public function fetch_all_by_id_idtype($id, $idtype, $start, $limit, $cid = '', $order = '')
     if ($cid) {
         $cidsql = DB::field('cid', $cid) . ' AND ';
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE ' . $cidsql . ' id=%d AND idtype=%s ORDER BY ' . DB::order('dateline', $order) . ' %i', array($this->_table, $id, $idtype, DB::limit($start, $limit)));
 public function fetch_all($ctid = '', $orderby = '', $ordersc = '', $start = 0, $limit = 0, $title = '', $cachetid = '')
     if ($this->_allowmem && $cachetid) {
         $data = $this->fetch_cache($cachetid, $this->_pre_cache_key . 'tid_');
         if ($data) {
             return $data;
     $sql = '';
     if ($ctid) {
         $sql .= 'WHERE ' . DB::field('ctid', $ctid);
     if ($title && str_replace('%', '', $title)) {
         $sql .= ($sql ? ' AND ' : 'WHERE ') . DB::field('name', '%' . $title . '%', 'like');
     $sql .= ($orderby = DB::order($orderby, $ordersc)) ? ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby : '';
     $sql .= ' ' . DB::limit($start, $limit);
     if (!$sql) {
         return null;
     $data = DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t %i', array($this->_table, $sql), $this->_pk);
     if ($this->_allowmem && $cachetid) {
         $this->store_cache($cachetid, $data, $this->_cache_ttl, $this->_pre_cache_key . 'tid_');
     return $data;
Example #3
  * set data
 public function setData()
     $obj = Factory::createObject('News');
     $table = DB::table($obj->getTable());
     $limit = new base_database_Limit(10);
     $order = DB::order($table->getColumn('firstEditTime'));
     $finder = Finder::create('news')->setOrder($order)->setlimit($limit);
     $this->data = $finder->find();
Example #4
 public function fetch_all_by_upid($upid, $order = null, $sort = 'DESC')
     $upid = is_array($upid) ? array_map('intval', (array) $upid) : dintval($upid);
     if ($upid !== null) {
         $ordersql = $order !== null && !empty($order) ? ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($order, $sort) : '';
         return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE ' . DB::field('upid', $upid) . " {$ordersql}", array($this->_table), $this->_pk);
     return array();
Example #5
 public function fetch_goods($tid, $pid, $orderby = '', $ascdesc = 'asc', $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     if (empty($pid)) {
         return array();
     if ($tid) {
         $tidsql = DB::field('tid', $tid) . ' AND ';
     if ($orderby) {
         $ordersql = " ORDER BY " . DB::order($orderby, $ascdesc);
     return DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE {$tidsql} " . DB::field('pid', $pid) . $ordersql . DB::limit($start, $limit), array($this->_table));
Example #6
 public function loadNaviStructure()
     $table = DB::table(Factory::createObject('navigationCategory')->getTable());
     $order = DB::order($table->getColumn('sort'), base_database_Order::ASC);
     $columnList = [$table->getColumn('name'), $table->getColumn('LK')];
     $cats = Finder::create('navigationCategory')->setOrder($order)->find($columnList);
     foreach ($cats as $catRow) {
         $entriesForCategory = $this->loadEntriesForCategory($catRow['LK']);
         if (!empty($entriesForCategory)) {
             $this->naviStructure[$catRow['name']] = $entriesForCategory;
             $this->catLKName[$catRow['name']] = $catRow['LK'];
 public function fetch_all($ctid, $order = false, $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     if (!$ctid) {
         return null;
     $sql = DB::field('ctid', $ctid);
     if ($order) {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order('dateline', 'DESC');
     if ($limit) {
         $sql .= DB::limit($start, $limit);
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE ' . $sql, array($this->_table));
 public function fetch_all_by_available_icon($available = null, $haveicon = false, $glue = '=', $order = 'displayorder', $sort = 'ASC')
     $parameter = array($this->_table);
     if ($available !== null) {
         $parameter[] = $available;
         $glue = helper_util::check_glue($glue);
         $wherearr[] = "available{$glue}%d";
     if ($haveicon) {
         $wherearr[] = "icon!=''";
     $wheresql = !empty($wherearr) && is_array($wherearr) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $wherearr) : '';
     $ordersql = !empty($order) ? ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($order, $sort) : '';
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t {$wheresql} {$ordersql}", $parameter, $this->_pk);
 public function fetch_all_by_id($idtype, $ids, $orderby = '')
     $attachments = array();
     if ($orderby) {
         $orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . DB::order($orderby, 'DESC');
     if (in_array($idtype, array('aid', 'tid', 'pid', 'uid')) && $ids) {
         $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE %i IN (%n) %i", array($this->_table, $idtype, (array) $ids, $orderby));
         while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
             $attachments[$value['aid']] = $value;
             $this->_tableids[$value['tableid']][] = $value['aid'];
     return $attachments;
Example #10
 public function fetch_all_by_status($status = NUll, $tagname = '', $startlimit = 0, $count = 0, $returncount = 0, $order = '')
     if ($status === NULL) {
         $statussql = 'status<>3';
     } else {
         $statussql = 'status=' . intval($status);
     $data = array($this->_table);
     if ($tagname) {
         $namesql = " AND tagname LIKE %s";
         $data[] = '%' . $tagname . '%';
     if ($returncount) {
         return DB::result_first("SELECT count(*) FROM %t WHERE {$statussql} {$namesql}", $data);
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE {$statussql} {$namesql} ORDER BY " . DB::order('tagid', $order) . " " . DB::limit($startlimit, $count), $data);
Example #11
 public function fetch_all_by_id_idtype($id, $idtype = '', $orderby = '', $ordersc = 'DESC', $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     if (!$id) {
         return null;
     $sql = array(DB::field('id', $id));
     if ($idtype) {
         $sql[] = DB::field('idtype', $idtype);
     $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $sql);
     if ($orderby = DB::order($orderby, $ordersc)) {
         $wheresql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby;
     if ($limit) {
         $wheresql .= DB::limit($start, $limit);
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE %i', array($this->_table, $wheresql));
 public function fetch_by_fid_dateline($fid, $dateline = 0, $order = 'dateline', $sort = 'DESC')
     $parameter = array($this->_table);
     $wherearr = array();
     $wheresql = '';
     if ($fid) {
         $wherearr[] = 'fid=%d';
         $parameter[] = $fid;
     if ($dateline) {
         $wherearr[] = 'dateline=%d';
         $parameter[] = $dateline;
     if ($wherearr) {
         $wheresql = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $wherearr);
     return DB::fetch_first('SELECT * FROM %t ' . $wheresql . ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($order, $sort), $parameter, $this->_pk);
Example #13
 public function select($tagid = 0, $itemid = 0, $idtype = '', $orderfield = '', $ordertype = 'DESC', $limit = 0, $count = 0, $itemidglue = '=', $returnnum = 0)
     $data = self::make_where($tagid, $itemid, $idtype, $itemidglue);
     $ordersql = $limitsql = '';
     if ($orderfield) {
         $ordersql = ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($orderfield, $ordertype);
     if ($limit) {
         $limitsql = DB::limit($limit, $count);
     if ($data) {
         if ($returnnum) {
             return DB::result_first('SELECT count(*) FROM %t WHERE ' . $data['where'], $data['data']);
         return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE ' . $data['where'] . $ordersql . $limitsql, $data['data']);
     } else {
         return false;
 public function fetch_all_by_uid_appid($uid = 0, $appid = 0, $order = null, $sort = 'DESC', $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     $parameter = array($this->_table);
     $wherearr = array();
     if ($uid) {
         $uid = dintval((array) $uid, true);
         $wherearr[] = 'uid IN(%n)';
         $parameter[] = $uid;
     if ($appid) {
         $appid = dintval((array) $appid, true);
         $wherearr[] = 'appid IN(%n)';
         $parameter[] = $appid;
     $wheresql = !empty($wherearr) && is_array($wherearr) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $wherearr) : '';
     $sort = in_array($sort, array('DESC', 'ASC')) ? $sort : 'DESC';
     $ordersql = $order !== null ? ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($order, $sort) : '';
     if (!$uid) {
         $limit = $limit ? $limit : 100;
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t {$wheresql} {$ordersql} " . DB::limit($start, $limit), $parameter);
Example #15
 public function fetch_all_by_uid_doid($uids, $bannedids = '', $paramorderby = '', $startrow = 0, $items = 0, $status = true, $allfileds = false)
     $parameter = array($this->_table);
     $orderby = $paramorderby && in_array($paramorderby, array('dateline', 'replynum')) ? 'ORDER BY ' . DB::order($paramorderby, 'DESC') : 'ORDER BY ' . DB::order('dateline', 'DESC');
     $wheres = array();
     if ($uids) {
         $parameter[] = $uids;
         $wheres[] = 'uid IN (%n)';
     if ($bannedids) {
         $parameter[] = $bannedids;
         $wheres[] = 'doid NOT IN (%n)';
     if ($status) {
         $wheres[] = ' status = 0';
     $wheresql = !empty($wheres) && is_array($wheres) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $wheres) : '';
     if (empty($wheresql)) {
         return null;
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT ' . ($allfileds ? '*' : 'doid') . ' FROM %t ' . $wheresql . ' ' . $orderby . DB::limit($startrow, $items), $parameter);
 public function fetch_all_search($uid, $vid, $flag = null, $username = '', $starttime = 0, $endtime = 0, $order = 'dateline', $start = 0, $limit = 0, $sort = 'DESC')
     $condition = $this->search_condition($uid, $vid, $flag, $username, $starttime, $endtime);
     $ordersql = !empty($order) ? ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($order, $sort) : '';
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t {$condition['0']} {$ordersql} " . DB::limit($start, $limit), $condition[1], $this->_pk);
 public function fetch_all_by_sortid($sortid, $order = '')
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE sortid=%d ' . ($order ? 'ORDER BY ' . DB::order('displayorder', $order) : ''), array($this->_table, $sortid), 'optionid');
Example #18
function getranklist_picture($num = 20, $view = 'hot', $orderby = 'all')
    $timestamp = TIMESTAMP - 86400;
    $dateline = 'p.' . DB::field('dateline', $timestamp, '>=');
    if ($orderby == 'thisweek') {
        $timestamp = TIMESTAMP - 604800;
        $dateline = 'p.' . DB::field('dateline', $timestamp, '>=');
    } elseif ($orderby == 'thismonth') {
        $timestamp = TIMESTAMP - 2592000;
        $dateline = 'p.' . DB::field('dateline', $timestamp, '>=');
    $data = array();
    $query = C::t('home_pic')->fetch_all_by_sql($dateline, 'p.' . DB::order($view, 'DESC'), 0, $num);
    require_once libfile('function/home');
    $rank = 0;
    foreach ($query as $value) {
        $picture = array('picid' => $value['picid'], 'uid' => $value['uid'], 'username' => $value['username'], 'title' => $value['title'], 'filepath' => $value['filepath'], 'thumb' => $value['thumb'], 'remote' => $value['remote'], 'hot' => $value['hot'], 'sharetimes' => $value['sharetimes'], 'click1' => $value['click1'], 'click2' => $value['click2'], 'click3' => $value['click3'], 'click4' => $value['click4'], 'click5' => $value['click5'], 'click6' => $value['click6'], 'click7' => $value['click7'], 'click8' => $value['click8'], 'albumid' => $value['albumid'], 'albumname' => $value['albumname'], 'friend' => $value['friend']);
        $picture['rank'] = $rank;
        $picture['url'] = $picture['friend'] == 0 ? pic_get($picture['filepath'], 'album', $picture['thumb'], $picture['remote']) : STATICURL . 'image/common/nopublish.gif';
        $picture['origurl'] = pic_get($picture['filepath'], 'album', 0, $picture['remote']);
        $data[] = $picture;
    return $data;
 public function range_by_uid($uid, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $orderby = '', $sort = '')
     $orderby = in_array($orderby, array($this->_pk, 'uid'), true) ? $orderby : '';
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE uid = %d %i %i', array($this->_table, $uid, $orderby ? ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($orderby, $sort) : '', DB::limit($start, $limit)), $this->_pk);
Example #20
 public function range($start = 0, $limit = 0, $sort = '')
     if ($sort) {
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table($this->_table) . ($sort ? ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($this->_pk, $sort) : '') . DB::limit($start, $limit), null, $this->_pk ? $this->_pk : '');
 public function fetch_all_by_classid($classid, $order = 'asc')
     $result = DB::fetch_all('SELECT optionid, classid as classifiedTopId,title as classifiedTitle,identifier as classifiedName,type as classifiedType,rules as classifiedRules FROM %t WHERE ' . DB::field('classid', $classid) . ($order ? 'ORDER BY ' . DB::order('displayorder', $order) : ''), array($this->_table));
     return $result;
Example #22
 public function fetch_all_new_post_by_pid($pid, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $tableid = 0, $glue = '>', $sort = 'ASC')
     return $limit ? DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table($this->get_tablename($tableid)) . ' WHERE ' . DB::field('pid', $pid, $glue) . ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order('pid', $sort) . DB::limit($start, $limit), $this->_pk) : array();
 public function fetch_all_by_targetuid_action($uid, $action, $start, $limit, $order = 'DESC')
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE targetuid=%d AND action=%d ' . ($order ? 'ORDER BY ' . DB::order('dateline', $order) : '') . ' ' . ($limit ? DB::limit($start, $limit) : ''), array($this->_table, $uid, $action));
 public function fetch_all_by_radminid($radminid, $glue = '>', $orderby = 'type')
     $ordersql = '';
     if ($ordersql = DB::order($orderby, 'DESC')) {
         $ordersql = ' ORDER BY ' . $ordersql;
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE %i', array($this->_table, DB::field('radminid', intval($radminid), $glue) . $ordersql), 'groupid');
 public function range_by_field($start = 0, $limit = 0, $orderby = '', $sort = '')
     $orderby = in_array($orderby, array('extcredits1', 'extcredits2', 'extcredits3', 'extcredits4', 'extcredits5', 'extcredits6', 'extcredits7', 'extcredits8', 'friends', 'posts', 'threads', 'oltime', 'digestposts', 'doings', 'blogs', 'albums', 'sharings', 'attachsize', 'views', 'todayattachs', 'todayattachsize', 'follower', 'following', 'newfollower', 'feeds'), true) ? $orderby : '';
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table($this->_table) . ($orderby ? ' ORDER BY ' . DB::order($orderby, $sort) : '') . DB::limit($start, $limit), null, $this->_pk);
Example #26
 public function fetch_all_stat_memberlist($username, $orderby = '', $sort = '', $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     $orderby = in_array($orderby, array('uid', 'credits', 'regdate', 'gender', 'username', 'posts', 'lastvisit'), true) ? $orderby : 'uid';
     $sql = '';
     $sql = !empty($username) ? " WHERE username LIKE '" . addslashes(stripsearchkey($username)) . "%'" : '';
     $memberlist = array();
     $query = DB::query("SELECT m.uid, m.username, mp.gender,, m.regdate, ms.lastvisit, mc.posts, m.credits\n\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table($this->_table) . " m\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_member_profile') . " mp ON mp.uid=m.uid\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_member_status') . " ms ON ms.uid=m.uid\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_member_count') . " mc ON mc.uid=m.uid\n\t\t\t{$sql} ORDER BY " . DB::order($orderby, $sort) . DB::limit($start, $limit));
     while ($member = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $member['usernameenc'] = rawurlencode($member['username']);
         $member['regdate'] = dgmdate($member['regdate']);
         $member['lastvisit'] = dgmdate($member['lastvisit']);
         $memberlist[$member['uid']] = $member;
     return $memberlist;
Example #27
 public function fetch_all_by_special($special, $authorid = 0, $replies = 0, $displayorder = null, $subject = '', $join = 0, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $order = 'dateline', $sort = 'DESC')
     $condition = $this->make_special_condition($special, $authorid, $replies, $displayorder, $subject, $join, 0);
     $ordersql = !empty($order) ? ' ORDER BY t.' . DB::order($order, $sort) : '';
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT t.* FROM %t t {$condition['jointable']} " . $condition['where'] . $ordersql . DB::limit($start, $limit), $condition['parameter'], $this->_pk);
 public function fetch_all_for_search($aids, $orderby = '', $ascdesc = '', $start = 0, $limit = 0)
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT at.*,ac.viewnum, ac.commentnum FROM " . DB::table($this->_table) . " at LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('portal_article_count') . " ac ON at.aid=ac.aid WHERE at." . DB::field('aid', $aids) . ($orderby ? " ORDER BY " . DB::order($orderby, $ascdesc) : ' ') . DB::limit($start, $limit));
Example #29
 public function fetch_all_by_flag($flag, $glue = '=', $sort = 'ASC')
     $glue = helper_util::check_glue($glue);
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM %t WHERE flag{$glue}%d ORDER BY " . DB::order('displayorder', $sort), array($this->_table, $flag), $this->_pk);
 public function range_by_field($start = 0, $limit = 0, $orderby = '', $sort = '')
     $orderby = in_array($orderby, array('thismonth', 'total', 'lastupdate'), true) ? $orderby : '';
     return DB::fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table($this->_table) . ($orderby ? ' WHERE ' . $orderby . ' >0 ORDER BY ' . DB::order($orderby, $sort) : '') . ' ' . DB::limit($start, $limit), null, $this->_pk);