Example #1
function processFeed($feed)
    echo "\n<br/>Checking feed: [{$feed->FeedName}] [{$feed->FeedUrl}]";
    //load the xml.
    $feedContents = file_get_contents($feed->FeedUrl);
    $feedXml = simplexml_load_string($feedContents);
    //check if its an RSS feed.
    if (!$feedXml->channel->item) {
        echo "Is does not appear to be RSS. Atom is not supported for the moment.";
        return false;
    //check for new messages
    $newItems = array();
    foreach ($feedXml->channel->item as $item) {
        //check if message is new
        $timestamp = strtotime($item->pubDate);
        $itemDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp);
        //echo "<br/>itemDate: {$itemDate} ++ DateLastUpdated: {$feed->DateLastUpdated}";
        if ($itemDate <= $feed->DateLastUpdated) {
            echo "\n<br/>Item is older, skipping. Item Date: [{$itemDate}] < Date Last Updated:[{$feed->DateLastUpdated}] [{$item->title}] ";
        //update the dateLastUpdated for the feed
        DataService::singleton()->updateFeedDateLastUpdated($feed->FeedId, $itemDate);
        //Add title to list
        $message = (string) $feed->FeedName . ": " . (string) $item->title;
        array_push($newItems, $message);
        //We can only push one item, so this will be it.
    //update the dateLastChecked for the feed
    //if nothing found continue
    if (count($newItems) == 0) {
    echo "<textarea cols=50 rows=10>";
    echo "</textarea>";
    //get list of Devices associated to feed.
    $devices = DataService::singleton()->getFeedDevices($feed->FeedId);
    //create a new message on the queue for each of them
    foreach ($devices as $device) {
        echo "in devices";
        //if we are in test mode, only submit to test devices
        if ($_GET['onlyTestDevices'] == 1 && $device->IsTestDevice == 0) {
        //submit the messages to the queue
        foreach ($newItems as $item) {
            echo "\n<br/>Message submitted to queue for DeviceId: [{$device->DeviceId}] DeviceNotes: [{$device->DeviceNotes}]";
            DataService::singleton()->addMessage($device->CertificateId, $device->DeviceId, $item);
require_once 'classes/DataService.php';
require_once 'classes/Apns.php';
echo "<br/>Started processing message queue";
//get the certificates
$certificates = DataService::singleton()->getCertificates();
foreach ($certificates as $certificate) {
    //get N new messages from queue. We can get more messages on the next schedule
    echo "<br/>Getting messages for: [{$certificate->CertificateName}]";
    $messagesArray = DataService::singleton()->getMessages($certificate->CertificateId, MessageStatus::UNPROCESSED, 1000);
    //if no messages for app continue with next
    if (count($messagesArray) == 0) {
    //connect to apple push notification server with the app credentials
    $certificatePath = $certificateFolder . '/' . $certificate->KeyCertFile;
    echo $certificatePath;
    $server = DataService::singleton()->getCertificateServer($certificate->CertificateId, 1);
    $apns = new apns($server->ServerUrl, $certificatePath, $certificate->Passphrase);
    //send each message
    foreach ($messagesArray as $message) {
        //send payload to device
        $apns->sendMessage($message->DeviceToken, $message->Message, $message->Badge, $message->Sound);
        //mark as sent
        DataService::singleton()->setMessageStatus($message->MessageId, 2);
    //execute the APNS desctructor so the connection is closed.
echo "<br/>Completed processing messages queue";
##     This file is part of APNS.
##     APNS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
##     published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
##     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
##     APNS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##     GNU General Public License for more details.
##     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##     along with APNS.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## $Id: getSubscriptions.php 168 2010-08-28 01:24:04Z Benjamin Ortuzar Seconde $
require_once "../config.php";
require_once "../classes/DataService.php";
if (!isset($_REQUEST['certificateId']) || $_REQUEST['certificateId'] == '') {
    exit("\nParameter not set");
//Get the certificate object
$certificate = DataService::singleton()->GetCertificate($_REQUEST['certificateId']);
//get the subscriptions
$subscriptionsArray = DataService::singleton()->getAppSubscriptions($certificate->AppId);
echo json_encode($subscriptionsArray);
	        <div id="main">
		        <form method="POST" action="" onsubmit="javascript:return confirmSubmit()">
    				<legend>Push Notifications</legend>
		        	<label for="message">Message:</label><br/>
		            <textarea cols="20" rows="4" name="message" id="message"></textarea>
					<label for="certificateId">Certificate:</label><br/>
		            <select name="certificateId" id="certificateId">
//get all apps
$certificatesArray = DataService::singleton()->getCertificates();
foreach ($certificatesArray as $certificate) {
    echo "<option value='{$certificate->CertificateId}'>{$certificate->CertificateName}</option>";
		            <!--! subscriptions container-->
		            <div id="subscriptions">
		            	<label for="subscriptionId">Subscription:</label><br/>
		            	<select name="subscriptionId" id="subscriptionId">
require_once 'config.php';
require_once 'classes/DataService.php';
require_once 'classes/Apns.php';
echo "<br/>Started processing Feedback";
//get the certificates
$certificates = DataService::singleton()->getCertificates();
foreach ($certificates as $certificate) {
    //only process apps that have a certificate associated to it.
    if ($certificate->KeyCertFile == '') {
        echo "<br/>Certfile not set for App: [{$certificate->CertificateName}]";
    //connect to feedback server
    $certificatePath = $certificateFolder . '/' . $certificate->KeyCertFile;
    $server = DataService::singleton()->getCertificateServer($certificate->CertificateId, 2);
    $apns = new apns($server->ServerUrl, $certificatePath, $certificate->Passphrase);
    //get tokens
    $feedbackTokens = $apns->getFeedbackTokens();
    //close connection
    //print the number of tokens to check for
    $countTotal = count($feedbackTokens);
    echo "<br/>There are [{$countTotal}] tokens notified by feedback";
    //loop trough the tokens
    foreach ($feedbackTokens as $feedbackToken) {
        //only DeActivate devices that where updated before they where removed. Otherwise the user could of installed the app again.
        DataService::singleton()->setDeviceInactive($feedbackToken['devtoken'], $app->AppId, $feedbackToken['timestamp']);
echo "<br/>Completed processing Feedback";
Example #6

require_once 'config.php';
require_once 'classes/DataService.php';
if (!isset($_REQUEST['deviceToken']) || $_REQUEST['deviceToken'] == '') {
    echo $_REQUEST['deviceToken'];
    exit("No deviceToken set");
if (!isset($_REQUEST['appId']) || $_REQUEST['appId'] == '') {
    echo $_REQUEST['appId'];
    exit('Not appId set');
echo "<br/>Registering Device (if it does not exist already)";
echo "<br/>Enabling Device for App: [{$_REQUEST['appId']}] (if not enabled already)";
DataService::singleton()->setDeviceActive($_REQUEST['deviceToken'], $_REQUEST['appId'], 1);
if (isset($_REQUEST['appSubscriptionId'])) {
    echo "<br/>Registering for Subscription" . $_REQUEST['appSubscriptionId'];
    DataService::singleton()->updateAppSubscription($_REQUEST['deviceToken'], $_REQUEST['appSubscriptionId'], 1);
if (isset($_REQUEST['feedUrl'])) {
    echo "\n<br/>Register Feed: {$_REQUEST['feedUrl']} ";
    $feedId = DataService::singleton()->registerFeed($_REQUEST['feedUrl']);
    echo "\n<br/>FeedId: {$feedId}";
    DataService::singleton()->subscribeDeviceToFeed($_REQUEST['deviceToken'], $_REQUEST['appId'], $feedId, $_REQUEST['feedEnable']);