/** * Disconnect user from payment gateway. * * @param string $context * @param Joomla\Registry\Registry $params * * @return null|array */ public function onPayoutsDeauthorize($context, $params) { if (strcmp('com_crowdfundingfinance.payouts.deauthorize.stripeconnect', $context) !== 0) { return null; } if ($this->app->isAdmin()) { return null; } $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); /** @var $doc JDocumentHtml */ // Check document type $docType = $doc->getType(); if (strcmp('html', $docType) !== 0) { return null; } // Prepare output data. $output = array('redirect_url' => '', 'message' => ''); $errorOutput = array('redirect_url' => JRoute::_(CrowdfundingHelperRoute::getDiscoverRoute()), 'message' => ''); // DEBUG DATA JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_DEBUG_GET_RESPONSE_AUTHORIZE'), $this->debugType, $_GET) : null; $userId = JFactory::getUser()->get('id'); if (!$userId) { $errorOutput['message'] = JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED_USER'); return $errorOutput; } // Get token $state = $this->app->input->get('state'); if (!$state) { $errorOutput['message'] = JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_DATA'); return $errorOutput; } // Get project ID and redirect URL from the session. $stateData = $this->app->getUserState($state); if (count($stateData) === 0 or (!$stateData['redirect_url'] or !$stateData['project_id'])) { $errorOutput['message'] = JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_DATA'); return $errorOutput; } $cfFinanceParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_crowdfundingfinance'); $apiKeys = Crowdfundingfinance\Stripe\Helper::getKeys($cfFinanceParams); if (!$apiKeys['client_id'] or !$apiKeys['secret_key']) { $errorOutput['message'] = JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_CONFIGURATION'); return $errorOutput; } $payout = new Crowdfundingfinance\Payout(JFactory::getDbo()); $payout->setSecretKey($this->app->get('secret')); $payout->load(array('project_id' => (int) $stateData['project_id'])); if (!$payout->getId()) { $errorOutput['message'] = JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_INVALID_PAYOUT'); return $errorOutput; } $alias = !$apiKeys['test'] ? 'production' : 'test'; $stripeData = $payout->getStripe(); if (!$stripeData->get('stripeconnect.' . $alias . '.account_id')) { $errorOutput['message'] = JText::_($this->textPrefix . '_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED'); return $errorOutput; } Crowdfundingfinance\Stripe\Helper::deauthorize($apiKeys, $stripeData->get('stripeconnect.' . $alias . '.account_id')); $stripeData->set('stripeconnect.' . $alias . '.access_token', ''); $stripeData->set('stripeconnect.' . $alias . '.refresh_token', ''); $stripeData->set('stripeconnect.' . $alias . '.account_id', ''); $stripeData->set('stripeconnect.' . $alias . '.expires', 0); $payout->setStripe($stripeData); $payout->storeStripe(); // Get next URL. $output['redirect_url'] = base64_decode($stateData['redirect_url']); return $output; }
/** * Return payment receiver. * * @param $paymentReceiverOption * @param $itemId * * @return null|string */ protected function getPaymentReceiver($paymentReceiverOption, $itemId) { if ($this->params->get('paypal_sandbox', 1)) { return strtolower(trim($this->params->get('paypal_sandbox_business_name'))); } else { if (strcmp('site_owner', $paymentReceiverOption) === 0) { // Site owner return strtolower(trim($this->params->get('paypal_business_name'))); } else { if (!JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_crowdfundingfinance')) { return null; } else { $payout = new Crowdfundingfinance\Payout(JFactory::getDbo()); $payout->load(array('project_id' => $itemId)); if (!$payout->getPaypalEmail()) { return null; } return strtolower(trim($payout->getPaypalEmail())); } } } }