public function showRoles() { if (!$this->hasPermission(self::PERMISSION_ROLES)) { throw new Exception('You dont have permission to access this view.'); } $this->addMenu(); $user = User::getUser(); $backendModules = Curry_Backend::getBackendList(); $disable = array(); $backend = array("*" => "All"); if (!$user->hasAccess('*')) { $disable[] = '*'; } foreach ($backendModules as $backendClass => $backendName) { $backend[$backendClass] = $backendName; $permissions = method_exists($backendClass, 'getPermissions') ? call_user_func(array($backendClass, 'getPermissions')) : array(); foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $backend[$backendClass . "/" . $permission] = Curry_Core::SELECT_TREE_PREFIX . $permission; if (!$user->hasAccess($backendClass . "/" . $permission)) { $disable[] = $backendClass . "/" . $permission; } } if (!$user->hasAccess($backendClass)) { $disable[] = $backendClass; } } $content = array(); $contentAccess = array("*" => "All") + Curry_Module::getModuleList(); $allContentAccess = $user->hasAccess('Curry_Backend_Content/*'); foreach ($contentAccess as $k => $v) { $content['Curry_Backend_Content/' . $k] = $v; if (!$allContentAccess && !$user->hasAccess('Curry_Backend_Content/' . $k)) { $disable[] = 'Curry_Backend_Content/' . $k; } } $form = new Curry_ModelView_Form('UserRole', array('elements' => array('backend' => array('multiselect', array('label' => 'Backend access', 'multiOptions' => $backend, 'size' => 10, 'order' => 1, 'disable' => $disable, 'validators' => array(array('InArray', true, array(array_diff(array_keys($backend), $disable)))))), 'content' => array('multiselect', array('label' => 'Content access', 'multiOptions' => $content, 'size' => 10, 'order' => 2, 'disable' => $disable, 'validators' => array(array('InArray', true, array(array_diff(array_keys($content), $disable))))))), 'onFillForm' => function (UserRole $role, $form) { $access = UserRoleAccessQuery::create()->filterByUserRole($role)->select('Module')->find()->getArrayCopy(); $form->backend->setValue($access); $form->content->setValue($access); }, 'onFillModel' => function (UserRole $role, $form, $values) { $access = array_merge((array) $values['backend'], (array) $values['content']); $collection = new PropelObjectCollection(); $collection->setModel('UserRoleAccess'); foreach ($access as $a) { $ura = new UserRoleAccess(); $ura->setModule($a); $collection->append($ura); } $role->setUserRoleAccesss($collection); })); $q = UserRoleQuery::create(); $list = new Curry_ModelView_List($q, array('modelForm' => $form)); $list->addAction('file_permissions', array('action' => $this->getFileAccessList(), 'class' => 'inline', 'single' => true)); $list->show($this); }
/** * Show revisions for page. * */ public function showPageRevisions() { $page = self::getPage(PageAccessPeer::PERM_REVISIONS); $ses = new \Zend\Session\Container(__CLASS__); $ses->pageView = 'PageRevisions'; $this->addPageMenu($page); $query = PageRevisionQuery::create()->filterByPage($page); $list = new Curry_ModelView_List($query, array('columns' => array('template' => false, 'description' => array('escape' => false, 'callback' => function ($pageRevision) { $page = $pageRevision->getPage(); $icon = ''; if ($page->getActivePageRevision() === $pageRevision) { $icon .= ' <i class="icon-bolt" title="Active revision" />'; } if ($page->getWorkingPageRevision() === $pageRevision) { $icon .= ' <i class="icon-wrench" title="Working revision"></i>'; } return htmlspecialchars($pageRevision->getDescription()) . $icon; })), 'actions' => array('edit' => false, 'new' => array('href' => (string) url('', array("module", "page_id" => $page->getPageId(), "view" => "CreateRevision"))), 'make_working' => array('label' => 'Switch to working', 'single' => true, 'class' => 'post', 'action' => function ($revision, $backend) use($page) { if (isPost()) { $page->setWorkingPageRevision($revision); $page->save(); $backend->createModelUpdateEvent('Page', $page->getPrimaryKey(), 'update'); $backend->createModelUpdateEvent('PageRevision', $revision->getPrimaryKey(), 'update'); } })))); if (self::getPagePermission($page, PageAccessPeer::PERM_PUBLISH)) { $list->addAction('publish_date', array('label' => 'Set publish date', 'single' => true, 'class' => 'inline', 'href' => (string) url('', array('module', 'view' => 'SetPublishDate')))); $list->addAction('publish', array('single' => true, 'class' => 'post', 'action' => function ($revision, Curry_Backend_Page $backend) use($page) { if (isPost()) { $backend->publishRevision($revision); $backend->createModelUpdateEvent('Page', $page->getPrimaryKey(), 'update'); $backend->createModelUpdateEvent('PageRevision', $revision->getPrimaryKey(), 'update'); } })); } $this->addMainContent($list); }