public function YiBaoPayFeedback($payResult, $orderId)
     if ($payResult["r1_Code"] == "1") {
         $db = new DB_test();
         $query = "update  tb_transfermoneyglist set fd_tfmglist_payrq ='00' ,fd_tfmglist_paydate = NOW(), fd_tfmglist_bkntno = '" . $payResult['r2_TrxId'] . "'  where fd_tfmglist_bkordernumber = '{$orderId}'";
         $query = "update  tb_agentpaymoneylist set fd_agpm_payrq = '00', fd_agpm_bkntno = '" . $payResult['r2_TrxId'] . "'  where fd_agpm_bkordernumber = '{$orderId}'";
         $query = "select 1 from tb_cus_fenrunglist where 1 and  fd_frlist_bkordernumber = '" . $orderId . "' limit 1";
         if ($db->execute($query)) {
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT fd_tfmglist_authorid AS authorid, fd_author_cusid AS cusid, fd_tfmglist_paycardid AS paycardid, fd_tfmglist_paydate AS paydate, fd_tfmglist_paymoney AS paymoney, fd_tfmglist_payfee AS payfee, fd_tfmglist_sdcrpayfeemoney AS sdcrpayfeemoney, fd_tfmglist_paytype AS paytype, fd_tfmglist_sdcrpayfeemoney FROM tb_transfermoneyglist WHERE fd_tfmglist_bkordernumber = '{$orderId}'";
             if ($db->execute($query)) {
                 $arr_info = $db->get_one($query);
                 $cusfee = 0;
                 $tfbfenrun = 0;
                 $cusfeeResult = getcusfenrun::get_cusfenrun($arr_info['cusid'], $arr_info['paytype'], $arr_info['payMoney'], $arr_info['fd_tfmglist_sdcrpayfeemoney'], $arr_info['fd_tfmglist_payfee'], 0, date("Y-m-d"), null, null);
                 $cusfee = $cusfeeResult["cusfee"];
                 $tfbfenrun = $arr_cusfee['tfbfenrun'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_authorid'] = $arr_info['authorid'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_cusid'] = $arr_info['cusid'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_paycardid'] = $arr_info['paycardid'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_paydate'] = $arr_info['paydate'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_paymoney'] = $arr_info['paymoney'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_payfee'] = $arr_info['payfee'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_cusfee'] = $cusfee;
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_bkordernumber'] = $orderId;
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_payrq'] = '00';
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_paytype'] = $arr_info['paytype'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_sdcrid'] = 3;
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_sdcrpayfeemoney'] = $arr_info['sdcrpayfeemoney'];
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_tfbfenrun'] = $tfbfenrun;
                 $dateArray['fd_frlist_datetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 $db->insert("tb_cus_fenrunglist", $dateArray);
 private static function getpaymerinfo($authorid)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $ErrorReponse = new ErrorReponse();
     $query = "select fd_sdcr_merid as merid,fd_sdcr_securitykey as securitykey,fd_sdcr_id as sdcrid," . "fd_sdcr_payfee as \t\t  sdcrpayfee,fd_sdcr_tradeurl as tradeurl,fd_sdcr_queryurl as queryurl," . "fd_sdcr_minpayfee as minsdcrpayfee," . "fd_sdcr_agentfee as sdcragentfee from tb_author join tb_sendcenter " . "on fd_sdcr_id = fd_author_sdcrid where fd_author_id = '{$authorid}'";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_merinfo = $db->get_one($query);
         return $arr_merinfo;
     } else {
         $Error = array('rettype' => '100', 'retcode' => '100', 'retmsg' => '商户未审核,不允许操作该功能。');
 public function readQQhasRechamoney($qq)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = $arr_channelinfo['authorid'];
     $now = date('Y-m-d');
     $query = "select  sum(fd_mrclist_rechamoney) as remoney from tb_qqrechargelist\n               where fd_mrclist_qq = '{$qq}' and fd_mrclist_payrq= '00' and fd_mrclist_paydate = '{$now}'";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_merinfo = $db->get_one($query);
     return $arr_merinfo['remoney'];
 public function readRechacostmoney($money)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = $arr_channelinfo['authorid'];
     $query = "select   (fd_recham_paymoney-fd_recham_costmoney) as payfee from tb_mobilerechamoney\n        where fd_recham_money = '{$money}'";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_merinfo = $db->get_one($query);
         $payfee = $arr_merinfo['payfee'] - $money * 0.44 / 100;
     } else {
         $payfee = 0;
     return $payfee;
 public function AddKuaibkcard()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = trim($arr_channelinfo['authorid']);
     $bkcardbankcode = trim($arr_body['bkcardbankid']);
     $bkcardbank = trim($arr_body['bkcardbank']);
     $bkcardno = trim($arr_body['bkcardno']);
     $bkcardbankman = trim($arr_body['bkcardbankman']);
     $bkcardbankphone = trim($arr_body['bkcardbankphone']);
     $bkcardyxmonth = trim($arr_body['bkcardyxmonth']);
     $bkcardyxyear = trim($arr_body['bkcardyxyear']);
     $bkcardcvv = trim($arr_body['bkcardcvv']);
     $bkcardidcard = trim($arr_body['bkcardidcard']);
     $bkcardcardtype = trim($arr_body['bkcardcardtype']);
     $bkcardisdefault = trim($arr_body['bkcardisdefault']);
     $bkcardbankid = getbankid(u2g($bkcardbank));
     $query = "select 1 from tb_author_quickpaycard where fd_bkauthorid = {$authorid} AND fd_bkcardno = '{$bkcardno}'";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         ErrorReponse::reponError(array('retcode' => '200', 'retmsg' => '该卡已经绑定过'));
     if ($bkcardisdefault == 1) {
         $query = "UPDATE tb_author_quickpaycard SET fd_bkcardisdefault = 0 WHERE fd_bkauthorid = " . $authorid;
     $query = "insert into tb_author_quickpaycard(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_bkauthorid\t\t\t,fd_bkcardno\t\t,fd_bkcardbankid\t,\n\t\t\t\t            fd_bkcardbankcode\t\t,fd_bkcardbank\t\t,fd_bkcardbankman\t,\n\t\t\t\t            fd_bkcardbankphone\t\t,fd_bkcardyxmonth          ,fd_bkcardyxyear     ,\n\t\t\t\t            fd_bkcardcvv\t\t,fd_bkcardidcard\t\t,fd_bkcardisdefault\t\t ,\n\t\t\t\t            fd_bkcardcardtype)values\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   ('{$authorid}'\t\t,'{$bkcardno}'\t,'{$bkcardbankid}'\t\t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   '{$bkcardbankcode}'\t\t,'{$bkcardbank}'\t,'{$bkcardbankman}'\t\t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   '{$bkcardbankphone}'\t\t,'{$bkcardyxmonth}'\t,'{$bkcardyxyear}'\t\t\t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   '{$bkcardcvv}'\t\t\t,'{$bkcardidcard}','{$bkcardisdefault}'\t\t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t   '{$bkcardcardtype}')";
     $db->query(auto_charset($query, 'utf-8', 'gbk'));
     $retcode = "0";
     $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "添加成功");
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
 function getappnav($req_version, $req_appenv, $req_appevn)
     $db = new DB_test();
     if ($req_appevn != '') {
         $req_appenv = $req_appevn;
     if ($req_version == '') {
         return true;
     if ($req_appenv < 3) {
         $query = "select * from tb_version where fd_version_apptype= '1' and fd_version_no <= '{$req_version}'";
         if ($db->execute($query)) {
             return true;
         } else {
             $Error = array('result' => 'failure', 'retcode' => '200', 'retmsg' => '您使用的是旧版本程序,请下载【通过菜单-》更多-》版本更新】最新本!');
 public static function get_cusfenrun($cusid, $appmenuno, $paymoney, $payfee, $feelirun = 0)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $query = "select * from tb_appmenu where fd_appmnu_no = '{$appmenuno}'";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_menuval = $db->get_one($query);
         $appmenuid = $arr_menuval['fd_appmnu_id'];
     } else {
         $appmenuid = 0;
         //所有功能 ;
     $query = "select fd_cus_fenrunid  as fenrunid from tb_customer where fd_cus_id = '{$cusid}'  ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_cus = $db->get_one($query);
         $fenrunid = $arr_cus['fenrunid'];
     $query = "select * from tb_cus_fenrunset where fd_fenrun_id = '{$fenrunid}'  ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_fenrun = $db->get_one($query);
     $query = "select * from tb_cus_fenrunsetappmenu where fd_frmset_fenrunid = '{$fenrunid}' group by fd_frmset_appmnuid  ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_fenrunappmenu = $db->get_all_key($query, fd_frmset_appmnuid);
     $arr_lirunset = $arr_fenrunappmenu[$appmenuid];
     if (is_array($arr_lirunset)) {
         $jsmoneytype = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_jsmoneytype'];
         switch ($jsmoneytype) {
             case "paymoney":
                 $paycardmoney = $paymoney;
             case "payfee":
                 $paycardmoney = $payfee;
             case "feelirun":
                 $paycardmoney = $feelirun;
         $mode = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_mode'];
         //润分方式 固定还是%
         $fixfee = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_fee'];
         $minfee = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_minfee'];
         $maxfee = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_maxfee'];
         $fee = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_sqfee'];
         $fee = substr($fee, 0, -1);
         switch ($mode) {
             case "fix":
                 $return_feemoney = $fixfee;
                 $return_feemoney = round($fee / 100 * $paycardmoney, 2);
                 $return_feemoney = $return_feemoney < $minfee ? $minfee : $return_feemoney;
                 $return_feemoney = $return_feemoney > $maxfee ? $maxfee : $return_feemoney;
     } else {
         $return_feemoney = 0;
     return $return_feemoney;
 public static function getauthorusername($authorid)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $query = "select fd_author_state as state,fd_author_truename as truename,fd_author_username as username," . " fd_author_memid as memid,fd_author_shoucardno as shoucardno,fd_author_shoucardman as shoucardman," . " fd_author_shoucardphone as shoucardmobile,fd_author_shoucardbank as shoucardbank from" . " tb_author where fd_author_id  = '{$authorid}' ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_author = $db->get_one($query);
         $authortruename = g2u($arr_author['username']);
     return $arr_author;
 public function PayFeedback($payResult, $orderId)
     $now = time();
     $logger = Logger::getLogger('mobilerecharge');
     $logger->info("开始处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 订单号({$orderId}), 返回的支付信息" . print_r($payResult, true));
     if ($payResult['orderId'] != "" && $orderId != "" && $payResult['orderId'] != $orderId || $payResult['orderId'] == "" && $orderId == "") {
         $logger->error("处理手机充值支付后返回数据出错({$now}) : 订单号有错误(" . $payResult['orderId'] . "不等于" . $orderId . ")");
     $orderId = $orderId != "" ? $orderId : $payResult['orderId'];
     $logger->debug("正在处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 通付宝订单号({$orderId})");
     if ($payResult['returnCode'] != "1" && $payResult['transNumber'] == "") {
     $db = new DB_test();
     if ($payResult['returnCode'] == "1") {
         $query = "SELECT fd_mrclist_rechaphone, fd_mrclist_rechamoney, fd_mrclist_authorid, fd_mrclist_cusid, fd_mrclist_paycardid, fd_mrclist_bkmoney, fd_mrclist_payfee, fd_mrclist_cusfee, fd_mrclist_sdcrid FROM tb_mobilerechargelist \n\t\t\tWHERE fd_mrclist_bkordernumber = '" . $orderId . "' AND fd_mrclist_payrq != '00'";
         $dataInDB = $db->get_all($query);
         if (is_array($dataInDB) && count($dataInDB) == 1) {
             $logger->debug("正在处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 通过通付宝订单号({$orderId})获取数据" . print_r($dataInDB, true));
             // 给代理商分润
             $query = "SELECT 1 FROM tb_cus_fenrunglist WHERE fd_frlist_bkordernumber = '" . $orderId . "' LIMIT 1";
             $logger->debug("正在处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 判断是否需要添加数据到tb_cus_fenrunglist表 " . $query);
             $hasShareInterest = $db->execute($query);
             if (!$hasShareInterest) {
                 $logger->debug("正在处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 需要添加数据到tb_cus_fenrunglist表");
                 $query = "INSERT INTO tb_cus_fenrunglist (fd_frlist_authorid, fd_frlist_cusid, fd_frlist_paycardid, fd_frlist_paydate, fd_frlist_paymoney, fd_frlist_payfee, fd_frlist_cusfee, fd_frlist_bkordernumber, fd_frlist_payrq, fd_frlist_paytype, fd_frlist_datetime, fd_frlist_ifjsfenrun, fd_frlist_sdcrid) VALUES (" . $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_authorid'] . ", " . $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_cusid'] . ", '" . $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_paycardid'] . "', NOW(), " . $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_bkmoney'] . ", " . $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_payfee'] . ", " . $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_cusfee'] . ", '" . $orderId . "', '00', 'mobilerecharge', NOW(), 0, '" . $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_sdcrid'] . "');";
                 $logger->debug("正在处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 代理商分润时执行的SQL语句" . $query);
             } else {
                 $logger->debug("正在处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 代理商分润时执行的SQL语句");
             $data = array('FUNC' => 'MOBILE_RECHARGE', 'phone' => $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_rechaphone'], 'money' => $dataInDB[0]['fd_mrclist_rechamoney'], 'orderId' => $orderId);
             $logger->info("完成处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 发起充值 : " . print_r($data, true));
         } else {
             $logger->error("完成处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 通过通付宝订单号({$orderId})获取的数据有误 : " . print_r($dataInDB, true));
     // 返回的数据回写进通付宝数据库
     if ($payResult['returnCode'] == "1") {
         if ($payResult['transNumber'] != "") {
             // 支付成功,易宝交易号不为空
             $query = "UPDATE tb_mobilerechargelist SET fd_mrclist_bkntno = '" . $payResult['transNumber'] . "', fd_mrclist_payrq = '00' WHERE fd_mrclist_bkordernumber = '" . $orderId . "'";
         } else {
             // 支付成功,易宝交易号为空
             $query = "UPDATE tb_mobilerechargelist SET fd_mrclist_payrq = '00' WHERE fd_mrclist_bkordernumber = '" . $orderId . "'";
     } else {
         if ($payResult['transNumber'] != "") {
             // 支付不成功,易宝交易号不为空
             $query = "UPDATE tb_mobilerechargelist SET fd_mrclist_bkntno = '" . $payResult['transNumber'] . "' WHERE fd_mrclist_bkordernumber = '" . $orderId . "'";
     $logger->debug("正在处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : query({$query})");
     if ($query != "") {
     $logger->debug("正在处理手机充值支付后返回数据({$now}) : 通付宝订单号({$orderId})回写进通付宝数据库");
 public function activePayCard()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $paycardkey = $arr_body['paycardkey'];
     $authorid = $arr_channelinfo['authorid'];
     $paycardkey = strtolower($paycardkey);
     $paycardkey = str_replace("fff", "", $paycardkey);
     $query = "select fd_paycard_id,fd_paycard_active from tb_paycard where  fd_paycard_key = '{$paycardkey}' ";
     if (!$db->nf()) {
         $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "激活失败,刷卡器设备号码不存在,请联系客服!");
         $retcode = "200";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     } else {
         $query = "select fd_paycard_id,fd_paycard_active from tb_paycard where " . " (fd_paycard_authorid ='0' or fd_paycard_authorid is NULL) \n\t\t\t      and fd_paycard_key = '{$paycardkey}' ";
         if ($db->nf()) {
             $paycardid = $db->f(fd_paycard_id);
             $query = "update tb_paycard set fd_paycard_active = '1' ,fd_paycard_activetime = now()," . "fd_paycard_authorid = '{$authorid}',fd_paycard_posstate='2' where fd_paycard_id = '{$paycardid}'";
             $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "恭喜您,刷卡器已经激活成功!");
             $retcode = "0";
             //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
         } else {
             $query = "select fd_paycard_id,fd_paycard_active from tb_paycard where " . " 1\n\t\t\t      and fd_paycard_key = '{$paycardkey}' and fd_paycard_authorid <>'{$authorid}'";
             if ($db->execute($query)) {
                 $retmessage = "该刷卡器已被其他商户激活";
             } else {
                 $retmessage = "你已激活刷卡器,可以直接使用了!";
             $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => $retmessage);
             $retcode = "200";
             //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
 function getmoreFileimg($scatid, $dateid, $limitnum = 6)
     global $g_showpic;
     $db = new DB_test();
     if ($dateid) {
         $querywhere = " and fd_cat_dateid='{$dateid}'";
     } else {
         $queryorder = " limit 0,{$limitnum}";
     $query = "select fd_cat_thumurl as thumrul,fd_cat_urllink as urllink,fd_cat_no as no,fd_cat_id as id,fd_cat_url as url,fd_cat_id as id,fd_cat_name as content,fd_cat_display as display from tb_upload_category_list where fd_cat_scatid='{$scatid}' {$querywhere}  order by fd_cat_no asc {$queryorder}";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_yewuval = $db->get_all($query);
     // echo $query;
     return $arr_yewuval;
Example #12
 public static function readpmreqmoney($authorid)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $query = "select sum(fd_pmreq_repmoney) as repmoney,month(fd_pmreq_reqdatetime) as months," . "year(fd_pmreq_reqdatetime) as years " . "from tb_slotcardmoneyreq where fd_pmreq_authorid = '{$authorid}' and fd_pmreq_state = '9' " . "group by years,months ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_monthreqmoney = $db->get_one($query);
     return $arr_monthreqmoney;
 public static function get_cusfenrun($cusid, $appmenuno, $paymoney, $payfee, $feelirun = 0, $paydate = '', $payprice = '', $paynum = '')
     $db = new DB_test();
     $query = "select * from tb_appmenu where fd_appmnu_no = '{$appmenuno}'";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_menuval = $db->get_one($query);
         $appmenuid = $arr_menuval['fd_appmnu_id'];
     } else {
         $appmenuid = 0;
         //所有功能 ;
     $query = "select fd_cus_fenrunid  as fenrunid\n       from tb_customer where fd_cus_id = '{$cusid}' and fd_cus_state = 9 and\n        fd_cus_active = '1'   ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_cus = $db->get_one($query);
         $fenrunid = $arr_cus['fenrunid'];
     } else {
         return 0;
     $query = "select *,fd_fenrun_orderbuycz as orderbuycz,fd_fenrun_agentprice as agentprice\n        from tb_cus_fenrunset where fd_fenrun_id = '{$fenrunid}'  ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_fenrun = $db->get_one($query);
     $agentprice = $arr_fenrun['agentprice'];
     $orderbuycz = $arr_fenrun['orderbuycz'];
     if ($appmenuno == 'orderbuy') {
         $cusfee = ($payprice - $orderbuycz - $agentprice) * $paynum;
         return $cusfee;
     if ($arr_fenrun['fd_fenrun_lirunset'] == 'all') {
         $appmenuid = 0;
     $query = "select * from tb_cus_fenrunsetappmenu where fd_frmset_fenrunid = '{$fenrunid}' group by fd_frmset_appmnuid  ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_fenrunappmenu = $db->get_all_key($query, "fd_frmset_appmnuid");
     $arr_lirunset = $arr_fenrunappmenu[$appmenuid];
     if (is_array($arr_lirunset)) {
         $jsmoneytype = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_jsmoneytype'];
         switch ($jsmoneytype) {
             case "paymoney":
                 $paycardmoney = $paymoney;
             case "payfee":
                 $paycardmoney = $payfee;
             case "feelirun":
                 $paycardmoney = $feelirun;
         $mode = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_mode'];
         //润分方式 固定还是%
         $fixfee = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_fee'];
         $minfee = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_minfee'];
         $maxfee = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_maxfee'];
         $fee = $arr_lirunset['fd_frmset_sqfee'];
         $fee = substr($fee, 0, -1);
         switch ($mode) {
             case "fix":
                 $return_feemoney = $fixfee;
                 $return_feemoney = round($fee / 100 * $paycardmoney, 2);
                 $return_feemoney = $return_feemoney < $minfee ? $minfee : $return_feemoney;
                 $return_feemoney = $return_feemoney > $maxfee ? $maxfee : $return_feemoney;
     } else {
         $return_feemoney = 0;
     return $return_feemoney;
Example #14
 public function payagentfenrunlist()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     //$paycardid = trim(GetPayCalcuInfo::readpaycardid($arr_body['paycardid'])); //插卡器
     $authorid = trim($arr_channelinfo['authorid']);
     $agentid = trim($arr_channelinfo['agentid']);
     $querytype = trim($arr_body['querytype']);
     $querywhere = trim($arr_body['querywhere']);
     $appfunid = trim($arr_body['appfunid']);
     switch ($querytype) {
         case "year":
         case "month":
         case "date":
     $querywhere1 = " and fd_frlist_paydate like '%{$querywhere}%'";
     $query = "select fd_frlist_cusid,sum(fd_frlist_cusfee) as totalfenrun\n             from tb_cus_fenrunglist\n               where fd_frlist_payrq = '00' and fd_frlist_sdcrid<100\n              {$querywhere1} and fd_frlist_cusid = '{$agentid}'   group by fd_frlist_cusid\n     ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_money = $db->get_one($query);
     $query = "select fd_amtype_id as appfunid, fd_amtype_name as appfunname,\n               sum(fd_frlist_paymoney) as paymoney,sum(fd_frlist_payfee) as payfee,sum(fd_frlist_cusfee) as allfenrun\n               from tb_cus_fenrunglist left  join tb_appmenu on fd_appmnu_no = fd_frlist_paytype\n               left join tb_appmenutype on fd_amtype_id = fd_appmnu_amtypeid\n               where fd_frlist_payrq = '00' and fd_frlist_sdcrid<100\n              {$querywhere1} and fd_frlist_cusid = '{$agentid}'   group by fd_amtype_id order by\n              fd_amtype_no     ";
     $msgdiscount = $db->nf();
     $arr_msg = auto_charset($db->getData('', 'msgbody'), 'gbk', 'utf-8');
     if (!$arr_msg) {
         $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "没有数据!");
         $retcode = "200";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     } else {
         $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "读取成功!");
         $retcode = "0";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['totalfenrun'] = $arr_money['totalfenrun'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
 public static function readsuptfmgcount($authorid, $paytype)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $datetime = date("Y-m-d");
     $query = "select count(1) as count " . "from tb_agentpaymoneylist  where fd_agpm_authorid = '{$authorid}' and fd_agpm_paytype  = '{$paytype}' and " . "fd_agpm_paydate = '{$datetime}' and fd_agpm_payrq = '00'  ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_count = $db->get_one($query);
     return $arr_count['count'];
 function payOrderRq()
     global $weburl;
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = trim($arr_channelinfo['authorid']);
     $paytype = 'orderbuy';
     $orderpaytypeid = trim($arr_body['orderpaytypeid']);
     $orderprodureid = trim($arr_body['orderprodureid']);
     $ordernum = trim($arr_body['ordernum']);
     $orderprice = trim(u2g($arr_body['orderprice']));
     $ordermoney = trim(u2g($arr_body['ordermoney']));
     $ordershaddressid = trim($arr_body['ordershaddressid']);
     $oredershaddress = trim(u2g($arr_body['oredershaddress']));
     $ordershman = trim(u2g($arr_body['ordershman']));
     //银行卡关联id tb_banckcard.fd_bankcard_id
     $ordershphone = trim(u2g($arr_body['ordershphone']));
     $orderfucardno = trim(u2g($arr_body['orderfucardno']));
     $orderfucardbank = trim(u2g($arr_body['orderfucardbank']));
     $ordermemo = trim(u2g($arr_body['ordermemo']));
     $agentno = trim(u2g($arr_body['agentno']));
     $orderpaytype = trim($arr_body['paytype']);
     $promoney = trim(u2g($arr_body['promoney']));
     $yunmoney = trim(u2g($arr_body['yunmoney']));
     $produrename = trim(u2g($arr_body['produrename']));
     $bkmoney = $ordermoney;
     $rechabkcardno = makeorderno("orderglist", "orderlist", "orl");
     $arr_bkinfo = BankPayInfo::bankpayorder($authorid, $paycardid, $bkmoney, $orderfucardno);
     $bkntno = trim($arr_bkinfo['bkntno']);
     $sdcrid = trim($arr_bkinfo['sdcrid']);
     if ($agentno != "") {
         // $cusid =$this->checkcusagentno($agentno);
         $query = "select fd_cus_id as cusid from tb_customer where fd_cus_no = '{$agentno}'";
         if ($db->execute($query)) {
             $arr_cusinfo = $db->get_one($query);
             $cusid = $arr_cusinfo['cusid'];
         } else {
             $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "对不起,您填写的代理商代号错误,请重新填写!");
             $retcode = "200";
             //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
             $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
             $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
             $arr_msg['msgbody']['bkntno'] = $bkntno;
             $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
             $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
             return $returnval;
     $datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $date = date("Y-m-d");
     //$bkmoney  =
     $bkorderNumber = trim($arr_bkinfo['bkorderNumber']);
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_paytype'] = $paytype;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_no'] = $listno;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_authorid'] = $authorid;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_bkntno'] = $bkntno;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_date'] = $date;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_payrq'] = '01';
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_bkordernumber'] = $bkorderNumber;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_sdcrid'] = $sdcrid;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_produreid'] = $orderprodureid;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_produrename'] = $produrename;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_cusid'] = $cusid;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_num'] = $ordernum;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_price'] = $orderprice;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_promoney'] = $promoney;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_yunmoney'] = $yunmoney;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_ordermoney'] = $ordermoney;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_shaddressid'] = $ordershaddressid;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_shaddress'] = $oredershaddress;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_shman'] = $ordershman;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_shphone'] = $ordershphone;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_fucardno'] = $orderfucardno;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_fucardbank'] = $orderfucardbank;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_memo'] = $ordermemo;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_datetime'] = $datetime;
     $datadetailArray['fd_orderlist_agentno'] = $agentno;
     $db->insert("tb_orderglist", $datadetailArray);
     $listid = $db->insert_id();
     $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "请求交易码成功!");
     $retcode = "0";
     //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['bkntno'] = $bkntno;
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
if ($msgstart < 0) {
    $msgstart = 0;
$all_paymoney = 0;
$query = "select *,case\n        when fd_mrclist_payrq ='01' then '" . $arr_state[0] . "'\n        when fd_mrclist_payrq ='00' then '" . $arr_state[1] . "'" . "when fd_mrclist_payrq ='03' then '" . $arr_state[2] . "'\n        else '" . $arr_state[4] . "' END  fd_mrclist_payrq,\n        fd_mrclist_ofstate,\n       case\n        when fd_mrclist_ofstate ='1' then '<font color=blue>充值成功</font>'\n        when fd_mrclist_ofstate ='-1' then '正在充值'\n        else '<font color=red>充值失败</font>' END  ofstate\n         from  tb_mobilerechargelist\n          left join tb_author  on fd_author_id  = fd_mrclist_authorid\n          left join tb_sendcenter  on fd_sdcr_id  = fd_mrclist_sdcrid\n          where 1\n\t\t\tand  (fd_mrclist_payrq = '00') and fd_mrclist_sdcrid<100  order by fd_mrclist_id desc ";
//and fd_agpm_paytype <>'recharge'
$total = $db->num_rows($result);
pageft($total, $displaypg, $url);
if ($firstcount < 0) {
    $firstcount = 0;
$count = $firstcount;
$query = "{$query} limit {$firstcount},{$displaypg}";
$rows = $db->num_rows();
if ($db->execute($query)) {
    $arr_val = $db->get_all($query);
if (is_array($arr_val)) {
    foreach ($arr_val as $key => $arr_val) {
        if ($arr_val['fd_mrclist_ofstate'] != '1') {
            $arr_val['eidt_ofstate'] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" name="' . $arr_val['fd_mrclist_authorid'] . '" class="eidt_ofstate" rel="' . $arr_val['fd_mrclist_bkntno'] . '">再次充值</a>';
        } else {
            $arr_val['eidt_ofstate'] = "";
        $arr_allval['all_paymoney'] += $arr_val['fd_mrclist_paymoney'];
        $arr_allval['all_rechamoney'] += $arr_val['fd_mrclist_rechamoney'];
        $t->parse("headbxbks", "HEADBXBK", true);
 public static function getTaocanfee($authorid, $array_taocan, $type, $money)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $bkcardscdmsetid = $array_taocan[0]['bkcardscdmsetid'];
     $bkcardpayfsetid = $array_taocan[0]['bkcardpayfsetid'];
     $slotscdmsetid = $array_taocan[0]['slotscdmsetid'];
     $slotpayfsetid = $array_taocan[0]['slotpayfsetid'];
     switch ($type) {
         case "1":
             //  信用卡还款
             $listid = $bkcardpayfsetid;
         case "2":
             // 转账汇款
             $listid = $bkcardpayfsetid;
         case "3":
             // 还款款
             $listid = $bkcardpayfsetid;
             $listid = $bkcardpayfsetid;
     $query = "select fd_payfset_maxfee as maxfee ,fd_payfset_minfee as minfee ,fd_payfset_fee as fee ," . "fd_payfset_defeedirct as defeedirct  ,fd_payfset_arriveid as arriveid ,fd_payfset_fixfee as fixfee from tb_payfeeset where fd_payfset_id='{$listid}' ";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $array_taocan = $db->get_one($query);
         if ($array_taocan[0]['fixfee'] > 0) {
             $feemoney = $array_taocan[0]['fixfee'];
         } else {
             $fee = $array_taocan[0]['fee'];
             $feemoney = round($fee / 100 * $money, 2);
             $feemoney = $feemoney < $array_taocan[0]['minfee'] ? $array_taocan[0]['minfee'] : $feemoney;
             $feemoney = $feemoney > $array_taocan[0]['maxfee'] ? $array_taocan[0]['maxfee'] : $feemoney;
         $arrvalue = array('feemoney' => $feemoney, 'defeedirct' => $array_taocan[0]['defeedirct'], 'arriveid' => $array_taocan[0]['defeedirct']);
         return $arrvalue;
     } else {
         return false;