  * Re-routes traffic appropriately.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     $controller = $request->getControllerName();
     $action = $request->getActionName();
     $module = $request->getModuleName();
     // Perform authentication
     switch ($module) {
         case 'cms-admin':
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('hl_admin'));
             if (!$auth->hasIdentity()) {
         case 'connect':
             $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('hl_connect'));
             // Set the session expiry timeout time
             $sessionTimeOutSeconds = $params->connect->loginexpiry->sessionTimeOutSeconds;
             $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('hl_connect');
             if (!$auth->hasIdentity() && $action != 'lost-login' && $action != 'reset-password') {
             } else {
                 if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
                     // Ignore logout - for when redirecting back to login, and own account expiration/deactivated actions.
                     if (!in_array($action, array('logout', 'account-deactivated', 'account-expired'))) {
                         // Perform account validation checks and display an error message in
                         // the event of...
                         // - the account is deactivated
                         // - the account expiry time from the last login has passed
                         $user_status = $auth->getStorage()->read()->status;
                         $user_lastlogindate = $auth->getStorage()->read()->lastlogindate;
                         $userlevel = $auth->getStorage()->read()->level;
                         $agentschemenumber = $auth->getStorage()->read()->agentschemeno;
                         $fsastatusabbr = $auth->getStorage()->read()->fsastatusabbr;
                         $agentAccountStatus = $auth->getStorage()->read()->agentAccountStatus;
                         if ($agentAccountStatus == Model_Core_Agent_Status::ON_HOLD) {
                         } else {
                             if ($user_status == 'deactivated') {
                                 // Deactivated, forward to new action to deal with deactivated users
                                 // Important! Clears the successful authentication token
                                 // given now that we know that the users session has expired
                                 // and should not be permitted access.
                                 $storage = $auth->getStorage();
                             } else {
                                 if ($fsastatusabbr == null || $fsastatusabbr == '') {
                                     // Check FSA status. If the user is of level 3, display a message about their status
                                     // Otherwise display a generic error
                                     if ($userlevel == Model_Core_Agent_UserRole::MASTER) {
                                     } else {
                                     // Important! Clears the successful authentication token
                                     // given now that we know that the users session has expired
                                     // and should not be permitted access.
                                     $storage = $auth->getStorage();
                                 } else {
                                     if ($user_lastlogindate != '0000-00-00') {
                                         // Check account expiry
                                         $expiry = 0;
                                         if (@isset($params->connect->loginexpiry->time)) {
                                             $expiry = $params->connect->loginexpiry->time;
                                         // Add x worth days as per configuration and convert the unix
                                         // timestamp to mysql date format for easy comparison below.
                                         $unixTimeStamp = strtotime("+{$expiry} day", strtotime($user_lastlogindate));
                                         $permissableDate = date("Y-m-d", $unixTimeStamp);
                                         // If the current date is greater than the last login period
                                         // + x days, the account has not been used for x days and so
                                         // has expired
                                         if (date("Y-m-d") > $permissableDate) {
                                             //The user account is expired. Update the User entity to
                                             //reflect this.
                                             $userManager = new Manager_Core_Agent_User();
                                             $user = $userManager->getUser($auth->getStorage()->read()->agentid);
                                             $user->status = Model_Core_Agent_UserStatus::DEACTIVATED;
                                             // forward to new action to deal with expired user accounts
                                             // Important! Clears the successful authentication token
                                             // given now that we know that the users session has expired
                                             // and should not be permitted access.
                                             $storage = $auth->getStorage();
                         // Update the existing last login time in the database and the session data to the current date
                         $agentid = $auth->getStorage()->read()->agentid;
                         $currentdate = new Zend_Date();
                         $agentuser = new Datasource_Core_Agent_UserAccounts();
                         $agentuser->setLastLoginDate($currentdate, $agentid);
                         $storage = $auth->getStorage();
                         $data = $storage->read();
                         $data->lastlogindate = $currentdate->get(Zend_Date::YEAR . '-' . Zend_Date::MONTH . '-' . Zend_Date::DAY);
         case 'agent-admin-suite':
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('hl_admin'));
             if (!$auth->hasIdentity()) {
         case 'landlords-referencing':
             // TODO: This is fairly dirty - it's excluding pages that we want to use in the CMS.
             //       Could do with restructuring referencing at some point so the application process
             //       isn't in the way for CMS pages
             if ($action != 'products' && $action != 'rent-guarantee-products') {
             // Set default expiration seconds for homelet customer portal access
             $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
             $sessionTimeOutSeconds = $params->myhomelet->loginexpiry->sessionTimeOutSeconds;
             $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('homelet_customer');
     $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     // Check to see if this request is actually dispatchable
     if (!$this->_actionExists($request)) {
         // Is this a connect request?
         $module = $request->getModuleName();
         if ($module == 'connect') {
         } else {
             // Not a Connect request, into the CMS we go!
     // Set a custom layout route
     $layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/' . $request->getModuleName() . '/layouts/scripts/';
Example #2
 public function attemptLogin($loginForm)
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('hl_connect'));
     // We have post data from the login form - so attempt a login
     if ($loginForm->isValid($request->getPost())) {
         // The forms passed validation so we now need to check the identity of the user
         $adapter = $this->_getAuthAdapter($loginForm->getValues());
         $result = $auth->authenticate($adapter);
         if (!$result->isValid()) {
             // Invalid credentials
             $loginForm->setDescription('Invalid credentials provided');
             return false;
         } else {
             // Valid credentials - store the details we need from the database and move the user to the index page
             $storage = $auth->getStorage();
             $resultRowObject = $adapter->getResultRowObject(array('agentid', 'username', 'realname', 'level', 'agentschemeno', 'STATUS', 'LASTLOGINDATE'));
             // Rewrite LASTLOGINDATE to lastlogindate
             $resultRowObject->lastlogindate = $resultRowObject->LASTLOGINDATE;
             // Get correct status name from ID
             $agentuser = new Datasource_Core_Agent_UserAccounts();
             $user = $agentuser->getUser($resultRowObject->agentid);
             $userstatus = new Model_Core_Agent_UserStatus();
             $resultRowObject->status = strtolower($userstatus->toString($user->status));
             $agentManager = new Manager_Core_Agent();
             try {
                 $resultRowObject->fsastatusabbr = $agentManager->getFsaStatusCode($resultRowObject->agentschemeno);
                 $agent = $agentManager->getAgent($resultRowObject->agentschemeno);
                 $resultRowObject->agentAccountStatus = $agent->status;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // FSA Server is down so we can't currently log agent in
                 return false;
             // 'level' is not mapped in the DB to the correct framework
             // constants, do so now.
             // TODO: Fix this so it's not having to mess with
             // translating raw legacy DB values
             switch ($resultRowObject->level) {
                 case 1:
                     $resultRowObject->level = Model_Core_Agent_UserRole::BASIC;
                 case 3:
                     $resultRowObject->level = Model_Core_Agent_UserRole::MASTER;
             // Detect if agent exists in IRIS
             // If the agent has decommission_in_hrt_at set in newagents then this means agent exists in IRIS
             $resultRowObject->isInIris = false;
             if ($agent->decommissionInHrtAt) {
                 $resultRowObject->isInIris = true;
             // If this is an IRIS agent, try to authenticate them
             if ($resultRowObject->isInIris) {
                 /** @var \Iris\Authentication\Authentication $irisAuthentication */
                 $irisAuthentication = \Zend_Registry::get('iris_container')->get('iris.authentication');
                 $authenticationParams = $loginForm->getValues();
                 $authenticateAgent = $irisAuthentication->authenticateAgent($authenticationParams['agentschemeno'], $authenticationParams['username'], $authenticationParams['password']);
                 if (false === $authenticateAgent) {
                     $loginForm->setDescription('Failed to login to referencing system');
                     return false;
                 $resultRowObject->agentBranchUuid = $authenticateAgent->getAgentBranchUuid();
                 $resultRowObject->canPerformReferencing = true;
                 if ($agent->hasProductAvailabilityMapping) {
                     // Determine if this agent can use referencing
                     /** @var \Guzzle\Common\Collection $products */
                     $products = \Zend_Registry::get('iris_container')->get('iris.product')->getProducts(1, 1);
                     // If the product count is greater than zero then the agent can perform referencing
                     $resultRowObject->canPerformReferencing = $products->count() > 0;
             $resultRowObject->agentsRateID = $agent->agentsRateID;
             return true;