Example #1
  * Update inventory entry if exists or create a new one.
  * @param  string   $date        Date value to update or add.
  * @param  int      $item_id     Id of item to add if id doesn't exist.
  * @param  int      $quantity    Quantity value to update or add.
  * @param  string   $item_note   Note value to update or add.
  * @return boolean               Returns true on query success or false if it fails.
 public static function update_inventory($date, $item_id, $quantity, $item_note)
     $sql = "INSERT INTO Inventory (`date`, item_id, quantity, notes)\n                VALUES ('{$date}', '{$item_id}', '{$quantity}', '{$item_note}')\n                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n                `date`= VALUES(`date`), item_id = VALUES(item_id), quantity = VALUES(quantity), notes = VALUES(notes)";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #2
  * Update quantity for given recipe table item.
  * @param  int $quantity                Value of quantity to update.
  * @param  int $recipe_inventory_id     Id of table row to update.
  * @return boolean                      Returns true on query success and false if item already exists.
 public static function update_recipe_inventory_quantity($quantity, $recipe_inventory_id)
     $sql = "UPDATE RecipeItems\n                SET quantity = '{$quantity}'\n                WHERE id = '{$recipe_inventory_id}'";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #3
  * Set variables for a session for a given user.
  * @param string $user_name     Name of user to set variables for.
  * @return boolean              Returns true on query success and false if it fails.
 public static function set_session_variables($user_name)
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM User\n                INNER JOIN UserRole ON User.userrole_id = UserRole.id\n                WHERE username='******'";
     if (!($result = parent::query($sql))) {
         return false;
     $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
     $_SESSION["username"] = $user_name;
     $_SESSION["userrole"] = $row["role"];
     if (!empty($row["time_zone"])) {
         $_SESSION["timezone"] = $row["time_zone"];
     } else {
         $_SESSION["timezone"] = date_default_timezone_get();
     $_SESSION["date"] = date_format(date_create(NULL, timezone_open($_SESSION["timezone"])), "Y-m-d");
     $_SESSION["time_out"] = $row["time_out"];
     return true;
Example #4
  * Update the base quantity value for a give item.
  * @param  int  $item_id    id of the item of which the quantity will be updated.
  * @param  int  $quantity   new quantity value to be updated.
  * @return boolean          returns true on successful query or false if it fails.
 public static function update_base_quantity($item_id, $quantity)
     $sql = "INSERT INTO BaseQuantity (item_id, quantity)\n                VALUES ('{$item_id}', '{$quantity}')\n                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE item_id = VALUES(item_id), quantity = VALUES(quantity)";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #5
  * Get data for print preview table for a given timeslot
  * @param  string $date          Date till which data should be retrieved.
  * @param  string $timeslot_name Name of timeslot to get data for.
  * @return object|false          Returns mysqli_result object if data is retrieved or false if query fails.
 public static function get_print_preview_timeslots($date, $timeslot_name)
     $sql = "SELECT  Category.name as category_name, Item.name as item_name, Item.id as item_id,\n                        IFNULL(unit, '-') as unit, IFNULL(quantity, '-') as quantity, Inv.notes as notes,\n                        Category.order_id as Cat_order, Item.order_id as Item_order, TimeSlotItem.factor,\n                        Item.rounding_option, Item.rounding_factor\n                FROM Category\n                INNER JOIN Item ON Item.category_id = Category.id\n                INNER JOIN TimeSlotItem ON Item.id = TimeSlotItem.item_id\n                LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE date='{$date}') AS Inv ON Inv.item_id = Item.id\n                WHERE (Category.creation_date <= '{$date}' AND (Category.deletion_date > '{$date}' OR Category.deletion_date IS NULL))\n                AND (Item.creation_date <= '{$date}' AND (Item.deletion_date > '{$date}' OR Item.deletion_date IS NULL))\n                AND TimeSlotItem.timeslot_id = (SELECT id from TimeSlots WHERE name = '{$timeslot_name}')\n                ORDER BY Cat_order, Item_order";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #6
  * Update order value for given timeslot.
  * @param  string   $timeslot_name  Name of timeslot to update.
  * @param  int      $order_id       New order value.
  * @return boolean                  Returns true on query success and false if item already exists.
 public static function update_timeslot_order($timeslot_name, $order_id)
     $sql = "UPDATE TimeSlots\n                SET order_id = '{$order_id}'\n                WHERE name = '{$timeslot_name}'";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #7
  * Get recipes from the database.
  * @param  string   $date       Date till which categories will be retrieved.
  * @return object|false         Returns mysqli_result object if data is retrieved or false if query fails.
 public static function get_recipes($date)
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM Recipe\n                WHERE creation_date <= '{$date}' AND (deletion_date > '{$date}' OR deletion_date IS NULL)\n                ORDER BY order_id ASC";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #8
  * Get all messages for a given conversation.
  * @param  int   $conversation_id    Id of the conversation to get messages of.
  * @return object|false              Returns mysqli_result object on query success or false if query fails.
 public static function get_messages($conversation_id)
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM Message\n                INNER JOIN (SELECT first_name, last_name, username FROM User) as nameTable\n                ON nameTable.username = Message.sender\n                WHERE conversation_id = '{$conversation_id}'\n                ORDER BY `timestamp` ASC";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #9
  * Count unread conversations for a given user.
  * @param  string $user Name of user whos conversations will be counted.
  * @return int          Returns count value on query success.
  * @throws exception    If query fails.
 public static function count_unread_conversations($user)
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS unreadConversations FROM Conversation\n                WHERE (sender = '{$user}' AND sender_conversationStatusId = (SELECT id FROM ConversationStatus WHERE status = 'unread'))\n                OR (receiver = '{$user}' AND receiver_conversationStatusId = (SELECT id FROM ConversationStatus WHERE status = 'unread'))";
     if ($result = parent::query($sql)) {
         return $result->fetch_assoc()['unreadConversations'];
     } else {
         throw new Exception("count_unread_conversations query failed");
Example #10
  * Updates role for given user.
  * @param  string $user_name Name of user to update role of.
  * @param  string $role      Name of the new role.
  * @return boolean           Returns true on query success or false if it fails.
 public static function update_user_role($user_name, $role)
     $sql = "UPDATE User\n                SET userrole_id= (SELECT id FROM UserRole WHERE role='{$role}')\n                WHERE username='******'";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #11
  * Update factor for given table id.
  * @param  int $timeslot_inventory_id    Id of table row to update.
  * @param  int $factor                   New factor value.
  * @return boolean               Returns true on query success and false if item already exists.
 public static function update_timeslot_factor($timeslot_inventory_id, $factor)
     $sql = "UPDATE TimeSlotItem\n                SET factor = '{$factor}'\n                WHERE id = '{$timeslot_inventory_id}'";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #12
  * Update base sales with given value.
  * @param  int $base_sales   New value for base sales.
  * @return boolean           Return true on query success and false if it fails.
 public static function update_base_sales($base_sales)
     $sql = "INSERT INTO Variables (name, value)\n                VALUES ('BaseSales', '{$base_sales}')\n                ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name = VALUES(name), value = VALUES(value)";
     return parent::query($sql);
Example #13
  * Update a given items rounding factor.
  * @param  int $rounding_factor     New rounding factor value.
  * @param  int $item_id             Id of item to update
  * @return boolean                  Returns true on query success and false if it fails.
 public static function update_rounding_factor($rounding_factor, $item_id)
     $sql = "UPDATE Item\n                SET rounding_factor = '{$rounding_factor}'\n                WHERE id = '{$item_id}'";
     return parent::query($sql);