Example #1
 private static function memodata($data, $fieldInfo)
     $out = '';
     //Creation of block signature
     $out .= pack('C', 0) . pack('C', 0) . pack('C', 0) . pack('C', 0x1);
     /*Create the string of the length of the memo data with fixed string size of 8 chars.If the length is less than 
      *	8 characters then provide a left padding of 0*/
     $length = strlen($data);
     for ($i = strlen($length); $i < 8; $i++) {
         $length = '0' . $length;
     $out .= pack('C', intval($length[0] . $length[1])) . pack('C', intval($length[2] . $length[3])) . pack('C', intval($length[4] . $length[5])) . pack('C', intval($length[6] . $length[7]));
     //appending data to output
     $out .= $data;
     /*Every memo record should be in multiples of the block size. So provide right padding for the memo
      *  records which have lengts not in the multiple of block size*/
     $lengthOfOut = strlen($out);
     $fraction = $lengthOfOut / self::$blockSize - floor($lengthOfOut / self::$blockSize);
     $requiredlength = $lengthOfOut + (self::$blockSize - $fraction * self::$blockSize);
     $out = str_pad($out, $requiredlength, pack('C', 0), STR_PAD_RIGHT);
     $handle = fopen(self::$FPTFileName, 'a');
     fwrite($handle, $out);
     //Clear the cached statics for fetching the current file size
     $totakeblockno = self::$lastBlockNo;
     self::$lastBlockNo = self::$lastBlockNo + strlen($out) / self::$blockSize;
     return str_pad($totakeblockno, 10, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);