public function saveUser(DUser $client) { $birth = $client->getBirth()->format("Y-m-d"); $status = intval($client->getStatus()); $n = $client->getName(); $s = $client->getSurname(); $SSN = $client->getSSN(); $p = $client->getPhone(); $m = $client->getMail(); $pass = $client->getPassword(); $type = $client->getType(); $code = $client->getCode(); $already_in = $this->loadClient($SSN); if ($already_in) { $query = "UPDATE person SET MAIL = '{$m}', PASSWORD ='******', TYPE = '{$type}', CODE = '{$code}'\n\t\t\tWHERE SSN = '{$SSN}';"; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO person(name, surname, SSN, phone, mail, birth, password, status,code, type) \n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$n}','{$s}','{$SSN}','{$p}','{$m}','{$birth}','{$pass}',{$status},'{$code}',{$type});"; } $temp = $this->db->query($query); if (!$temp) { throw new Exception("Query Failed saveClient FUser"); } else { return true; } }
public function sign() { $errors = array(); $VLog = new VLog(); $data = $VLog->getSignData(); if ($data) { $bool = true; foreach ($data as $elem) { if ($elem == "" && $bool) { $errors[] = 1; $bool = false; } } if ($data['password'] != $data['r_password']) { $errors[] = 2; $bool = false; } if ($bool) { $n = ucfirst($data['name']); $s = ucfirst($data['surname']); $SSN = strtoupper($data['ssn']); $p = $data['phone']; $m = strtolower($data['mail']); $pass = $data['password']; try { $b = new DateTime($data['birth']); $now = new DateTime(); $diff = $now->diff($b); if (intval($diff->format('%Y')) < 18) { $errors[] = 6; $bool = false; } else { $new_user = new DUser($n, $s, $SSN, $p, $m, $b, $pass); } } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = 3; $bool = false; } } } else { $errors[] = 1; } $n_errors = count($errors); if ($n_errors == 0) { $FUser = new FUser(); $hypS = $FUser->is_a_user($SSN); //controlla se c'è già un utente con quel codice fiscale if ($hypS) { $errors[] = 4; $bool = false; } $hypM = $FUser->mail_in($m); if ($hypM) { $errors[] = 7; $bool = false; } if (!$hypS && !$hypM) { try { global $config; $Mailer = new UEmail(); $VMail = new VMail(); $VMail->setLayout("confirmation"); $VMail->setDest("{$n} {$s}"); $VMail->setCode($new_user->getCode()); $message = $VMail->processTemplate(); if ($Mailer->send_mail($m, $n, $config['name'] . " confirmation mail", $message, true)) { $FUser->saveUser($new_user); //salva il nuovo utente (o aggiorna i campi nelle tabella person per un cliente ancora non utente) } else { $errors[] = 5; $bool = false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = 5; $bool = false; } } } if ($bool) { return $this->show('sign_outcome', false); } else { return $this->show('sign_outcome', $errors); } }
<?php include_once "/var/www/web_classes/DUser.php"; include_once "/var/www/php/sql_connect.php"; $user = new DUser($_COOKIE["token"]); error_log($user->Email()); if ($user->Perms() == 1) { $string = $_POST["query"]; if (isset($_POST["query"])) { $query = $_POST["query"]; $string = db_find($query); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta name="theme-color" content="#FF8800"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="description" content="The Official Oregon Tech Gaming Community Website. The place to find event times, locations, and announcements."> <meta name="author" content="Ian Murphy"> <link rel="icon" href="/assets/media/cog128.png"> <title>Administration -</title> <!-- Bootstrap core CSS --> <link href="/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/assets/stylesheets/add.css" rel="stylesheet">