Example #1
/* printing a file to see if unsetRawText works */
echo "<br /><br /><br /> TEST 17<br />";
echo "OPERATION " . $j++ . "<br />";
echo "Job status (text file after strings): " . $ipp->printJob() . "<br />";
/* multiple document handling */
echo "<br /><br /><br /> TEST 18<br />";
echo "OPERATION " . $j++ . "<br />";
echo "Create-Job: " . $ipp->createJob() . "<br />";
printf("Job is: %s<br />", $job = $ipp->last_job);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>\n";
echo "OPERATION " . $j++ . "<br />";
echo "Sending document: " . $ipp->sendDocument($job) . "<br />\n";
echo "OPERATION " . $j++ . "<br />";
echo "Sending URI: " . $ipp->sendURI('http://localhost', $job) . "<br />\n";
$ipp->setDocumentName("text string");
$ipp->setData("This is the string of second document");
echo "OPERATION " . $j++ . "<br />";
echo "Sending text string as _last_ document: " . $ipp->sendDocument($job, $last = true) . "<br />\n";
// must be refused. Hem: CUPS is very smart, it accepts :)
echo "OPERATION " . $j++ . "<br />";
echo "Sending document (must be refused): " . $ipp->sendDocument($job, $last = true) . "<br />\n";
/* try to validate a job with filetype printer server can't handle */
echo "<br /><br /><br /> TEST 19<br />";