Example #1
 function DispatchPollUpdateContact(PollUpdateContactResponse $resp)
     if ($resp->IsFailed()) {
         Log::Log(sprintf('DispatchPollUpdateContact failed. Registry response: %s', $resp->ErrMsg), E_USER_ERROR);
         throw new Exception($resp->ErrMsg, $resp->Code);
     if ($resp->Succeed()) {
         $Contact = $this->DBContact->LoadByCLID($resp->CLID);
         try {
             // Get remote updated contact
             $Contact = $this->GetRemoteContact($Contact);
         } catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
             // Get updates from local history
             $op = $this->DB->GetRow('SELECT * FROM pending_operations WHERE objectid=? AND objecttype=?', array($Contact->ID, self::OBJ_CONTACT));
             if (!$op) {
                 throw new Exception('Pending operation not found');
             $After = unserialize($op['object_after']);
             $fields = array();
             foreach ($Contact->GetEditableNames() as $n) {
                 $fields[$n] = $After->GetField($n);
         $this->FireEvent('ContactUpdated', $Contact);
Example #2
 public function ConvertContacts()
     $contact_data = $this->DbOld->GetAll('SELECT * FROM contacts');
     $ok = $fail = 0;
     foreach ($contact_data as $i => $contact_row) {
         $imported = (int) $this->DbNew->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts WHERE clid = ?', array($contact_row['clid']));
         if ($imported) {
             // Skip contact, that was imported with domain in $this->ConvertActiveDomains
         $this->Log(sprintf('Import contact %s', $contact_row['clid']));
         if ($contact_row['type'] == 'bill') {
             $contact_row['type'] = CONTACT_TYPE::BILLING;
         $Registry = $this->RegistryFactory->GetRegistryByExtension($contact_row['TLD'], $db_check = false);
         $Contact = $Registry->NewContactInstance($contact_row['type']);
         $Contact->CLID = $contact_row['clid'];
         $Contact->AuthCode = $contact_row['pw'];
         $Contact->UserID = $contact_row['userid'];
         try {
             $Contact = $Registry->GetRemoteContact($Contact);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->Log($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->Log(sprintf("Imported: %s; Failed: %s", $ok, $fail));
Example #3
 function _testPhoneField()
     $e164_phone = '+380.507243484';
     $phone = '+380-50-7243484';
     $Phone = Phone::GetInstance();
     $this->assertTrue($Phone->PhoneToE164($phone) == $e164_phone, 'phone to e164');
     $this->assertTrue($Phone->IsPhone($phone), 'phone is phone.. la lay lalala');
     $this->assertTrue($Phone->IsE164($e164_phone), 'phone is e164');
     $Contact = $this->Registry->NewContactInstance(CONTACT_TYPE::TECH);
     $field_list = $this->ContactFields;
     $field_list['voice'] = $phone;
     $field_list['fax'] = '';
     try {
     } catch (ErrorList $e) {
     	$Contact->GetField('voice') == $phone_e164 &&
     	$Contact->GetField('voice_display') == $phone,
     	'Set phone'
Example #4
 function import()
     $module = strtolower($this->module);
     if ($module == "dotnl") {
         $parser = new DotNLParser();
         $registry = $this->registryFactory->GetRegistryByName('DotNL');
     } else {
         if ($module == "rrpproxy") {
             $parser = new RRPProxyParser();
             $registry = $this->registryFactory->GetRegistryByName('RRPProxy');
     if ($parser == null) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot find line parser for module '{$module}'");
     // Import process
     $fp = $this->fopen($this->in);
     $headers = $this->fgetcsv($fp);
     for ($lineno = 1; !feof($fp); $lineno++) {
         $line = $this->fgetcsv($fp);
         $line = array_combine($headers, array_map('trim', $line));
         try {
             $parseResult = $parser->parseLine($line);
             if (!$parseResult) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             print "Cannot parse line {$lineno}\n";
         if ($this->dbContact->FindByCLID($parseResult['clid'])) {
             // Skip existing in database
             print "[{$parseResult['clid']}] Skipped. Already exists in database.\n";
         // Construct contact
         $contact = $registry->NewContactInstanceByGroup($parseResult['group']);
         $contact->CLID = $parseResult['clid'];
         $contact->UserID = $this->userid;
         try {
             $contact->SetFieldList($parseResult['fields'], 1);
         } catch (ErrorList $e) {
             print "[{$contact->CLID}] Contact data violates manifest rules. " . join("; ", $e->GetAllMessages()) . "\n";
             print "[{$contact->CLID}] Set non strict mode\n";
             $contact->SetFieldList($parseResult['fields'], 0);
         // Save contact
         try {
             print "[{$contact->CLID}] Imported\n";
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             print "[{$contact->CLID}] Cannot save. {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Example #5
  * Save domain in database
  * @param Domain $domain
  * @return Domain
 public function Save(Domain $domain)
     if (!$domain->ID) {
         // check for duplicate domain
         $duplicate = $this->DB->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains WHERE name = ? AND TLD = ?', array($domain->Name, $domain->Extension));
         if ($duplicate) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf(_('Domain %s already exists in DB and could\'t be added twice'), $domain->GetHostName()));
     // Properties data
     $row = array();
     foreach ($this->FieldPropertyMap as $field => $property) {
         $row[$field] = $domain->{$property} !== null ? $domain->{$property} : "";
     if ($domain->IncompleteOrderOperation === null) {
         $row['incomplete_operation'] = null;
     // Nameservers data
     $nslist = $domain->GetNameserverList();
     // If nameservers list smaller then size of db slots
     for ($i = 2; $i > count($ns_list); $i--) {
         $row['ns' . $i] = '';
     $ns_n = array();
     foreach (array_values($nslist) as $i => $ns) {
         if ($i < 2) {
             $row['ns' . ($i + 1)] = $ns->HostName;
         } else {
             $ns_n[] = $ns->HostName;
     $row['ns_n'] = join(';', $ns_n);
     // Contacts data
     $contact_list = $domain->GetContactList();
     foreach ($this->ContactFieldTypeMap as $field => $contact_type) {
         $contact = $contact_list[$contact_type];
         // Add/Remove references to contact
         $row[$field] = $contact ? $contact->CLID : '';
     // Domain extra fields
     $extra_fields = array();
     foreach ($domain->GetConfig()->xpath('registration/extra_fields/field') as $field) {
         settype($field, "array");
         $field = $field["@attributes"];
         if (isset($domain->{$field['name']})) {
             $extra_fields[$field['name']] = $domain->{$field['name']};
     foreach ((array) $domain->ExtraFields as $k => $v) {
         $extra_fields[$k] = $v;
     // Prepare data for DB
     $row["start_date"] = $row["start_date"] ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row["start_date"]) : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $row["end_date"] = $row["end_date"] ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row["end_date"]) : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $row['dtTransfer'] = $row['dtTransfer'] ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row["dtTransfer"]) : '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $row["islocked"] = (int) (bool) $row["islocked"];
     $row['managed_dns'] = (int) (bool) $row['managed_dns'];
     $row['period'] = (int) $row['period'];
     $row['delete_status'] = (int) $row['delete_status'];
     $row['renew_disabled'] = (int) (bool) $row['renew_disabled'];
     // Save it!
     //if ($domain->ID)
     // Prepare SQL statement
     $set = array();
     $bind = array();
     foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
         $set[] = "`{$field}` = ?";
         $bind[] = $value;
     $set = join(', ', $set);
     try {
         if ($domain->ID) {
             // Perform Update
             $bind[] = $domain->ID;
             $this->DB->Execute("UPDATE domains SET {$set} WHERE id = ?", $bind);
         } else {
             // Perform Insert
             $this->DB->Execute("INSERT INTO domains SET {$set}", $bind);
             $domain->ID = $this->DB->Insert_ID();
         // Save extra data
         $this->DB->Execute('DELETE FROM domains_data WHERE domainid = ?', array($domain->ID));
         foreach ($extra_fields as $name => $value) {
             $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO domains_data SET `domainid` = ?, `key` = ?, `value` = ?', array($domain->ID, $name, $value));
         // Save flags
         $this->DB->Execute('DELETE FROM domains_flags WHERE domainid = ?', array($domain->ID));
         $flag_list = $domain->GetFlagList();
         foreach ($flag_list as $flag) {
             $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO domains_flags SET domainid = ?, flag = ?', array($domain->ID, $flag));
         // Save contacts
         foreach ($contact_list as $contact) {
             if (!$contact->UserID) {
                 $contact->UserID = $domain->UserID;
         // Save nameserver hosts
         $ns_list = $domain->GetNameserverHostList();
         foreach ($ns_list as $ns) {
             $ns_id = $this->DB->GetOne('SELECT id FROM nhosts WHERE domainid=? AND hostname=?', array($domain->ID, $ns->GetBaseName()));
             if ($ns_id) {
                 $this->DB->Execute('UPDATE nhosts SET ipaddr=? WHERE hostname=? AND domainid=?', array($ns->IPAddr, $ns->GetBaseName(), $domain->ID));
             } else {
                 $this->DB->Execute('INSERT INTO nhosts SET domainid=?, hostname=?, ipaddr=?', array($domain->ID, $ns->GetBaseName(), $ns->IPAddr));
                 $ns_id = $this->DB->Insert_ID();
             $ns->ID = $ns_id;
         //$this->DBNameserverHost->SaveList($ns_list, $domain->ID);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new ApplicationException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     // Update domain in loaded objects storage
     $this->LoadedObjects[$domain->ID] = clone $domain;
     return $domain;