Example #1
 function change_cf_order()
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('AddressBook::', "::", ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
         AjaxUtil::error($this->__('Error! No authorization to access this module.'));
     $cf_list = FormUtil::getPassedValue('cf_list');
     // add new custom field positions
     $cfplacements = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($cf_list); $i++) {
         $cfplacements[] = array('id' => $cf_list[$i][id], 'position' => $i + 1);
     $res = DBUtil::updateObjectArray($cfplacements, 'addressbook_customfields');
     if (!$res) {
         AjaxUtil::error($this->__('Error! Update attempt failed.'));
     return array('result' => true);
Example #2
     * Change the weight of a profile item.
     * Parameters passed in via POST, or via GET:
     * ------------------------------------------
     * array   profilelist An array of dud item ids for which the weight should be changed.
     * numeric startnum    The desired weight of the first item in the list minus 1 (e.g., if the weight of the first item should be 3 then startnum contains 2)
     * @return mixed An AJAX result array containing a result equal to true, or an Ajax error.
    public function changeprofileweight()

        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Profile::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden($this->__('Sorry! You do not have authorisation for this module.'));

        $profilelist = $this->request->getPost()->get('profilelist', $this->request->getGet()->get('profilelist', null));
        $startnum    = $this->request->getPost()->get('startnum', $this->request->getGet()->get('startnum', null));

        if ($startnum < 0) {
            AjaxUtil::error($this->__f("Error! Invalid '%s' passed.", 'startnum'));

        // update the items with the new weights
        $items = array();
        $weight = $startnum + 1;
        foreach ($profilelist as $prop_id) {
            if (empty($prop_id)) {

            $items[] = array('prop_id' => $prop_id,
                    'prop_weight' => $weight);

        // update the db
        $res = DBUtil::updateObjectArray($items, 'user_property', 'prop_id');

        if (!$res) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__('Error! Could not save your changes.'));

        return new Zikula_Response_Ajax(array('result' => true));
Example #3
     * Importa, a la taula seleccionada, les dades d'un csv
     * Els registres existents s'actualitzen i els nous s'inserten
     * @return void (carrega la plantilla per importar/exportar taules)
    public function importaTaula() {

        // Security check 
        $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Llicencies::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN));
        if ($this->request->isPost()) {
            $taula = $this->request->request->get('taula_imp', false);
            $importFile = $this->request->files->get('importFile', null);

        if (is_null($importFile)) {
            LogUtil::registerError(__('No s\'ha pogut processar l\'arxiu. Probablement supera la mida màxima.'));
        } else {
            $import = new CsvImporter($importFile['tmp_name'], true, null,';');

            $header = $import->getHeader();

            $check = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'admin', 'checkCSV', array('dbTable' => $taula, 'csvHeader' => $header));

            // Comprovar capçaleres del csv
            if (!$check['correcte']) {
                // Errades a l'arxiu CSV
            } else {
                // Obtenció del contingut del fitxer csv
                $data = $import->get();
                // Obtenció de les dades de la taula
                $tContent = DBUtil::selectFieldArray($taula, $check['clau']);
                // echo '<pre> tContent: ';print_r($tContent); echo '</pre>';

                $update = array();
                $insert = array();
                foreach ($data as $row => $record) {
                    if (in_array($record[$check['clau']], $tContent)) {
                        $update[] = $record;
                    } else {
                        $insert[] = $record;

                $inserts = count($insert);
                $updates = count($update);
                $ins = true;
                $upd = true;
                if ($inserts) {
                    $ins = (DBUtil::insertObjectArray($insert, $taula) && ($inserts));
                    $mi = __('S\'han afegit ' . $inserts . ' registres.');
                if ($updates) {
                    $upd = (DBUtil::updateObjectArray($update, $taula, $check['clau'])) && ($updates);
                    $mu = __('S\'han actualitzat ' . $updates . ' registres.');
                if (($ins) && ($upd))
                    LogUtil::registerStatus(__('La importació de dades cap a la taula:' . $taula . ' s\'ha realitzat correctament.') . " " . $mi . " " . $mu);
                    LogUtil::registerError(__('No s\'han pogut modificar totes les dades de la taula: ' . $taula));
        $this->redirect(ModUtil::url('llicencies', 'admin', 'ieTables'));
Example #4
     * Purge the permalink fields in the Feeds table
     * @return bool true on success, false on failure
    public function purgepermalinks($args)
        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Feeds::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();

        // disable categorization to do this (if enabled)
        $catenabled = ModUtil::getVar('Feeds', 'enablecategorization');
        if ($catenabled) {
            ModUtil::setVar('Feeds', 'enablecategorization', false);
            ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Feeds', 'Feeds', true);

        // get all the ID and permalink of the table
        $data = DBUtil::selectObjectArray('feeds', '', '', -1, -1, 'fid', null, null, array('fid', 'urltitle'));

        // loop the data searching for non equal permalinks
        $perma = '';
        foreach (array_keys($data) as $fid) {
            $perma = strtolower(DataUtil::formatPermalink($data[$fid]['urltitle']));
            if ($data[$fid]['urltitle'] != $perma) {
                $data[$fid]['urltitle'] = $perma;
            } else {

        // restore the categorization if was enabled
        if ($catenabled) {
            ModUtil::setVar('Feeds', 'enablecategorization', true);

        if (empty($data)) {
            return true;
            // store the modified permalinks
        } elseif (DBUtil::updateObjectArray($data, 'feeds', 'fid')) {
            // Let the calling process know that we have finished successfully
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
Example #5
 public function sortModules()
     $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Admin::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN));
     $data = $this->request->getPost()->get('modules');
     $objects = array();
     foreach ($data as $order => $id) {
         array_push($objects, array("mid" => $id, "order" => $order));
     DBUtil::updateObjectArray($objects, 'admin_module', 'mid');
     return new Zikula_Response_Ajax(array());
Example #6
 public function  applyCsvValues($args){
     $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWusers::', '::', ACCESS_DELETE));
     $update = isset($args['update'])?$args['update']:null;
     $insert = isset($args['insert'])?$args['insert']:null;
     // Upate users table with new values
     if (!(DBUtil::updateObjectArray($update, 'users', 'uid')))
             LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Update attempt failed.'));
     // Update IWusers table
     foreach ($update as &$user){
         if (DBUtil::updateObject($user, 'IWusers', "iw_uid =".$user['uid']))
             $user['action'] = 'm'; // modified //$this->__('Update');
             $user['error']= $user['uname']." - ".$this->__('Error! Update attempt failed.'). " ";
     if (count($insert)){
         // Create new users in users table
         if (!(DBUtil::InsertObjectArray($insert, 'users', 'uid')))
             LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! New user creation attempt failed.'));
         // Create new users in IWusers table
         if (!(DBUtil::InsertObjectArray($insert, 'IWusers')))
             LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! New user creation attempt failed.'));
     // Join update and insert arrays and process 
     $allChanges = array_merge($update, $insert);
     foreach ($allChanges as &$user){
         // Process "in" and "out" groups information
         ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'admin', 'updateUserGroups', $user);
         // Set user pass
         if (isset($user['password']) && ($user['password']!="")) {
             // Validate pass length and pass <> uname or new_uname
             if (userUtil::validatePassword($user['password'])) {
                 UserUtil::setPassword($user['password'], $user['uid']);
             } else {
                 // Not a valid password -> error
                 $result['error'][$user['uid']] = $user;
                 $user['error'].=  $this->__('Password does not meet the minimum criteria.')." ";                    
         // Force user change password?
         if ($forcechgpass) {
             switch ($user['forcechgpass']) {
                 case 1:
                     UserUtil::setVar('_Users_mustChangePassword', 1, $user['uid']);
                 case 0;
                     UserUtil::delVar('_Users_mustChangePassword', $user['uid']);
         // Change uname
         if (isset($user['new_uname']) && ($user['new_uname']!= "") && (!is_null($user['uid']))) {
             // search repeated uname/new_uname
             if (!(UserUtil::getIdFromName($user['new_uname']))) { 
                 // new_uname not exists proceed with uname change
                 $object['uname'] = $user['new_uname'];
                 //$object['uid'] = $user['uid'];
                 DBUtil::updateObject($object, 'users', "uid=".$user['uid']);
                 //UserUtil::setPassword($user['pass'], $user['uid']);
             } else {
                  $user['error'].=  $this->__f('Duplicated username: %s.', $user['new_uname']);
     return $allChanges;
Example #7
     * Migrate from version 1.13 to 2.2.0
     * @param string $oldversion The old version from which this upgrade is being processed.
     * @return bool True on success; otherwise false.
    public function upgrade113XTablesTo220Tables($oldversion)
        if (!DBUtil::changeTable('users_temp')) {
            return false;

        // Get the dbinfo for the new version
        ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Users', 'Users');

        $nowUTC = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $nowUTCStr = $nowUTC->format(Users_Constant::DATETIME_FORMAT);

        $serviceManager = ServiceUtil::getManager();
        $dbinfoSystem = $serviceManager['dbtables'];
        $dbinfo113X = Users_tables('1.13');
        $dbinfo220 = Users_tables('2.2.0');
        $usersOldFields = array(
        $usersOldFieldsDB = array(

        // Upgrade the tables

        // Update the users table with new and altered fields. No fields are removed at this point, and no fields
        // are getting a new data type that is incompatible, so no need to save anything off first.
        // Also, create the users_verifychg tables at this point.
        // Merge the global dbtables with the new field information.
        $tables['users_column'] = $dbinfo220['users_column'];
        $tables['users_column_def'] = $dbinfo220['users_column_def'];
        $tables['users_verifychg'] = $dbinfo220['users_verifychg'];
        $tables['users_verifychg_column'] = $dbinfo220['users_verifychg_column'];
        $tables['users_verifychg_column_def'] = $dbinfo220['users_verifychg_column_def'];
        $serviceManager['dbtables'] = array_merge($dbinfoSystem, $tables);

        // Now change the tables
        if (!DBUtil::changeTable('users')) {
            return false;
        if (!DBUtil::createTable('users_verifychg')) {
            return false;

        // First users_temp pending email verification records to users_verifychg.
        $tempColumn = $dbinfo113X['users_temp_column'];
        $verifyColumn = $dbinfo220['users_verifychg_column'];
        $usersColumn = $dbinfo220['users_column'];

        $legalModInfo = ModUtil::getInfoFromName('Legal');
        if (($legalModInfo['state'] == ModUtil::STATE_ACTIVE) || ($legalModInfo['state'] == ModUtil::STATE_UPGRADED)) {
            $legalModuleActive = true;
            $termsOfUseActive = ModUtil::getVar('Legal', 'termsofuse', false);
            $privacyPolicyActive = ModUtil::getVar('Legal', 'privacypolicy', false);
            $agePolicyActive = ($this->getVar('minage', 0) > 0);
        } else {
            $legalModuleActive = false;

        // Next, users table conversion
        // We need to convert some information over from the old users table fields, so merge the old field list into
        // the new one. The order of array_merge parameters is important here!
        $tables = array('users_column' => array_merge($dbinfo113X['users_column'], $dbinfo220['users_column']));
        $serviceManager['dbtables'] = array_merge($dbinfoSystem, $tables);
        // Do the conversion in PHP we use mb_strtolower, and even if MySQL had an equivalent, there is
        // no guarantee that another supported DB platform would.
        $limitNumRows = 100;
        $limitOffset = 0;
        $updated = true;
        $userCount = DBUtil::selectObjectCount('users');
        while ($limitOffset < $userCount) {
            $userArray = DBUtil::selectObjectArray('users', "{$usersColumn['uid']} != 1", '', $limitOffset, $limitNumRows,
                '', null, null, array('uid', 'uname', 'email', 'pass', 'hash_method', 'user_regdate', 'lastlogin', 'approved_by', 'approved_date'));
            if (!empty($userArray) && is_array($userArray)) {
                foreach ($userArray as $key => $userObj) {
                    // force user names and emails to lower case
                    $userArray[$key]['uname'] = mb_strtolower($userArray[$key]['uname']);
                    $userArray[$key]['email'] = mb_strtolower($userArray[$key]['email']);

                    if ($userArray[$key]['user_regdate'] == '1970-01-01 00:00:00') {
                        $userArray[$key]['user_regdate'] = $nowUTCStr;
                        $userArray[$key]['approved_date'] = $nowUTCStr;
                    } else {
                        $userArray[$key]['approved_date'] = $userArray[$key]['user_regdate'];
                    $userArray[$key]['approved_by'] = 2;

                    // merge hash method for salted passwords, leave salt blank
                    if (!empty($userArray[$key]['pass']) && (strpos($userArray[$key]['pass'], '$$') === false)) {
                        $userArray[$key]['pass'] =
                                ? $userArray[$key]['hash_method']
                                : '1')
                            . '$$' . $userArray[$key]['pass'];

                    // Save some disappearing fields as attributes, just in case someone actually used them for
                    // something. But don't overwrite if there already
                    if (!isset($userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__']) || !is_array($userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__'])) {
                        $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__'] = array();
                    foreach ($usersOldFields as $fieldName) {
                        if (($fieldName != 'hash_method') && isset($userArray[$key][$fieldName])
                                && !empty($userArray[$key][$fieldName]) && !isset($userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__'][$fieldName])) {
                            $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__'][$fieldName] = $userArray[$key][$fieldName];

                    if ($legalModuleActive && ($userArray[$key]['uid'] > 2)) {
                        $userRegDateTime = new DateTime($userArray[$key]['user_regdate'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
                        $policyDateTimeStr = $userRegDateTime->format(DATE_ISO8601);

                        if ($termsOfUseActive) {
                            $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_termsOfUseAccepted'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
                        if ($privacyPolicyActive) {
                            $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_privacyPolicyAccepted'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
                        if ($agePolicyActive) {
                            $userArray[$key]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_agePolicyConfirmed'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
            if (!DBUtil::updateObjectArray($userArray, 'users', 'uid', false)) {
                $updated = false;
            $limitOffset += $limitNumRows;
        if (!$updated) {
            return false;

        $obaColumn = $dbinfoSystem['objectdata_attributes_column'];

        $limitNumRows = 100;
        $limitOffset = 0;
        $updated = true;
        $userCount = DBUtil::selectObjectCount('users_temp');
        // Pass through the users_temp table in chunks of 100
        //  * ensure unames and email addresses are lower case,
        while ($limitOffset < $userCount) {
            $userTempArray = DBUtil::selectObjectArray('users_temp', '', '', $limitOffset, $limitNumRows, '', null, null,
                array('tid', 'type', 'uname', 'email', 'pass', 'hash_method', 'dynamics', 'comment'));
            $userArray = array();
            if (!empty($userTempArray) && is_array($userTempArray)) {
                foreach ($userTempArray as $key => $userTempOpj) {
                    // type == 1: User registration pending approval (moderation)
                    if ($userTempArray[$key]['type'] == 1) {
                        $userObj = array();

                        // Ensure uname and email are lower case
                        $userObj['uname'] = mb_strtolower($userTempArray[$key]['uname']);
                        $userObj['email'] = mb_strtolower($userTempArray[$key]['email']);

                        // Convert pass to salted pass with embedded hash method, leave salt blank
                        $userObj['pass'] = $userTempArray[$key]['hash_method'] . '$$' . $userTempArray[$key]['pass'];

                        $userObj['approved_by'] = 0;
                        $userObj['activated'] = Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_PENDING_REG;

                        if (!empty($userTempArray[$key]['dynamics'])) {
                            $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__'] = unserialize($userTempArray[$key]['dynamics']);
                        } else {
                            $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__'] = array();

                        if (isset($userObj['dynamics']) && !empty($userObj['dynamics'])) {
                            if (DataUtil::is_serialized($userObj['dynamics'])) {
                                $dynamics = @unserialize($userObj['dynamics']);
                                if (!empty($dynamics) && is_array($dynamics)) {
                                    foreach ($dynamics as $key => $value) {
                                        $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__'][$key] = $value;

                        $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Users_isVerified'] = 0;

                        if ($legalModuleActive) {
                            $userRegDateTime = new DateTime($userArray[$key]['user_regdate'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
                            $policyDateTimeStr = $userRegDateTime->format(DATE_ISO8601);

                            if ($termsOfUseActive) {
                                $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_termsOfUseAccepted'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
                            if ($privacyPolicyActive) {
                                $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_privacyPolicyAccepted'] = $policyDateTimeStr;
                            if ($agePolicyActive) {
                                $userObj['__ATTRIBUTES__']['_Legal_agePolicyConfirmed'] = $policyDateTimeStr;

                        $userArray[] = $userObj;
                    } else {
                        throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__f('Unknown users_temp record type: %1$s', array($userTempArray[$key]['type'])));
            if (!DBUtil::insertObjectArray($userArray, 'users', 'uid', false)) {
                $updated = false;
            $limitOffset += $limitNumRows;
        if (!$updated) {
            return false;

        // Done upgrading. Let's lose some old fields and tables we no longer need.
        DBUtil::dropColumn('users', $usersOldFieldsDB);

        // Reset the system tables to the new table definitons, so the rest of the
        // system upgrade goes smoothly.
        $dbinfoSystem = $serviceManager['dbtables'];
        foreach ($dbinfo113X as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($dbinfo220 as $key => $value) {
            $dbinfoSystem[$key] = $value;
        $serviceManager['dbtables'] = $dbinfoSystem;

        // Update users table for data type change of activated field.
        if (!DBUtil::changeTable('users')) {
            return false;

        return true;
Example #8
     * Importa centres a partir d'un csv a la base de dades de Sirius
     * Els centres ja existents (codi) els actualitza (informació addicional) i afegeix els nous
     * @return void Retorna a la funció *modulesetings* amb els missatges d'execució
    public function importaCentres() {
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Cataleg::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
            return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
        // get input values. Check for direct function call first because calling function might be either get or post
        if (isset($args) && is_array($args) && !empty($args)) {
            $confirmed = isset($args['confirmed']) ? $args['confirmed'] : false;
        } elseif (isset($args) && !is_array($args)) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal(LogUtil::getErrorMsgArgs());
        } elseif ($this->request->isGet()) {
            $confirmed = false;
        } elseif ($this->request->isPost()) {
            $confirmed = $this->request->request->get('confirmed', false);
        if ($confirmed) {
            // get other import values
            $importFile = $this->request->files->get('importFile', isset($args['importFile']) ? $args['importFile'] : null);

            $fileName = $importFile['name'];
            $importResults = '';
            if ($fileName == '') {
                $importResults = $this->__("No heu triat cap fitxer.");
            } elseif (FileUtil::getExtension($fileName) != 'csv') {
                $importResults = $this->__("L'extensió del fitxer ha de ser csv.");
            } elseif (!$file_handle = fopen($importFile['tmp_name'], 'r')) {
                $importResults = $this->__("No s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer csv.");
            } else {
                $caps = array(
                    'CODI_ENTITAT'      => 'CODI_ENTITAT',
                    'CODI_TIPUS_ENTITAT'=> 'CODI_TIPUS_ENTITAT',
                    'NOM_ENTITAT'       => 'NOM_ENTITAT',
                    'NOM_LOCALITAT'     => 'NOM_LOCALITAT',
                    'NOM_DT'            => 'NOM_DT',
                    'CODI_DT'           => 'CODI_DT',
                    'NOM_TIPUS_ENTITAT' => 'NOM_TIPUS_ENTITAT'
                while (!feof($file_handle)) {
                    $line = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024, ';', '"');
                    if ($line != '') {
                        $lines[] = $line;
                $centres = DBUtil::selectFieldArray('cataleg_centres', 'CODI_ENTITAT');
                $updateCentres = array();
                $insertCentres = array();
                foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
                    if ($line_num != 0) {
                        if (count($lines[0]) != count($line)) {
                            $importResults .= $this->__("<div>Hi ha registres amb un número de camps incorrecte.</div>");
                        } else {
                            if (in_array($line[0], $centres)) {
                                $updateCentres[] = array_combine($lines[0], $line);
                            } else {
                                $insertCentres[] = array_combine($lines[0], $line);
                    } else {
                        $difs = array_diff($line, $caps);
                        if (count($line) != count(array_unique($line))) {
                            $importResults = $this->__("La capçalera del csv té columnes repetides.");
                        } elseif (!in_array('CODI_ENTITAT', $line)) {
                            $importResults = $this->__("El csv ha de tenir obligatòriament el camp CODI_ENTITAT.");
                        } elseif ($line[0] != 'CODI_ENTITAT') {
                            $importResults = $this->__("El camp obligatori CODI_ENTITAT ha d'ocupar el primer lloc.");
                        } elseif (!empty($difs)) {
                            $importResults = $this->__("<div>El csv té camps incorrectes.</div>");
            if ($importResults == '') {
                $inserts = count($insertCentres);
                $updates = count($updateCentres);
                DBUtil::insertObjectArray($insertCentres, 'cataleg_centres');
                DBUtil::updateObjectArray($updateCentres, 'cataleg_centres', 'CODI_ENTITAT');
                // the users have been imported successfully
                $this->registerStatus($this->__('Els centres s\'han importat correctament'));
                $this->registerStatus($this->__('Centres actualitzats: ' . $updates . ' - Centres nous: ' . $inserts));
                //$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'admin', 'modulesettings'));
                return system::redirect(ModUtil::url('Cataleg', 'admin', 'modulesettings'));
        // shows the form
        $post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size');
        return $this->view->assign('importResults', isset($importResults) ? $importResults : '')
                        ->assign('post_max_size', $post_max_size)
Example #9
 protected function contentUpgrade_3_1_0($oldVersion)
     $tables = DBUtil::getTables();
     // Fix serialisations
     foreach (array('content' => 'id', 'history' => 'id', 'translatedcontent' => 'contentId') as $table => $idField) {
         $obj = DBUtil::selectObjectArray('content_' . $table);
         foreach ($obj as $contentItem) {
             $data = DataUtil::mb_unserialize($contentItem['data']);
             $contentItem['data'] = serialize($data);
             DBUtil::updateObject($contentItem, 'content_' . $table, '', $idField, true);
     // Add active and visiblefor columns in content_content and update tables for indexes etc.
     // Fix language codes
     // Loop through tables to update
     foreach (array('page' => 'id', 'translatedcontent' => 'contentId', 'translatedpage' => 'pageId') as $tbl => $idField) {
         $table = 'content_' . $tbl;
         $obj = DBUtil::selectObjectArray($table);
         // if there are records in this table
         if (count($obj)) {
             $newobj = array();
             // Set up object to insert
             /// Loop through all records in the table
             foreach ($obj as $contentItem) {
                 // translate l3 -> l2
                 $l2 = ZLanguage::translateLegacyCode($contentItem['language']);
                 if ($l2) {
                     $newobj[] = array($idField => $contentItem[$idField], 'language' => $l2);
             // If anything was updated, insert the object(s)
             if (count($newobj)) {
                 DBUtil::updateObjectArray($newobj, $table, false, $idField);
         // endif count($obj)
     return true;