Example #1
  *  Finds next execution time(stamp) parsin crontab syntax, 
  *  after given starting timestamp (or current time if ommited)
  *  @param string $cron_string:
  *      0     1    2    3    4
  *      *     *    *    *    *  
  *      -     -    -    -    -
  *      |     |    |    |    |
  *      |     |    |    |    +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
  *      |     |    |    +------- month (1 - 12)
  *      |     |    +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
  *      |     +----------- hour (0 - 23)
  *      +------------- min (0 - 59)
  *  @param int $after_timestamp timestamp [default=current timestamp]
  *  @return int unix timestamp - next execution time will be greater 
  *              than given timestamp (defaults to the current timestamp)
  *  @throws Kohana_Exception 
 public static function parse($cron_string, $after_timestamp = NULL)
     if (!Crontab::valid($cron_string)) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Invalid cron string: :string', array(':string' => $cron_string));
     if ($after_timestamp !== NULL and !Valid::numeric($after_timestamp)) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception("\$after_timestamp must be a valid unix timestamp (:string given)", array(':string' => $after_timestamp));
     $cron = preg_split("/[\\s]+/i", trim($cron_string));
     $start = empty($after_timestamp) ? time() : $after_timestamp;
     $date = array('minutes' => self::_parse_cron_numbers($cron[0], 0, 59), 'hours' => self::_parse_cron_numbers($cron[1], 0, 23), 'dom' => self::_parse_cron_numbers($cron[2], 1, 31), 'month' => self::_parse_cron_numbers($cron[3], 1, 12), 'dow' => self::_parse_cron_numbers($cron[4], 0, 6));
     // limited to time()+366 - no need to check more than 1year ahead
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 60 * 60 * 24 * 366; $i += 60) {
         if (in_array(intval(date('j', $start + $i)), $date['dom']) and in_array(intval(date('n', $start + $i)), $date['month']) and in_array(intval(date('w', $start + $i)), $date['dow']) and in_array(intval(date('G', $start + $i)), $date['hours']) and in_array(intval(date('i', $start + $i)), $date['minutes'])) {
             return $start + $i;
     return NULL;