verticalSlice() public static method

* verticalSlice 1. For an array of assoc rays, return an array of values for a particular key 2. if $keyfield is given, same as above but use that hash key as the key in new array
public static verticalSlice ( $array, $field, $keyfield = null )
Example #1
function displayAllMainPageCategoryItems()
    $category_ids = DBHelper::verticalSlice(Category::getCategories(), "id");
    $html = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($category_ids); $i++) {
        $html .= sprintf('<div data-tab="%d" class="category-items hidden">', $i + 1);
        $html .= displayMainPageCategoryItems($category_ids[$i]);
        $html .= '</div>';
    return $html;
Example #2
 function test_4_null()
     DB::query("UPDATE accounts SET password = NULL WHERE username=%s", 'Bart');
     $all = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts ORDER BY id ASC");
     $ages = DBHelper::verticalSlice($all, 'age', 'password');
     $this->assert(count($ages) === 5);
     $this->assert($ages[''] === '15');
     $passwords = DBHelper::reIndex($all, 'password');
     $this->assert(count($passwords) === 5);
     $this->assert($passwords['']['username'] === 'Bart');
     $this->assert($passwords['']['password'] === NULL);
Example #3
 public function getItems($use_1d)
     if (count($this->items) != 0) {
         if ($use_1d) {
             return $this->items_1d;
         return $this->items;
     $data = DB::query("SELECT * FROM category_items WHERE category_id=%d", $this->category_id);
     $ids = DBHelper::verticalSlice($data, "id");
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $item = new categoryItem($this->category_id, $id);
         $values = array($this->category_id, $id, $item->name, $item->image);
         array_push($this->items_1d, $values);
         array_push($this->items, $item);
     if ($use_1d) {
         return $this->items_1d;
     return $this->items;
Example #4
$email_bb = '';
foreach ($current_events as $event) {
    $description = $event["description"];
    if (empty(trim($description))) {
        $description = "[no description]";
    $email_bb .= "[subheading][i]{$event["title"]}[/i] on {$event["date"]}[/subheading]{$description}\n\n";
$email_bb = <<<HEREDOC
Hi captains!

This is a reminder that [b]{$count}[/b] events are coming up within a couple of weeks:
Your friendly LHS Math Club Mailbot

P.S. An event reminder will be sent every Sunday.
if ($count > 1) {
    $subject = $count . " Events coming up";
} else {
    $subject = "'" . $current_events[0]["title"] . "' coming up";
$status = send_email(array("*****@*****.**"), $subject, $email_bb, "*****@*****.**", "[LHS Math Club Captains]", NULL);
if ($status !== true) {
    die("Error: {$status}");
$ids = DBHelper::verticalSlice($current_events, 'event_id');
DB::update('events', array('auto_remind' => DB::sqleval('auto_remind + 1')), 'event_id in %li', $ids);
Example #5
$sid = $_GET["sid"];
if ($user === 0) {
    header("Location: /index.php");
if ($user->data["permission"] != 4) {
    if ($user->data["service_id"] != $sid && $user->data["permission"] == 3) {
        echo "Invalid permissions";
        //        return;
$id = intval($id);
if ($id !== -1) {
    $item = DB::queryOneRow("SELECT * FROM menu_items WHERE id=%d", $id);
    $side_link = DB::query("SELECT * FROM menu_sides_item_link WHERE item_id=%d", $id);
    $used = DBHelper::verticalSlice($side_link, "sides_id");
    if (count($used) == 0) {
        $used = array(-1);
    $osides = DB::query('SELECT * FROM menu_sides WHERE id NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_map('intval', $used)) . ') AND service_id=%d', $sid);
} else {
    $side_link = array();
    $osides = DB::query("SELECT * FROM menu_sides WHERE service_id=%d", $sid);
$iname = $id == -1 ? "Name" : "Name: " . $item["name"];
$iprice = $id == -1 ? "Price" : "Price: " . $item["price"];
$idesc = $id == -1 ? "Description" : "Description: " . $item["desc"];
$checked = $id == -1 ? "" : ($item["has_side"] === "1" ? "checked" : "");
if ($id === -1) {
    $id = intval(DB::queryOneRow("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE name='lastitem'")["value"]) + 1;
    DB::update("settings", array("value" => $id), "name=%s", "lastitem");
Example #6
function get_bcc_list()
    static $list = 0;
    //Caching, for efficiency.
    if ($list === 0) {
        $result = DB::query('SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE mailings="1" AND permissions!="T" AND email_verification="1"');
        //Doesn't have to be approved. Includes you.
        $list = DBHelper::verticalSlice($result, 'name', 'email');
    return $list;
Example #7
function show_scores()
    //What's the difference between inner, right, left, and full?
        SELECT score_id, tests.test_id FROM (test_scores INNER JOIN tests ON tests.test_id = test_scores.test_id)
        UNION ALL
        SELECT score_id, tests.test_id FROM (test_scores RIGHT JOIN tests ON tests.test_id = test_scores.test_id)
    ) tbl
    GROUP BY score_id HAVING COUNT(*) =1
    //Valiant attempt:
    SELECT tests.test_id,, tests.total_points, (test_scores.score - stats.average) / AS zvalue
    FROM (test_scores
    	INNER JOIN tests ON test_scores.test_id = tests.test_id
    	CROSS JOIN (SELECT STDDEV(test_scores.score) AS st, AVG(test_scores.score) AS average) stats)
    WHERE test_scores.test_id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
    GROUP BY test_scores.test_id ORDER BY DESC
    $teststats = DB::query('SELECT
			tests.test_id as test_id, as name,
			tests.total_points as total_points,
			STDDEV(test_scores.score) AS stddev,
			AVG(test_scores.score) AS avg
		FROM (test_scores INNER JOIN tests ON test_scores.test_id = tests.test_id)
		WHERE test_scores.test_id IN %li
		GROUP BY test_scores.test_id ORDER BY DESC', $_GET['Test']);
    $test_ids = DBHelper::verticalSlice($teststats, 'test_id');
    $test_names = DBHelper::verticalSlice($teststats, 'name', 'test_id');
    $avgs = DBHelper::verticalSlice($teststats, 'avg', 'test_id');
    $stddevs = DBHelper::verticalSlice($teststats, 'stddev', 'test_id');
    Original, readable one:
      sum(case tests.test_id when 248 then score/12 end) as t1,
      sum(case tests.test_id when 249 then score/16 end) as t2,
          sum(case tests.test_id when 248 then score/12 when 249 then score/16 end) as total
    from test_scores
    inner join tests
      on test_scores.test_id = tests.test_id
        inner join users
          on test_scores.user_id =
        where tests.test_id in (248, 249)
    group by test_scores.user_id
        order by sum(test_scores.score) desc, asc
    //Generating HTML in my SQL. LOLZ.
    $query = "select as name, ";
    $sums = "";
    $total = "sum(case tests.test_id ";
    /*if(isSet($$$))//add a select for the CanGo
    		$sums .= ",GROUP_CONCAT(
    			case tests.test_id
    			when {$test_id} then CONCAT('<div style=\'height:4em;\' onmouseover=\"$(this).find(\'small\').css({display:\'inline\'});\"><b>',score,'</b> <small style=\"float:right;display:none;\">(z: ',round((score-{$avgs[$test_id]})/{$stddevs[$test_id]},3),')</small></div>')
    			else '' end SEPARATOR '') as t{$test_id} ";*/
    foreach ($test_ids as $test_id) {
        $sums .= ",GROUP_CONCAT(\n\t\t\t\tcase tests.test_id\n\t\t\t\twhen {$test_id} then CONCAT('<div style=\\'height:4em;\\' onmouseover=\"\$(this).find(\\'small\\').css({display:\\'inline\\'});\"><b>',score,'</b> <small style=\"float:right;display:none;\">(z: ',round((score-{$avgs[$test_id]})/{$stddevs[$test_id]},3),')</small></div>')\n\t\t\t\telse '' end SEPARATOR '') as t{$test_id} ";
        $total .= "when {$test_id} then (score-{$avgs[$test_id]})/{$stddevs[$test_id]} ";
    $total .= "end ) as zsum,\n\t\t\tsum(case when score is null then 0 else 1 end) as count,\n\t\t\tsum(score) as sum";
    //zsum is bonkers
    $query .= "{$total} {$sums} from test_scores\n\tinner join tests\n\t  on test_scores.test_id = tests.test_id\n    inner join users\n      on test_scores.user_id =\n    where tests.test_id in %li\n\tgroup by test_scores.user_id";
    foreach ($test_ids as $id) {
        $test_names['t' . $id] = $test_names[$id];
        $avgs['t' . $id] = round($avgs[$id], 3);
        $stddevs['t' . $id] = round($stddevs[$id], 3);
    //Sets each assoc array key from ID to tID, just like in the SQL above.
    $headers = array('name' => 'Name', 'total' => 'Total') + $test_names;
    //Assoc array with key test_id and value test name
    $headdata = array();
    $headdata[] = array('name' => 'Average', 'total' => '') + $avgs;
    $headdata[] = array('name' => 'Pop Std Dev', 'total' => '') + $stddevs;
    $headdata[] = array();
    $querydata = DB::query($query, $test_ids);
    foreach ($querydata as &$row) {
        //The extra addition creates a significant bias toward people who have taken more tests.
        $row['finalscore'] = $row['zsum'] / $row['count'] + $row['count'] / 2.5;
        $row['total'] = "score: <b>" . round($row['finalscore'], 3) . "</b>" . "<br>&Sigma;z: " . round($row['zsum'], 3) . "<br>&Sigma;x: " . $row['sum'];
    //php, why do I actually have to do this?
    usort($querydata, function ($r1, $r2) {
        if ($r1['finalscore'] != $r2['finalscore']) {
            //First in order of z-average
            return $r1['finalscore'] < $r2['finalscore'] ? 1 : -1;
        } else {
            //Then in random order.
            return mt_rand(-1000, 1000);
    $data = array_merge($headdata, $querydata);
    $namestr = '<div><b>Tests:</b> ' . implode(', ', $test_names) . '</div><br>';
    foreach ($querydata as $row) {
        $namestr .= $row['name'] . '<br>';
    echo <<<HEREDOC
      <h1>View Scores</h1>
\t  <h3>TL;DR</h3>
\t  <div>{$namestr}</div>
\t  <br>
\t  <h3>Stats</h3>
      <p>Z-scores are a very good way of standardizing scores. It is sorted by a (slightly modified) z-average, which is the average of the <i>available</i> z-scores only. The final sorted-by score has a bit of weight placed toward attending more tryouts. Ties, as always, are broken in random order.</p>
      <a href="Tests">&lt; Back</a>
 . make_table('contrasting', $headers, $data);
Example #8
function lmt_send_coaches_email($subject, $bb_body)
    $result = DB::query('SELECT name, email FROM coaches WHERE email != "" AND deleted="0"');
    $list = DBHelper::verticalSlice($result, 'email', 'name');
    return lmt_send_list_email($list, $subject, $bb_body, 'coaches');