
include_once '../logic/common/_connect.inc';
// DB Connect Class
include_once '../logic/common/_common_method.inc';
// Common Method Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 1. Get Parameters
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
$store_code = $_REQUEST['storeCode'];
$start_date = $_REQUEST['startDate'];
$deliver_address = $_REQUEST['deliverAddress'];
$deliver_address_type = $_REQUEST['deliverAddressType'];
$product_id_array = $_REQUEST['productIds'];
$total_price = $_REQUEST['totalPrice'];
$send_fee = $_REQUEST['sendFee'];
$deliver_charge_discount_flag = 0;
if ($send_fee == 0) {
    $deliver_charge_discount_flag = 1;
// 2. Transform Post Parameter
$orderProductDateNumArray = array();
for ($i = 0, $len = count($product_id_array); $i < $len; $i++) {

// prepare
include_once '../logic/common/admin_header.inc';
// header, need HTML close tag in this code
include_once '../logic/common/_connect.inc';
// DB Connect Class
include_once '../logic/common/_common_method.inc';
// Common Method Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// 1. Get Operator Id
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
// db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 2. Get URL Parameter
$searchCompanyCode = '';
if ($_REQUEST['ccode'] != '' && $_REQUEST['ccode'] != null) {
    $searchCompanyCode = $_REQUEST['ccode'];
} else {
    // redirect to company info page
    header('location: ./company_info.php');
// 3. Get Operator Info
require_once "./ui_common.inc";
// UI共通クラス
$this->uiCommon = new UI_COMMON();
$this->uiProductCommon = new UI_PRODUCT_COMMON();
// original
try {
    // 利用SQL(path, section)
    $sql_ini_file = 'product_table.ini';
    $target_section = 'get_product_by_product_id';
    // パラメータ取得
    $selectedProductIdsArray = $_REQUEST['productIds'];
    $selectedProductIdsNumber = $_REQUEST['productIdsNumber'];
    $clientId = $_REQUEST['clientId'];
    $clientName = $_REQUEST['clientName'];
    $clientMail = $_REQUEST['clientMail'];
    $clientAddress = $_REQUEST['clientAddress'];
    $totalPrice = $_REQUEST['totalPrice'];
    $paymentMethod = $_REQUEST['paymentMethod'];
    // DB操作用クラス
    $dbHandle = new DB_HANDLER();
    // 商品一覧を取得
    $resultGetAllProduct = $dbHandle->getProductByProductId($sql_ini_file, $target_section, $selectedProductIdsArray);
    // 表示用にフォーマットを整形
    $resultTransformedSelectedProduct = $this->transformSelectedProductAndNumber($resultGetSelectedProduct, $selectedProductIdsNumber);
    // クレジットカード決済時の決済処理(代引き選択時はスキップ)
    // 注文確定メール送信用本文作成
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $this->uiCommon->redirectErrorPage(400, "ui error: 選択された商品情報の注文に失敗しました。\n");
Example #4

// prepare
include_once '../logic/common/header.inc';
// header, need HTML close tag in this code
include_once '../logic/common/_connect.inc';
// DB Connect Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// 1. Get Operator Id
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
// db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
// 3. Get Operator Info
$sqlGetOperatorInfo = "SELECT * FROM company c inner join operator o on c.operator_id = o.operator_id WHERE o.operator_id = {$operator_id}";
$resGetOperatorInfo = $dbConnectObj->executeSql($sqlGetOperatorInfo);
if (!$resGetOperatorInfo || $resGetOperatorInfo == null) {
    // redirect to error page
    header('location: ./error.php?ecode=SE062');
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resGetOperatorInfo)) {
    $companyCode = $row["company_code"];
    $companyName = $row["company_name"];
    $storeCode = $row["store_code"];
    $storeName = $row["store_name"];
// prepare
include_once '../logic/common/_connect.inc';
// DB Connect Class
include_once '../logic/common/_common_method.inc';
// Common Method Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// 1. Get Parameters
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
$purchase_history_ids = $_REQUEST["purchaseHistoryIds"];
$total_price = $_REQUEST["totalPrice"];
// db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 2. Get & Make Array of PurchaseHistoryId and ChangeValue
$phId_chgValue_array = array();
foreach ($purchase_history_ids as $purchase_history_id) {
    $str = 'changeValue_' . $purchase_history_id;
    $change_value = $_REQUEST[$str];
    $phId_chgValue_array[] = array("purchase_history_id" => $purchase_history_id, "change_value" => $change_value);
// 3. Get Operator Info
$resGetOperatorInfoArray = array();
$resGetOperatorInfoArray = $commonMethodObj->getOperatorInfo($operator_id);
if (!$resGetOperatorInfoArray) {
    // redirect to error page
// DB Connect Class
include_once '../logic/common/_common_method.inc';
// Common Method Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// 1. Get Parameter
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
$productTotalPrice = $_REQUEST["productTotalPrice"];
$wday = $_REQUEST["wday"];
$wdayNameList = $_REQUEST["wdayNameList"];
$deliverAddressRegist = $_REQUEST["deliverAddressRegist"];
$weekDeliverDateList = $_REQUEST["weekDeliverDateList"];
$sendFee = $_REQUEST["sendFee"];
// db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 2. Get Operator Info
$resGetOperatorInfoArray = array();
$resGetOperatorInfoArray = $commonMethodObj->getOperatorInfo($operator_id);
if (!$resGetOperatorInfoArray) {
    // redirect to error page
    header('location: ./error.php?ecode=SE065');
$companyCode = $resGetOperatorInfoArray['companyCode'];
$storeCode = $resGetOperatorInfoArray['storeCode'];
//$deliverCharge  = $resGetOperatorInfoArray['deliverCharge'];
$deliverCharge = $sendFee;

// prepare
include_once '../logic/common/header.inc';
// header, need HTML close tag in this code
include_once '../logic/common/_connect.inc';
// DB Connect Class
include_once '../logic/common/_common_method.inc';
// Common Method Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// 1. Get Operator Id
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
// db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 2. Get URL Parameter
if ($_REQUEST['search'] == 'd') {
    $searchTargetDeliverDate = $_REQUEST['date'];
// 3. Get Operator Info
$resGetOperatorInfoArray = array();
$resGetOperatorInfoArray = $commonMethodObj->getOperatorInfo($operator_id);
if (!$resGetOperatorInfoArray) {
    // redirect to error page
    header('location: ./error.php?ecode=SE065');
$storeName = $_REQUEST['store_name'];
$classifyCode = $_REQUEST['classify_code'];
$deliverCharge = $_REQUEST['deliver_charge'];
$slipType = $_REQUEST['slip_type'];
$billingType = $_REQUEST['billing_type'];
$taxType = $_REQUEST['tax_type'];
$storeAddress = $_REQUEST['store_address'];
$storePhoneNumber = $_REQUEST['store_phone_number'];
$billingAddress = $_REQUEST['billing_address'];
$billingPhoneNumber = $_REQUEST['billing_phone_number'];
$operatorIdArray = $_REQUEST['operator_id'];
$operatorNameArray = $_REQUEST['operator_name'];
$operatorPhoneNumberArray = $_REQUEST['operator_phone_number'];
$operatorMailAddressArray = $_REQUEST['operator_mail_address'];
// 3. db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 4. Get Operator Detail
$resGetOperatorDetailArray = array();
$resGetOperatorDetailArray = $commonMethodObj->getOperatorDetail($operator_id);
if (!$resGetOperatorDetailArray) {
    // redirect to error page
    header('location: ./error.php?ecode=SE1615');
$operatorRole = $resGetOperatorDetailArray['role'];
// check user role: admin(role=1) is OK
Example #9

// prepare
include_once '../logic/common/header.inc';
// header, need HTML close tag in this code
include_once '../logic/common/_connect.inc';
// DB Connect Class
include_once '../logic/common/_common_method.inc';
// Common Method Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// 1. Get Operator Id
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
// db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 2. Get Operator Detail
$resGetOperatorDetailArray = array();
$resGetOperatorDetailArray = $commonMethodObj->getOperatorDetail($operator_id);
if (!$resGetOperatorDetailArray) {
    // redirect to error page
    header('location: ./error.php?ecode=SE1801');
$operatorRole = $resGetOperatorDetailArray['role'];
// check user role: admin(role=1) is OK
if ($operatorRole != 1) {
    // redirect to error page

// 1. prepare
include_once '../logic/common/_connect.inc';
// DB Connect Class
include_once '../logic/common/_common_method.inc';
// Common Method Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// 2. DB connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 3. Get Purchase History, Regular Purchase Plan, Product Master Of Next Week
// variables
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$nextWeekStartDatetime = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime("+4 day", strtotime($today)));
// run every thursday
$nextWeekEndDatetime = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime("+10 day", strtotime($today)));
// sql
$sqlGetUpdateDeliverStatusByWeeklyBatch = "SELECT\nph.order_id, ph.product_id, ph.deliver_date, ph.purchase_number,\nrpp.deliver_address, rpp.total_product_price, rpp.operator_id, rpp.store_code, rpp.deliver_charge_discount_flag,\np.product_name,\no.operator_name, o.operator_mail_address, o.operator_phone_number,\nc.company_code, c.company_name, c.store_name, c.deliver_charge, c.slip_type, c.billing_type, c.tax_type, c.store_address, c.store_phone_number, c.billing_address, c.billing_phone_number\nfrom purchase_history ph\ninner join regular_purchase_plan rpp on ph.order_id = rpp.order_id\ninner join product p on ph.product_id = p.product_id\ninner join operator o on rpp.operator_id = o.operator_id\ninner join company c on rpp.store_code = c.store_code\nwhere ph.deliver_date >= '{$nextWeekStartDatetime}'\nand ph.deliver_date <= '{$nextWeekEndDatetime}'\nand ph.deliver_status = 0\norder by rpp.store_code, ph.deliver_date;";
// exec sql
$resGetUpdateDeliverStatusByWeeklyBatch = $dbConnectObj->executeSql($sqlGetUpdateDeliverStatusByWeeklyBatch);
if (!$resGetUpdateDeliverStatusByWeeklyBatch || $resGetUpdateDeliverStatusByWeeklyBatch == false) {
// transform result

include_once '../logic/common/_connect.inc';
// DB Connect Class
include_once '../logic/common/_common_method.inc';
// Common Method Class
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 1. Get Parameters
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
$product_id_array = $_REQUEST["product_id"];
$edit_product_array = array();
foreach ($product_id_array as $product_id) {
    $name_index = "product_name_" . $product_id;
    $product_name = $_REQUEST[$name_index];
    $sell_index = "sell_select_" . $product_id;
    $sell_flag = $_REQUEST[$sell_index];
    $edit_product_array[] = array('product_id' => $product_id, 'product_name' => $product_name, 'sell_flag' => $sell_flag);
// 2. Update All Product Info
foreach ($edit_product_array as $edit_product_info_record) {
    $product_id = $edit_product_info_record['product_id'];
    $product_name = $edit_product_info_record['product_name'];
    $sell_flag = $edit_product_info_record['sell_flag'];
// for php-5.6.2x
// not need if php version is over 5.6.5
// 1. Get Operator Id
$operator_id = $_SESSION["id"];
// 2. Get URL Parameter
$companyCode = '';
if ($_REQUEST['ccode'] != '' && $_REQUEST['ccode'] != null) {
    $companyCode = $_REQUEST['ccode'];
} else {
    // redirect to company info page
    header('location: ./company_info.php');
// 3. db connect obj
$dbConnectObj = new DB_HANDLER();
$commonMethodObj = new COMMON_METHOD($dbConnectObj);
// 4. Get Operator Info
$resGetOperatorDetailArray = array();
$resGetOperatorDetailArray = $commonMethodObj->getOperatorDetail($operator_id);
if (!$resGetOperatorDetailArray) {
    // redirect to error page
    header('location: ./error.php?ecode=SE2401');
$operatorRole = $resGetOperatorDetailArray['role'];
// check user role: admin(role=1) is OK