$t->diag('sfDoctrineFinderPager issues with GroupBy');
$finder = sfDoctrineFinder::from('DArticle')->groupBy('Title');
$pager = new sfDoctrineFinderPager('DArticle', 2);
//$t->is($finder->getLatestQuery(), 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT d.id) AS num_results FROM d_article d', 'sfDoctrineFinderPager::init() removes groupBy clauses and issues a count()');
$t->skip('sfDoctrineFinderPager::init() removes groupBy clauses and issues a count() (bug in sfDoctrinePager)');
$t->is($finder->getLatestQuery(), 'SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.title AS d__title, d.category_id AS d__category_id FROM d_article d GROUP BY d.title LIMIT 2', 'sfDoctrineFinderPager::getResults() does not remove groupBy clauses and issues a select()');

$t->diag('sfDoctrineFinderPager issues with object finders classes');
class DArticleFinder extends sfDoctrineFinder
  protected $class = 'DArticle';
$finder = new DArticleFinder();
  $pager = $finder->paginate();
  $t->pass('Children of sfDoctrineFinder can use paginate()');
catch(sfException $e)
  $t->fail('Children of sfDoctrineFinder can use paginate()');

$t->diag('sfDoctrineFinderPager issues with repeated criterions');

$finder = sfDoctrineFinder::from('DArticle')->
  where('Title', 'foo')->
  where('CategoryId', 1);
$finder = new sfDoctrineFinder();
$t->is($finder->getClass(), 'DArticle', 'setClass() and getClass() are accesors to the protected $class property');
$article = $finder->findOne();
$t->isa_ok($article, 'DArticle', 'A finder instanciated directly with a Record class returns the correct objects');
$t->is($article->getTitle(), 'foo', 'A finder can be instanciated without parameter, and initialized later after defining its class');
$articles = sfDoctrineFinder::from('DArticle')->find();
$t->is(count($articles), 3, 'from() allows direct chaining of conditions');
class DArticleFinder extends sfDoctrineFinder
    protected $class = 'DArticle';
$finder = new DArticleFinder();
$article = $finder->findOne();
$t->isa_ok($article, 'DArticle', 'A finder extending sfDoctrineFinder can be used directly if defining the $class property');
$finder = new DArticleFinder();
$articles = $finder->find();
$t->is(count($articles), 3, 'A finder extending sfDoctrineFinder can be used directly if defining the $class property');
$category1 = new DCategory();
$category2 = new DCategory();
$article1 = new DArticle();
$article2 = new DArticle();