function prepareDataTable() { $aColumns = array('allianceId', 'shortName', 'name', 'memberCount', 'startDate'); $sIndexColumn = "allianceId"; $sTable = "api_alliances"; $data = new Datatables_Common($this->registry); $this->jsonOutput = $data->process($sIndexColumn, $aColumns, $sTable); }
function prepareDataTable() { $aColumns = array('stationName', 'solarSystemName', 'corporationId', 'corporationName'); $sIndexColumn = "stationId"; $sTable = "api_outposts"; $joinCondition = "LEFT JOIN mapSolarSystems ON ( api_outposts.`solarSystemId` = mapSolarSystems.`solarSystemId` )"; $data = new Datatables_Common($this->registry); $this->jsonOutput = $data->process($sIndexColumn, $aColumns, $sTable, $joinCondition); }
function prepare() { $aColumns = array('_date_', 'address', 'agent', 'login', 'uri'); $sIndexColumn = "recordId"; $sTable = "api_visitors"; $data = new Datatables_Common($this->registry); $this->jsonOutput = $data->process($sIndexColumn, $aColumns, $sTable); }
function prepare() { $this->registry['user']->getMasterData($data); $aColumns = array('api_account_balance.accountKey', 'divisionName', 'api_account_balance.balance', 'api_account_balance.balanceUpdated'); /* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */ $sIndexColumn = "recordId"; /* DB table to use */ $sTable = "api_account_balance"; $joinCondition = " LEFT JOIN api_corporation_divisions on (api_account_balance.accountKey = api_corporation_divisions.accountKey and api_account_balance.accountId = api_corporation_divisions.accountId and api_corporation_divisions.type = 0)"; $data = new Datatables_Common($this->registry, $data['accountId']); $this->jsonOutput = $data->process($sIndexColumn, $aColumns, $sTable, $joinCondition); }
function prepare() { $this->registry['user']->getMasterData($data); $aColumns = array('accountKey', 'refId', '_date_', 'refTypeName', 'ownerName1', 'ownerName2', 'argName1', 'amount', 'balance', 'reason'); /* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */ $sIndexColumn = "recordId"; /* DB table to use */ $sTable = "api_wallet_journal"; $joinCondition = "LEFT JOIN api_reftypes on (api_wallet_journal.refTypeId = api_reftypes.refTypeId)"; $data = new Datatables_Common($this->registry, $data['accountId']); $this->jsonOutput = $data->process($sIndexColumn, $aColumns, $sTable, $joinCondition); }
function prepare() { $this->registry['user']->getMasterData($data); $aColumns = array('accountKey', 'transId', '_date_', 'typeName', 'quantity', 'price', 'characterName', 'clientName', 'stationName', 'transactionType'); /* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */ $sIndexColumn = "recordId"; /* DB table to use */ $sTable = "api_wallet_transactions"; //$joinCondition = "LEFT JOIN api_reftypes on (api_wallet_journal.refTypeId = api_reftypes.refTypeId)"; $data = new Datatables_Common($this->registry, $data['accountId']); $this->jsonOutput = $data->process($sIndexColumn, $aColumns, $sTable);//, $joinCondition); }