Example #1
  * Performs a copy of the quote stored within the MYSQL4 db to MYSQL5.
 protected function legacyQuoteMigration($policyNumber, $customerId)
     // Assume a record has not been configured within the MySQL 5 database.
     // Need to copy data over from the MySQL 4 server to patch the web
     // quote and buy process
     $legacyQuotesDs = new Datasource_Insurance_LegacyQuotes();
     $legacyQuote = $legacyQuotesDs->getByPolicyNumber($policyNumber);
     // copy data into a Model_Insurance_Quote object
     $this->_quoteModel = new Model_Insurance_Quote();
     $this->_quoteModel->legacyID = $policyNumber;
     $this->_quoteModel->legacyCustomerID = $legacyQuote->refNo;
     $this->_quoteModel->customerID = $customerId;
     $this->_quoteModel->agentSchemeNumber = $legacyQuote->agentSchemeNumber;
     $this->_quoteModel->issuedDate = $legacyQuote->issueDate;
     $this->_quoteModel->startDate = $legacyQuote->startDate;
     $this->_quoteModel->endDate = $legacyQuote->endDate;
     $this->_quoteModel->payFrequency = $legacyQuote->payBy;
     $this->_quoteModel->policyNumber = $legacyQuote->policyNumber;
     $this->_quoteModel->premium = $legacyQuote->premium;
     $this->_quoteModel->ipt = $legacyQuote->ipt;
     $this->_quoteModel->policyLength = $legacyQuote->policyLength;
     // store the object to db
     // properties
     $tenantTypeID = null;
     $agentManaged = null;
     $ownershipLengthID = null;
     $noClaimsYearsID = null;
     $excludeFloodCover = null;
     //        // TODO: Quote products
     //        foreach (explode('|', $legacyQuote->policyOptions) as $option) {
     //            if ($option == 'buildingsp') {
     //                // Buildings
     //            }
     //            else if ($option == 'contentslp') {
     //                // Contents
     //            }
     //            else if ($option == 'limitedcontentsp') {
     //                // Limited contents
     //            }
     //            else if ($option == 'legalexpensesp') {
     //                // Legal expenses
     //            }
     //            else if ($option == 'rentguaranteep') {
     //                // Rent guarantee
     //            }
     //            else if ($option == 'emergencyassistancestandalone' || $option == 'emergencyassistancebahstandalone') {
     //                // Emergency assistance
     //            }
     //            contentslAccidentalDamagep
     //            buildingsAccidentalDamagep
     //        }
     $legacyPropertiesDs = new Manager_Insurance_LegacyQuote();
     $legacyProperties = $legacyPropertiesDs->getProperties($policyNumber);
     foreach ($legacyProperties as $propertyId => $property) {
         // Foreach property, check its content and copy into the web quote process
         if ($propertyId == 3) {
             // No claims period
             switch ($property['propertyValue']) {
                 case 0:
                     $noClaimsYearsID = 1;
                     // less than 1 year
                 // less than 1 year
                 case 1:
                     $noClaimsYearsID = 2;
                     // 1 year
                 // 1 year
                 case 2:
                     $noClaimsYearsID = 3;
                     // 2 years
                 // 2 years
                 case 3:
                     $noClaimsYearsID = 4;
                     // 3 years
                 // 3 years
                 case 4:
                     $noClaimsYearsID = 5;
                     // more than 3 years
         } else {
             if ($propertyId == 4) {
                 // Managed property
                 switch ($property['propertyValue']) {
                     case 0:
                         $agentManaged = 0;
                         // No
                     // No
                     case 1:
                         $agentManaged = 1;
                         // Yes
             } else {
                 if ($propertyId == 5) {
                     //                // TODO: Excess
                     //                switch ($property['propertyValue']) {
                     //                    case 0: break;                              // 0
                     //                    case 1: break;                              // 100
                     //                    case 2: break;                              // 250
                     //                    case 3: break;                              // 500
                     //                    case 4: break;                              // 1000
                     //                }
                 } else {
                     if ($propertyId == 6) {
                         // Tenant type
                         switch ($property['propertyValue']) {
                             case 0:
                                 $tenantTypeID = 1;
                                 // Employed
                             // Employed
                             case 1:
                                 $tenantTypeID = 2;
                                 // Self Employed
                             // Self Employed
                             case 2:
                                 $tenantTypeID = 3;
                                 // Student
                             // Student
                             case 3:
                                 $tenantTypeID = 4;
                                 // Retired
                             // Retired
                             case 4:
                                 $tenantTypeID = 5;
                                 // Unemployed
                             // Unemployed
                             case 5:
                                 $tenantTypeID = 7;
                                 // Housing authority
                             // Housing authority
                             case 6:
                                 $tenantTypeID = 8;
                                 // Unknown
                             // Unknown
                             case 7:
                                 $tenantTypeID = 6;
                                 // Claiming benefits
                     } else {
                         if ($propertyId == 9) {
                             // Buildings flood risk
                             switch ($property['propertyValue']) {
                                 case 0:
                                     $excludeFloodCover = 1;
                                     // No
                                 // No
                                 case 1:
                                     $excludeFloodCover = 0;
                                     // Yes
                         } else {
                             if ($propertyId == 11) {
                                 //                // TODO: Buildings cover over 500,000
                                 //                switch ($property['propertyValue']) {
                                 //                    case 0: break;                              // No
                                 //                    case 1: break;                              // Yes
                                 //                }
                             } else {
                                 if ($propertyId == 12) {
                                     // Ownership length
                                     switch ($property['propertyValue']) {
                                         case 0:
                                             $ownershipLengthID = 1;
                                             // 0 years
                                         // 0 years
                                         case 1:
                                             $ownershipLengthID = 2;
                                             // 1 year
                                         // 1 year
                                         case 2:
                                             $ownershipLengthID = 3;
                                             // 2 years
                                         // 2 years
                                         case 3:
                                             $ownershipLengthID = 4;
                                             // 3 years
                                         // 3 years
                                         case 4:
                                             $ownershipLengthID = 5;
                                             // over 3 years
     // Populate properties
     $propertiesDs = new Datasource_Insurance_Quote_Properties();
     $propertiesDs->add($this->_quoteModel->ID, $legacyQuote->propertyPostcode, '', '', $legacyQuote->propertyAddress1, $tenantTypeID, $agentManaged, $ownershipLengthID, $noClaimsYearsID, $excludeFloodCover, $legacyQuote->propertyAddress2, $legacyQuote->propertyAddress3, '');
     // TODO: repeat for products, product_metas and properties
Example #2
  * Adds a property to the quote
  * @param string postcode Postcode of the property
  * @param string town
  * @param string county
  * @param string line1 First line of address
  * @param int tenantTypeID Valid tenant type ID
  * @param boolean agentManaged Is the property managed by an agent?
  * @param int ownershipLengthID Valid ID for an ownership length
  * @param int noClaimsYearsID Valid ID for a number of no claims years discount
  * @param boolean excludeFloodCover Do you want to exclude flood cover from this property?
  * @param string line2 Second line of address (optional)
  * @param string line3 Third line of address (optional)
  * @param string country Country (optional)
  * Note: this is Landlords Insurance + so only one property is allowed per quote
 public function addProperty($postcode, $town, $county, $line1, $tenantTypeID, $agentManaged, $ownershipLengthID, $noClaimsYearsID, $excludeFloodCover, $line2 = null, $line3 = null, $country = null)
     $quoteProperties = new Datasource_Insurance_Quote_Properties();
     if ($this->propertyCount() > 0) {
         // You can only have one property on an LI+ quote - so we remove the existing one before adding the new one
     return $quoteProperties->add($this->_quoteModel->ID, $postcode, $town, $county, $line1, $tenantTypeID, $agentManaged, $ownershipLengthID, $noClaimsYearsID, $excludeFloodCover, $line2, $line3, $country);