function display($tpl = null) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $Itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 0, 'int'); //$document->link = JRoute::_(WeblinksHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute(JRequest::getVar('id', null, '', 'int'))); JRequest::setVar('limit', $app->getCfg('feed_limit')); $siteEmail = $app->getCfg('mailfrom'); $fromName = $app->getCfg('fromname'); $document->editor = $fromName; $document->editorEmail = $siteEmail; // Get some data from the model $model = $this->getModel(); $cat_id = JRequest::getVar('cid', 0, '', 'int'); $catlist = ''; $maincat = ''; if ($cat_id > 0) { $main_cat = $model->getMainCat($cat_id); $document->title = $main_cat->name; $cats = DJClassifiedsCategory::getSubCatIemsCount($cat_id, 1); $catlist = $cat_id; foreach ($cats as $c) { $catlist .= ',' . $c->id; } } $items = $model->getItems($catlist); foreach ($items as $item) { // strip html from feed item title $title = $this->escape($item->name); $title = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); // url link to article //$link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=item&cid='.$item->cat_id.'&id='.$item->id.'&Itemid='.$Itemid); if (!$item->alias) { $item->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->name); } if (!$item->c_alias) { $item->c_alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->c_name); } $link = JRoute::_(DJClassifiedsSEO::getItemRoute($item->id . ':' . $item->alias, $item->cat_id . ':' . $item->c_alias)); //echo $link;die(); // strip html from feed item description text $description = $item->intro_desc; $date = $item->date_start ? date('r', strtotime($item->date_start)) : ''; if ($item->image_url != '') { $images = explode(';', $item->image_url); $description .= '<img align="right" src="' . JURI::base() . '/components/com_djclassifieds/images/' . $images[0] . '.ths.jpg" />'; } // load individual item creator class $feeditem = new JFeedItem(); $feeditem->title = $title; $feeditem->link = $link; $feeditem->description = $description; $feeditem->date = $date; $feeditem->category = $item->c_name; // loads item info into rss array $document->addItem($feeditem); } }
?> = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("djmod_map<?php echo $module->id; ?> "), opcjeMapy); var size = new google.maps.Size(32,32); var start_point = new google.maps.Point(0,0); var anchor_point = new google.maps.Point(0,16); <?php $ia = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { if (!$item->alias) { $item->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->name); } if (!$item->c_alias) { $item->c_alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->c_name); } if (isset($gm_cat_icons[$item->cat_id])) { $gm_icon_a = $gm_cat_icons[$item->cat_id]['width'] / 2; ?> var size = new google.maps.Size(<?php echo $gm_cat_icons[$item->cat_id]['width'] . ',' . $gm_cat_icons[$item->cat_id]['height']; ?> ); var start_point = new google.maps.Point(0,0); var anchor_point = new google.maps.Point(<?php echo $gm_icon_a . ',' . $gm_cat_icons[$item->cat_id]['height']; ?> ); var icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage("<?php echo $gm_cat_icons[$item->cat_id]['img'];
public function onAfterDJClassifiedsDisplayProfile(&$profile, $params, $view) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if (!$profile['id']) { return false; } $group_id = $this->params->get('rating_group_author', false); if (!$group_id) { return false; } require_once JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_djreviews/lib/api.php'); require_once JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_djclassifieds/lib/djseo.php'); $uid_slug = $profile['id'] . ':' . DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($profile['name']); $name = $profile['name'] ? $profile['name'] : $profile['id']; $review = DJReviewsAPI::getInstance(array('group' => $group_id, 'type' => '', 'name' => $name, 'link' => 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=profile&uid=' . $uid_slug, 'id' => $profile['id'])); return $review->getFullReview(); }
</div> <?php } if ($par->get('showauthor', '1') == 1) { ?> <div class="row_gd user_name"> <span class="row_label"><?php echo JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_CREATED_BY'); ?> </span> <span class="row_value"> <?php if ($item->user_id == 0) { echo JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_GUEST'); } else { $uid_slug = $item->user_id . ':' . DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->username); ?> <div class="profile_item_box"> <?php if ($this->profile['img']) { echo '<a class="profile_img" href="index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=profile&uid=' . $uid_slug . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . '"><img src="' . JURI::base() . $this->profile['img']->path . $this->profile['img']->name . '_ths.' . $this->profile['img']->ext . '" /></a>'; } ?> <div class="profile_name_data"> <?php echo '<a class="profile_name" href="index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=profile&uid=' . $uid_slug . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . '">' . $item->username . ' <span>(' . $this->user_items_c . ')</span></a>'; ?> <?php if ($this->profile['data']) { ?> <div class="profile_data">
public static function getCategoriesSortParent($p = '0', $ord = 'ord') { if (!self::$_categories_sparent) { self::$_categories_sparent = array(); } if (isset(self::$_categories_sparent[$p . '_' . $ord])) { return self::$_categories_sparent[$p . '_' . $ord]; } if ($p) { $pub = 'WHERE c.published=1 '; } else { $pub = ''; } if ($ord == 'name') { $order = ''; } else { $order = 'c.ordering'; } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT c.*, as parent_name,IFNULL(i.items_count,0) items_count FROM #__djcf_categories c " . "LEFT JOIN #__djcf_categories cc ON " . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT i.cat_id, count( as items_count " . "FROM #__djcf_items i WHERE i.published=1 AND i.date_exp > NOW() GROUP BY i.cat_id) i ON " . $pub . "ORDER BY c.parent_id, " . $order; $db->setQuery($query); $allcategories = $db->loadObjectList(); $categories = array(); foreach ($allcategories as $cat) { if (!$cat->alias) { $cat->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($cat->name); } if (!isset($categories[$cat->parent_id])) { $categories[$cat->parent_id] = array(); } $categories[$cat->parent_id][] = $cat; } //echo '<pre>';print_r($db);print_r($allcategories);die(); self::$_categories_sparent[$p . '_' . $ord] = $categories; return self::$_categories_sparent[$p . '_' . $ord]; }
function save() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'tables'); jimport('joomla.database.table'); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('djclassifieds'); $row = JTable::getInstance('Items', 'DJClassifiedsTable'); $par = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_djclassifieds'); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $id = JRequest::getVar('id', 0, '', 'int'); $token = JRequest::getCMD('token', ''); $redirect = ''; $menus = $app->getMenu('site'); $menu_item = $menus->getItems('link', 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=items&cid=0', 1); $menu_item_blog = $menus->getItems('link', 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=items&layout=blog&cid=0', 1); $itemid = ''; if ($menu_item) { $itemid = '&Itemid=' . $menu_item->id; } else { if ($menu_item_blog) { $itemid = '&Itemid=' . $menu_item_blog->id; } } $menu_newad_itemid = $menus->getItems('link', 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=additem', 1); $new_ad_link = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=additem'; if ($menu_newad_itemid) { $new_ad_link .= '&Itemid=' . $menu_newad_itemid->id; } $new_ad_link = JRoute::_($new_ad_link); if ($user->id == 0 && $id > 0) { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_WRONG_AD'); //$redirect="index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=items&cid=0".$itemid; $redirect = DJClassifiedsSEO::getCategoryRoute('0:all'); $redirect = JRoute::_($redirect); $app->redirect($redirect, $message, 'error'); } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); if ($id > 0) { $query = "SELECT user_id FROM #__djcf_items WHERE id='" . $id . "' LIMIT 1"; $db->setQuery($query); $item_user_id = $db->loadResult(); if ($item_user_id != $user->id) { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_WRONG_AD'); $redirect = DJClassifiedsSEO::getCategoryRoute('0:all'); $redirect = JRoute::_($redirect); $app->redirect($redirect, $message, 'error'); } } if ($par->get('user_type') == 1 && $user->id == '0') { //$uri = "index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=items&cid=0".$itemid; $uri = DJClassifiedsSEO::getCategoryRoute('0:all'); $app->redirect('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($uri), JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_PLEASE_LOGIN')); } $row->bind(JRequest::get('post')); if ($token && !$user->id && !$id) { $query = "SELECT FROM #__djcf_items i " . "WHERE i.user_id=0 AND i.token=" . $db->Quote($db->escape($token)); $db->setQuery($query); $ad_id = $db->loadResult(); if ($ad_id) { $row->id = $ad_id; } else { $uri = DJClassifiedsSEO::getCategoryRoute('0:all'); $app->redirect('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($uri), JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_WRONG_TOKEN')); } } $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterInitialiseDJClassifiedsSaveAdvert', array(&$row, &$par)); if ($par->get('title_char_limit', '0') > 0) { $row->name = mb_substr($row->name, 0, $par->get('title_char_limit', '100'), "UTF-8"); } if ((int) $par->get('allow_htmltags', '0')) { $row->description = JRequest::getVar('description', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $allowed_tags = explode(';', $par->get('allowed_htmltags', '')); $a_tags = ''; for ($a = 0; $a < count($allowed_tags); $a++) { $a_tags .= '<' . $allowed_tags[$a] . '>'; } $row->description = strip_tags($row->description, $a_tags); } else { $row->description = nl2br(JRequest::getVar('description', '', 'post', 'string')); } $row->intro_desc = mb_substr(strip_tags(nl2br($row->intro_desc)), 0, $par->get('introdesc_char_limit', '120'), "UTF-8"); if (!$row->intro_desc) { $row->intro_desc = mb_substr(strip_tags($row->description), 0, $par->get('introdesc_char_limit', '120'), "UTF-8"); } $row->contact = nl2br(JRequest::getVar('contact', '', 'post', 'string')); $row->price_negotiable = JRequest::getInt('price_negotiable', '0'); $row->bid_min = str_ireplace(',', '.', JRequest::getVar('bid_min', '', 'post', 'string')); $row->bid_max = str_ireplace(',', '.', JRequest::getVar('bid_max', '', 'post', 'string')); $row->price_reserve = str_ireplace(',', '.', JRequest::getVar('price_reserve', '', 'post', 'string')); if (!$id && !$token && !$user->id && $par->get('guest_can_edit', 0)) { $characters = '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $row->token = ''; for ($p = 0; $p < 20; $p++) { $row->token .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters))]; } } /* //removing images from folder and from database $path = JPATH_BASE."/components/com_djclassifieds/images/"; $images = $row->image_url; if(isset($_POST['del_img'])){ $del_image = $_POST['del_img']; }else{ $del_image = array(); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($del_image); $i++){ $images = str_replace($del_image[$i].';', '', $images); //deleting the main image if (JFile::exists($path.$del_image[$i])){ JFile::delete($path.$del_image[$i]); } //deleting thumbnail of image if (JFile::exists($path.$del_image[$i].'.thb.jpg')){ JFile::delete($path.$del_image[$i].'.thb.jpg'); } if (JFile::exists($path.$del_image[$i].'.th.jpg')){ JFile::delete($path.$del_image[$i].'.th.jpg'); } if (JFile::exists($path.$del_image[$i].'.thm.jpg')){ JFile::delete($path.$del_image[$i].'.thm.jpg'); } if (JFile::exists($path.$del_image[$i].'.ths.jpg')){ JFile::delete($path.$del_image[$i].'.ths.jpg'); } } //add images $new_files = $_FILES['image']; if(count($new_files['name'])>0 && $row->id==0){ $query = "SELECT id FROM #__djcf_items ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"; $db->setQuery($query); $last_id =$db->loadResult(); $last_id++; }else{ $last_id= $row->id; } $nw = (int)$par->get('th_width',-1); $nh = (int)$par->get('th_height',-1); $nws = $par->get('smallth_width',-1); $nhs = $par->get('smallth_height',-1); $nwm = $par->get('middleth_width',-1); $nhm = $par->get('middleth_height',-1); $nwb = $par->get('bigth_width',-1); $nhb = $par->get('bigth_height',-1); $img_maxsize = $par->get('img_maxsize',0); if($img_maxsize>0){ $img_maxsize = $img_maxsize*1024*1024; } $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($new_files['name']); $i++) { if (substr($new_files['type'][$i], 0, 5) == "image") { if($img_maxsize>0 && $new_files['size'][$i]>$img_maxsize){ $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_TO_BIG_IMAGE').' : \''.$new_files['name'][$i].'\'','error'); continue; } if(!getimagesize($new_files['tmp_name'][$i])){ $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE').' : \''.$new_files['name'][$i].'\'','error'); continue; } $n_name = $last_id.'_'.$new_files['name'][$i]; $n_name = $lang->transliterate($n_name); $n_name = strtolower($n_name); $n_name = JFile::makeSafe($n_name); $new_path = JPATH_BASE."/components/com_djclassifieds/images/".$n_name; $nimg= 0; while(JFile::exists($new_path)){ $nimg++; $n_name = $last_id.'_'.$nimg.'_'.$new_files['name'][$i]; $n_name = $lang->transliterate($n_name); $n_name = strtolower($n_name); $n_name = JFile::makeSafe($n_name); $new_path = JPATH_BASE."/components/com_djclassifieds/images/".$n_name; } $images .= $n_name.';'; move_uploaded_file($new_files['tmp_name'][$i], $new_path); //DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_path, $nw, $nh, 'th'); DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_path, $nws, $nhs, 'ths'); DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_path, $nwm, $nhm, 'thm'); DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_path, $nwb, $nhb, 'thb'); }else if($new_files['name'][$i]){ $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_WRONG_IMAGE_TYPE').' : \''.$new_files['name'][$i].'\'','error'); } } $row->image_url = $images; */ $row->image_url = ''; $duration_price = 0; if ($row->id == 0) { if ($par->get('durations_list', '')) { $exp_days = JRequest::getVar('exp_days', $par->get('exp_days'), '', 'int'); $query = "SELECT * FROM #__djcf_days WHERE days = " . $exp_days; $db->setQuery($query); $duration = $db->loadObject(); if ($duration) { $duration_price = $duration->price; } else { //$exp_days = $par->get('exp_days','7'); $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_WRONG_DURATION_LIMIT'); $app->redirect($new_ad_link, $message, 'error'); } } else { $exp_days = $par->get('exp_days', '7'); } if ($exp_days == 0) { $row->date_exp = "2038-01-01 00:00:00"; } else { $row->date_exp = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", mktime(date("G"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d") + $exp_days, date("Y"))); } if ($row->date_exp == '1970-01-01 1:00:00') { $row->date_exp = '2038-01-19 00:00:00'; } $row->exp_days = $exp_days; $row->date_start = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } $row->cat_id = end($_POST['cats']); if (!$row->cat_id) { $row->cat_id = $_POST['cats'][count($_POST['cats']) - 2]; } $row->cat_id = str_ireplace('p', '', $row->cat_id); /*if($par->get('region_add_type','1')){ $g_area = JRequest::getVar('g_area',''); $g_locality = JRequest::getVar('g_locality',''); $g_country = JRequest::getVar('g_country',''); $latlong = str_ireplace(array('(',')'), array('',''), JRequest::getVar('latlong','')); $query = "SELECT id FROM #__djcf_regions WHERE name = '".$g_area."'"; $db->setQuery($query); $parent_r_id = $db->loadResult(); if($parent_r_id){ $query = "SELECT id FROM #__djcf_regions WHERE name = '".$g_locality."' AND parent_id=".$parent_r_id; $db->setQuery($query); $region_id = $db->loadResult(); if($region_id){ $row->region_id=$region_id; }else{ $region_row = &JTable::getInstance('Regions', 'DJClassifiedsTable'); $region_row->country=0; $region_row->city=1; $region_row->name=$g_locality; $region_row->parent_id=$parent_r_id; //$ll = explode(',', $latlong); //$region_row->latitude=$ll[0]; //$region_row->longitude=$ll[0]; $region_row->published=1; //echo '<pre>';print_r($region_row);die(); if (!$region_row->store()){ exit (); } $row->region_id=$region_row->id; } }else{ $query = "SELECT id FROM #__djcf_regions WHERE name = '".$g_country."' "; $db->setQuery($query); $country_id = $db->loadResult(); if(!$country_id){$country_id=0;} $area_row = &JTable::getInstance('Regions', 'DJClassifiedsTable'); $area_row->country=0; $area_row->city=0; $area_row->name=$g_area; $area_row->parent_id=$country_id; $area_row->published=1; //echo '<pre>';print_r($region_row);die(); if (!$area_row->store()){ exit (); } $region_row = &JTable::getInstance('Regions', 'DJClassifiedsTable'); $region_row->country=0; $region_row->city=1; $region_row->name=$g_locality; $region_row->parent_id=$area_row->id; //$ll = explode(',', $latlong); //$region_row->latitude=$ll[0]; //$region_row->longitude=$ll[0]; $region_row->published=1; //echo '<pre>';print_r($region_row);die(); if (!$region_row->store()){ exit (); } $row->region_id=$region_row->id; } }else{*/ $row->region_id = end($_POST['regions']); if (!$row->region_id) { $row->region_id = $_POST['regions'][count($_POST['regions']) - 2]; } //} if (($row->region_id || $row->address) && ($row->latitude == '0.000000000000000' && $row->longitude == '0.000000000000000' || !$row->latitude && !$row->longitude)) { $address = ''; if ($row->region_id) { $reg_path = DJClassifiedsRegion::getParentPath($row->region_id); for ($r = count($reg_path) - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) { if ($reg_path[$r]->country) { $address = $reg_path[$r]->name; } if ($reg_path[$r]->city) { if ($address) { $address .= ', '; } $address .= $reg_path[$r]->name; } } } if ($address) { $address .= ', '; } $address .= $row->address; if ($row->post_code) { $address .= ', ' . $row->post_code; } $loc_coord = DJClassifiedsGeocode::getLocation($address); if (is_array($loc_coord)) { $row->latitude = $loc_coord['lat']; $row->longitude = $loc_coord['lng']; } } //echo '<pre>';print_r($row);die(); $row->user_id = $user->id; $row->ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $row->promotions = ''; if ($par->get('promotion', '1') == '1') { $query = "SELECT p.* FROM #__djcf_promotions p WHERE p.published=1 ORDER BY "; $db->setQuery($query); $promotions = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($promotions as $prom) { if (JRequest::getVar($prom->name, '0')) { $row->promotions .= $prom->name . ','; } } if ($row->promotions) { $row->promotions = substr($row->promotions, 0, -1); } } else { if ($row->id > 0) { $row->promotions = $old_row->promotions; } } if (strstr($row->promotions, 'p_first')) { $row->special = 1; } else { $row->special = 0; } $cat = ''; if ($row->cat_id) { $query = "SELECT name,alias,price,autopublish FROM #__djcf_categories WHERE id = " . $row->cat_id; $db->setQuery($query); $cat = $db->loadObject(); if (!$cat->alias) { $cat->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($cat->name); } } $is_new = 1; if ($row->id > 0) { $query = "SELECT * FROM #__djcf_items WHERE id = " . $row->id; $db->setQuery($query); $old_row = $db->loadObject(); $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_fields_values WHERE item_id= " . $row->id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_fields_values_sale WHERE item_id= " . $row->id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $row->payed = $old_row->payed; $row->pay_type = $old_row->pay_type; $row->exp_days = $old_row->exp_days; $row->alias = $old_row->alias; $row->published = $old_row->published; $is_new = 0; } if (!$row->alias) { $row->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($row->name); } $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforePaymentsDJClassifiedsSaveAdvert', array(&$row, $is_new, &$cat, &$promotions)); if ($cat->autopublish == '0') { if ($par->get('autopublish') == '1') { $row->published = 1; if ($row->id) { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'); } else { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'); } } else { $row->published = 0; if ($row->id) { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_WAITING_FOR_PUBLISH'); } else { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_WAITING_FOR_PUBLISH'); } //$redirect="index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=items&cid=0".$itemid; $redirect = DJClassifiedsSEO::getItemRoute($row->id . ':' . $row->alias, $row->cat_id . ':' . $i->c_alias); } } elseif ($cat->autopublish == '1') { $row->published = 1; if ($row->id) { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'); } else { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'); } } elseif ($cat->autopublish == '2') { $row->published = 0; if ($row->id) { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_WAITING_FOR_PUBLISH'); } else { $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_WAITING_FOR_PUBLISH'); } $redirect = DJClassifiedsSEO::getCategoryRoute('0:all'); } $pay_redirect = 0; $row->pay_type = ''; $row->payed = 1; //echo '<pre>';print_r($old_row);print_r($row);die(); if (isset($old_row)) { if ($cat->price == 0 && $row->promotions == '' && !strstr($old_row->pay_type, 'duration')) { $row->payed = 1; $row->pay_type = ''; } else { if ($old_row->cat_id != $row->cat_id && $cat->price > 0 || $old_row->promotions != $row->promotions || strstr($old_row->pay_type, 'duration') || $old_row->pay_type) { $row->pay_type = ''; if ($old_row->cat_id != $row->cat_id && $cat->price > 0) { $row->pay_type = 'cat,'; } else { if ($old_row->cat_id == $row->cat_id && $cat->price > 0 && strstr($old_row->pay_type, 'cat')) { $row->pay_type = 'cat,'; } } //if($old_row->promotions!=$row->promotions){ $prom_new = explode(',', $row->promotions); for ($pn = 0; $pn < count($prom_new); $pn++) { if (!strstr($old_row->promotions, $prom_new[$pn]) || strstr($old_row->pay_type, $prom_new[$pn])) { $row->pay_type .= $prom_new[$pn] . ','; } } //} if (strstr($old_row->pay_type, 'duration')) { $row->pay_type .= 'duration,'; } if ($row->pay_type) { $row->published = 0; $row->payed = 0; $pay_redirect = 1; } //echo $row->pay_type;print_r($old_row); //print_r($row);echo $pay_redirect;die(); } else { if ($row->payed == 0 && ($cat->price > 0 || $row->promotions != '')) { $row->payed = 0; $row->published = 0; $pay_redirect = 1; } } } } else { if ($cat->price > 0 || $row->promotions != '' || $duration_price > 0) { if ($cat->price > 0) { $row->pay_type .= 'cat,'; } if ($duration_price > 0) { $row->pay_type .= 'duration,'; } if ($row->promotions != '') { $row->pay_type .= $row->promotions; } $row->published = 0; $row->payed = 0; $pay_redirect = 1; } else { $row->payed = 1; $row->pay_type = ''; } } //check for free promotions if (!strstr($row->pay_type, 'cat') && !strstr($row->pay_type, 'duration') && strstr($row->pay_type, 'p_')) { $prom_to_pay = explode(',', $row->pay_type); $prom_price = 0; for ($pp = 0; $pp < count($prom_to_pay); $pp++) { foreach ($promotions as $prom) { if ($prom->name == $prom_to_pay[$pp]) { $prom_price += $prom->price; } } } if ($prom_price == 0) { $row->pay_type = ''; $redirect = ''; $pay_redirect = 0; if ($cat->autopublish == '0' && $par->get('autopublish') == '1' || $cat->autopublish == '1') { $row->published = 1; } } } //echo '<pre>';print_r($row);die();echo '</pre>'; $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeDJClassifiedsSaveAdvert', array(&$row, $is_new)); if (!$row->store()) { //echo $row->getError();exit (); } if ($is_new) { $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_items SET date_sort=date_start WHERE id=" . $row->id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } $item_images = ''; $images_c = 0; if (!$is_new) { $query = "SELECT * FROM #__djcf_images WHERE item_id=" . $row->id . " AND type='item' "; $db->setQuery($query); $item_images = $db->loadObjectList('id'); $images_c = count($item_images); } $img_ids = JRequest::getVar('img_id', array(), 'post', 'array'); $img_captions = JRequest::getVar('img_caption', array(), 'post', 'array'); $img_images = JRequest::getVar('img_image', array(), 'post', 'array'); $img_id_to_del = ''; if ($item_images) { foreach ($item_images as $item_img) { $img_to_del = 1; foreach ($img_ids as $img_id) { if ($item_img->id == $img_id) { $img_to_del = 0; break; } } if ($img_to_del) { $images_c--; $path_to_delete = JPATH_ROOT . $item_img->path . $item_img->name; if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '.' . $item_img->ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '.' . $item_img->ext); } if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '_ths.' . $item_img->ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '_ths.' . $item_img->ext); } if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '_thm.' . $item_img->ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '_thm.' . $item_img->ext); } if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '_thb.' . $item_img->ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '_thb.' . $item_img->ext); } $img_id_to_del .= $item_img->id . ','; } } if ($img_id_to_del) { $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_images WHERE item_id=" . $row->id . " AND type='item' AND ID IN (" . substr($img_id_to_del, 0, -1) . ") "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } $last_id = $row->id; $imglimit = $par->get('img_limit', '3'); $nw = (int) $par->get('th_width', -1); $nh = (int) $par->get('th_height', -1); $nws = (int) $par->get('smallth_width', -1); $nhs = (int) $par->get('smallth_height', -1); $nwm = (int) $par->get('middleth_width', -1); $nhm = (int) $par->get('middleth_height', -1); $nwb = (int) $par->get('bigth_width', -1); $nhb = (int) $par->get('bigth_height', -1); $img_ord = 1; $img_to_insert = 0; $query_img = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_images(`item_id`,`type`,`name`,`ext`,`path`,`caption`,`ordering`) VALUES "; $new_img_path = JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_djclassifieds/images/item/"; for ($im = 0; $im < count($img_ids); $im++) { if ($img_ids[$im]) { if ($item_images[$img_ids[$im]]->ordering != $img_ord || $item_images[$img_ids[$im]]->caption != $img_captions[$im]) { $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_images SET ordering='" . $img_ord . "', caption='" . $db->escape($img_captions[$im]) . "' WHERE item_id=" . $row->id . " AND type='item' AND id=" . $img_ids[$im] . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } else { if ($images_c >= $imglimit) { break; } $new_img_name = explode(';', $img_images[$im]); if (is_array($new_img_name)) { $new_img_name_u = JPATH_ROOT . '/tmp/djupload/' . $new_img_name[0]; if (JFile::exists($new_img_name_u)) { if (getimagesize($new_img_name_u)) { $new_img_n = $last_id . '_' . str_ireplace(' ', '_', $new_img_name[1]); $new_img_n = $lang->transliterate($new_img_n); $new_img_n = strtolower($new_img_n); $new_img_n = JFile::makeSafe($new_img_n); $nimg = 0; $name_parts = pathinfo($new_img_n); $img_name = $name_parts['filename']; $img_ext = $name_parts['extension']; $new_path_check = $new_img_path . $new_img_n; $new_path_check = str_ireplace('.' . $img_ext, '_thm.' . $img_ext, $new_path_check); while (JFile::exists($new_path_check)) { $nimg++; $new_img_n = $last_id . '_' . $nimg . '_' . str_ireplace(' ', '_', $new_img_name[1]); $new_img_n = $lang->transliterate($new_img_n); $new_img_n = strtolower($new_img_n); $new_img_n = JFile::makeSafe($new_img_n); $new_path_check = $new_img_path . $new_img_n; $new_path_check = str_ireplace('.' . $img_ext, '_thm.' . $img_ext, $new_path_check); } rename($new_img_name_u, $new_img_path . $new_img_n); $name_parts = pathinfo($new_img_n); $img_name = $name_parts['filename']; $img_ext = $name_parts['extension']; DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_img_path . $new_img_n, $new_img_path . $img_name . '_ths.' . $img_ext, $nws, $nhs); DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_img_path . $new_img_n, $new_img_path . $img_name . '_thm.' . $img_ext, $nwm, $nhm); DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_img_path . $new_img_n, $new_img_path . $img_name . '_thb.' . $img_ext, $nwb, $nhb); $query_img .= "('" . $row->id . "','item','" . $img_name . "','" . $img_ext . "','/components/com_djclassifieds/images/item/','" . $db->escape($img_captions[$im]) . "','" . $img_ord . "'), "; $img_to_insert++; if ($par->get('store_org_img', '1') == 0) { JFile::delete($new_img_path . $new_img_n); } } } } $images_c++; } $img_ord++; } if ($img_to_insert) { $query_img = substr($query_img, 0, -2) . ';'; $db->setQuery($query_img); $db->query(); } $imgfreelimit = $par->get('img_free_limit', '-1'); if ($imgfreelimit > -1 && $images_c > $imgfreelimit) { $extra_images = $images_c - $imgfreelimit; $images_to_pay = $extra_images; if (!$is_new) { if ($old_row->extra_images >= $images_to_pay) { $images_to_pay = 0; } else { $images_to_pay = $images_to_pay - $old_row->extra_images; } } $images_to_pay = $images_to_pay + $old_row->extra_images_to_pay; if ($images_to_pay > 0) { $row->extra_images = $extra_images; $row->extra_images_to_pay = $images_to_pay; $row->pay_type .= 'extra_img,'; $row->published = 0; $row->payed = 0; $pay_redirect = 1; $row->store(); } } $desc_chars_limit = $par->get('pay_desc_chars_free_limit', 0); $desc_c = strlen($row->description); if ($par->get('pay_desc_chars', 0) && $desc_c > $desc_chars_limit) { $extra_chars = $desc_c - $desc_chars_limit; $chars_to_pay = $extra_chars; if (!$is_new) { if ($old_row->extra_chars >= $chars_to_pay) { $chars_to_pay = 0; } else { $chars_to_pay = $chars_to_pay - $old_row->extra_chars; } } $chars_to_pay = $chars_to_pay + $old_row->extra_chars_to_pay; if ($chars_to_pay > 0) { $row->extra_chars = $extra_chars; $row->extra_chars_to_pay = $chars_to_pay; $row->pay_type .= 'extra_chars,'; $row->published = 0; $row->payed = 0; $pay_redirect = 1; $row->store(); } } $query = "SELECT f.* FROM #__djcf_fields f " . "LEFT JOIN #__djcf_fields_xref fx ON " . " WHERE fx.cat_id = " . $row->cat_id . " OR f.source=1 "; $db->setQuery($query); $fields_list = $db->loadObjectList(); //echo '<pre>'; print_r($db);print_r($fields_list);die(); $a_tags_cf = ''; if ((int) $par->get('allow_htmltags_cf', '0')) { $allowed_tags_cf = explode(';', $par->get('allowed_htmltags_cf', '')); for ($a = 0; $a < count($allowed_tags_cf); $a++) { $a_tags_cf .= '<' . $allowed_tags_cf[$a] . '>'; } } $ins = 0; if (count($fields_list) > 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_fields_values(`field_id`,`item_id`,`value`,`value_date`) VALUES "; foreach ($fields_list as $fl) { if ($fl->type == 'checkbox') { if (isset($_POST[$fl->name])) { $field_v = $_POST[$fl->name]; $f_value = ';'; for ($fv = 0; $fv < count($field_v); $fv++) { $f_value .= $field_v[$fv] . ';'; } $query .= "('" . $fl->id . "','" . $row->id . "','" . $db->escape($f_value) . "',''), "; $ins++; } } else { if ($fl->type == 'date') { if (isset($_POST[$fl->name])) { $f_var = JRequest::getVar($fl->name, '', '', 'string'); $query .= "('" . $fl->id . "','" . $row->id . "','','" . $db->escape($f_var) . "'), "; $ins++; } } else { if (isset($_POST[$fl->name])) { if ($a_tags_cf) { $f_var = JRequest::getVar($fl->name, '', '', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $f_var = strip_tags($f_var, $a_tags_cf); } else { $f_var = JRequest::getVar($fl->name, '', '', 'string'); } $query .= "('" . $fl->id . "','" . $row->id . "','" . $db->escape($f_var) . "',''), "; $ins++; } } } } } //print_r($query);die(); if ($ins > 0) { $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ';'; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } $query = "SELECT f.* FROM #__djcf_fields f " . "LEFT JOIN #__djcf_fields_xref fx ON " . "WHERE fx.cat_id = " . $row->cat_id . " AND f.in_buynow=1 "; $db->setQuery($query); $fields_list = $db->loadObjectList(); //echo '<pre>'; print_r($_POST);print_r($fields_list);die(); $ins = 0; if (count($fields_list) > 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_fields_values_sale(`item_id`,`quantity`,`options`) VALUES "; $bn_quantity = JRequest::getVar('bn-quantity', array()); $quantity_total = 0; foreach ($fields_list as &$fl) { $fl->bn_values = JRequest::getVar('bn-' . $fl->name, array()); } $bn_options = array(); for ($q = 0; $q < count($bn_quantity); $q++) { if ($bn_quantity[$q] == '' || $bn_quantity[$q] == 0) { continue; } $bn_option = array(); $bn_option['quantity'] = $bn_quantity[$q]; $bn_option['options'] = array(); $quantity_total = $quantity_total + $bn_quantity[$q]; foreach ($fields_list as &$fl) { if ($fl->bn_values[$q]) { $bn_opt = array(); $bn_opt['id'] = $fl->id; $bn_opt['name'] = $fl->name; $bn_opt['label'] = $fl->label; $bn_opt['value'] = $fl->bn_values[$q]; $bn_option['options'][] = $bn_opt; } } if (count($bn_option['options'])) { $bn_options[] = $bn_option; } } if (count($bn_options)) { foreach ($bn_options as $opt) { $query .= "('" . $row->id . "','" . $opt['quantity'] . "','" . $db->escape(json_encode($opt['options'])) . "'), "; $ins++; } if ($ins) { $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ';'; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_items SET quantity=" . $quantity_total . " WHERE id=" . $row->id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } } if ($par->get('notify_admin', '0')) { if ($id > 0) { $new_ad = 0; } else { $new_ad = 1; } if ($par->get('notify_admin', '0') == 1) { DJClassifiedsNotify::notifyAdmin($row, $cat, $new_ad); } else { if ($par->get('notify_admin', '0') == 2 && $id == 0) { DJClassifiedsNotify::notifyAdmin($row, $cat, $new_ad); } } } if ($id == 0 && $par->get('user_new_ad_email', '0') && ($user->id > 0 || $par->get('email_for_guest', '0') && $row->email)) { DJClassifiedsNotify::notifyNewAdvertUser($row, $cat); } $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDJClassifiedsSaveAdvert', array(&$row, $is_new)); if ($pay_redirect == 1) { $menu_uads_itemid = $menus->getItems('link', 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=useritems', 1); $redirect = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=payment&id=' . $row->id; if ($menu_uads_itemid) { $redirect .= '&Itemid=' . $menu_uads_itemid->id; } //$redirect= 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=payment&id='.$row->id.$itemid; if ($row->id) { $message = JTExt::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY_CHOOSE_PAYMENT'); } else { $message = JTExt::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY_CHOOSE_PAYMENT'); } } if (!$redirect) { //$redirect= 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=item&cid='.$row->cat_id.'&id='.$row->id.$itemid; $redirect = DJClassifiedsSEO::getItemRoute($row->id . ':' . $row->alias, $row->cat_id . ':' . $cat->alias); } $redirect = JRoute::_($redirect, false); $app->redirect($redirect, $message); }
public function save() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $model = $this->getModel('category'); $row = JTable::getInstance('Categories', 'DJClassifiedsTable'); $par = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_djclassifieds'); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $row->bind(JRequest::get('post')); $icon_url = $row->icon_url; $row->description = JRequest::getVar('description', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); if ($row->alias) { $row->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($row->alias); } else { $row->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($row->name); } $del_icon_id = JRequest::getInt('del_icon_id', 0); $del_icon_path = JRequest::getVar('del_icon_path', ''); $del_icon_name = JRequest::getVar('del_icon_name', ''); $del_icon_ext = JRequest::getVar('del_icon_ext', ''); if (JRequest::getVar('del_icon', '0', '', 'int')) { if ($del_icon_path && $del_icon_name && $del_icon_ext) { $path_to_delete = JPATH_SITE . $del_icon_path . $del_icon_name; if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '.' . $del_icon_ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '.' . $del_icon_ext); } if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '_ths.' . $del_icon_ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '_ths.' . $del_icon_ext); } $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_images WHERE type='category' AND item_id=" . $row->id . " AND id=" . $del_icon_id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } $row->price = $row->price * 100; //echo '<pre>';print_r($row);die(); if (!$row->ordering) { $query = "SELECT ordering FROM #__djcf_categories WHERE parent_id = " . $row->parent_id . " ORDER BY ordering DESC LIMIT 1"; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($query); $order = $db->loadObject(); $row->ordering = $order->ordering + 1; } if (!$row->store()) { echo $row->getError(); exit; } $new_icon = $_FILES['icon']; if (substr($new_icon['type'], 0, 5) == "image") { $path_to_delete = JPATH_SITE . $del_icon_path . $del_icon_name; if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '.' . $del_icon_ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '.' . $del_icon_ext); } if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '_ths.' . $del_icon_ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '_ths.' . $del_icon_ext); } $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_images WHERE type='category' AND item_id=" . $row->id . " AND id=" . $del_icon_id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $last_id = $row->id; $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $icon_name = str_ireplace(' ', '_', $new_icon['name']); $icon_name = $lang->transliterate($icon_name); $icon_name = strtolower($icon_name); $icon_name = JFile::makeSafe($icon_name); $icon_name = $last_id . '_' . $icon_name; $icon_url = $icon_name; $path = JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_djclassifieds/images/category/" . $icon_name; move_uploaded_file($new_icon['tmp_name'], $path); $nw = $par->get('catth_width', -1); $nh = $par->get('catth_height', -1); $name_parts = pathinfo($path); $img_name = $name_parts['filename']; $img_ext = $name_parts['extension']; $new_path = JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_djclassifieds/images/category/"; //DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($path, $nw, $nh, 'ths'); DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($path, $new_path . $img_name . '_ths.' . $img_ext, $nw, $nh); $query = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_images(`item_id`,`type`,`name`,`ext`,`path`,`caption`,`ordering`) VALUES "; $query .= "('" . $row->id . "','category','" . $img_name . "','" . $img_ext . "','/components/com_djclassifieds/images/category/','','1'); "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_categories_groups WHERE cat_id= " . $row->id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); if (isset($_POST['cat_groups'])) { $query = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_categories_groups(`cat_id`,`group_id`) VALUES "; for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['cat_groups']); $i++) { $group_id = $_POST['cat_groups'][$i]; $query .= "('" . $row->id . "','" . $group_id . "'), "; } $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ';'; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } switch (JRequest::getVar('task')) { case 'apply': $link = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&task=category.edit&id=' . $row->id; $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_CATEGORY_SAVED'); break; case 'save2new': $link = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&task=category.add'; $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_CATEGORY_SAVED'); break; case 'saveItem': default: $link = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=categories'; $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_CATEGORY_SAVED'); break; } $app->redirect($link, $msg); }
function regenerateAliases() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $par = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_djclassifieds'); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT * FROM #__djcf_categories"; $db->setQuery($query); $cats = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($cats as $c) { $alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($c->name); $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_categories SET alias='" . $alias . "' WHERE id=" . $c->id; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } $redirect = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=categories'; $app->redirect($redirect, JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_ALIASES_RECREATED')); }
public function save() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $model = $this->getModel('item'); $row = JTable::getInstance('Items', 'DJClassifiedsTable'); $par = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_djclassifieds'); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $row->bind(JRequest::get('post')); $row->description = JRequest::getVar('description', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $row->intro_desc = JRequest::getVar('intro_desc', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $row->contact = nl2br(JRequest::getVar('contact', '', 'post', 'string')); if ($row->alias) { $row->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($row->alias); } else { $row->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($row->name); } $row->image_url = ''; //$exp_date = explode('-', $_POST['date_expir']); //$exp_time = explode(':', $_POST['time_expir']); //$row->date_exp = mktime($exp_time[0],$exp_time[1],0,$exp_date[1],$exp_date[2],$exp_date[0]); $row->date_exp = $_POST['date_expir'] . ' ' . $_POST['time_expir'] . ':00'; $is_new = 1; if ($row->id > 0) { $old_date_exp = JRequest::getVar('date_exp_old', ''); if ($old_date_exp != $row->date_exp) { $row->notify = 0; } $is_new = 0; } if ($row->id == 0) { $row->exp_days = ceil((strtotime($row->date_exp) - time()) / (60 * 60 * 24)); } if ($row->user_id == 0 && $row->id == 0) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $row->user_id = $user->id; $row->ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $row->region_id = end($_POST['regions']); if (!$row->region_id) { $row->region_id = $_POST['regions'][count($_POST['regions']) - 2]; if (!reset($_POST['regions'])) { $row->region_id = 0; } } if ($row->id > 0) { $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_fields_values WHERE item_id= " . $row->id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); if ($row->payed == 1) { $row->pay_type = ''; $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_payments SET status='Completed' WHERE item_id= " . $row->id . " AND type=0 "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } $row->promotions = ''; $query = "SELECT p.* FROM #__djcf_promotions p ORDER BY "; $db->setQuery($query); $promotions = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($promotions as $prom) { if (JRequest::getVar($prom->name, '0')) { $row->promotions .= $prom->name . ','; } } if ($row->promotions) { $row->promotions = substr($row->promotions, 0, -1); } if (strstr($row->promotions, 'p_first')) { $row->special = 1; } else { $row->special = 0; } if (($row->region_id || $row->address) && ($row->latitude == '0.000000000000000' && $row->longitude == '0.000000000000000' || !$row->latitude && !$row->longitude)) { $address = ''; if ($row->region_id) { $reg_path = DJClassifiedsRegion::getParentPath($row->region_id); for ($r = count($reg_path) - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) { if ($reg_path[$r]->country) { $address = $reg_path[$r]->name; } if ($reg_path[$r]->city) { if ($address) { $address .= ', '; } $address .= $reg_path[$r]->name; } } } if ($address) { $address .= ', '; } $address .= $row->address; if ($row->post_code) { $address .= ', ' . $row->post_code; } $loc_coord = DJClassifiedsGeocode::getLocation($address); if (is_array($loc_coord)) { $row->latitude = $loc_coord['lat']; $row->longitude = $loc_coord['lng']; } } //echo '<pre>';print_r($_POST);print_r($row);echo '</pre>';die(); if (!$row->store()) { echo $row->getError(); exit; } if ($is_new) { $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_items SET date_sort=date_start WHERE id=" . $row->id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } $item_images = ''; if (!$is_new) { $query = "SELECT * FROM #__djcf_images WHERE item_id=" . $row->id . " AND type='item' "; $db->setQuery($query); $item_images = $db->loadObjectList('id'); } $img_ids = JRequest::getVar('img_id', array(), 'post', 'array'); $img_captions = JRequest::getVar('img_caption', array(), 'post', 'array'); $img_images = JRequest::getVar('img_image', array(), 'post', 'array'); $img_id_to_del = ''; foreach ($item_images as $item_img) { $img_to_del = 1; foreach ($img_ids as $img_id) { if ($item_img->id == $img_id) { $img_to_del = 0; break; } } if ($img_to_del) { $path_to_delete = JPATH_ROOT . $item_img->path . $item_img->name; if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '.' . $item_img->ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '.' . $item_img->ext); } if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '_ths.' . $item_img->ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '_ths.' . $item_img->ext); } if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '_thm.' . $item_img->ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '_thm.' . $item_img->ext); } if (JFile::exists($path_to_delete . '_thb.' . $item_img->ext)) { JFile::delete($path_to_delete . '_thb.' . $item_img->ext); } $img_id_to_del .= $item_img->id . ','; } } if ($img_id_to_del) { $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_images WHERE item_id=" . $row->id . " AND type='item' AND ID IN (" . substr($img_id_to_del, 0, -1) . ") "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } $last_id = $row->id; $nw = (int) $par->get('th_width', -1); $nh = (int) $par->get('th_height', -1); $nws = (int) $par->get('smallth_width', -1); $nhs = (int) $par->get('smallth_height', -1); $nwm = (int) $par->get('middleth_width', -1); $nhm = (int) $par->get('middleth_height', -1); $nwb = (int) $par->get('bigth_width', -1); $nhb = (int) $par->get('bigth_height', -1); $img_ord = 1; $img_to_insert = 0; $query_img = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_images(`item_id`,`type`,`name`,`ext`,`path`,`caption`,`ordering`) VALUES "; $new_img_path = JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_djclassifieds/images/item/"; for ($im = 0; $im < count($img_ids); $im++) { if ($img_ids[$im]) { if ($item_images[$img_ids[$im]]->ordering != $img_ord || $item_images[$img_ids[$im]]->caption != $img_captions[$im]) { $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_images SET ordering='" . $img_ord . "', caption='" . $db->escape($img_captions[$im]) . "' WHERE item_id=" . $row->id . " AND type='item' AND id=" . $img_ids[$im] . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } else { $new_img_name = explode(';', $img_images[$im]); if (is_array($new_img_name)) { $new_img_name_u = JPATH_ROOT . '/tmp/djupload/' . $new_img_name[0]; if (JFile::exists($new_img_name_u)) { if (getimagesize($new_img_name_u)) { $new_img_n = $last_id . '_' . str_ireplace(' ', '_', $new_img_name[1]); $new_img_n = $lang->transliterate($new_img_n); $new_img_n = strtolower($new_img_n); $new_img_n = JFile::makeSafe($new_img_n); $new_path_check = $new_img_path . $new_img_n; $nimg = 0; while (JFile::exists($new_path_check)) { $nimg++; $new_img_n = $last_id . '_' . $nimg . '_' . str_ireplace(' ', '_', $new_img_name[1]); $new_img_n = $lang->transliterate($new_img_n); $new_img_n = strtolower($new_img_n); $new_img_n = JFile::makeSafe($new_img_n); $new_path_check = $new_img_path . $new_img_n; } rename($new_img_name_u, $new_img_path . $new_img_n); $name_parts = pathinfo($new_img_n); $img_name = $name_parts['filename']; $img_ext = $name_parts['extension']; DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_img_path . $new_img_n, $new_img_path . $img_name . '_ths.' . $img_ext, $nws, $nhs); DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_img_path . $new_img_n, $new_img_path . $img_name . '_thm.' . $img_ext, $nwm, $nhm); DJClassifiedsImage::makeThumb($new_img_path . $new_img_n, $new_img_path . $img_name . '_thb.' . $img_ext, $nwb, $nhb); $query_img .= "('" . $row->id . "','item','" . $img_name . "','" . $img_ext . "','/components/com_djclassifieds/images/item/','" . $db->escape($img_captions[$im]) . "','" . $img_ord . "'), "; $img_to_insert++; if ($par->get('store_org_img', '1') == 0) { JFile::delete($new_img_path . $new_img_n); } } } } } $img_ord++; } if ($img_to_insert) { $query_img = substr($query_img, 0, -2) . ';'; $db->setQuery($query_img); $db->query(); } //if($row->cat_id){ $query = "SELECT f.* FROM #__djcf_fields f " . "LEFT JOIN #__djcf_fields_xref fx ON " . "WHERE (fx.cat_id = " . $row->cat_id . " OR f.source=1) "; $db->setQuery($query); $fields_list = $db->loadObjectList(); //echo '<pre>'; print_r($db);print_r($fields_list);die(); $ins = 0; if (count($fields_list) > 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_fields_values(`field_id`,`item_id`,`value`,`value_date`) VALUES "; foreach ($fields_list as $fl) { if ($fl->type == 'checkbox') { if (isset($_POST[$fl->name])) { $field_v = $_POST[$fl->name]; $f_value = ';'; for ($fv = 0; $fv < count($field_v); $fv++) { $f_value .= $field_v[$fv] . ';'; } $query .= "('" . $fl->id . "','" . $row->id . "','" . $db->escape($f_value) . "',''), "; $ins++; } } else { if ($fl->type == 'date') { if (isset($_POST[$fl->name])) { $f_var = JRequest::getVar($fl->name, '', '', 'string'); $query .= "('" . $fl->id . "','" . $row->id . "','','" . $db->escape($f_var) . "'), "; $ins++; } } else { if (isset($_POST[$fl->name])) { $f_var = JRequest::getVar($fl->name, '', '', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $query .= "('" . $fl->id . "','" . $row->id . "','" . $db->escape($f_var) . "',''), "; $ins++; } } } } } //print_r($query);die(); if ($ins) { $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ';'; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } //} JPluginHelper::importPlugin('djclassifieds'); $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDJClassifiedsSaveAdvert', array($row, $is_new)); switch (JRequest::getVar('task')) { case 'apply': $link = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&task=item.edit&id=' . $row->id; $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_ITEM_SAVED'); break; case 'save2new': $link = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&task=item.add'; $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_ITEM_SAVED'); break; case 'saveItem': default: $link = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=items'; $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_ITEM_SAVED'); break; } $app->redirect($link, $msg); }
function removeFavourite() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0); $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', 0, '', 'int'); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid'); $par = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_djclassifieds'); $query = "SELECT,, i.alias,i.cat_id, as c_name, c.alias as c_alias FROM #__djcf_items i " . "LEFT JOIN #__djcf_categories c ON " . "WHERE = " . $id; $db->setQuery($query); $item = $db->loadObject(); if (!$item->alias) { $item->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->name); } if (!$item->c_alias) { $item->c_alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->c_name); } $link = DJClassifiedsSEO::getItemRoute($item->id . ':' . $item->alias, $item->cat_id . ':' . $item->c_alias); $m_type = ''; if ($par->get('favourite', '1')) { if ($user->id > 0) { $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_favourites WHERE item_id=" . $id . " AND user_id=" . $user->id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_AD_REMOVED_FROM_FAVOURITES'); } else { $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_PLEASE_LOGIN'); $m_type = 'error'; } } else { $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'); $m_type = 'error'; } //$link = 'index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=item&cid='.$cid.'&id='.$id.'&Itemid='.$itemid; $link = JRoute::_($link); $app->redirect($link, $msg, $m_type); }
function delBid() { header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0); $cid = JRequest::getInt('cid', 0); $bid = JRequest::getFloat('bid', 0); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid'); $par = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_djclassifieds'); $m_type = ''; $query = "SELECT i.*, as c_name, c.alias as c_alias FROM #__djcf_items i " . "LEFT JOIN #__djcf_categories c ON " . "WHERE = " . $id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $item = $db->loadObject(); if (!$item->alias) { $item->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->name); } if (!$item->c_alias) { $item->c_alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($item->c_name); } $link = DJClassifiedsSEO::getItemRoute($item->id . ':' . $item->alias, $item->cat_id . ':' . $item->c_alias); if ($user->id > 0) { if ($item) { if ($item->user_id == $user->id && $item->user_id > 0) { $query = "DELETE FROM #__djcf_auctions WHERE item_id = " . $item->id . " AND id=" . $bid; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $price_start = $item->price_start; $query = "SELECT a.* FROM #__djcf_auctions a " . " WHERE a.item_id=" . $item->id . " ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1"; $db->setQuery($query); $last_bid = $db->loadObject(); if ($last_bid) { $price_start = $last_bid->price; } $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_items SET price='" . $price_start . "' " . " WHERE id=" . $item->id; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_BID_DELETED'); } else { $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_WRONG_AD'); $m_type = 'error'; } } else { $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_WRONG_AD'); $m_type = 'error'; } } else { $msg = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_PLEASE_LOGIN'); $m_type = 'error'; } $link = JRoute::_($link); $app->redirect($link, $msg, $m_type); die('aaaa'); }
public static function getCategoriesSortParent($p = '0', $ord = 'ord', $ord_dir = 'ASC') { $user = JFactory::getUser(); if (!self::$_categories_sparent) { self::$_categories_sparent = array(); } if (isset(self::$_categories_sparent[$p . '_' . $ord])) { return self::$_categories_sparent[$p . '_' . $ord]; } if ($p) { $pub = 'WHERE c.published=1 '; $groups_acl = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $access_view = " AND c.access_view IN (" . $groups_acl . ") "; } else { $pub = ''; $access_view = ''; } if ($ord == 'name') { $order = ''; } else { if ($ord == 'id') { $order = ''; } else { if ($ord == 'price') { $order = 'c.price'; } else { if ($ord == 'pub') { $order = 'c.published'; } else { $order = 'c.ordering'; } } } } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $query = "SELECT c.*, as parent_name,IFNULL(i.items_count,0) items_count FROM #__djcf_categories c " . "LEFT JOIN #__djcf_categories cc ON " . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT i.cat_id, count( as items_count " . "FROM #__djcf_items i WHERE i.published=1 AND i.date_exp > '" . $date_now . "' GROUP BY i.cat_id) i ON " . $pub . $access_view . "ORDER BY c.parent_id, " . $order . " " . $ord_dir; $db->setQuery($query); $allcategories = $db->loadObjectList(); $categories = array(); foreach ($allcategories as $cat) { if (!$cat->alias) { $cat->alias = DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($cat->name); } if (!isset($categories[$cat->parent_id])) { $categories[$cat->parent_id] = array(); } $categories[$cat->parent_id][] = $cat; } //echo '<pre>';print_r($db);print_r($allcategories);die(); self::$_categories_sparent[$p . '_' . $ord] = $categories; return self::$_categories_sparent[$p . '_' . $ord]; }
</div> <div class="djcf_prow_desc_row djcf_prow_date"> <span class="djcf_prow_desc_label" ><?php echo JText::_("COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_ORDER_DATE"); ?> :</span> <span class="djcf_prow_desc_value" ><?php echo DJClassifiedsTheme::formatDate(strtotime($order->date)); ?> </span> <div class="clear_both"></div> </div> </div> <div class="item_col"> <?php $uid_slug = $order->user_id . ':' . DJClassifiedsSEO::getAliasName($order->username); echo '<a class="profile_name" href="index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&view=profile&uid=' . $uid_slug . DJClassifiedsSEO::getMainAdvertsItemid() . '">' . $order->username; if ($order->i_user_items_count) { echo ' <span>(' . $order->i_user_items_count . ')</span>'; } echo '</a>'; echo '<div class="profile_email_outer"><a class="profile_email button" href="mailto:' . $order->email . '">' . JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_CONTACT_SELLER') . '</a></div>'; ?> </div> <?php echo '</div>'; } ?> </div> <div class="pagination">