId' . $objFile->id . '" id="FileDestinationId' . $objFile->id . '"/>
                          <select name="selectFileDestinationId' . $objFile->id . '" id="selectFileDestinationId' . $objFile->id . '" onchange="$(\'FileDestinationId' . $objFile->id . '\').value = this.value;">
                            ' . $strDestinationOptions . '
             $strOutput .= '
                      <div class="field">
                        <label for="FileIsGroupSpecific' . $objFile->id . '"><input type="checkbox"' . $strGroupSpecificChecked . ' onclick="myMedia.toggleGroupOptions(this, \'' . $objFile->id . '\');" class="multiCheckbox" value="1" id="FileIsGroupSpecific' . $objFile->id . '" name="FileIsGroupSpecific' . $objFile->id . '"> ' . $this->core->translate->_('Group_specific') . '</label>
                        <div id="shownGroupOptions' . $objFile->id . '"' . ($objFile->idGroup == 0 ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . '>
                          <input type="hidden" value="' . $objFile->idGroup . '" name="FileGroupId' . $objFile->id . '" id="FileGroupId' . $objFile->id . '"/>
                          <select name="selectFileGroupId' . $objFile->id . '" id="selectFileGroupId' . $objFile->id . '" onchange="$(\'FileGroupId' . $objFile->id . '\').value = this.value;">
                            ' . $strGroupOptions . '
         $strOutput .= '    
                    <div class="mediainfos">
                      <div class="mediainfotitle"><label for="FileTitle' . $objFile->id . '" class="gray666 bold">' . $this->core->translate->_('Title') . '</label><br/><input type="text" value="' . $objFile->title . '" id="FileTitle' . $objFile->id . '" name="FileTitle' . $objFile->id . '"/></div>
                      <div class="mediainfodescription"><textarea onfocus="myMedia.setFocusTextarea(this.id); return false;" id="FileDescription' . $objFile->id . '" name="FileDescription' . $objFile->id . '"' . $strTextareaCss . '>' . $strDescription . '</textarea></div>
                      <div class="mediainfotags">
                        <label for="FileTitle' . $objFile->id . '" class="gray666 bold">' . $this->core->translate->_('Tags') . '</label><br/>
                          <li class="autocompletList input-text">
                            <input type="text" value="" id="FileTags' . $objFile->id . '" name="FileTags' . $objFile->id . '"/>
                            <div id="FileTags' . $objFile->id . '_autocompleter" class="autocompleter">
                              <div class="default">' . $this->core->translate->_('Search_or_add_tags') . '</div> 
                              <ul class="feed">
                                ' . $strTags . '  
                        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">//<![CDATA[
                          FileTags' . $objFile->id . '_list = new FacebookList(\'FileTags' . $objFile->id . '\', \'FileTags' . $objFile->id . '_autocompleter\',{ newValues: true, regexSearch: true });
                          ' . $this->getAllTagsForAutocompleter('FileTags' . $objFile->id) . '
                      <div class="clear"></div>';
         if ($blnIsImage == false) {
             $strOutput .= '
                      <div class="mediafield">
                        <div class="mediatop">
                          ' . $this->core->translate->_('Add_medias') . ': <img src="/zoolu-statics/images/icons/icon_addmedia.png" width="16" height="16" onclick="myMedia.getAddMediaOverlay(\'divMediaContainer_documentpic\')" />
                        <div id="divMediaContainer_documentpic" class="media">
                        <input type="hidden" name="documentpic" id="documentpic" value="' . ($objFile->idFiles != null && $objFile->idFiles > 0 ? '[' . $objFile->idFiles . ']' : '') . '" /> 
             //FIXME: use syntax for applying one file
         if ($blnIsImage == true) {
             $strOutput .= '
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                    <div class="spacer1"></div>';
         $strMediaUrl = '';
         if ($blnIsImage == true) {
             $strOutput .= '
                    <div class="mediasizes">
                      <select id="mediaSizes" onchange="$(\'singleMediaUrl\').value = $F(\'singleFileBasePath\') + this.value + $F(\'singleFileName\')">';
             foreach ($arrImagesSizes as $arrImageSize) {
                 if (isset($arrImageSize['display']) && isset($arrImageSize['display']['single_edit'])) {
                     if ($strMediaUrl == '') {
                         $strMediaUrl = $strBasePath . $arrImageSize['folder'] . '/' . $objFile->filename . '?v=' . $objFile->version;
                     $strOutput .= '
                        <option value="' . $arrImageSize['folder'] . '/">' . $arrImageSize['folder'] . '</option>';
             $strOutput .= '
         } else {
             $strMediaUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $strDownloadLink;
         $strOutput .= '
                    <div class="medialink">
                      <input type="text" id="singleMediaUrl" readonly="readonly" value="' . $strMediaUrl . '" onclick="this.select()"/><br/>
                      <div id="d_clip_container" style="float:right; margin:0 10px 0 0; position:relative;">
                        <div id="d_clip_button">[copy to clipboard]</div>
                      <div class="clear"></div> 
                      <input type="hidden" id="singleFileName" value="' . $objFile->filename . '?v=' . $objFile->version . '"/>
                      <input type="hidden" id="singleFileBasePath" value="' . $strBasePath . '"/>
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                    <div class="spacer1"></div>
                    <div class="mediasingleupload">';
         if ($blnAuthorizedToUpdate == true) {
             $strOutput .= '
                      <label for="txtFileName" class="gray666 bold">' . $this->core->translate->_('New_version') . '</label><br/>
                        <input type="text" id="txtFileName" disabled="true" />
                        <span id="spanButtonPlaceholder"></span>
                      <div id="fsUploadProgress"></div>';
         if ($blnIsImage == false) {
             $strOutput .= '
         if ($objFileVersions != null && $objFileVersions instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract) {
             $objCreated = DateTimeHelper::getDateObject();
             $objArchived = DateTimeHelper::getDateObject();
             $strOutput .= '
                      <div class="spacer1"></div>
                      <label for="txtFileName" class="gray666 bold">' . $this->core->translate->_('Version_list') . '</label><br/>
                      <div class="mediaversions">';
             foreach ($objFileVersions as $objFileVersion) {
                 if ($objFileVersion->created != null && $objFileVersion->archived != null) {
                     $strOutput .= '
                        <div class="version"><a href="/zoolu-website/media/download/' . $objFileVersion->idFiles . '/' . urlencode(str_replace('.', '-', $objFileVersion->title)) . '?v=' . $objFileVersion->version . '" target="_blank">' . $this->core->translate->_('Version') . ' ' . $objFileVersion->version . '</a> (' . $objCreated->get(Zend_Date::DATETIME_MEDIUM) . ' - ' . $objArchived->get(Zend_Date::DATETIME_MEDIUM) . ')</div>';
             $strOutput .= '
         $strOutput .= '
     return $strOutput;