function dbreassign()
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (($iID = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['jcn'])) === null || ($iSeq = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['seq'])) === null || ($iResponsible = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['responsible'])) === null || ($fEstHours = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDecimal($_REQUEST['esthours'])) === null || ($fEtcHours = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDecimal($_REQUEST['etchours'])) === null || ($iSeverity = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['severity'])) === null || ($iPriority = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['priority'])) === null || ($deadlineon = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['deadlineon'])) === null || ($eststarton = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['eststarton'])) === null || ($estendon = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['estendon'])) === null) {
         trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.');
     if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ASSIGN, $iID, $iSeq)) {
         return PrintPermissionDenied();
     $objWO =& CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkorders');
     if ($objWO->Load($iID, $iSeq) == -1) {
     if ($objWO->responsible != $iResponsible || $objWO->deadlineon != $deadlineon || $objWO->eststarton != $eststarton || $objWO->estendon != $estendon || $objWO->esthours != $fEstHours || $objWO->etchours != $fEtcHours || $objWO->priority != $iPriority || $objWO->status == $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_UNASSIGN_WO'] || $objWO->severity != $iSeverity) {
         $objWO->responsible = $iResponsible;
         $objWO->deadlineon = $deadlineon;
         $objWO->eststarton = $eststarton;
         $objWO->estendon = $estendon;
         $objWO->esthours = $fEstHours;
         $oStatus =& CreateObject("dcl.dbStatuses");
         if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($objWO->status) != 2) {
             $objWO->etchours = $fEtcHours;
             if ($objWO->status == $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_UNASSIGN_WO']) {
                 $objWO->status = $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_ASSIGN_WO'];
                 $objWO->statuson = $objWO->GetDateSQL();
         } else {
             $objWO->etchours = 0.0;
         $objWO->priority = $iPriority;
         $objWO->severity = $iSeverity;
         $objWtch =& CreateObject('dcl.boWatches');
         $objWtch->sendNotification($objWO, '4');
     $objHTMLWO =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlWorkOrderDetail');
     $objHTMLWO->Show($iID, $iSeq);
 function Add($targeted_version_id = 0, $fixed_version_id = 0)
     global $dcl_info, $g_oSec;
     if (($fEtcHours = DCL_Sanitize::ToDecimal($_REQUEST['etchours'])) === null) {
         trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.');
     $objWO = CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkorders');
     if ($objWO->Load($this->jcn, $this->seq) == -1) {
         trigger_error(printf(STR_DB_WORKORDERLOADERR, $this->jcn, $this->seq));
     $currstatus = $objWO->status;
     $justStarted = $objWO->IsFieldNull('starton');
     $idSQL = $this->GetNewIDSQLForTable('timecards');
     $query = 'INSERT INTO timecards (';
     if ($idSQL != '') {
         $query .= 'id,';
     $query .= 'jcn, seq, actionon, inputon, actionby, status, action, hours, summary, description, is_public, reassign_from_id, reassign_to_id';
     $query .= ') VALUES (';
     if ($idSQL != '') {
         $query .= $idSQL . ',';
     $query .= $this->jcn . ',' . $this->seq . ',';
     $query .= $this->DisplayToSQL($this->actionon) . ',';
     $query .= $this->GetDateSQL() . ',' . $this->actionby . ',';
     $query .= $this->status . ',' . $this->action . ',' . $this->hours;
     $query .= ',' . $this->Quote($this->summary);
     $query .= ',' . $this->Quote($this->description);
     $query .= ',' . $this->Quote($this->is_public);
     // Reassign if selected and able
     if ($this->reassign_to_id > 0 && $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ASSIGN) && $objWO->responsible != $this->reassign_to_id) {
         $query .= ',' . $objWO->responsible;
         $query .= ',' . $this->reassign_to_id;
         $objWO->responsible = $this->reassign_to_id;
     } else {
         $query .= ', NULL, NULL';
     $query .= ')';
     $objWO->lastactionon = date($dcl_info['DCL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT']);
     $objWO->totalhours = $objWO->totalhours + $this->hours;
     $objWO->etchours = $_REQUEST['etchours'];
     if ($currstatus != $this->status) {
         $objWO->status = $this->status;
         $objWO->statuson = date($dcl_info['DCL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT']);
         $oStatus = CreateObject('dcl.dbStatuses');
         if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($this->status) == 2 && $oStatus->GetStatusType($currstatus) != 2) {
             $objWO->closedby = $this->actionby;
             $objWO->closedon = $this->actionon;
         } else {
             if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($currstatus) == 2) {
                 $objWO->closedby = 0;
                 $objWO->closedon = '';
     // Check for version updates
     if ((int) $targeted_version_id > 0) {
         $objWO->targeted_version_id = $targeted_version_id;
     if ((int) $fixed_version_id > 0) {
         $objWO->fixed_version_id = $fixed_version_id;
     // ensure the etc hours do not get anything but zero when closed
     $oStatus = CreateObject('dcl.dbStatuses');
     if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($objWO->status) == 2) {
         $objWO->etchours = 0.0;
     if ($justStarted == 1) {
         $objWO->starton = $this->actionon;
  * Helper function to properly represent data for SQL statements
  * @param string the field this value represents
  * @param string the value of this field
  * @return mixed NULL if the value is NULL or empty, otherwise proper SQL formatted value
 function FieldValueToSQL($sField, $sValue)
     $aField =& $GLOBALS['phpgw_baseline'][$this->TableName]['fd'][$sField];
     if (is_null($sValue) || trim($sValue) === '') {
         if ($aField['type'] == 'timestamp') {
             return $this->emptyTimestamp;
         return 'NULL';
     switch ($aField['type']) {
         case 'varchar':
         case 'char':
         case 'text':
             return $this->Quote($sValue);
         case 'date':
         case 'datetime':
         case 'timestamp':
             if ($sValue == DCL_NOW) {
                 return $this->GetDateSQL();
             return $this->DisplayToSQL($sValue);
         case 'int':
         case 'auto':
             return DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($sValue);
         case 'float':
             return DCL_Sanitize::ToDecimal($sValue);
             return $sValue;