public static function addWidget($data, $callback, $settings = NULL) { // CHECK if (!is_array($data)) { return false; } if (!isset($data["id"], $data["title"])) { return false; } if (!is_callable($callback)) { return false; } if ($settings !== NULL && !is_callable($settings)) { return false; } // CHECK CALLBACKs if (isset($data["enable"]) && !is_callable($data["enable"])) { return false; } if (isset($data["disable"]) && !is_callable($data["disable"])) { return false; } if (isset($data["uninstall"]) && !is_callable($data["uninstall"])) { return false; } // CREATE WIDGET ARRAY $widget = array(); foreach (self::$validate as $key) { $widget[$key] = ""; if (isset($data[$key])) { $widget[$key] = $data[$key]; } else { if ($key == "size") { $widget[$key] = 1; } } } $widget["callback"] = $callback; $widget["settings_cb"] = $settings; // ADD WIDGET $add[$data["id"]] = $widget; self::$widgets = array_merge(self::$widgets, $add); return true; }
<?php /* | Dashboard - Wolf CMS Dashboard Plugin | @file ./disable.php | @author SamBrishes <*****@*****.**> | @version 1.1.1 [1.1.0] - Alpha | | @license X11 / MIT License | @copyright Copyright © 2015 SamBrishes, pytesNET | Copyright © 2011-2015 Martijn van der Kleijn <*****@*****.**> | Copyright © 2008-2011 Mika Tuupola */ if (!defined("IN_CMS")) { die; } // INCLUDE WIDGET CLASS include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/system/DashboardWidgets.php"; // CALL WIDGET CALLBACKs DashboardWidgets::loadWidgets(); $widgets = DashboardWidgets::$widgets; foreach ($widgets as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value["disable"]) && is_callable($value["disable"])) { call_user_func($value["disable"]); } }
function dashboard_widgets_validate($data) { $dashboard_widgets = new DashboardWidgets(); if (strpos($data['fn'], "edit")) { $type = "edit"; } if (strpos($data['fn'], "delete")) { $type = "delete"; } if (strpos($data['fn'], "create")) { $type = "create"; } return $dashboard_widgets->_validate($data, $type, false); }
} define("DASHBOARD_LOG_EMERG", 0); define("DASHBOARD_LOG_ALERT", 1); define("DASHBOARD_LOG_CRIT", 2); define("DASHBOARD_LOG_ERR", 3); define("DASHBOARD_LOG_WARNING", 4); define("DASHBOARD_LOG_NOTICE", 5); define("DASHBOARD_LOG_INFO", 6); define("DASHBOARD_LOG_DEBUG", 7); /* | REGISTER WIDGET */ AutoLoader::addFile("DateDifference", dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "DateDifference.php"); AutoLoader::addFile("DashboardLogEntry", dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "DashboardLogEntry.php"); AutoLoader::addFile("DashboardEvents", dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "DashboardEvents.php"); DashboardWidgets::addWidget(array("id" => "events", "title" => "Event Logbook", "description" => __("Keep up to date with what is happening with your site."), "enable" => "dashboard_events_widget_enable", "disable" => "dashboard_events_widget_disable", "uninstall" => "dashboard_events_widget_uninstall"), "dashboard_events_widget_render"); // INIT CLASS global $dashboardEvents; $dashboardEvents = new DashboardEvents(); /* | ENABLE EVENTS WIDGET */ function dashboard_events_widget_enable() { $conn = Record::getConnection(); $driver = strtolower($conn->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME)); // MySQL SCHEMA if ($driver === "mysql") { $conn->exec("CREATE TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dashboard_log(\n\t\t\t\tid INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t\t\t\tident CHAR(16) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tpriority INT NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tmessage VARCHAR(255),\n\t\t\t\tusername VARCHAR(64),\n\t\t\t\tcreated_on DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (id)\n\t\t\t) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;"); } // SQLite SCHEMA
public function index() { // WIDGET SETTINGS if (get_request_method() == "POST" && isset($_POST["widget_action"]) && isset($_POST["widget_secure_token"])) { if (DashboardWidgets::setWidgetSettings($_POST["widget_action"], $_POST)) { redirect(get_url("plugins/dashboard")); die; } } // RENDER DASHBOARD ob_start(); $this->renderDashboard(); $this->content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // OUTPUT $render = new View("../layouts/backend", array("content_for_layout" => $this->content)); $output = $render->render(); print $output; }
<?php /* | Dashboard - Wolf CMS Dashboard Plugin | @file ./widgets/rss_reader/index.php | @author SamBrishes <*****@*****.**> | @version 1.1.1 [1.1.0] - Alpha | | @license X11 / MIT License | @copyright Copyright © 2015 SamBrishes, pytesNET */ if (!defined("IN_CMS")) { die; } /* | REGISTER WIDGET */ AutoLoader::addFile("DashboardRSSReader", dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "class.rss-reader.php"); DashboardWidgets::addWidget(array("id" => "rss_reader", "size" => 1, "title" => "RSS Feed Reader", "description" => __("A small RSS Feed Reader"), "settings" => array("fetch_method" => "javascript", "rss_url" => "", "show_items" => 3, "max_chars" => 235)), "DashboardRSSReader::renderWidget", "DashboardRSSReader::renderSettings"); Observer::observe("dashboard_load_css", "DashboardRSSReader::loadStylesheet"); Observer::observe("dashboard_load_js", "DashboardRSSReader::loadJavascript");