public static function deletePost($post_id) { //delete img //first get the post $post = self::getPost($post_id); //post->getImg $img = $post->getImagesPost(); //foreach img delete img in the DB if ($img != NULL) { foreach ($img as $image) { DAL::deleteImg($image->getImg_id()); } //then in the files (somthing like rmdir /images/posts/$postid -R) !!!this section might rise errors... $dir = 'images/posts/' . $post->getPost_id(); $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..')); foreach ($files as $file) { is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}") ? delTree("{$dir}/{$file}") : unlink("{$dir}/{$file}"); } rmdir($dir); } //then get votes $votes = $post->getVote_post(); //foreach vote, unset it if ($votes != NULL) { foreach ($votes as $vote) { DAL::unsetVote_post($vote->getPost_id(), $vote->getUser()->getUsername()); } } DAL::deletePost($post_id); }
static function unsetVote_post($post_id, $username) { DAL::unsetVote_post($post_id, $username); }