                  * Remove the addresses property to prevent error message
                  * If a contact has 3 addresses that were created using the online dashboard, and if this contact gets updated using the Constant Contact API, 
                  * the following error message is thrown away:  
                  * json.max.items.violation #/addresses: 3 items were contained, but the maximum number of items allowed is 2
                  * (after using getContactByEmail, all the current addresses are returned in $response->results[0], therefore we must remove the property addresses in order to run updateContact properly)
                 if ($contactform_obj->cfg['debug']) {
                     echo 'UPDATE CONTACT' . "\r\n";
                     echo 'Contact data to send' . "\r\n";
                 $returnContact = $cc->updateContact($cfg[$service_id]['accesstoken'], $cc_contact, true);
                 if ($contactform_obj->cfg['debug']) {
                     echo 'Server:' . "\r\n";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $cc_error = $e->getErrors();
         if ($contactform_obj->cfg['debug']) {
         $admin_api_error[$service_id]['error_code'] = $cc_error[0]['error_key'];
         $admin_api_error[$service_id]['error_message'] = $cc_error[0]['error_message'];
 } else {