Example #1
 * Get the most recent entry for the page_id - if its URL does not match the URL of the page now, create a new entry and update
 * the timestamp of the last location (if it exists).
 * @todo consider whether or not there is any utility in checking children if we are not creating an entry for the current
 *       location the page
 * @param integer $page_id
 * @param boolean $check_children
 * @return boolean
function update_URL_history( $page_id, $check_children = true )
	$page = new entity($page_id);
	if (reason_is_entity($page, 'minisite_page') && !$page->get_value('url'))
		$builder = new reasonPageURL();
		$builder->disable_static_cache(); // force a refresh for this instance of the builder in case the URL just changed
		$url = $builder->get_relative_url();
		if (!empty($url)) // we only bother if we can get a url
			// lets grab the most recent entry for this page_id
			$d = new DBselector();
			$d->add_table( 'history', 'URL_history' );
			$d->add_field( 'history', 'id', 'id' );
			$d->add_field( 'history', 'url', 'url' );
			$d->add_field( 'history', 'page_id', 'page_id' );
			$d->add_field( 'history', 'timestamp', 'timestamp' );
			$d->add_relation( 'history.page_id = ' . $page_id );
			$d->set_order( 'history.timestamp DESC, history.id DESC' ); // get highest id of highest timestamp
			$result = db_query( $d->get_query() , 'Error getting most recent URL_history entry for page '.$page_id );
			if( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
				$create_new = ($row['url'] == $url) ? false : true;
				$update_old = $create_new; // if we create new in this case we want to update the old as well
				$create_new = true;
				$update_old = false;
			if ($create_new) // lets use the SQLer to do this
				$sqler = new SQLER();
				$cur_time = time();
				$values = array('url' => $url, 'page_id' => $page_id, 'timestamp' => $cur_time);
				$sqler->insert('URL_history', $values);
				if ($update_old) // the old row is the one we already grabbed - lets update its timestamp to be just before what we just created
					$sqler->update_one('URL_history', array('timestamp' => ($cur_time - 1)), $row['id']);
			if( $check_children ) update_children( $page_id );
			return true;
	trigger_error('update_URL_history called on entity id ' . $page_id . ' which does not appear to be a valid minisite_page entity with a url (is it an external URL?)');
	return false;
  * Find pages that are actually external URLs - if the external url is the most recent timestamp for an entry, keep track of its details.
  * Delete all the external URL page_id entries from the table, and then insert corrected ones for the external urls that were being used
  * as the most recent timestamp. The corrected entries use the parent page_id instead, which is what the external url entries would typically
  * resolve to. This approach keeps the history working as intended, while removing the external url entries that are no longer put into the
  * table in Reason 4 Beta 8
 function repair_external_url_problem()
     // first we grab all the minisite page_ids that are actually URLs
     $es = new entity_selector();
     $es->limit_tables(array('page_node', 'url'));
     // we only want pages that have the url field populated
     $es->add_relation('((url.url != "") AND (url.url IS NOT NULL))');
     $result = $es->run_one();
     if ($result) {
         $dbs = new DBSelector();
         $dbs->add_relation('page_id IN ("' . implode('","', array_keys($result)) . '")');
         $rows = $dbs->run();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $url = $row['url'];
             $id = $row['id'];
             $urls[$id] = $url;
             $rows_by_id[$id] = $row;
     if (isset($urls)) {
         $unique_urls = array_unique($urls);
         foreach ($unique_urls as $url) {
             $query = 'SELECT * FROM URL_history WHERE url ="' . reason_sql_string_escape($url) . '" ORDER BY timestamp DESC limit 1';
             $result = db_query($query, 'error in query');
             $latest_row = $result ? mysql_fetch_assoc($result) : false;
             if ($latest_row) {
                 $latest_row_id = $latest_row['id'];
                 if (isset($urls[$latest_row_id])) {
                     $needs_fixin[] = $latest_row_id;
         if (isset($needs_fixin)) {
             foreach ($needs_fixin as $url_history_id_to_update) {
                 $d = new DBselector();
                 $d->add_table('r', 'relationship');
                 $d->add_field('r', 'entity_b', 'parent_id');
                 $d->add_relation('r.type = ' . relationship_id_of('minisite_page_parent'));
                 $d->add_relation('r.entity_a = ' . $rows_by_id[$url_history_id_to_update]['page_id']);
                 $result = db_query($d->get_query(), 'Error getting parent ID.');
                 if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                     $fixer[$url_history_id_to_update]['deleted'] = $rows_by_id[$url_history_id_to_update]['deleted'];
                     $fixer[$url_history_id_to_update]['timestamp'] = $rows_by_id[$url_history_id_to_update]['timestamp'];
                     $fixer[$url_history_id_to_update]['url'] = $rows_by_id[$url_history_id_to_update]['url'];
                     $fixer[$url_history_id_to_update]['page_id'] = $myrow['parent_id'];
                     $fixer[$url_history_id_to_update]['old_page_id'] = $rows_by_id[$url_history_id_to_update]['page_id'];
                     $fixer[$url_history_id_to_update]['new_page_id'] = $myrow['parent_id'];
         if (isset($fixer)) {
             $fixer_sql = 'INSERT INTO `URL_history` (`id`, `url`, `page_id`, `timestamp`, `deleted`) VALUES ';
             $fixcount = 0;
             foreach ($fixer as $row_id => $fields) {
                 $notfirst = !isset($notfirst) ? false : true;
                 if ($notfirst) {
                     $fixer_sql .= ", ";
                 $fixer_sql .= "(" . $row_id . ", '" . $fields['url'] . "', " . $fields['page_id'] . ", " . $fields['timestamp'] . ", '" . $fields['deleted'] . "')";
         $deleter_sql = 'DELETE FROM URL_history WHERE id IN ("' . implode('","', array_keys($rows_by_id)) . '")';
         if ($this->mode == 'test') {
             echo '<p>Would delete ' . count($rows_by_id) . ' rows with this query:</p>';
             echo $deleter_sql;
         } elseif ($this->mode == 'run') {
             db_query($deleter_sql, 'Could not delete rows from URL_history');
             echo '<p>Deleted ' . count($rows_by_id) . ' rows with this query:</p>';
             echo $deleter_sql;
         if ($this->mode == 'test' && isset($fixer_sql)) {
             echo '<p>Would restore ' . $fixcount . ' rows with updated page_ids this query:</p>';
             echo $fixer_sql;
         } elseif ($this->mode == 'run' && isset($fixer_sql)) {
             db_query($fixer_sql, 'Could not restore rows to URL_history');
             echo '<p>Restored ' . $fixcount . ' rows with this query:</p>';
             echo $fixer_sql;
     } else {
         echo '<p>There are no rows in the URL_history table that resolve to external urls - you may have already run this script</p>';
         return true;
     return false;
Example #3
	 * We use a DBSelector to construct a super basic query to quickly get the owner id.
	 * This method probably ought to be a method directly on minisite page entities ... but alas we aren't there yet.
	 * For efficiency sake, we could eliminate this if the owner was stored on the page entity and not across a relationship
	 * @access private
	 * @param object minisite_page entity
	 * @return int owner id for a minisite page
	function _get_owner_id(&$page)
		if (!$page->has_value('owner_id'))
			$d = new DBselector();
			$d->add_table( 'r', 'relationship' );
			$d->add_field( 'r', 'entity_a', 'owner_id' );
			$d->add_relation( 'r.type = ' . get_owns_relationship_id(id_of('minisite_page')));
			$d->add_relation( 'r.entity_b = ' . $page->id() );
			$result = db_query( $d->get_query() , 'Error getting owner ID.' );
			if( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
				$page->set_value('owner_id', $row['owner_id']);
				$page->set_value('owner_id', false);
		return $page->get_value('owner_id');
  * We always return true - we check if the entity id is a root node (and then if the destination has a root node) and delete the page parent rel if so.
 function run_job()
     $d = new DBselector();
     $d->add_table('r', 'relationship');
     $d->add_field('r', 'entity_b', 'parent_id');
     $d->add_field('r', 'id', 'rel_id');
     $d->add_relation('r.type = ' . relationship_id_of('minisite_page_parent'));
     $d->add_relation('r.entity_a = ' . $this->config('page_id'));
     $result = db_query($d->get_query(), 'Error getting parent ID.');
     if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         if ($row['parent_id'] == $this->config('page_id')) {
             if ($this->new_site_has_root_node()) {
                 $this->set_report("Page ID " . $this->config('page_id') . " is a root node - deleted rel " . $row['rel_id'] . '.');
             } else {
                 $this->set_report("Page ID " . $this->config('page_id') . " remains a root node - not deleting because destination site has no root node.");
     return true;