Example #1
 function test_table_permissions()
     $pt =& Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance();
     $perms = $pt->getPermissions(Dataface_Table::loadTable('Profiles'));
     $this->assertEquals(array(1, 1, 1), array($perms['view'], $perms['edit'], $perms['delete']));
     $perms = $pt->getPermissions(Dataface_Table::loadTable('Profiles'), array('field' => 'fname'));
     $this->assertEquals(array(1, 1, 1), array($perms['view'], $perms['edit'], $perms['delete']));
     // varcharfield_checkboxes has view disabled in the fields.ini file
     $this->assertTrue(!$pt->view(Dataface_Table::loadTable('Test'), array('field' => 'varcharfield_checkboxes')));
     $this->assertTrue($pt->edit(Dataface_Table::loadTable('Test'), array('field' => 'varcharfield_checkboxes')));
Example #2
 function loadPermissions()
     $this->_permissionsLoaded = true;
     $configTool =& Dataface_ConfigTool::getInstance();
     $conf =& $configTool->loadConfig('permissions', $this->tablename);
     $permissionsTool =& Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance();
Example #3
  * @brief Builds a widget that can be added to a form.  This will delegate
  * to the WidgetHandler::buildWidget() method if defined for the field's widget
  * type.
  * @param Dataface_Record &$record The Dataface Record that this widget 
  * 			is to be editing.
  * @param array &$field The field definition.
  * @param HTML_QuickForm The form to which the widget will be added.
  * @param string $formFieldName The name of the field on the form.
  * @returns HTML_QuickForm_element
 function &buildWidget($record, &$field, $form, $formFieldName, $new = false, $permissions = null)
     $table =& $record->_table;
     $widget =& $field['widget'];
     if (!isset($permissions)) {
         //$permissions =& $record->getPermissions(array('field'=>$field['name']));
         $permissions = Dataface_PermissionsTool::ALL();
         // reference to widget descriptor array
     $pt =& Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance();
     // Reference to permissions tool to operate on $permissions
     $widgetHandler =& $this->getWidgetHandler($widget['type']);
     if (isset($widgetHandler) and method_exists($widgetHandler, 'buildWidget')) {
         $el =& $widgetHandler->buildWidget($record, $field, $form, $formFieldName, $new);
     } else {
         $factory =& Dataface_FormTool::factory();
         // A dummy HTML_QuickForm used as a factory to create temporary elements.
         // Reference to the table object.
         $el =& $factory->addElement($widget['type'], $formFieldName, $widget['label'], array('class' => $widget['class'], 'id' => $formFieldName));
     if (PEAR::isError($el)) {
         throw new Exception($el->toString(), E_USER_ERROR);
     if (isset($record) && $record && $record->_table->hasField($field['name'])) {
         if ($link = $record->getLink($field['name'])) {
             $el->setProperty('link', $link);
         $el->setProperty('record_url', $record->getURL());
     $atts = $el->getAttributes();
     if (!is_array($atts)) {
         $atts = array();
     $atts = array_merge($atts, $field['widget']['atts']);
     foreach ($atts as $k => $v) {
         if (strpos($k, 'data-xf-override-') === 0) {
             $atts[substr($k, 17)] = $v;
     if (!isset($atts['data-xf-field'])) {
         $atts['data-xf-field'] = $field['name'];
     if ($new and !$pt->checkPermission('new', $permissions)) {
     } else {
         if (!$new and !$pt->checkPermission('edit', $permissions)) {
     // Deal with permissions on this field.
     if ( $pt->view($permissions) and !$pt->edit($permissions) ){
     	if ( !($new && $pt->checkPermission('new', $permissions)) ){
     $el->record =& $record;
      * If there are any validation options set for the field, we must add these rules to the quickform
      * element.
     $validators = $field['validators'];
     foreach ($validators as $vname => $validator) {
          * $validator['arg'] would be specified in the INI file.
          * Example ini file listing:
          * -------------------------
          * [FirstName]
          * widget:label = First name
          * widget:description = Enter your first name
          * validators:regex = "/[0-9a-zA-Z/"
          * This would result in $validator['arg'] = "/[0-9a-zA-Z/" in this section
          * and $vname == "regex".  Hence it would mean that a regular expression validator
          * is being placed on this field so that only Alphanumeric characters are accepted.
          * Please see documentation for HTML_QuickForm PEAR class for more information
          * about QuickForm validators.
         if ($vname == 'required' && $widget['type'] == 'file') {
         $form->addRule($formFieldName, $validator['message'], $vname, @$validator['arg'], $widget['type'] == 'htmlarea' ? null : 'client');
     $this->pullField($record, $field, $form, $formFieldName, $new);
     $el->_persistantFreeze = true;
     return $el;
Example #4
 function df_permission_names_as_string(&$perms)
     $ptool = Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance();
     return $ptool->namesAsString($perms);
Example #5
 function handle(&$params)
     $this->params =& $params['action'];
     $params =& $this->params;
     Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance()->setDelegate(new dataface_actions_register_permissions_delegate());
     $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     $auth =& Dataface_AuthenticationTool::getInstance();
     Dataface_Ontology::registerType('Person', 'Dataface/Ontology/Person.php', 'Dataface_Ontology_Person');
     $this->ontology =& Dataface_Ontology::newOntology('Person', $app->_conf['_auth']['users_table']);
     $atts =& $this->ontology->getAttributes();
     $query =& $app->getQuery();
     if (!is_array(@$app->_conf['_auth'])) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("Cannot register when authentication is not enabled.", DATAFACE_E_ERROR);
     if (isset($app->_conf['_auth']['email_column'])) {
         $atts['email'] =& $this->ontology->table->getField($app->_conf['_auth']['email_column']);
         $this->fieldnames['email'] = $app->_conf['_auth']['email_column'];
     if ($auth->isLoggedIn()) {
         return Dataface_Error::permissionDenied("Sorry you cannot register once you are logged in.  If you want to register, you must first log out.");
     if (!@$app->_conf['_auth']['allow_register']) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("Sorry, registration is not allowed.  Please contact the administrator for an account.", DATAFACE_E_ERROR);
     $pt =& Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance();
     // Create a new record form on the users table
     $this->form =& df_create_new_record_form($app->_conf['_auth']['users_table']);
     // add the -action element so that the form will direct us back here.
     $this->form->addElement('hidden', '-action');
     $this->form->setDefaults(array('-action' => $query['-action']));
     // Check to make sure that there isn't another user with the same
     // username already.
     $validationResults = $this->validateRegistrationForm($_POST);
     if (count($_POST) > 0 and PEAR::isError($validationResults)) {
         $this->form->_errors[$app->_conf['_auth']['username_column']] = $validationResults->getMessage();
     if (!PEAR::isError($validationResults) and $this->form->validate()) {
         // The form input seems OK.  Let's process the form
         // Since we will be using our own form processing for this action,
         // we need to manually push the field inputs into the Dataface_Record
         // object.
         // Now we obtain the Dataface_Record object that is to be added.
         $rec =& $this->form->_record;
         $delegate =& $rec->_table->getDelegate();
         // Give the delegate classes an opportunity to have some fun
         if (isset($delegate) and method_exists($delegate, 'beforeRegister')) {
             $res = $delegate->beforeRegister($rec);
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 return $res;
         $appdel =& $app->getDelegate();
         if (isset($appdel) and method_exists($appdel, 'beforeRegister')) {
             $res = $appdel->beforeRegister($rec);
             if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                 return $res;
         // This is where we actually do the processing.  This passes control
         // to the processRegistrationForm method in this class.
         $res = $this->form->process(array(&$this, 'processRegistrationForm'), true);
         // If there was an error in processing mark the error, and show the
         // form again.  Otherwise we just redirect to the next page and
         // let the user know that he was successful.
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         } else {
             // Let the delegate classes perform their victory lap..
             if (isset($delegate) and method_exists($delegate, 'afterRegister')) {
                 $res = $delegate->afterRegister($rec);
                 if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                     return $res;
             if (isset($appdel) and method_exists($appdel, 'afterRegister')) {
                 $res = $appdel->afterRegister($rec);
                 if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                     return $res;
             // We accept --redirect markers to specify which page to redirect
             // to after we're done.  This will usually be the page that the
             // user was on before they went to the login page.
             if (isset($_SESSION['--redirect'])) {
                 $url = $_SESSION['--redirect'];
             } else {
                 if (isset($_SESSION['-redirect'])) {
                     $url = $_SESSION['-redirect'];
                 } else {
                     if (isset($_REQUEST['--redirect'])) {
                         $url = $_REQUEST['--redirect'];
                     } else {
                         if (isset($_REQUEST['-redirect'])) {
                             $url = $_REQUEST['-redirect'];
                         } else {
                             $url = $app->url('-action=' . $app->_conf['default_action']);
             if (@$params['email_validation']) {
                 $individual = $this->ontology->newIndividual($this->form->_record);
                 $msg = df_translate('actions.register.MESSAGE_THANKYOU_PLEASE_VALIDATE', 'Thank you. An email has been sent to ' . $individual->strval('email') . ' with instructions on how to complete the registration process.', array('email' => $individual->strval('email')));
             } else {
                 // To save the user from having to log in after he has just filled
                 // in the registration form, we will just log him in right here.
                 $_SESSION['UserName'] = $this->form->exportValue($app->_conf['_auth']['username_column']);
                 $msg = df_translate('actions.register.MESSAGE_REGISTRATION_SUCCESSFUL', "Registration successful.  You are now logged in.");
             // Now we actually forward to the success page along with a success message
             if (strpos($url, '?') === false) {
                 $url .= '?';
             $app->redirect($url . '&--msg=' . urlencode($msg));
     // We want to display the form, but not yet so we will use an output buffer
     // to store the form HTML in a variable and pass it to our template.
     $out = ob_get_contents();
     $context = array('registration_form' => $out);
     // We don't want to keep the registration page in history, because we want to
     // be able to redirect the user back to where he came from before registering.
     $app->prefs['no_history'] = true;
     df_display($context, 'Dataface_Registration.html');
Example #6
  * @brief Clears the current record context.  The record context is a set
  * of related records that are meant to be used as a lense through which 
  * to view any destination records of any related record in the set.
  * @since 2.0
  * @returns void
  * @see getRecordContext()
  * @see addRecordContext()
 function clearRecordContext()
     $this->recordContext = array();
     $contextMasks =& Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance()->getContextMasks();
     foreach ($contextMasks as $k => $v) {