public function Build($package) { try { $this->Package = $package; if (!isset($this->PackDir) && !is_dir($this->PackDir)) { throw new Exception("The 'PackDir' property must be a valid diretory."); } if (!isset($this->File)) { throw new Exception("A 'File' property must be set."); } $this->Package->SetStatus(DUP_PackageStatus::ARCSTART); switch ($this->Format) { case 'TAR': break; case 'TAR-GZIP': break; default: if (class_exists(ZipArchive)) { $this->Format = 'ZIP'; DUP_Zip::Create($this); } else { //TODO:PECL and SHELL FORMATS } break; } $storePath = "{$this->Package->StorePath}/{$this->File}"; $this->Size = @filesize($storePath); $this->Package->SetStatus(DUP_PackageStatus::ARCDONE); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } }
/** * CREATE * Creates the zip file and adds the SQL file to the archive */ public static function Create(DUP_Archive $archive) { try { $timerAllStart = DUP_Util::GetMicrotime(); $package_zip_flush = DUP_Settings::Get('package_zip_flush'); self::$compressDir = rtrim(DUP_Util::SafePath($archive->PackDir), '/'); self::$sqlPath = DUP_Util::SafePath("{$archive->Package->StorePath}/{$archive->Package->Database->File}"); self::$zipPath = DUP_Util::SafePath("{$archive->Package->StorePath}/{$archive->File}"); self::$zipArchive = new ZipArchive(); self::$networkFlush = empty($package_zip_flush) ? false : $package_zip_flush; $filterDirs = empty($archive->FilterDirs) ? 'not set' : $archive->FilterDirs; $filterExts = empty($archive->FilterExts) ? 'not set' : $archive->FilterExts; $filterOn = $archive->FilterOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; //LOAD SCAN REPORT $json = file_get_contents(DUPLICATOR_SSDIR_PATH_TMP . "/{$archive->Package->NameHash}_scan.json"); self::$scanReport = json_decode($json); DUP_Log::Info("\n********************************************************************************"); DUP_Log::Info("ARCHIVE (ZIP):"); DUP_Log::Info("********************************************************************************"); $isZipOpen = self::$zipArchive->open(self::$zipPath, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === TRUE; if (!$isZipOpen) { DUP_Log::Error("Cannot open zip file with PHP ZipArchive.", "Path location [" . self::$zipPath . "]"); } DUP_Log::Info("ARCHIVE DIR: " . self::$compressDir); DUP_Log::Info("ARCHIVE FILE: " . basename(self::$zipPath)); DUP_Log::Info("FILTERS: *{$filterOn}*"); DUP_Log::Info("DIRS: {$filterDirs}"); DUP_Log::Info("EXTS: {$filterExts}"); DUP_Log::Info("----------------------------------------"); DUP_Log::Info("COMPRESSING"); DUP_Log::Info("SIZE:\t" . self::$scanReport->ARC->Size); DUP_Log::Info("STATS:\tDirs " . self::$scanReport->ARC->DirCount . " | Files " . self::$scanReport->ARC->FileCount); //ADD SQL $isSQLInZip = self::$zipArchive->addFile(self::$sqlPath, "database.sql"); if ($isSQLInZip) { DUP_Log::Info("SQL ADDED: " . basename(self::$sqlPath)); } else { DUP_Log::Error("Unable to add database.sql to archive.", "SQL File Path [" . self::$sqlath . "]"); } self::$zipArchive->close(); self::$zipArchive->open(self::$zipPath, ZipArchive::CREATE); //ZIP DIRECTORIES foreach (self::$scanReport->ARC->Dirs as $dir) { if (self::$zipArchive->addEmptyDir(ltrim(str_replace(self::$compressDir, '', $dir), '/'))) { self::$countDirs++; } else { //Don't warn when dirtory is the root path if (strcmp($dir, rtrim(self::$compressDir, '/')) != 0) { DUP_Log::Info("WARNING: Unable to zip directory: '{$dir}'" . rtrim(self::$compressDir, '/')); } } } /* ZIP FILES: Network Flush * This allows the process to not timeout on fcgi * setups that need a response every X seconds */ if (self::$networkFlush) { foreach (self::$scanReport->ARC->Files as $file) { if (self::$zipArchive->addFile($file, ltrim(str_replace(self::$compressDir, '', $file), '/'))) { self::$limitItems++; self::$countFiles++; } else { DUP_Log::Info("WARNING: Unable to zip file: {$file}"); } //Trigger a flush to the web server after so many files have been loaded. if (self::$limitItems > DUPLICATOR_ZIP_FLUSH_TRIGGER) { $sumItems = self::$countDirs + self::$countFiles; self::$zipArchive->close(); self::$zipArchive->open(self::$zipPath); self::$limitItems = 0; DUP_Util::FcgiFlush(); DUP_Log::Info("Items archived [{$sumItems}] flushing response."); } } //Normal } else { foreach (self::$scanReport->ARC->Files as $file) { if (self::$zipArchive->addFile($file, ltrim(str_replace(self::$compressDir, '', $file), '/'))) { self::$countFiles++; } else { DUP_Log::Info("WARNING: Unable to zip file: {$file}"); } } } DUP_Log::Info(print_r(self::$zipArchive, true)); //-------------------------------- //LOG FINAL RESULTS DUP_Util::FcgiFlush(); $zipCloseResult = self::$zipArchive->close(); $zipCloseResult ? DUP_Log::Info("COMPRESSION RESULT: '{$zipCloseResult}'") : DUP_Log::Error("ZipArchive close failure.", "This hosted server may have a disk quota limit.\nCheck to make sure this archive file can be stored."); $timerAllEnd = DUP_Util::GetMicrotime(); $timerAllSum = DUP_Util::ElapsedTime($timerAllEnd, $timerAllStart); self::$zipFileSize = @filesize(self::$zipPath); DUP_Log::Info("COMPRESSED SIZE: " . DUP_Util::ByteSize(self::$zipFileSize)); DUP_Log::Info("ARCHIVE RUNTIME: {$timerAllSum}"); DUP_Log::Info("MEMORY STACK: " . DUP_Server::GetPHPMemory()); } catch (Exception $e) { DUP_Log::Error("Runtime error in constructor.", "Exception: {$e}"); } }
private static function flushResponse() { //Check if were over our count*/ if (self::$limitItems > self::$limit) { $sumItems = self::$countDirs + self::$countFiles + self::$countLinks; self::$zipArchive->close(); self::$zipArchive->open(self::$zipPath); self::$limitItems = 0; DUP_Util::FcgiFlush(); DUP_Log::Info("Items archived [{$sumItems}] flushing response."); } }