$contect .= "<td height='100' width='80%'  class=span_label ><textarea id='contect' style='width:80%;height:60'></textarea></td>";
    $contect .= "</tr>";
    $contect .= "<tr class=InputFrameLine>";
    $contect .= "<td height='30' width='20%' align=right class=form_label></td>";
    $contect .= "<td height='30' width='80%'  class=span_label ><input type='button' value='提交结果' onclick='tj()'/></td>";
    $contect .= "</tr>";
    $contect .= "</table>";
$beginpage = ($page - 1) * 10;
$contect .= "<table  width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
$k = 0;
$query = "select * from tb_memberhf where fd_memberhf_memid = '{$memid}' order by fd_memberhf_datetime desc limit {$beginpage},10\n";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $staname = $db->f(fd_memberhf_loginstaname);
        $hfdate = $db->f(fd_memberhf_datetime);
        $hfcontect = $db->f(fd_memberhf_contect);
        $contect .= "<tr  height='50'>";
        $contect .= "<td nowrap style='padding-left:40px' >回访客服:" . $staname . "</td>";
        $contect .= "<td nowrap >回访日期:" . $hfdate . "</td>";
        $contect .= "</tr>";
        $contect .= "<tr  height='40'>";
        $contect .= "<td id='hfwidth'   colspan=2 style='word-break:break-all;word-wrap:break-word;border-bottom:1px dotted #d1d1d1' style='padding-left:40px;color:#0000ff'>" . $hfcontect . "</td>";
        $contect .= "</tr>";
if ($k == 0) {
    $contect .= "<tr><td nowrap colspan=32 height=50>没有任何数据……</td></tr>";
if (!empty($atcompany)) {
    $atcompany = iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', unescape($atcompany));
    $querywhere .= " and fd_webcus_name like '%{$atcompany}%'";
if (!empty($atcity)) {
    $atcity = iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', unescape($atcity));
    $querywhere .= " and (fd_provinces_name like '%{$atcity}%' or fd_city_name like '%{$atcity}%')";
$beginpage = ($page - 1) * $pagecount;
$query = "select fd_webcus_id,fd_webcus_allname,\n fd_city_name , fd_webcus_newtime as joindate  ,fd_provinces_name ,\n fd_webcus_lasthfdate as lasthf,fd_webcus_lasthfcontect\n\tfrom tb_webcustomer \n\tleft join tb_city on fd_city_code = fd_webcus_city\n\tleft join tb_provinces on fd_provinces_code = fd_webcus_provinces\n\twhere fd_webcus_erpcusid <> 0 {$querywhere} order by {$sort} {$sorttype} limit {$beginpage},{$pagecount}\n\t";
if ($db->nf()) {
    $v = 0;
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $cusid = $db->f(fd_webcus_id);
        if ($v == 0) {
            $vv = "where fd_webcus_id = '{$cusid}'";
        } else {
            $vv .= " or fd_webcus_id = '{$cusid}'";
        $arr_memname[$cusid] = $db->f(fd_webcus_allname);
        $arr_linkman[$cusid] = @implode("<br>", $arr_linkman_t[$cusid]);
        $arr_phone[$cusid] = @implode("<br>", $arr_linkphone_t[$cusid]);
        $arr_city[$cusid] = $db->f(fd_provinces_name) . $db->f(fd_city_name);
        $arr_joindate[$cusid] = $db->f(joindate);
        $arr_lasthf[$cusid] = $db->f(lasthf);
        $arr_memhf[$cusid] = $db->f(fd_webcus_lasthfcontect);
Example #3

require "../include/common.inc.php";
$db = new DB_test();
$db1 = new DB_test();
$db2 = new DB_test();
$dberp = new DB_erptest();
$query = "select * from web_order where fd_order_seltdate='2012-12-04' and fd_order_zf=0";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $orderid = $db->f(fd_order_id);
        $arr_web[$orderid] = $db->f(fd_order_allcost);
        $sumweb += number_format($db->f(fd_order_allcost), 2, ".", "");
$query = "select * from tb_salelist where fd_selt_date='2012-12-04' and fd_selt_organid = 1 ";
if ($dberp->nf()) {
    while ($dberp->next_record()) {
        $orderid = $dberp->f(fd_selt_weborderid);
        $arr_erp[$orderid] = number_format($dberp->f(fd_selt_allcost), 2, ".", "");
        $sumerp += number_format($dberp->f(fd_selt_allcost), 2, ".", "");
echo $sumweb . "##" . $sumerp . "<br>";
while (list($orderid, $val) = @each($arr_web)) {
    if ($arr_web[$orderid] != $arr_erp[$orderid]) {
        echo $orderid . "&&" . $arr_web[$orderid] . "!=" . $arr_erp[$orderid] . "<br>";