Example #1
  * Creates a new GPG engine
  * Available options are:
  * - <kbd>string  homedir</kbd>        - the directory where the GPG
  *                                       keyring files are stored. If not
  *                                       specified, Crypt_GPG uses the
  *                                       default of <kbd>~/.gnupg</kbd>.
  * - <kbd>string  publicKeyring</kbd>  - the file path of the public
  *                                       keyring. Use this if the public
  *                                       keyring is not in the homedir, or
  *                                       if the keyring is in a directory
  *                                       not writable by the process
  *                                       invoking GPG (like Apache). Then
  *                                       you can specify the path to the
  *                                       keyring with this option
  *                                       (/foo/bar/pubring.gpg), and specify
  *                                       a writable directory (like /tmp)
  *                                       using the <i>homedir</i> option.
  * - <kbd>string  privateKeyring</kbd> - the file path of the private
  *                                       keyring. Use this if the private
  *                                       keyring is not in the homedir, or
  *                                       if the keyring is in a directory
  *                                       not writable by the process
  *                                       invoking GPG (like Apache). Then
  *                                       you can specify the path to the
  *                                       keyring with this option
  *                                       (/foo/bar/secring.gpg), and specify
  *                                       a writable directory (like /tmp)
  *                                       using the <i>homedir</i> option.
  * - <kbd>string  trustDb</kbd>        - the file path of the web-of-trust
  *                                       database. Use this if the trust
  *                                       database is not in the homedir, or
  *                                       if the database is in a directory
  *                                       not writable by the process
  *                                       invoking GPG (like Apache). Then
  *                                       you can specify the path to the
  *                                       trust database with this option
  *                                       (/foo/bar/trustdb.gpg), and specify
  *                                       a writable directory (like /tmp)
  *                                       using the <i>homedir</i> option.
  * - <kbd>string  binary</kbd>         - the location of the GPG binary. If
  *                                       not specified, the driver attempts
  *                                       to auto-detect the GPG binary
  *                                       location using a list of known
  *                                       default locations for the current
  *                                       operating system. The option
  *                                       <kbd>gpgBinary</kbd> is a
  *                                       deprecated alias for this option.
  * - <kbd>boolean debug</kbd>          - whether or not to use debug mode.
  *                                       When debug mode is on, all
  *                                       communication to and from the GPG
  *                                       subprocess is logged. This can be
  *                                       useful to diagnose errors when
  *                                       using Crypt_GPG.
  * @param array $options optional. An array of options used to create the
  *                       GPG object. All options are optional and are
  *                       represented as key-value pairs.
  * @throws Crypt_GPG_FileException if the <kbd>homedir</kbd> does not exist
  *         and cannot be created. This can happen if <kbd>homedir</kbd> is
  *         not specified, Crypt_GPG is run as the web user, and the web
  *         user has no home directory. This exception is also thrown if any
  *         of the options <kbd>publicKeyring</kbd>,
  *         <kbd>privateKeyring</kbd> or <kbd>trustDb</kbd> options are
  *         specified but the files do not exist or are are not readable.
  *         This can happen if the user running the Crypt_GPG process (for
  *         example, the Apache user) does not have permission to read the
  *         files.
  * @throws PEAR_Exception if the provided <kbd>binary</kbd> is invalid, or
  *         if no <kbd>binary</kbd> is provided and no suitable binary could
  *         be found.
 public function __construct(array $options = array())
     $this->_isDarwin = strncmp(strtoupper(PHP_OS), 'DARWIN', 6) === 0;
     // populate mbstring overloading cache if not set
     if (self::$_mbStringOverload === null) {
         self::$_mbStringOverload = extension_loaded('mbstring') && (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 0x2) === 0x2;
     // get homedir
     if (array_key_exists('homedir', $options)) {
         $this->_homedir = (string) $options['homedir'];
     } else {
         // note: this requires the package OS dep exclude 'windows'
         $info = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());
         $this->_homedir = $info['dir'] . '/.gnupg';
     // attempt to create homedir if it does not exist
     if (!is_dir($this->_homedir)) {
         if (@mkdir($this->_homedir, 0777, true)) {
             // Set permissions on homedir. Parent directories are created
             // with 0777, homedir is set to 0700.
             chmod($this->_homedir, 0700);
         } else {
             throw new Crypt_GPG_FileException('The \'homedir\' "' . $this->_homedir . '" is not readable or does not exist ' . 'and cannot be created. This can happen if \'homedir\' ' . 'is not specified in the Crypt_GPG options, Crypt_GPG is ' . 'run as the web user, and the web user has no home ' . 'directory.', 0, $this->_homedir);
     // get binary
     if (array_key_exists('binary', $options)) {
         $this->_binary = (string) $options['binary'];
     } elseif (array_key_exists('gpgBinary', $options)) {
         // deprecated alias
         $this->_binary = (string) $options['gpgBinary'];
     } else {
         $this->_binary = $this->_getBinary();
     if ($this->_binary == '' || !is_executable($this->_binary)) {
         throw new PEAR_Exception('GPG binary not found. If you are sure ' . 'the GPG binary is installed, please specify the location of ' . 'the GPG binary using the \'binary\' driver option.');
      * Note:
      * Normally, GnuPG expects keyrings to be in the homedir and expects
      * to be able to write temporary files in the homedir. Sometimes,
      * keyrings are not in the homedir, or location of the keyrings does
      * not allow writing temporary files. In this case, the <i>homedir</i>
      * option by itself is not enough to specify the keyrings because GnuPG
      * can not write required temporary files. Additional options are
      * provided so you can specify the location of the keyrings separately
      * from the homedir.
     // get public keyring
     if (array_key_exists('publicKeyring', $options)) {
         $this->_publicKeyring = (string) $options['publicKeyring'];
         if (!is_readable($this->_publicKeyring)) {
             throw new Crypt_GPG_FileException('The \'publicKeyring\' "' . $this->_publicKeyring . '" does not exist or is ' . 'not readable. Check the location and ensure the file ' . 'permissions are correct.', 0, $this->_publicKeyring);
     // get private keyring
     if (array_key_exists('privateKeyring', $options)) {
         $this->_privateKeyring = (string) $options['privateKeyring'];
         if (!is_readable($this->_privateKeyring)) {
             throw new Crypt_GPG_FileException('The \'privateKeyring\' "' . $this->_privateKeyring . '" does not exist or is ' . 'not readable. Check the location and ensure the file ' . 'permissions are correct.', 0, $this->_privateKeyring);
     // get trust database
     if (array_key_exists('trustDb', $options)) {
         $this->_trustDb = (string) $options['trustDb'];
         if (!is_readable($this->_trustDb)) {
             throw new Crypt_GPG_FileException('The \'trustDb\' "' . $this->_trustDb . '" does not exist or is not readable. ' . 'Check the location and ensure the file permissions are ' . 'correct.', 0, $this->_trustDb);
     if (array_key_exists('debug', $options)) {
         $this->_debug = (bool) $options['debug'];