createElement('root'); $document->appendChild($root); //creating CDATA section containing code $cdata = $document->createCDATASection('const message = "Hello world!"; console.log(message);'); $root->appendChild($cdata); echo $document->saveXML();
createElement('root'); $document->appendChild($root); //creating CDATA section containing CSS $cdata = $document->createCDATASection('body { background-color: #f1f1f1; padding: 20px; }'); $root->appendChild($cdata); echo $document->saveXML();In this example, a new DomDocument object is created and a root node is added. A CDATA section containing inline CSS is then created using the createCDATASection method and appended to the root node. The output is then displayed using the saveXML method. Package library: The createCDATASection method is part of the php DOM extension, which is included by default in all versions of PHP. No external package is required to use this functionality.