  * Save a new testimonial, or changes to an existing testimonial. If it's a new entry the function will return the ID for the record
  * @return int
 protected function _saveQuote()
     $requiredText = new Zend_Validate();
     $requiredText->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_NotEmpty());
     $tagFilter = new Zend_Filter();
     $tagFilter->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_StringTrim());
     $tagFilter->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_StringTrim(','));
     $filters = array('id' => 'Digits', 'title' => 'StringTrim', 'subtitle' => 'StringTrim', 'tags' => $tagFilter);
     $validators = array('id' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'title' => $requiredText, 'subtitle' => array('allowEmpty' => true), 'tags' => $requiredText);
     $input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $_POST);
     if ($input->isValid()) {
         $quote = new Datasource_Cms_HeaderQuotes();
         // Data is all valid, formatted and sanitized so we can save it in the database
         if (!$input->id) {
             // This is a new quote so we need to create a new ID
             $quoteID = $quote->addNew($input->getUnescaped('title'), $input->subtitle, $input->tags);
         } else {
             // This is an existing article so we can just update the data
             $quote->saveChanges($input->id, $input->getUnescaped('title'), $input->subtitle, $input->tags);
             $quoteID = $input->id;
         // Changes saved - so send them back with a nice success message
         $this->_helper->getHelper('FlashMessenger')->addMessage(array('saved' => true));
         $this->_helper->getHelper('Redirector')->goToUrl('/cms-admin/header-quotes/edit?id=' . $quoteID);
     } else {
         // Invalid data in form